Single-Dad Cowboy by Vicki Lewis Thompson

Chapter Three

Zeke was short of breath. Stupid. Today was no different from the times he’d spent with Nell putting the greenhouse together.

Except it was different, because back then he hadn’t figured out the dynamic. He’d kept his admiration under wraps and enjoyed the temporary nature of their interaction. Since it wasn’t going anywhere, he’d been able to relax.

Meanwhile, Claire had been building a fantasy of making them a threesome. The second time she’d suggested a visit to the greenhouse, he’d caught on. Had Nell?

He’d called his daughter on her matchmaking efforts, especially after she’d instigated this field trip. She’d insisted the outing was about sharing the ranch and the sanctuary with her class, especially her three buddies. If that meant he’d get some time with Miss O’Conner—bonus.

Judging from her comments, she was convinced she was doing him a favor. Evidently he’d hidden his emotions well. The double whammy of a cheating wife and a lying father had hit him hard, festering wounds he wasn’t sure would ever heal. He still didn’t know if his mom was in on the cover-up, protecting his worthless excuse for a father.

Claire didn’t have the whole picture and that’s how he wanted it. She might suspect that her mother had stepped out on him, but she was completely ignorant of the depth of her grandfather’s deceit.

Her matchmaking was born of her innocence and optimism. She’d held onto both, thank goodness, but she’d presented him with a challenge.

School was out next week, though. If he could just get through a couple of hours today, he’d be home free. Claire would have an entire summer of barrel racing practice with Ed to distract her from this misguided strategy.

Then Nell stepped off the bus looking prettier than ever, and he doubted his ability to make it gracefully through the next two hours. A rush of pleasure heated his skin. The effort to control his reaction created tension he wouldn’t be able to release by sawing two-by-sixes and drilling bolt holes.

She had on a dress today, one with little flowers on it and a skirt that swirled around her knees when she walked. He’d only seen her in a dress twice, both times when he’d caved to his daughter’s request to come and admire the greenhouse. Nell had worn jeans during their work sessions, the stretchy kind that cupped her sweet little… don’t think about that, idiot!

Her dress had a scooped neck and a filmy, spring look. She’d added a white cardigan over it. Bet it was soft. He shoved his hands in his pockets. The urge to touch her had grown with every hour they’d spent on the greenhouse project, but his hands had been otherwise occupied with construction chores. Today, not so much.

She’d piled her dark, curly hair on top of her head in her usual way. Strands escaped from that arrangement all the time because she was constantly in motion. One afternoon he’d reached to tuck a strand back into place. And jerked his hand back before she’d noticed.

Matt walked to meet her, the chart in his hand. Nell pulled hers out of her roomy shoulder bag. After they conferred, Nell climbed back into the bus. Moments later, she emerged, followed by the students who’d take the barn tour first, including his daughter and her friends. One of the parents brought up the rear.

Jake, Nick, CJ and Rafe boarded the bus for the trip over to Raptors Rise, leaving Matt, Garrett and Zeke to lead the barn and bunkhouse tours. Nell moved with brisk efficiency, making introductions and dividing the kids into their respective groups.

As she headed toward him with four girls who were almost skipping in their eagerness, Matt and Garrett ushered their six kids over to the path that would take them to the barn.

Heart thumping, he met Nell’s smile with one of his own. “Miss O’Connor.”

“Mr. Lassiter.”

He was glad to see her. Too damn glad. He broke eye contact and focused on the girls. “Welcome, ladies. Ready to see Claire’s living quarters?”

Their excited chorus of yes, please sent the doves that had been roosting in a nearby oak fluttering away.

“Easy does it, girls.” Nell’s hazel eyes sparkled. “You’re scaring the wildlife.”

“Oh!” Tatum, a tiny, delicate child with straight black hair, glanced up into the tree. “Sorry, birdies.”

Claire walked closer to him and lowered her voice. “We need to start the tour with the bathroom, Daddy. I’ll take them in if you want to wait out here.”

“Fine with me.” He looked to Nell for confirmation.

She nodded. “Sounds like a plan. Let us know when you’re done.”

The girls raced toward the front door.

Nell’s command brought them up short. “Walk, please!”

