Midnight Fae Academy #3 by Lexi C. Foss

I couldn’t breathe.

I’d heard Kols in my head, begging me to forgive him, screaming for another chance. And telling me to run. But my limbs were frozen from the onslaught of his agony.

So much pain.

So much regret.

So much loneliness.

Tears dampened my cheeks, and my knees curled into my chest as I struggled to regain control of my lungs. But the severing of his life rendered me immobile.

He’s gone, I thought, feeling the last of his breath leave his body. He’s gone and I can’t even see him!

I screamed, not caring who heard, giving up on everyone around me, on life, on the world. The injustice! The incredible, horrible decision. And why? Because of a bond? One we’d created?

Earth Fae were all about life.

We valued vitality and sunshine and beautiful creatures. I longed for my leaves. My roots. My beautiful, adoring flowers.

This kingdom resembled death and misery.

They killed Kols.

Why?!I wanted to shout, my heart shattered. We weren’t done!

He was my mate. My rock. My chosen half.

The earth source shrieked at the loss, one I let loose through my own lungs, my soul in tatters. How could you?! I wanted to demand. What is wrong with you?!

He was just a man.

A royal.

A good fae.

With a kind heart.

My Kols. My prince. My elemental mate.

It felt as though they’d severed one of my roots, the tree inside me wilting and dying from the loss. It burned. Oh, Elements, it burned!

I forgot how air worked.

Stopped allowing my heart to beat.

It was all gone.

He’s gone.

My Kolstov… “How could you?” I breathed out loud, my voice a choked whisper of sound, hoarse from all the screaming. “How. Could. You?”

Energy rippled out of me, pouring into the ground as I released all my fury and pain and anguish. I was done. So done!

I hated them all.

They would burn.

Flames shot from my fingertips, scorching the ground.

Shrieks followed.

Power rippled.

And still, I unleashed, furious at those who had harmed me and mine. My. Mate.

They took him from me. They destroyed everything. I hated them! They would pay for what they’d done. Voices called my name. I ignored them, my agony too loud, my tears too fierce, my fire too hot.

Earth Fae create.

Midnight Fae destroy.

They considered me an abomination—a combination of the two.

All right.

I’d accept that. And now? Now they could feel what happened when I used both powers.

The earth source brightened as I ripped the necklace from my neck and released the reins. Create and destroy. Create. And. Destroy.

Brighten it all.

Then burn it down.




Welcome to my world. Prepare to bow.