Knocked Up By Love by Ella Goode

Chapter Eleven


“Yo,Bear’s got a girl with him,” shouts one of the young guns as I walk in with Honey.

“Is this a guy’s only gym?” she whispers.

“Nope, but it’s mostly men. There aren’t a lot of women fighters although that’s changing. Why? You want to strap on some gloves?” I grin.

“Not even a little.” She steps closer to me. “I’m definitely in the spectator category of the spectator sports.”

“Who ya got with you, Bear?” calls Cooling from the ring. His taped hands are draped over the top rope, and there’s a sheen around his forehead. He looks warmed up.

“Paige’s nanny.”

“Woo wee. I got to get me one of those.” Gene pops in front of us. “Gene Baker. Got three kids of my own but no nanny. Maybe you should come work for me instead of this stick. He doesn’t do anything, you know. A straight arrow. Works out. Trains. Eats. Sleeps. Boring.” He lays his head on his hands and mimics sleeping. “Me? I’m full of fun.”

“You went grocery shopping the other day.” I scowl. Is Gene making a move on my nanny or on Honey? Like, does he want to fuck her, or does he want to have her take care of his three “snot-nosed” kids as he calls them? Either way, I don’t like it. I nudge Honey behind me. “Besides, she’s not interested.”

“I’d have a kid or three if it meant having a nanny like that in my home,” snickers one of the trainers.

Randy knocks him upside the head before I can. “Shut up.” He turns to Honey. “Sorry. We don’t get many pretty girls around here, and when one shows up, we forget how to act. I’m Randy, Bear’s trainer.”

Honey takes his hand. “Honey Walker. I’m Mr. Chan’s temporary nanny.”

“Temporary?” Randy’s eyebrows fly up. “You sure about that?”

“I mean…yes?” Confusion flickers in her eyes. “Mr. Chan says that Paige’s father will be getting out of the hospital soon and then he won’t need me.”

Something twists in my gut at the thought of Honey leaving or her thinking I don’t need her, but after Paige is gone, what hold would I have on the woman?

Randy’s eyes move from my expressionless face to Honey’s. “I wouldn’t make any rash assumptions.”

I clamp a hand around the back of her neck and steer her toward a chair. “Have a seat while I go change, and don’t talk to Gene. Randy, make sure no one bothers her. Cooling, give me ten.”

A bunch of thoughts swim around my head as I strip out of my street clothes and pull on a jock and a pair of shorts. No need for a shirt today, and not because I’m trying to impress Honey or anything. Nothing like that. Even if I was trying to make her take special notice, Gene’s right. I’m halfway to being a recluse. If I’m not fighting, I’m hanging out in my home, watching television, keeping track of my businesses, and reading biographies. This is all temporary, and I should be happy about that. I’m not a father figure, and I’m not for couplehood either, so why do I feel like I ate some bad fish?

I tape up my hands and head out to the ring. Instinctively, my eyes shoot toward Honey, who is sitting primly in her chair. There are a couple of guys who’ve pulled up chairs next to her, but Randy seems to be keeping a distance between her and the rest of the crowd.

He waves me over. “Honey says she’s never seen a fight.”

“That’s right.”

“You’re in for a show.” Randy beams. “Most people have to pay money to see Bear punch someone.”

“Don’t work him up,” shouts Cooling. “My wife likes my pretty face.”

“You got to get your wife new glasses. She’s not seeing your ugly mug clear enough.” I duck between the middle ropes.

“She sees just fine, and she likes what she sees.” He taps a fist against my bare chest. “Showing off today?”

“Nah. Didn’t want to get blood on any clothes.”

We begin to circle each other. He jabs quickly, but I dodge it easily. Cooling and I have fought a lot, so we know each other’s weak spots and each other’s tells. Cooling will tighten his jaw before releasing a big uppercut. A good fighter only needs a split-second advantage. I duck, going under his fist as he punches up, leaving his midsection exposed. I get several good hits in before backing off.

Sweat pours down the side of his face, and he struggles for breath. He glances in the direction of Honey. “You’re going to be like that today, huh?”

“Like what?” I’m not even winded. I feel like I could fight for days.

“Don’t hit me in the face. My girl wants to take Insta shots at the park tomorrow, and I can’t look like I went through the meat grinder.”

I knock my fists together and bounce on the balls of my feet, eager to get more strikes in. “Sure. No face.”

Cooling charges suddenly, trying to take me off guard, but I use his momentum against him and kick him in the gut as he flies by. I wait until he turns and then unleash a series of blows to his arms, abs, and side. Randy jumps in and pushes me away while Cooling sags against the ropes.

“That’s enough for you, Cooling.”

Cooling gives a weary nod and climbs out. I look around for my next opponent, but no one steps forward.

“I think you better shower,” Randy says. “No one’s going to fight you today.”

“Why not?”

“Because you’ve got that look in your eye, and they don’t want to go home in a body bag.” He gives me a shove. “Next time, don’t bring the girl, or you’ll never get anyone to train with you again.”

“What’s Honey got to do with anything?”

Randy rolls his eyes. “Sometimes I wonder if you’re that dense about women or are purposefully ignorant. Get going and take the coldest shower you can. I don’t think Honey is ready for a post-fight Bear yet.”

I have no idea what he’s talking about. I have enough energy in my body right now that I could fight a lion. I could certainly satisfy Honey. My body is pulsing with heat and excitement. If I can’t fight, I need another outlet. I push Randy to the side and walk over to Honey. Before she can say a word, I fling her over my shoulder and make for the locker room.

“Out!” I shout to the two men inside.

They freeze for a second, but their protective instincts kick in before I can curse at them. They bolt for the door. When it slams shut behind them, I drop Honey to her feet. She stares at me with wide eyes.

“Don’t worry, Honey. This won’t hurt.” I crash my mouth on hers.