Remembering You by Sandi Lynn

Chapter Two


“Really, Harrison?” my sister, Athena, shouted as she stormed into my office.

Reaching into my desk drawer, I took out the bottle of aspirin and popped two of them in my mouth.

“Good morning, sis. Welcome home. How was Europe?” I asked with a smirk for I already knew why she blew in with an attitude.

“Renee was the best personal assistant I ever had, and you have to ruin her like all the other women in your life. I leave you alone for one month and you can’t behave yourself or keep your dick in your pants.”

“Calm down. Renee was the only personal assistant you ever had so don’t say she’s the best. It was one drunken night, Athena. One.” I held up my finger. “It’s not my fault she thought it would turn into something more. When I told her it was a mistake and it’ll never happen again, she took it personally and quit. It’s not my fault she’s so sensitive.”

“UGH! You can have any woman you want! I thought I made myself clear when I hired her that she was off limits!”

“Like I said, it was one drunken night. I didn’t mean for it to happen. I’m sorry she couldn’t handle it and quit. You’ll find another assistant.”

“That’s not the point! I liked her.” She pouted.

I got up from my chair, walked over to where she stood and wrapped my arms around her.

“I’m happy you’re home. I missed you.”

“I missed you too until I came back to no assistant.” She broke our embrace.

“You’ll get over it.” I kissed her forehead and walked back to my desk.

“How are the plans for the townhouse coming?” she asked.

“I don’t want to talk about it. At this rate, I’m never moving in.”

“Why? What happened?” She took the seat across from my desk.

“Linda quit.”

She let out a snicker. “Didn’t she like work for you for a week?”

“Three days. I told her I didn’t like what her plan was for the living room and I made her change it.”

“Well, that’s your right to do that. You’re the client. I don’t understand why she would quit over that. Unless you ran your mouth and insulted her.” Her brow raised.

“All I said was she had terrible taste, and I didn’t understand how she even got her degree.”

Athena rolled her eyes and let out a sigh.

“Then maybe you need to decorate the townhouse yourself, brother. Obviously, no one can do it better than you.”

“I don’t have time for that. Do me a favor and find someone for me. Someone excellent who will take my criticism and not act like a child.”

“Maybe if you were nicer, you could keep people around.” She smirked. “Besides, I don’t have time to find anyone for you. I just got back and now I have to find a new personal assistant.” She got up from her chair and headed towards the door. “I’ll be using your personal assistant, Jeremy, until I find one,” she spoke as she walked out of my office.

I sighed as I leaned back in my chair and placed my hands behind my head. My twin sister could be such a pain in the ass. As I was pondering my thoughts about the townhouse, my phone beeped with a text message from Andrea.

“Hey there handsome, what time are you picking me up tonight?”

Shit. I forgot we were supposed to go on a date.

“How’s seven o’clock?”

“Seven’s good. If you want to bring me some flowers, yellow roses are my favorite.”

I didn’t reply. Why the hell would she want me to bring her flowers? I wasn’t a flower giving type of guy. There were only two people in the world that I gave flowers to and that was my grandmother and Athena. I wasn’t a romance type of guy either. As far as I was concerned, romance was overrated. There was no need for it. The women I took out got a nice dinner and then great sex afterwards. And usually the boot after a few dates because they started getting clingy and too attached. Something that I despised. There was nothing more pathetic than a woman whining and wanting to know why I wouldn’t commit or take our so called ‘relationship’ to the next level. I didn’t have time or the patience for that, and I didn’t need the aggravation.

Now that Andrea had thrown in the ‘flower’ suggestion. I suspected it was time to cut all ties. I already knew how this would pan out. First it starts with the flowers, then the whining begins how I never want to do anything besides have dinner and sex. It got old real fast, and I cut my losses and move on. Which I had a feeling would happen tonight. Maybe I should just skip the dinner part and get right to the sex first before telling her we wouldn’t be seeing each other anymore. I was under a great deal of stress with the building of the new hotel and I needed sex to get my mind off it.

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