Trapped with My Best Friend’s Dad by Flora Ferrari

Chapter Eleven


I walk into the ensuite as I hold the cell phone out in front of me, on speakerphone. The lights automatically switch on and I walk across the sleek room, past the sauna, and grab some tissues. Dabbing at my chest, I listen to Millie – to my best friend, the woman I just betrayed.

“So it looks like I’m going to be delayed. Can you freaking believe that, Rayla? The storm is really bad. People are calling it a freak storm. It’s so annoying, and I know you must be so scared, there all alone.”

As I turn to throw the tissue down the toilet, I catch sight of myself in the reflection of the mirror. My bra is pulled down to reveal my breasts, and they still shimmer slightly with Millie’s father’s seed.

I can’t lie to her, not after what I just did, the betrayal I just participated in.

“I’m not alone,” I murmur, adjusting my bra, covering myself.

“Oh.” She pauses. “Is Dad there?”

“Yeah. He said he came here to write.”

“God, I hope he can do that, Rayla. I really do. His writer’s block is so bad. He used to be so prolific, writing eight hours a day sometimes, hammering at the keyboard and somehow making it all come out right straightaway. He was nothing like me, you know, how I have to drag myself through a scene and beat myself up about it. Do you know what he said to me once?”

I return to the bedroom, cringing at the wistful note in her voice. Of course, she had to pick tonight of all nights to talk about her dad when she never normally does it. It’s like fate is playing a sick game with me.

“What?” I whisper as Roman’s words replay in my head.

He said he owned me. That he’s going to claim me and make me his. That he’s going to take me and he wants me even more now that he knows I’m a virgin.

And I want it too. I sizzle and burn with it, even as my heart aches and a feeling of guilt stabs me.

“He said it’s the only time he doesn’t have to think. He just sits there and the words come out of him, and sometimes he won’t even remember what he’s written. He accesses this zone, this crazy zone, that I can’t even dream of. I don’t know. And then it just went away.”

She sighs. “Anyway, that’s not why I called. How are you doing? I know how much you hate storms.”

I drop onto the bed, glancing at the window. The rain is relentless, a never-ending stream down the glass. The thunder seems to stop, but the second I relax, it crackles and lightning strikes. But it’s only now – with Roman gone – that the fear creeps up on me, the old memory spiking.

When he was here, when his lips were on mine, when our bodies were melting together, I didn’t feel it.

“I’m doing okay. It’s a crazy bad storm. But I’m doing fine.”

“It’s so annoying. It was my idea to head out there and now I’ve trapped you.”

Yes, trapped me… with her dad, my best friend’s dad, with the man who sends desire pumping through my veins, even if I know it’s wrong, even if I know I have to stop myself. But this desire is something primal like I’m a cavewoman and he’s a ripped hunter, and I know I have to seduce his thick cock and coax his creamy seed out of him to fuse him to me. To make him mine, and me his.


I want him. I need him. But Millie will hate me.

“At least you’re not alone,” she says a moment later. “Dad knows how it all works down there, so I know you’re safe. Why didn’t we check the weather forecast? Freaking hell. I only found out about it as it was happening. I’m such a klutz.”

I giggle. “Klutz? Okay, grandma.”

She laughs. “You’re a klutz too. You didn’t check.”

“I know.” I sigh. “It was pretty silly. But I didn’t think. That’s what happens when you spend too long living in California. It makes you forget that weather exists.”

She laughs again, a sound I’ve heard countless times but I’ll never get tired of hearing. “Yeah, well, Dad will take care of you. He can be a grumpy old man sometimes. But he’s great really.”

“He’s not old,” I say before I can stop myself.

I love that he’s twenty-two years older than me, more mature, ready to live like a man not like the immature boys my age, all so inexperienced, so needy.

But it’s not like I’ve ever had much choice anyway.

The boys have never wanted me. Nobody has. But now the most handsome man I’ve ever laid eyes on has claimed me.

Freaking heck, why does the world have to be so unfair? Why does he have to be Millie’s dad?

“I know. I was only kidding. He is grumpy though. How’s he been? Have you spoken, or has he been locked away in his office? Oh, I just thought of something. You must’ve met Tanker.”

Millie often does this, excites herself in the middle of what she’s saying to come out with something else, starting spiraling conversations that show how enthusiastic she is about just talking. It’s so sweet, just one of the things I love about her.

But can I really say I care about her after what I did?

“Yeah, I met Tanker. He’s so freaking cute. He’s in his crate at the moment.”

“Aw, he gets like that when it’s stormy. He’s such a little baby. People say we should encourage him to grow up, but if he feels safe if he feels protected, what’s wrong with that?”

“Nothing,” I whisper.

“So how has dad been?”

“Fine, fine,” I say quickly. “Not too grumpy.”

She pauses. “Maybe ask him how he found Tanker. I don’t think I’ve ever told you that story, have I?”


“It could pass some time.” She sighs. “I can’t believe you’re stranded. At least dad keeps that place well-stocked. They’re saying it might even be a couple of days before I can come out there.”

A couple of days is a long time to be caged up with a bear like Roman, his glinting sharp eyes and his growling words telling me I’m his, I’m his property.

But I saw that look in his eyes before he left the room, clearly making an excuse just so he could leave…

It was pain and regret, the same feeling coursing through me as I squeeze the phone too tightly. “Yeah, a couple of days.”

My voice is dull, receding from the happiness which flourished in my soul the second Roman kissed me. He awoke something inside of me, a hopeful and optimistic flurry of starlight… And now it’s decaying, ashen, and falling like ruined snow.

I can’t think about Roman like that and talk to Millie at the same time. It’s too weird.

“Have you been working on the play?”

I drop onto my bed and lie back, staring up at the ceiling. And yet everything feels familiar, almost as though something led me here. I should laugh at the thought, but it whirls around me with the sharpness of a truth I have to face – now, now. I came here for a reason, to this storm, to meet the man who will protect me for the rest of our lives.

My womb throbs, pulses, straining with need. She wants it now. My insides sizzle.


I have to calm myself down.

“Yes,” I say, staring at the ceiling, not letting my mind wander to naughty places. “I mean – no. I haven’t. I can’t rehearse for this one and write at the same time.”

She groans, and I can hear her smiling. “Yes, you can. What else are you going to do during the storm, huh?”

An answering smile spreads across my face, making my cheeks ache as the emotion spirals through me.

But then pain crushes my features and pulls my lips into a frown, my eyebrows heavy, everything threatening to crumble as I hold back tears. I should scream and tell her, tell her what we did.

But are we going to do something again?

Will Roman want to now? Will I want to?

“I know. You’re right, Millie.”

“Anyway, I’ll let you go. I know it’s late. But speak soon, yeah?”

“Of course.”

My mouth is dry, my lips cracked. The lying causing shudders to move through me, invasive and effective as they burn.

I kissed your dad. Your dad did things to me. I want him forever.

Screaming the words silently within my mind does little to relieve the desire, the guilt.

“Of course?” She giggles. “So formal? See you later.”

“See you, Millie. Later.”

She hangs up and I hold the cell phone to my chest, against my heart, so I can feel the reverberations moving up my arm and back into my body. And that’s what it is, I realize, the need warring with the guilt, a beat drumming through me. It’s Millie and Roman, the man I never knew I needed, not until I set eyes on him.

And now my world is aflame.