His Pretty Toy by Shanna Handel

Chapter 8


I don’t know what possessed me to ask her to stay that first night. My plan was to use her, send her home, and forget her. But she grabbed a hold of me, making me let my guard down, making me want to be with her.

I couldn’t let her go.

Spending time with her made me feel… light. Something akin to happiness flowed through me, tearing my guard down and making me want more.

Then I had her spend a second night. Truly a mistake. The weight of her against my chest, the clean scent of her hair, the steady cadence of her breaths, it put a spell on me. I didn’t mean to fall asleep. I told myself I’d just lie there a moment, then go to the guest cabin.

I found her… comforting.

I must have drifted off.

The damn cloud came, choking me as it does almost every night. The bursting of glass, the pain, the face that should be there but isn’t. I must have called out, or moaned, waking her.

She woke me with a kiss.

I lost it.

I don’t want to grow close to people. I never have and I see no reason to in the future. There’s only one person in my life I ever loved and now, they’re gone. My hand goes to my scar and I shove away the pain.

Still, I was an asshole, sending her away like that.

I never apologize, it’s a hard and fast rule I have for myself, but with her, I came damn close.

I sent gifts all day.

Now I sit in the backseat of my car, waiting outside her dilapidated apartment building. I can’t believe I’ve stooped to this. Gifts? Notes? Waiting?

What kind of hold does this girl have on me? From the moment I saw her at the coffee shop, it’s been like this. Is she a witch? Has she cast a spell on me? It’s the only possible explanation for this nonsensical way I’m acting.

I check my Rolex. I’ve been sitting here seven minutes. Unbelievable.

My driver comes down the stairs and a pathetic pang of hope tears through my chest. She’s not with him.

Why is she not with him?

My directions were for her to come with me, to give me just five of the over twelve hours I’d paid for and lost.

Where the hell is she?

I roll down my window.

Finch leans forward, his white hair curling around the sides of his driving cap. “She’s not coming, sir.”

“What do you mean, she’s not coming?” I snap.

He winces. “She said no.”

“No?” Fucking unbelievable.

He shakes his head. “No.”

No one tells me no. Not the men who run the city, not the men who run the state, not the men who run the country.

And certainly not a little brown-eyed girl who laid over my lap while she signed her name to a contract.

“I’ll get her myself.” I straighten the lapels of my suit jacket.

Finch steps aside, opening the door for me.

“Unbelievable.” I stand from the car. “Just unbelievable.”

Am I really going up there?

I gaze up to the third floor, the smudgy window I know is hers.

Trent—what the hell are you doing, man? You don’t beg for it, you don’t do this…

Her face appears behind the glass, the tip of her pink tongue sticking out, straight at me. “Wait… did she just stick her tongue out? At me?”

Finch’s voice pipes up from behind me, helpful as always. “I believe she did, sir.”

“That’s it.” I take the stairs, two at a time, racing up all three flights. I’m at her door only moments later, my fist banging against the thin wood of her door. “Open up. Now.”


“For the love of god,” I murmur to myself, running a hand through my hair.

“You didn’t say the magic word.” She gives a dark laugh.

Magic word? What’s she talking about? “Is there some secret password I’m supposed to know to get you to open the door? You let Finch in, for fuck’s sake.”

“Finchis polite.”

Hmm… polite… something I’ve been told I could work on by an employee. Ex-employee. I fired them immediately.

“How about you open this door before I break it down and come in there and turn you over my knee for a good, hard—”

The door pops open, her face peering through the crack. “Can you keep it down? I have to live here, for god’s sake.”

I lean against the door frame. “How about you let me in?”

She’s loving this. I can hear it in her tone. “How about you say please?”

Please—that’s the magic word, isn’t it?“Ms. Ashley Barnes…” I make a big show of doing a bow. “Do me the greatest honor and let me in to your humble abode. Please.”

