Blood & Bones: Ozzy by Jeanne St. James

Chapter Ten

Besides last night’sride to Crazy Pete’s, he hadn’t had a woman on the back of his sled since Liz. One reason why he invited the former sweet butt along on most of his solo runs was to make sure he just wouldn’t drop a gear and disappear, never returning to Manning Grove, to the motel and to all the responsibilities he was now saddled with. Having her on a ride always forced him to return to what he now considered “home.”

Sometimes having things that tied him down, tied him in one location, didn’t bother him. Other times, it felt like a burden weighing heavily on his shoulders.

When he was seventeen, he only joined the Fury for one reason.

When he was thirty-seven, he came back for…

Hell, no valid reason.


So, why the fuck did he come back? Why did he want to rejoin a club that was responsible for his mother’s death?

Because whether he wanted to admit it or not, the Originals, while completely dysfunctional, had become his fucked-up family of sorts. His only family. All but one member, of fucking course.

His initial plan, the one that drove him in the beginning, was to kill them all. Every last one of them. Not just the person who did his mother dirty.

He figured he’d do it slowly by planting himself in their midst.

Keep your friends close, your enemies closer.

So, yeah, his plan had been to get in good with them. Convince them to trust him. And when they least expected it, he’d begin to take them all down.

One by fucking one.

Then he listened carefully, paid attention, asked the occasional question. Even though all of them had been involved in selling and running drugs, the decision to teach Fender a lesson for ripping off the Fury was an executive one, but taking out his mother at the same time was not.

Maybe Ham hadn’t expected his mother to be there. His excuse—when Ozzy forced it from him—was that he didn’t want to leave any witnesses behind.

Unfortunately, his mother had witnessed everything. Ham said she fought him and went after him with a kitchen knife.

But, fuck that desperate self-defense excuse he came up with within moments of the end of his own life. It wasn’t self-defense when the motherfucker broke into Ozzy’s house. Ham could have easily waited for that low-life Fender elsewhere. Somewhere other than where a woman, who had nothing to do with the MC life, and her child lived.

Ham could have ambushed Fender on his way out of town. On a back road. In a place that would have zero witnesses. Anywhere except where an innocent woman would be involved. A woman who probably had no clue what fuckery Fender was embroiled in. Which turned out to be running drugs from his club in West Virginia north to the Fury in Manning Grove.

The Deadly Demons had been the Fury’s drug supplier.

But that motherfucker hadn’t even killed Fender.

Fuck no, that had been left up to Ozzy to handle. Because Ham’s instructions were to keep the loser alive. For it to be a message to the Deadly Demons to not fuck with the Fury again.

To not steal the cash and keep the drugs that were to be exchanged.

After the night his mother died, the Fury never worked with the Demons again. After that night, the Demons and the Fury became rivals. The distance between the clubs the only thing keeping it from turning into a full-blown war.

But after that night, more than his mother’s life had been altered.

The two men who directly caused his mother’s death lost their right to breathe.

Actions had consequences.

Life was full of well-deserved karma.

With time and a fuckuva lot of patience, Ozzy delivered that karma.

Serving up that karma had been one of the most satisfying feelings he’d ever experienced.

He shook those dark thoughts from his head, not sure why they were currently invading his brain. Not when he had a hot woman on the back of his sled, clinging to him. A woman who didn’t live the life, but didn’t seem to have a problem with it, either. One who hadn’t shied away from him when she saw his colors, even when she was shy about her own smile and laugh.

She intrigued him.

He reached back and slid his hand from her knee down to her calf and held onto her there. The way his Iron 883 was set up, the “bitch seat” was higher than his. That made her calf the perfect place to hold onto. As soon as he wrapped his fingers around her denim-covered leg and squeezed, she squeezed his waist even tighter and snuggled closer, making him smile under the bandana he wore over his lower face to keep from eating suicidal bugs as dessert.

