Midnight Fae Academy #3 by Lexi C. Foss


My mates washed me,then fed me. And eventually, they tucked me into bed between them.

Zakkai had helped initially but remained in his suit the whole time.

When I tried to drag him into the sheets to play after my earlier two orgasms, he’d merely cupped my face between his hands and kissed me. Then he’d suggested a warm bath to ease my tightening muscles.

Don’t you need to…?I’d voiced the question into his mind, unable to complete the full sentence without blushing.

Our first time won’t be in a group situation,he’d replied. And no, the dreams don’t count. He’d kissed me again, the gesture sweetly intimate.

But then he’d disappeared after our meal.

I searched for him now, his mind awake as he wandered the paradigm, reinforcing the boundaries. Zeph, Kols, and Shade were all passed out around me.

Are you coming to bed?I asked Zakkai.

Not today, little star. But perhaps I’ll nap when you all are awake later.

I frowned. You’re guarding.

I am.


Because the war has just begun,he replied. And while this paradigm is beautifully built, I can’t help but feel a sense of looming dread. Something’s coming.

I considered his words, then stretched my senses to the paradigm and beyond, searching for what he said and finding a similar disturbance in the source. Constantine.

Yes, Zakkai replied. His aura is all over the place. But I haven’t figured out what he’s done. I’m not sure it’s complete yet.

I shivered. Do you think he knows we brought back Kols?

Likely, yes. He’ll use it to increase the urgency of hunting us.

They would hunt us either way,I pointed out.

True,he agreed. But now my people will hunt us, too. I saved a Nacht. They won’t take kindly to that.

He’s not Constantine.

I understand that now, Zakkai admitted softly. But my father… I don’t think he’ll ever understand.

What about Zenaida?I wondered.

Zakkai fell silent, considering. I think we’ll need to ask Shade about that. But wait until nightfall. You all need your rest.

You need to rest, too.

I will. Just later,he promised, his voice a kiss against my mind. Go to sleep, Aflora.

Okay, I agreed, snuggling deeper into Kols’s chest. I also had my leg draped over his. Shade spooned me from behind, while Zeph rested on the other side of Kols with his arm stretched out and his palm on my thigh.

It was a bit of a pretzel, but it warmed my heart.

Sweet dreams, darling star, Zakkai whispered.

I hummed an incoherent agreement, then my brow furrowed. Why do you call me that? I wondered. Star, I mean. The nickname always made me smile, but I never understood why he used the endearment.

Don’t you remember loving the stars as a child? he asked. You used to always want to go out at night, lie on the ground, and admire the sky.

I smiled. I do remember that.

Well, that’s why you’re my star.

My heart warmed. I like that.

I know,he replied. Now go to sleep. Dream of me.

I thought you said dreams don’t count.

Not for our first time, but I didn’t say we couldn’t play in the dreams.I could hear the smile in his voice, his teasing palpable. I rather enjoy being your figment.

My lips curled. All right. Tanoomeen Ma Ana.

His chuckle followed me all the way into my dreams.

Only, what waited for me when I opened my eyes wasn’t a fantasy at all, but a nightmare.

One covered in blood.

Myblood, and that of my mates.

“Hello, Aflora,” Constantine greeted, his smile cruel. “I think it’s time you and I had a little chat.”

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The Midnight Fae Academy series concludes with Midnight Fae Academy: Book Four

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Thank you so much for reading Midnight Fae Academy! When I originally embarked on this journey with Aflora, I anticipated writing a trilogy. But then Zakkai threw a complete wrench in my plans. He wanted more than one book to tell his story, and I realized the finale to this story requires so much more to do it justice.

Which brings us to Midnight Fae Academy: Book Four. I’m hard at work on it right now and anticipate releasing it in early 2021.

This series owns a piece of my heart. I truly love the voices and the magic of this universe. It all started when I met Aflora in Elemental Fae Academy. She was this adorable little Earth Fae with an epic story to tell, and I’m so thankful she chose me as her proverbial conduit.

Thank you again for reading. <3

