Behind the Lyrics by Melissa Riddell

Chapter 42

Viktor Farrow

Stu trailed behind me, even though I ordered him to stay in the car with Clive. Did he listen, the fuckface? Hell no.

“Mate, can you at least stay out of sight? It’s bad enough I’m showing up uninvited. I’d prefer to at least look like I don’t need another man for protection.” My feet hit the rusty stairs leading to the second story, creating a metallic thump.

“Sorry, boss.” He maneuvered in front of me, his head moving side to side as if he looked for hidden ninjas. “Just doing my job.”

I sighed, knowing he was right. Still, it galled me. Should’ve just left like I did that night I borrowed Alan’s bike. But no. I had to mention out loud where I was going, and both had insisted on accompanying me after what happened last time I visited Angela’s apartment.

Angel, Love. I’m sorry I’m such an imbecile. I grimaced, remembering how badly I flubbed my great plan to win the woman who owned my heart. Of all the stupid, idiotic things that had ever left my mouth throughout the years, why had a proposal fallen out?

A burning need spurred me to make it right, to let her know how sorry I was for pushing, and then beg for her forgiveness.

Still, for the life of me, I couldn’t explain why I’d done it—only that I’d wanted to keep her with me forever and never let go. And deep inside, I didn’t regret asking, though I wish I’d handled it a bit more delicately and waited a while longer. It was true. I wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with her. She was one of the few people who could put up with my shit and still cared for me.

I know she has feelings for me, even if she won’t say it. I can see the love in her big, brown eyes every time she peers into mine.

Stu stood at the top, waiting for me. “I’ll stay over here.” He motioned to an out-of-the-way section, out of view of Angela’s apartment, thank fuck.

“Much obliged.” I headed around the corner but stopped short, placing a hand on the red brick of the outer wall of the building. “I’m sorry I’m such a prick sometimes. Thanks for putting up with me.”

A big grin cut across his meaty face, causing a tendon to stand out on his neck. “Don’t worry about it. I’m used to dealing with…” His smile dropped.

“Yes?” I raised an eyebrow and pursed my lips.

“I’m used to dealing with special clients.” He cleared his throat and straightened his shoulders.

I snorted and shook my head, knowing he probably didn’t think of me as a client. Probably more like an arsehole, and that was putting it mildly.

Turning the corner, I marched down the exterior corridor that would take me to Angela’s place.

With my hand upraised to knock, I froze. A voice, deep and low, came from her apartment.

What the fuck? I lowered my hand and rubbed my neck, fighting anger and jealousy. Was she really in there with another guy? Had I been wrong the entire time?

His voice rose.

Still, I hesitated, something in his tone spiking a primal instinct through my bones. It didn’t sound like he spouted undying love. I leaned my ear to the door and held my breath.

“Please,” Angela cried. “Don’t hurt—”

Fear and adrenaline slammed into me, and I twisted the knob.

It wouldn’t budge.

“Fuck!” I pounded my fist on the door. “Angela. Open this door.”

At the same time, the man yelled, drowning out my words.

I knew what I needed to do. In the movies, the heroes give the door a swift kick and it falls off its hinges. It took three solid blows before I could get it to budge. Finally, the frame separated from the door enough where I could push my way through the splinters.

My lovely, brave, proud angel lay on the floor, blood pouring from her nose. A burly man bent over her, his fist in the air readying for another strike.

“Don’t you touch her, you fucking twat.” I plowed into him, squeezing his middle in my arms, twisting around, and throwing him through the living room.

His body sailed over the couch and crashed against the coffee table.

He shook his head and moaned, preparing to stand.

I didn’t give him time to make another move. I jumped the sofa and grabbed his shirt in both of my hands, dragging him to the floor. With a rough shake, I slammed the back of his head against the carpet. “You fucking punched her, you sorry piece of shit.” My fist connected with his nose, creating a satisfying crunch and spray of dark, scarlet blood.

His eyes watered, and he clutched at my hands. A strong whiff of alcohol hit me. “Wait. She’s my wife.”

“What?” I almost slammed him into the floor again.

Ex-wife, you asshole.” Angela’s shadow fell over me.

I twisted my head enough to give her a quick stare. “So, this is Jeff?”

She nodded and pinched the bridge of her nose.

Why did he look familiar? The drunk guy at the concert last night. This was the fucking bloke who tried to make it onto the stage and attack me. An evil smile curved my lips. “I told my angel if I ever got my hands on you, I’d beat you to a bloody pulp, Jeffy Boy.”

His bloodshot eyes widened. “Wait, this isn’t what it looks like. I was just trying to explain how she—”

“I don’t give one fucking fuck what you were doing. You hurt her. Not just tonight, but in the past.” I squeezed his neck, hating him with everything inside of me. Not just for what he’d done to her, but because he was fucking like me—an addict. Disgust curled my lip, and I dropped him to the floor.

