His Pretty Toy by Shanna Handel

Chapter 4


Her teeth sink into her full bottom lip, making my cock twitch in my trousers. I know exactly what I want her to do with that pretty mouth of hers. She looks up at me with wide, wild eyes. She’s nervous, but not scared. Brave girl. We’ll see how much she holds it together when she sees what I have in store for her.

No one makes me wait. Not without paying for it.

“Come.” I place the glasses on a table, breeze through the main floor to my private suite. I know she’s following—I can feel her gaze heavy on my back.

I stand beside the open door, letting her pass.

Her ass rolls in the dress as she makes her way to the center of the room. Her curves were covered in an apron at the shop. I had no idea when I asked for her that she had such a beautiful body.

I knew the red dress would suit her, but I didn’t know it would make my knees weak to see her in it.

“Do you mind?” She slips off her shoes. “They’re killing me.”

This one is a far cry from obedient. No problem. I’m more than happy to teach her.

I stare her down. “I didn’t say you could take them off. Put them back on.”

She shoots me an incredulous look. “Are you serious?”

“What about me gives you the impression I’m ever not serious?”

She eyes me, unsure of what to do.

“Put. Them on.”

She pulls herself to her full height of about a foot shorter than me, hands going sassily to her hips. “And if I don’t?”

My hand goes to the buckle of my belt.

“You don’t mean…” Her gaze goes wide, her cheeks flushing as she stares at my hand, resting on the heavy leather belt around my waist. “You want to… spank me?”

“I want to punish you. And I will.” I nod to the shoes. “Now put the shoes on.”

She stands, mouth agape, frozen in fear.

I cross the room in two strides. I cup her chin in my hand, tilting her face up, forcing her gaze to meet mine. “You signed your name to a contract. I’m holding up my end of the bargain. Now hold up yours.”

She shakes her head, shame in her eyes. “I didn’t even read the contract.”

“That was your first mistake. Being late was your second. And if you don’t put on those shoes, it’ll be your third.” I hold her gaze. “Three strikes and you’re out. Contract null and void and back in the car headed back to where you came from. If you put on those shoes, you consent to everything you signed your name to, and you are mine. Now, are you in, or are you out?”

She may be timid, but she’s not weak. I see the strength in her eyes as she straightens her shoulders. Her gaze cuts to mine. “Lend me a hand?”

Good girl.

I offer my hand. She takes it, slipping one foot, then the other into her punishing shoes. She’ll look so pretty wearing nothing but these heels and the mark of my hand on her ass.

I release her, taking a step back. My gaze travels the length of her body. Such a beautiful dress but it’s time for it to go. “Take off your dress.”

“You don’t waste any time, do you?” Her words are sharp but her tone wavers. “Ever heard of foreplay?”

“You’re sassy. I like that. But you’ll find the mouthier you are, the harder my hand lands on your ass.”

Her teeth sink into her bottom lip once more, reminding me of what I want from her mouth.

“Take off the dress. Now.”

She tries to hide the fact her fingers tremble as she reaches behind her, but I see. I see everything. The quickening of her breaths, the flush in her skin, the sheen of desire that hides behind the flash of fear.

This one is curious.

I wait, as I always seem to do with this girl, as she tries to manage her zipper. Has the girl worn nothing but denim and sneakers her whole life? Judging by the adorable way she wobbled to the dock on her heels, I’m guessing the answer is yes.

She fusses and fidgets.

I’m losing patience.

Finally, she looks up at me with frustration. “It’s no use. I can’t get it.”


She teeters over to me, looking younger than her years. I almost feel sorry for her.

But this is business. I paid for a transaction, and I’m going to receive it.

I grip the zipper, gently lowering it over her curves. Slowly with great care, I part the material of the dress.

No panties.

I suck a breath between my teeth as I gaze over her glorious ass. Her curves are natural, not built in a gym or filled with silicone. There’s nothing about her that would stop you dead in your tracks, or make you turn your head for another look, but here, in my hands, her quiet beauty surrounds me, stunning me with its realness.

She’s perfect.

She gives me a timid glance over her shoulder. “May I take it off now?”

She’s learning quickly. “Yes.”

She reaches up, slipping a strap over her shoulder. Then the second one. The dress falls to the floor.

“Turn around.”

She obeys, teetering as she goes. Her hands go to cover her bare breasts. My hands grab her wrists, stopping her. “Let me see.” Her hands waver at her sides as I take her in.

Beautiful, proud breasts standing at attention, her rosy nipples peaked, waiting to be kissed. I chose this dress not only because the color would complement her skin, but for the fact she could not wear a bra.

I wanted to know she was completely naked beneath the gown. That she was all mine under that dress. Just the way I wanted her.

Call it a power trip, call it an abuse of power, call it what you will.

But it’s the medicine I need to ease the pain in my side, the aching in my ribs, the burning of my scar each time I turn my torso. I won’t forget, no, I won’t.

But for one night, I need relief.

And it comes in the form of this brunette barista.

“On your knees.” My hands go to my belt buckle, the metal clinking as I undo it.

She goes to argue but one stern look from me has her kneeling before me, the shiny black heels kicked out behind her. She looks up at me with unsure eyes.

I pull my erect cock from my trousers. Her eyes drop from mine, taking in the length and size of my throbbing member. “Put it in your mouth.”

She’s unsure of herself, but she’s trying. My god, she’s adorable when she’s trying. She scoots along the carpet toward me on her knees. She reaches out, her fingernails lightly grazing my skin as she takes me in her hand. She gives me one wide-eyed, almost trusting look, then she wraps those gorgeous lips around the head of my cock.

Her mouth is warm and wet and the moment I feel her around me, tension rises in my balls, hitting me in my core. She strokes my shaft, swirling her tongue around me as she holds me in her mouth.


This girl knows what she’s doing.

She cups my balls as she moves further down my shaft, taking more of me. I grab the back of her neck, shoving her deeper. I want my money’s worth.

And I want to clear my mind. Not to forget but to have a moment of peace.

I close my eyes, letting her do her job.

“That’s it, baby girl.” I gather the hair at the back of her neck, giving it a tug. “Suck it.”

She gags but she keeps at it, fucking me with her mouth. My balls tighten, the climax coming like a rushing train headed straight for me. I moan, holding her hair tighter, shoving her against my cock as I come.

I feel my seed burst forth, filling her mouth. “Drink it all down, baby. Every drop.”

When the last twitch travels through me, I release her.

She pulls away, her eyes wild, her cheeks flushed. Her hair is a mess, her lips red and swollen. Shiny cum drips down her chin.

I swipe a finger beneath it, running it over her tongue. “Bad girls take every drop.”

She holds my gaze as she licks her lips, rousing my just satisfied cock.

“Lay yourself over the bed.”

She looks wary, but she obeys. I watch as she clumsily climbs up from the floor, teetering on those ridiculous heels, her ass rolling all the way. She gives me one unsure backwards glance over her shoulder as she lays herself over the bed.

“Like this?”

“Just like that.”

She’s only mine for one date and I’m going to make the most of it.