While they ate at Dino’s, he’d steered the conversation away from her father, the Originals, and his own childhood by asking her about Boston.

He had to remind himself several times to eat, otherwise, he would’ve stared across the table at her like some brain-dead idiot as she talked and told him the pros and cons of a place he’d never been. And he’d been to a lot of fucking places.

He’d stayed away from the northeast because of the limited time for good riding weather and, when he’d been a nomad, he stuck to warmer states where he could ride all year long.

It wasn’t until he got to Manning Grove, and back into snow country, that he bought a vehicle to drive when he couldn’t ride. But like most of his brothers, he rode even in the winter, unless the weather or roads were hazardous.

He could deal with some frozen fingers and toes, he couldn’t deal with dumping his sled. And possibly ending up dead or, even worse, disabled to the point he could never ride again.

If he couldn’t ride, he might as well be dead.

At first getting a Harley had been a means to an end, then it wormed into his blood, became his life. He quickly discovered the appeal in both the biker lifestyle and having a powerful machine between his legs.

He took Shay on one of his favorite routes, down Rt. 362 and through Tioga State Forest and into Colton State Park. Since the park was closed after five to everyone except registered campers, he had a secret way in. With no traffic and all the picnic areas away from the busy campground deserted, he knew the perfect spot to take a break.

Quiet. Private. A place where he’d know if a park ranger was patrolling nearby with plenty of time to make their escape.

He downshifted as he slowed and pulled into a little parking area. He did a quick circle around the paved lot to make sure no other couples had the same idea as him, then found a dark corner to park and shut off his sled.

Once the echo of his straight pipes quieted, they heard nothing but a light summer breeze rustling the leaves of the trees and the nocturnal call of crickets and frogs.

“Should we be here? Isn’t the park closed?” Shay asked, releasing his waist and sitting up.

He missed her weight against his back immediately. “Yeah.”

“Yes to which one?”

He offered his hand to her to help her off his sled and she took it, dismounting. “Just gonna stretch our legs a bit. Nobody’s gonna care.”

She released a loud sigh, not of impatience but more of satisfaction as she wandered away from his sled. He dismounted and kept an eye on her as she walked some large circles in the dark. “I’m glad we waited until later. The heat isn’t quite as awful. But I’m not used to being on a motorcycle anymore, so I’m a little stiff.” Placing her hands on her hips, she arched her back, stretching it. The move shoved her tits out.

Suddenly, she wasn’t the only one stiff.

“This is pretty isolated,” she called back to him where he stood by his sled, unable to keep his eyes off her, even in the dark with only slivers of the moonlight shining through the thick trees, creating pockets of inky-black darkness.

Then it hit him. For fuck’s sake, she was a woman with a man she only met the day before in an isolated area… “You worried about bein’ here with me?”

She stepped out of the shadows and up to him. “Should I be? Do you plan on assaulting me and leaving me for dead?”

Her tone held amusement and, to him, that meant she wasn’t worried about that at all.

“Wasn’t in the plans for tonight,” he murmured.

“Well, that’s good. Dying wasn’t part of my plan for tonight, either. Plus, if it was in yours, I doubted you would’ve bothered with dinner first.”

He snorted. “Maybe dinner was just to butter you up first.”

She stepped closer. “Maybe it was just to butter you up first.”

“No butter needed,” he assured her. “Whatever you want, just ask.”

“Anything?” Even in the dark, he could see her grin.

“Anythin’ in my power. Don’t got that much power, though.”

She took one more step closer. “Ah, I think you have more power than you know.”

He looked down into her face and wished the area was better lit.

“You’re not stretching your legs,” she murmured.


“We didn’t stop here to stretch our legs, did we?”


She took another step closer, until they were toe to toe. She tipped her head back and asked in a whisper, “Why did we stop here, then?”

He curled his fingers under her long braid and around the back of her neck. “To collect my winnings from last night.” He dropped his head until his lips were slightly above hers. He kept his hold light in case she didn’t want the same thing as he did. This way she could easily break away and tell him no.