She eyes me up and down, still unsure. I push my hand against the door, opening it and letting myself in.

She steps out of the way. “Hey! What do you think you’re doing? I didn’t invite you in.”

I take a look around. Other than the gifts I’ve sent, the place is a dump.

I don’t want her living somewhere like this. Fuck it, Trent—she’s got plenty of money in the bank thanks to you.

“I’m not a vampire. I don’t have to be invited in. I do what I want.” I grab her by the arm, pulling her into me. “And what I want to do is spank your naughty little ass for sticking your tongue out at me, little girl.”

Her hand goes to her backside, as if she can protect it from me. Two pink splotches appear on her cheeks as she tries to back away from me. “No…”

“Yes.” I’ve got a firm grip on her arm. I plop down on her sofa—god, that’s uncomfortable, she’ll need a new one—and pull her over my lap.

She’s kicking and shrieking but I don’t let that stop me. I swoop one of my legs, much longer than hers, around the backs of her knees, pinning her to me. She’s immobilized when the first spank comes raining down over her denim-covered ass.

“Ow!” she howls, wiggling her hips but it’s useless. I’ve got her nailed down tight. “You’re an animal!”

“I am.” I spank her again. “I’m the big bad wolf. And you’re naughty little Red, sticking her pink tongue out all sassy-like. Someone needs to teach you some manners, Red Bottom. And that someone is me.”

She gives a little grumble, saying something like no fair, something a girl might say being punished. I hold back a chuckle. She’s absolutely adorable.

But she needs to learn some manners.

I spank her again. “That. Is for the rude greeting you gave me.” I pepper her ass with swats, alternating between her right and left cheeks. “And these are for not letting me in.”

“Why should I let you in?” She pushes herself up on her elbows, throwing me a pissed-off glare. “You kicked me out of your place.”

“And I’ve made up for that, haven’t I?” I grab the back of the waistband of her jeans. “But now, I’m going to punish you for not accepting my invitation. These jeans will have to come down.”

“Nooooo…” she whines.

“Yes.” The denim is made mostly of spandex and they slide easily over her hips with minimal effort on my part. I lower them till they hug the tops of her thighs. She’s wearing the cutest little pink panties, dotted with purple hearts. I smooth my hand over them. “I’m afraid these will have to go too.”

Before she can protest, I spank her several more times over her panties. She moans, moving her hips, grinding against me. She’s turned on. Too turned on. I’m not doing my job properly.

“Looks like little Red is enjoying her spanking too much. The big bad wolf is going to have to spank her harder. Let’s see if we can get her bottom a matching shade of her name.”

She moans and wiggles.

I hook my finger in the elastic waistband of her panties, pulling them down to meet her jeans. Her skin is already turning pink from the spanks I’ve given her. I think of her refusal to fulfill her contract.

I want her ass red.

I smooth my hand over her curves, just barely touching her, enjoying watching the goosebumps as they rise on her flesh. I raise my hand in the air, hovering over her just a moment to watch her tense, then I bring it down with a satisfying smack.

She cries out in pain.

I lecture as I spank. “You have an obligation to fill. You owe me twelve hours, but I’m willing to take five.”

“But you kicked me out! And now you expect me to—Ow!” She kicks her feet in protest.

My palm stings. I don’t want to hear her arguments. I’ll spank her till they’re gone from her head, her only focus on the pain I’m causing her ass. Her pretty bottom has a rosy glow, splotched with the outline of my fingers. “Yes. I expect you to fulfill your contract.”

“But you sent me hooooome,” she wails as I spank her again.

“You kissed me.” I give the bottom curve of her ass a pinch. “That was a no-go in the original contract.”

“What?” She turns her face over her shoulder. “Really?”

I swallow the lump rising in my throat. “You should read documents before you sign them. I’m glad I spanked you for that too—”

“Can we stick to just one thing you’re pissed about?” She wriggles. “My ass is on fire!”

