Behind the Lyrics by Melissa Riddell

Chapter 19

Angela Morales

Exhilarating and terrifying, the power thrumming under my legs was amazing. Every one of my senses seemed heightened, from the leathery, woodsy smell emanating from Viktor to the hard planes of his muscles under my fingertips. Each minute shift of his body sent a shiver through me. God, it feels good to be this close to him. Next to his strong back, even when we were flying through turns, it was as if nothing could touch me—that he could singlehandedly ward off anything headed my way.

“You okay back there?” His voice cut through the speakers in the helmet.

I nodded then realized he couldn’t see me. “This is…” The shrieking wind buffeted my body. The Harley rumbled into the night, and light shone from the moon, shrouding the landscape in glowing silver and grays. “It’s amazing, Viktor. Such freedom.”

His body tightened when I said his name then he relaxed. “It is freeing.”

City lights from Mesa Palms began appearing on the horizon, their yellow glow a reminder that, even in the middle of this harsh, beautiful landscape, man asserted his dominance.

“Angel.” His voice crackled in my ear. “Would you be willing to give me another shot at a dinner date if I manage to behave myself?”

I laid my helmeted head against his spine. Everyone deserves a second chance. “Yes, but can you just go into a restaurant and make an order? Won’t people pass out or something if they see you?”

“Probably, but I have somewhere a tad more intimate in mind.”

“Oh.” A frown pulled at my mouth. “I’m not sure that’s a good—”

He chuckled, the sound rich and genuine. “Trust me, it’s intimate but not completely secluded. There’ll be others nearby should you need to escape from a certain naughty rock star.”

Nodding, I adjusted my hips and moved my fingers to his lower stomach for traction. Each ab muscle under his shirt felt rock hard and delicious.

“Though, if you keep doing that”—he let go of a handlebar and covered my hand with his— “I just might change my mind about protecting your virtue.”

“Don’t make me sic Marky on you again.” I gave his shoulder a playful swat, enjoying the light banter.

His neck twisted so I could see his helmeted profile. “He’ll have to do more than pee if he wants to get rid of me this time.”

A laugh bubbled out of me. I tilted my face to gaze at the gorgeous arm of the Milky Way. It seemed as if every star shone just for us, lighting a path only we could see.

Thrills shot through me. Is it possible there might be a future for him and me, together?

But no, I couldn’t jump the gun, not until I told him my entire sordid story. Nervous dread overrode the excitement, and I shivered, hugging him closer to my chest.