“I gave you a kiss last night.”

“My prize ain’t just a kiss.”

Her words whispered over his parted lips. “You said we were playing for the same thing.”

“Also said I’d collect the rest later.”

She slipped her hand under his open cut and fisted his T-shirt at his gut. Her tits were rising and falling quickly and her breathing had become ragged. “Now?”

“Now.” And maybe again later. If she was willing.

He crushed his mouth to hers and her lips parted without any encouragement from him. But this was a start.

Shay was not shy at all in the way she kissed. Her tongue tangled with his, she nipped his bottom lip, she grabbed the back of his head and tried to pull him closer.

Being pulled closer didn’t suck.

But it did press his hard-on into her belly.

That also didn’t suck.

It didn’t seem as if Shay thought it sucked, either. A good sign that she might get onboard with his plan. Maybe even get onboard him.

He preferred to do it in a bed the first time and not out in the open because he wasn’t sure how comfortable she’d be about it, since she seemed to be on the more reserved side. But the longer they rode, the more impatient he was getting.

That was when he decided on the detour.

If she fucked the way she kissed—with complete abandon—he sure as fuck hoped the night went the way he planned.

For a moment, he let her drive, let her explore his mouth, taste his lips, suck on his tongue.

When she finally pulled back, he hadn’t had enough yet. He wanted more of her mouth on his, but he also wanted more from her in other ways.

He’d never been a huge kisser. With the sweet butts he always avoided it. There was a difference with simply having sex to get off as opposed to sex to also create a connection. To him, kissing was part of the second type.

Had Lizzy and him kissed? Fuck yeah, but she’d also been a regular in his bed for two years and a huge part of his life. She might not have realized it and he might not have, either. Until it was too late.

His fucking mistake.

There was a saying: “Things happen for a reason.” Maybe he was currently staring at that reason.

Fuck, he wished once again the parking lot was better lit. He could only imagine her cheeks were flushed, her brown eyes heated, her lips swollen. Her nipples peaked hard under her blouse.

“You want me?” Her question caught him off guard. For a second, he swore he heard a bit of uncertainty in her voice.

It made no sense but then, she had a past that might have ingrained insecurity into her. No matter how long ago it had been since she’d last been bullied or made fun of, the mind tended to retain the rotten shit and it was difficult to clean out all the resulting damage.

“Thought it was pretty fuckin’ obvious when my dick was hard last night.” It was impossible to miss how hard it was right now, too. Especially since it was pressed into her.

Her head tilted slightly as she stared up at him. “Did you want to have sex with me last night?”

“Truth? Struggled to walk away last night.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t have.”

Yeah, maybe he shouldn’t have. But he was still trying not to overwhelm her with his personality and with his lifestyle. He was doing his best to give her little bits at a time, to ease her into it.

That plan might end up being thrown out shortly since his dick was now painfully hard as it pressed against his zipper. “We can make up for it now.”

“So, here?” She glanced around the dark lot and her eyes landed on his sled. “Is that possible?”

“Anything’s possible if you want it bad enough.”

“How badly do you want it?” Her voice had become husky. He was dying to touch her nipples to see if they were hard, touch her pussy to see if she was wet. And feel her mouth on him again. He didn’t give a fuck where.

He grabbed her hand and slid her palm down over the evidence of how badly he wanted her.

A little puff of air escaped her parted lips.

Totally shocking the shit out of him, she scrambled to undo his buckle, unfasten his belt, open the button and zipper in record time. In a flash, her hand was diving down his jeans, grabbing him. Squeezing.


He mentally scooped his brains off the ground and shoved them back into his head. “Shay,” he groaned as she began fisting him like she meant it.

Her thumb began circling the tip, smearing the precum around the crown.

“Shay,” he tried again. He should stop her.

He didn’t want to.

He’d stop her if he got too close.

