The High Mountain Court by A.K. Mulford


First and foremost I want to thank my wonderful husband, Glen. Thank you for supporting my dreams, for putting up with my minor (and major) freak outs, and for holding down the fort while I wrote this story. You are a wonderful husband and father and I am forever grateful that I met you all those many years ago in Guatemala.

Thank you to the bright, shining, vibrant lights that are my children, I love you with all of my heart. Thank you for being patient with me (or at least trying valiantly) while I chase after my dreams. You are probably reading this many years in the future, if not: wow, congratulations, you can read!

To my mom and dad; thank you for always encouraging me to write and continuing to cheer me on even now. I am so thankful that you believed in my storytelling and supported my creativity from a young age.

And to my brother, thanks for daydreaming up fantastical stories with me. You and I always had the souls of storytellers. (Also, what’s up? Call me sometime so we can hang!)

To the amazing community of friends I have made on Tiktok: thank you for all of your support and welcoming me into the best bookish community around! I am grateful for each and every one of you. Right, okay, back to lip-syncing and goofing off. #Ily

To my amazing beta team, thank you for all of your support and feedback making this book the best it could be! I so appreciate all of your notes and reactions to this story!

Thank you to all of my ARC readers! I so appreciate you sharing this story far and wide!

To Hayley, thank you for beta reading for me and being the self-appointed president of my fan club. I am so grateful to have you in my life. Love you babe.

To my crispy taco delights, thanks for always being in my corner and getting me through the tough days! I don’t know what I would do without you.

Thank you to Hannah Close from Reedsy for her amazing editing services and for elevating my story with her editorial assessment.

Thank you Carolyn Bahm for being an amazing editor and for helping me make this story the best it could be!

Thank you to Norma Gambini from Normas Nook Proofreading for all of your support and amazing proofreading skills!

To my podcast wifey, K. Elle Morrison, thank you for cheering me on and keeping from melting down so many times during the production of this story! I love hosting Indies Fully Booked with you!

Thank you to Kelli from KDL editing for your eagle eyes in proofreading!

Thank you to Kristen Timofeev for the beautiful map!

Thank you to Bianca Bordianu www.bbordianudesign.comfor the amazing book cover.

And lastly, I’d like to thank Ziggy, my gorgeous labradoodle, for being the most patient, loving dog in the world and for not getting mad at me those times when I was too deep in a story and made him wait for breakfast.