They slowed their steps. Claire held the door for them as they walked in, their excited exclamations spilling out into the parking area as they caught their first glimpse of the interior. Then Claire stepped inside and shut the door, muting their chatter.

Nell chuckled. “I’m doubting that bathroom story.”

“Me, too.”

“I’ll bet Claire wanted to show them the place on her own.”

“Probably.” And leave him alone with Nell. “She asked Matt if her girlfriends could see the bunkhouse before anyone else. He decided that was fair.”

“Absolutely. This is her home.”

“That’s what Matt said.” First time he’d talked to Nell without Claire around. Stirred him up, but in a good way. “Did your principal come?”

“He did. He stayed on the bus with the group going over to Raptors Rise.”

“He was Matt’s principal.”

“Harland told me that when we discussed the field trip idea. Evidently Matt was a handful.”

“He admits it, too.” Nice to discover they could carry on a conversation without Claire to jumpstart the action. “How’ve you been?”

“Good.” She cocked her head and gazed at him. “You?”

“Fine, thanks.”

“Nice outfit.”

Warmth crept up his neck. “Matt requested that we clean up a bit. He wants this field trip to go well.”

“Suzanne definitely approved of your welcome party.”


“Our bus driver. Suzanne Dempsey.”

“Oh, Mrs. Dempsey. I noticed she was driving today. What do you mean, she approved?”

“She was mesmerized by the lineup. Said it was a sight for sore eyes.”

“Hm.” The heat rose to his face.

“She made a good point.” Laughter sparkled in her eyes. “You’re a manly-looking bunch, standing shoulder-to-broad-shoulder.”

“I think you like making me blush.”

“I do.” She grinned. “That’s what you get for looking so handsome in your black shirt and snazzy black hat.”

“Come on, Nell. Cut it out.” Her amusement was infectious and her flirting lured him into a mood he couldn’t afford. Before he could dial it back, he shot a compliment her way. “You’re one to talk. That’s a very pretty dress.”

“Thank you. Today I felt like spring was in the air and that calls for a dress like this.”

“Indeed it does.” Back away, Zeke, old boy. You know where this leads. You made a promise to yourself. Keep it.

“Then I’m not sure why you chose to wear black. That’s hardly a spring color. It’s more of a… hang on.” Something drew her attention toward the bunkhouse. She quickly looked away again, her color high. “Those little devils are peeking out the window.” Laughter rippled through her words. “I wonder if they think we—”

“No telling.” He put some distance between them and tugged on the brim of his hat.

“It’s probably better if we don’t overreact.”

“I’m not overreacting. I just—” He sighed and shook his head.

“Is something wrong?” Her smile disappeared and a tiny crease settled between her eyebrows.

“Claire’s trying to set us up.”

She sucked in a breath. “I know.”

“I don’t want her to get the wrong impression.”

“Such as?”

“That I’m going along with her plan. It’s not a good idea.”

“Because I’m her teacher?”

“That’s part of it.” He held her gaze. “The main issue is me. Claire doesn’t understand. And I don’t want her to. The fact is, I’m in no shape to begin a relationship.”

“Because of your ex?”

“That and… other things. Claire means well and she’s convinced that you and I… but it wouldn’t work.”

“Are you sure?”

“If we’re talking about this moment in time, I’m absolutely sure.” He broke eye contact and rubbed the back of his neck where a knot of tension grew. “Don’t get me wrong.” He focused on her again and the truth slipped right out. “I think you’re wonderful. And you don’t need to be saddled with a man who has enough baggage to fill a horse trailer.”

“So you’re warning me off.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Well, you know yourself way better than I do. But Claire’s determined to bring us together and she’s a very goal-oriented kid.”

“Tell me about it.”

Her expression gentled. “We should probably table this. If those girls’ noses are plastered to the window, they’re not exploring the bunkhouse. Let’s go in. Maybe we’ll have a chance to continue the discussion later.”

“Maybe.” He took a deep breath and gestured toward the bunkhouse. “Ever seen one of these?”

“Only in Westerns.”

“It’s something like what they show in the movies. Although I’ve never seen a Western where one of the bunks is filled with teddy bears.”