Yeah, new plan.

He cupped her face and took her mouth again, filling it with his groan, then captured her answering one.

When her fisting became more intense and her pace quickened, he broke the kiss, grabbed her wrist and pulled himself free.

“You don’t like that?”

“Ain’t that, sweetheart.” He blew out a breath. “Like it too much.”

“Oh,” she said with a short laugh. “Okay, good.”

It was more than good. “Got an idea.”

“Just now? Or was it part of your plan?”


“Yes to which one?”


She shook her head at his answer. “Okay, what’s the idea?”

“Wanna bury my face between your legs.” Those weren’t the words he really wanted to use but he reminded himself to not show how fucking crude he could get right from jump street.

Small bits.

Break her in slowly.

Slip quietly through the back door instead of storming through the front.

“I figured you’d want to bury something else there.”

No truer words… “That, too. But dyin’ to taste you first.”


Your cunt. Small bits. Small fucking bits…He scratched the back of his neck.“Just told you where.”

She pressed a hand to her cheek. “No, I meant where… We’re in the middle of nowhere.”

She only ever rode with her father, so, of course, she had no knowledge of doing a “sled spread.” Fucking on a bike.

He’d christened every sled he’d ever owned like that. Sometimes it had been great, sometimes it was awkward and sucked.

He had no doubt that fucking Shay on his sled tonight would make it a night to remember. Even if it ended up being a clumsy attempt.

But if she was willing…

“Is there a risk someone will catch us here?” She glanced around again, sinking her teeth into her bottom lip.

“Will cover you. Parked so they’ll be blinded by my white ass first before they would ever see you. Gonna keep your panties and shirt on, in case we gotta bail quick.”

“In case we have to bail quick?” she repeated in a squeak. “I’ll have to take off my boots and jeans and—”


Yeah? All you have to do is shove your jeans down a bit.”

“Yeah, know how it works.” His jaw shifted. “If you ain’t into it…”

For Christ’s sake, don’t say you ain’t into it. Say you want me bad enough you can’t wait, either.

Instead of responding, she turned and headed over to his sled. Did she want to leave?


“I’ve never done anything like this before.” She perched her ass on the edge of his seat and began to unlace her boots.

Well, fuck.

It took everything he had to force out, “Don’t gotta do it.”

She paused, lifted her head and once again shocked the shit out of him. “Oh no. We’re doing this. One, because this weekend was all about me pushing myself out of my comfort zone. Two, and most importantly…”

He waited.

“I want your face between my legs.” Her head tipped down again and she finished removing her boots, but left on her socks.

Good call.

She stood and shimmied out of her jeans, draping them over his handlebars. Within reach in a pinch. Another good call.

While she was using her noggin, he stood there watching her like a brainless fucking idiot.

He was an idiot. He wanted to see her in the fucking light. Now, he realized his impatience was fucking him over.

But then, if he didn’t fuck this up and it wasn’t a complete disaster, maybe she’d want it again where he could see every fucking inch of her.

Yeah, time to execute this plan, then make the next one.

She turned and he raked his gaze over her.

Her, “Well?” got his feet moving.

As he approached, she smoothed out her blouse in a nervous gesture like she had yesterday. “I’m going to assume you’ve done this before so you’ll have to provide some guidance.”

“Don’t think you’re the first?”

A soft snort came from her. “I’m not stupid.”

He grinned. No, she sure as shit wasn’t.

“Though, I’m wondering about how stupid this decision is. I feel really exposed.”

He needed to take her mind off that before she changed it. He knew exactly how to do that. He jerked his chin toward the rear portion of his seat, the raised part where the passenger sat. “Mount up, but backwards.”

Even in the dark, he could see her eyebrows rise as she considered what he said.

He helped her sit on the seat, then, grabbing one of her wrists, he planted her hand behind her on the main part of the seat. He did it again with her other hand, so she was leaning back, using her arms for support.