She wiggles again and as she moves, she’s rubbing against my cock. I feel a stirring in the center of my being.

I want her over my lap…

And in my bed…

All the time.

I bought my pretty toy. Now I want to play with it. I walk my fingers over the cleft of her ass. “My time starts now.”

“One condition,” she squeaks.

I give her ass a good hard slap for that. “You don’t make the conditions.”

She sucks her breath between her teeth in pain, then the words tumble from her mouth. “Tell me why you don’t want to be kissed.”

It’s a fair question. I oblige her. “It’s too… intimate.” I scowl as I say the word. “I don’t date. I don’t do relationships. Happy?”

“Fine.” She collapses against me. My fingers crawl downward, finding the soft flesh of her inner thigh. She heaves a sigh.

“Let me see just how much little Red enjoyed her punishment.” I slip my fingers closer to the apex of her thighs. “How wet are you, baby girl?”

Her breaths come faster, heavier as I slip the tip of one finger inside her. She’s so tight and wet my cock hardens, wanting to be inside her. I push my finger further inside her, cupping my palm around the curve of her ass as I do. “Tell me. How wet do you get when I spank you?”

“I—ah… I… don’t?” Her voice wavers with shame.

“Anyone ever tell you that you’re a terrible liar?” I move inside her, teasing the inside of her sex. “Tell the truth, or I’ll have to spank you for lying.”

I slip my finger out of her, pressing my middle finger against it. Together, they move to her tight entrance. I feel her skin stretching to accommodate me.

“Oooh…” She moans and whimpers as I thrust my fingers inside her, stroking the velvety skin there.

I press my palm harder against her ass, pumping my fingers faster and harder. “Answer me, little girl.”

“Oh, my god. Wet. Soooo wet.” She lets out a moan, curling around me from the tension of the upcoming climax. “I’m so wet for you.”

Her pretty words make my cock throb. “Let’s see if I can make you even wetter.”

I lift her from my lap, tossing her onto her back on the couch. Her panties and jeans are wound round the middle of her thighs in the sexiest way, her bare pussy on full display to me as her knees fall to the sides.

She looks up at me, timid but inquisitive. “What are you going to do to me?”

“This.” I grab her pants, tugging them down to her ankles. I flash her a wicked grin, diving between her thighs. I wrap my arms around them, my hands going to her inner thighs, pulling her legs further apart. The delicate scent of her sex reaches me, making my blood run hotter than hell. Her pussy parts for me, pretty and glistening. I run the tip of my tongue from her entrance, moving slowly up until I reach her clit.

When I make contact with the tiny bundle of nerves, she jumps like a bolt of electricity hit her.

I lick and kiss and bite and tease until her hands are pulling my hair, her breathy voice is screaming my name, and the orgasms are running through her body.

I’m just about to fuck her when there’s a knock at the door. “Sir?” It’s Finch.

Damn. Shitty timing, Finch.“If this isn’t an emergency, it’s coming out of your pay.”

“Uh, sir. You’re going to want to come. Now.” The urgency on his voice travels through the door.

Down, boy. I adjust my clothing. Flush faced, her hair wild, Ashe stands from the couch, quickly sliding her clothes back up. She jiggles and jumps as she gets her ass back into her jeans.

I scowl. “Can you at least try not to be sexy?”

“Me?” She looks at me like I’m crazy. “Sexy?”

I give an exasperated sigh. “You have no idea, do you?”

I grab the back of her head, pulling her to me for a harsh kiss. I need to leave but the moment my lips press against hers, I know I can’t. “I guess you’re coming with me.”

She gives a shrug, turning a little shy after the passionate kiss. “Hey, you’ve got what? Four point five hours left?”

I grab her hand, pulling her with me. I have no idea what fire Finch needs me to put out but whatever it is, I want Ashley by my side for it.


I don’t have time to dwell on my moment of insanity, so I don’t. “Let’s go.”