Control. I needed to take a moment to get myself under control.

His face relaxed somewhat, and he wiped at his gushing upper lip and nose.

“Get out of here, Jeff.” Angela pressed herself into my side.

Jeff stood, his gaze on the both of us. “I hope you rot in hell, the both of you.” He turned to leave.

He and I might’ve shared the same vices, but I would never be him. I’d never hurt a woman, and I’d never give in to the cravings. I’d finally realized I had a problem and took control. Him? I doubted he would ever learn his lesson.

A sinister urge overcame me, and my careful control snapped. Before he reached the door, I leaped forward, grabbed the back of his shirt then threw him to the floor. Being taller, leaner, and relatively healthy compared to his apparent beer gut, I had the upper hand and let him have it.

Each swing of my fist and subsequent contact of his saggy skin became the high of a sweet drug, and I relished each cry and plea. He didn’t stand a chance against my furious pounding.

“You enjoy hurting women, you scum?” Bam. “How do you like this?”

His forearms came up and he tried to protect his face. “N-no. Please stop.”

I delivered uppercuts to his ribs and stomach, loving the way his soft flesh absorbed my hits. Hope this fucker feels everything for weeks. It was as if I couldn’t stop the rage boiling inside my veins. Seeing blood pouring from Angela’s nose and thinking of what she’d had to endure the night he raped her made my fists fly faster.

“Viktor.” Someone gripped the back of my neck. “Stop,” she cried. “You’re going to kill him.”

Harsh breaths heaved from my chest.

She stroked my cheek. “He’s down. Stop, please. He’s not worth you going to prison.”

My eyes cleared, and the buzzing in my head stopped.

Crusting blood surrounded one of her nostrils.

I dropped his unconscious body to the floor, stood, and wrapped her in a hug, feeling her face to check for any other wounds. “Are you okay, Love?”

Tears poured down her cheeks, but she nodded. “Yeah.” Her gaze went to my knuckles, which were bruised and bloody. “Oh my God. Your poor hands.” She cried harder.

“They’re fine.” Actually, they hurt like a son of a bitch, but the pain was worth it.

“What in the…?” Stu’s large form stood at the door, probably taking in the glorious mess of the living room, of the bleeding man lying on the floor, and of me sheltering Angela. “Damn. I thought I heard something. That’s why I came to check.”

“I took care of the problem.” I smoothed Angela’s hair and kissed the crown of her head.

A weak, watery laugh snuck out of her mouth. “That you did. Thank you.”

“Stu, call the police. I want that fuckhead behind bars.”

“Wait,” Angela said. “I don’t want to mess with—”

“I don’t care.” I pushed her back a bit. “I want to make sure he never has the chance to touch you, or any other woman, ever again.”

Her shoulders slumped. “You’re right.”

“And if he fights the charges, we’ll fight back.” I gripped her chin and forced her to look at me. “I’ll be with you every step of the way if you want.”

A small smile broke through her pain and grief, trembling her bottom lip. “Thank you. For everything.”

“Let’s get some ice while we wait for the police.” I pulled her into the little kitchen and rummaged in the top-shelf freezer, grabbing a handful of the freezing stuff.

She snatched two cloth towels, and I made a couple of temporary icepacks, placing one on her face. Next to her nose, her cheekbone puffed out and a purple bruise spread under the skin.

I wanted to go back to Jeff and kick his stomach over and over again for hurting her. Unclenching my fists, I laid the other pack over my right hand.

With a careful step, Marky crept to Angela’s feet and meowed. One hand on her face with the ice, she scooped him into her free arm and pressed his head to her neck. “Oh, boy. Thank you for helping me. Are you okay?”

He purred and gave her jaw a small lick.

“He jumped on Jeff and tried to help. Scratched his shoulder pretty bad, I think.”

In wonder, I stared at the little orange demon. “Perhaps I was hasty in my judgment of you, Marky.”

Angel set him on the floor, and he sniffed my boots. If the little fuck pisses one more time…

“Meow?” His slitted pupils flicked to my face then he rubbed against my leg.

I resisted the urge to shoo him away with my foot. Instead, I lowered myself to his level and gave his head a quick pat. “Good job, Marky.” Quickly, I rose.

“Look at that.” Angel’s eyes smiled at me, and my heart flipped. “Maybe you two will become friends after all.”

“Eh, I think it’s a momentary truce brought on by the combined efforts of protecting the one we love.”

She tilted her head a bit and removed the ice pack. Standing on her tiptoes, she slipped her hands around my neck and pulled herself to me. “I love you, Viktor.”

I threw the makeshift icepack to the floor and jerked her to me, crashing her lips to mine, not caring we were both covered in blood and sweat. I’d never heard sweeter words come from her mouth.