Fuck, the woman looked both dick-hardening and mouth-watering stretched out like that on his hog. And she wasn’t even fucking naked.

“Feet on the pegs and spread your knees,” he ordered as he circled the rear of his bike.

“Ozzy…” His name came out on a shaky breath.

For fuck’s sake, here came her second thoughts in three… two…

He ran his fingers along the soft skin of her inner thighs, gripped her upper thighs and, hoping to fuck his exhaust pipes weren’t still skin-scarring hot, he burrowed his face into the apex of her legs.

He inhaled deeply as he trailed his nose along her panties. Fuck yeah, they were damp and they smelled like a warm, wet woman who wanted him.

Heaven. That was what she smelled like.

Using the very tip of his tongue, he lightly traced the damp line along the cotton.

He was torn. He wanted the anticipation to build, but he also wanted to rush because he couldn’t wait to slide into the woman and feel her soft heat surround him.

With his finger, he traced the edge where her skin met elastic, pulling slightly but not moving the fabric away.

Not yet.

His dick now pulsed in his jeans. It told him to hurry, while his brain told him to take his time and appreciate the gift she was giving him.

He placed his mouth over the cotton where her clit would be and sucked until it was soaked and the fabric clung to every curve. Her hips rose and she breathed his name, but it quickly got swallowed up by the night sounds surrounding them.

He tugged her panties to the side, flicked his eyes to her face and saw she was watching him. Waiting. He turned his attention back down, sucking the exposed fold into his mouth, finally getting to taste her.

He tugged a little more to reveal her clit and he paused over it, letting his warm breath puff over the sensitive nub. Then he blew lightly on it.


He stuck out his tongue, touching the very tip of it to the tip of her clit. Just giving her enough to tease her. To make her want more.


He clamped his mouth around it and sucked.

He should have told her to remove her damn panties, too.

“Fuck this,” he muttered against her heat.

With his teeth, he tore the elastic. Her surprised gasp filled his ears as he used his hand to rip her panties enough to pull them off, to expose her completely. Until nothing was hidden from his mouth, from his touch.

He tossed what remained over his shoulder and into the dark behind him. A sacrifice he hoped she was willing to make.

But she made no complaints about the loss. Instead, she shoved her pussy into his face and he took that as a sign to continue.

So, he did.

He dove in, not caring that her juices covered his face, or soaked his beard. With his fingers in a V, he parted her lips, giving him better access to taste every fucking crease, every fold. Every sensitive spot.

She got so wet that he had no problem sliding two fingers inside her, urging her to hurry to orgasm so he could replace his fingers and tongue with his dick.

It was throbbing and leaking and complaining at being ignored. His balls were pulled tight, his heart raced.

But he wanted to give her this first. He wanted her to give him this, too.

This moment.

Each noise she made spurred him further. Each twitch of her hips encouraged him to continue.

Until finally, he heard nothing but her wails echoing through the night, and her hips shot up and off the seat as she gushed over his tongue, filled his mouth with her sweet tang.

He stayed with her, licking and sucking until the last ripple faded away and she relaxed and lowered her ass back to the seat with a soft, “Oh.”

He grinned, quickly straightened and ripped his wallet out of his back pocket, ripping open the snaps and using only his touch to find a wrap because he couldn’t rip his eyes from her.

He let the wallet fall from his fingers and hang by the chain that attached it to his belt loop as he tore the wrapper open and let that fall, too. After shoving his already gaping jeans down farther, he pulled out his erection and wrapped it tight.

He shuffled closer, not wanting to wait but noticing her arms were now shaking from both holding her own weight and her explosive orgasm.

“Sit up and wrap your arms around my neck.”

Once he helped her do that, she whispered, “Hurry.” Her chest was heaving and he wanted to suck on her tits, but now was not the time for that. Not where they were.

He just hoped like fuck he got that chance later.

“Hang on tight, sweetheart. Ride’s gonna get a little bumpy.”