Finch opens the door for us. His eyes cut to mine. I read his message clearly; whatever he has to tell me, it’s big.

“Save it for the car,” I tell him, eyeing the residents in the halls who are making their way to their homes.

I open the door for Ashley and she slides into the backseat. I go to close the door but she stops me. “Aren’t you riding with me?”

“Not this time.” I close her door and climb in the passenger seat. Finch already has the soundproof glass divider up between us and her. Privacy. Whatever it is he wants to tell me, he doesn’t want her hearing.

He pulls onto the road, but he heads north, away from the estate.

“Alright—lay it on me. What the hell’s going on that’s so important you had to cock-block me?” My pants are still uncomfortably tight.

“There’s been news. About the accident.”

“What. News.” My blood goes cold. I can feel the heat draining from my body. My teeth clench as I speak. “And where the hell are we headed?”

Finch clears his throat. “Ah. There was a sighting. At your coffee roasters in France. I knew you’d want to fly out right away so I scheduled your jet to take you to Paris.”

A sighting.

A shred of hope lights in me; for a moment it silences the constant crashing of glass and squealing of tires that haunt my memory. “They found him?”

He shakes his head, nervous to deliver the news. “No. I’m afraid they didn’t. It’s just a report from an employee. They thought you were in town a few weeks early for your inspection, but it was him. Someone saw him walking amongst the machinery, but no one questioned him.”

“Damn.” I run a hand through my hair. “Five thousand dollars a day for a private investigator and this is all we have? A lookalike wandering the roastery?”

“I’m sorry, sir.” He takes a left, turning onto the road that leads to the private tarmac. “At least it’s something.”

“True. That’s true.” I try to keep that glimmer of hope alive but when you’ve been searching for someone a year, you want more.

Could it be him? Did someone really see him? And why was he at the roasters of all places?

I glance up at the rearview mirror, checking on Ashley through the smoky glass. She’s staring out the window, a pleasant hint of a smile on her face. She’s always smiling, that one, so unlike me.

My bags are packed. My staff will have seen to that. “If we’re going to France, she’ll need clothes, toiletries… passport.”

Finch offers me a nod. “All taken care of.”

“Gretchen?” That woman is worth her weight in gold. And as thin as she is and as much as I pay her she might literally be.

“Yes. While you two were… ah… rendezvousing, I gave Gretchen a call. I waited as long as I could, but I knew you’d want to know as soon as possible.” He tosses me a knowing glance. “It’s been so long.”

“Thank you.” I push a button and the glass lowers.

“Everything okay?” Ashley gives me a bright smile. “Four hours to go.”

“Four hours?” Again, I don’t know why or what it is about this girl, but I want her with me. “How much to make it four days? And I’ll make the deal sweeter with an all-inclusive trip to France.”

Her mouth forms an o of surprise. Then her features cloud. Her gaze drops from mine, her voice barely a whisper. “I, um… the first payment, that was great and all. I really needed it. But moving forward, I don’t know if can accept more money.”

“Why not?” I’ve no negative stigma attached to money. That’s part of the reason I make so much of it.

She shrugs. “I don’t know. It just doesn’t feel right.”

“But you want to go to France? With me?” I find myself holding my breath, awaiting her response. Ridiculous.

She bites her bottom lip, her eyes wide and trusting. She nods. “Yes. I’d love to.”

She’d love to? That pang I’m going to name the Ashley Barnes twinge sets off through my chest. God—what the hell is happening to me?

“Great.” I make my voice gruffer than I mean to, rolling the window back up.

She wants to go to France. With me. And not for the money. Don’t fool yourself, Trent. It’s a free trip. What’s not to love?

A funny thought comes into my mind. The way she responded; it was as if she was not just saying yes to the trip. She was saying yes to me.

I can’t go down this road. There’s no space in my life for attachments. I need to end this.

I’ll take her to France. Have my way with her.

And when we get back, I end this madness.