“Did you say bumpy or humpy?”

He glanced down into her face. She wore a smile. Even in the dark it was blinding. That she didn’t hide it from him meant more than she knew.

“Both. Wrap your legs ‘round me if you gotta—” Before he was even finished, she had her bare legs encircling his waist, pulling him closer.

Grabbing his hard as fuck dick, he slid the tip through her hot folds, gathering some of her arousal, then he put it right where it needed to be. His dick was screaming at him to thrust forward, his brain was trying desperately to keep him from fucking up.

He didn’t want to fuck this up.

“Last chance,” he warned her.

“For what?” she asked.

“To back out.”

“Don’t you fucking dare.”

Fuck yeah.

Maybe he didn’t need to worry about his personality overwhelming her. Maybe he was being cautious all for nothing.

She had admitted she wanted to be pushed out of her comfort zone…

She came to the right fucking man for that. All he needed was some more time with her and he’d push her to the point she was in a new time zone.

He could blow her goddamn mind if she let him.

He hoped to Christ that she did.

But, right now, fuck the future, he needed to be here. In the present.

She was spread on his sled and waiting…


He didn’t want either of them to wait any longer.

“Give me your mouth,” he demanded softly. When she did, he parted her pussy with the throbbing head of his dick and slid oh-so-fucking-slowly inside her.

Yeah, it was like parting the goddamn pearly gates of heaven. That was what it was.

And he was invited in.

Lucky fucking bastard.

He glanced up and thanked the damn stars above, hell, the universe, for putting her in his path.

She was exactly what he needed when he needed it.

Just when life sucked to the point where he needed a change, she walked into his motel and gave him exactly that.

He dropped his eyes from the sky, closed them as they continued to kiss and he began to move…

Tight. Hot. Slick.

She squeezed him tight. With her arms around his neck, with her legs around his waist, with her cunt around his dick.

She broke the kiss and he wanted to take her mouth again, but she had tucked her face into his neck, her warm breath beating against his skin.

With one arm wrapped around her back and one hand on her ass, he helped hold her in place so he could thrust harder and faster. Deeper. Her thighs spread even wider, her heels dug into the back of his thighs and she tilted her hips so he hit her in all the right spots.

All but one.

“Keep going,” she moaned when he hesitated.

He wasn’t planning on stopping.

“Oh, keep going,” she cried out.

“Hang on.”

She clung to him as he leaned forward, stretching out his arm, reaching with his fingers, until he could push the Start button on his girl. He had to adjust his stance slightly so he wouldn’t be maimed by hot exhaust pipes.

When the engine rumbled around them, her eyes went wide. “It’s like a big vibrator.”

He tucked his hand between them and played with the Start button on his other girl. When he circled her clit with his thumb, she pressed her mouth to his throat, scraping her teeth along it. Planting her lips on his now damp skin, she groaned, twitching against him.

Her nails dug into the back of his neck and her other hand dropped to his bare ass to bury them into his flesh there, too, hanging on tightly as he pumped in and out of her.

That little bit of sharp pain mixed with the mind-blowing pleasure of being inside her tight cunt took him closer to the edge more quickly than he wanted.

Not yet.

He needed to hang on a little longer.

She needed to get to the end of this journey before him.

“Tell me what you need,” he forced up his throat.

“Just you,” vibrated against his neck.

“To come,” he clarified.

“Just you,” she repeated. She flung her head back and opened her eyes. The moonlight hit them just enough to make them shine. “Oh my god,” she whispered. “It’s been…”

He didn’t wait for her answer, he kept going, powering in and out of her. The clink of his wallet chain against his rear fender not the only thing making him grit his teeth.

Keep your shit together, asshole. Don’t fuckin’ disappoint her.


“Please. Oh, please… Keep going…”

He fought the urge to rip open her blouse, to pop every fucking button off of it, to bury his face in her tits during the home stretch.

This woman was making him lose his goddamn mind.