Knocked Up By Love by Ella Goode



Many years later

I count the gift bags,making sure I have the right amount for the girls before I head back into the kitchen to check on the food. Bear made me hire a caterer this year when he saw my to-do list for Paige’s birthday party. My little girl is turning thirteen. I want her birthday to be perfect. I’m realizing thirteen-year-old girls can be the hardest critics. I might have gone a bit overboard with the gift bags, but I know Bear won’t care and Paige’s friends will love them.

Some of these other moms in the neighborhood are freaking crazy over the top with their parties. There is this weird competition going on between all of them. I try not to get wrapped up in it. I’m not throwing this party to impress anyone but my baby girl. Her happiness is the only thing that matters.

Paige might be turning thirteen, but she hasn’t changed into some bratty teenager, and honestly I’m not sure she will. She might not be my blood, but she has a lot of me in her. Bear has always said that to me. I see it the most when she’s taking care of her herd of little brothers. She’s all about family too.

Normally I enjoy doing everything for the parties myself, but Bear was right. I needed help this time. I even got a party planner to help out so I wouldn’t get all stressed. I want to enjoy this day too. I’m also knocked up yet again. But that is nothing new around here. I’m always pregnant or nursing. Bear is all too happy to keep me in a constant state of pregnancy. We’re either making babies or I’m having them. He definitely listened when I told him I dreamed of having a big family and being a mom. He wasted no time giving it to me.

I head straight for the island when I enter the kitchen, going for one of the little grilled cheese sandwiches and a mini corn dog. I eat them both quickly before I lean over to snag a tiny cupcake.

“What are you staring at?” Bear barks from. Within seconds, he comes up behind me to block me from view. I quickly realize I had my ass in the air when I was reaching for the cupcake.

“Nothing, sir!” the boy that’s been helping Shelly prepare all the food squeaks out. “I know she’s your wife. I swear. I read the contract.”

“Go check the food heaters on the table out by the pool,” Drusilla snaps at the poor kid. He darts out of the kitchen, more than happy to get the hell away from Bear.

“Watch yourself,” Bear growls after him. I roll my eyes at him while Drusilla starts barking more orders to her staff, clearing out the kitchen for Bear. This husband of mine always has a handle on anyone that’s hired to come into our home.

“You always forget your dresses get shorter as your belly grows.” He gives my ass a squeeze before he spins me around to face him.

“Did you really add that into the nondisclosure agreement that no one is to”—I lift my fingers and do air quotes—“check me out?”

I thought he’d been joking about that when Shelly stopped by to go over the food and the staff she’d be bringing. It's normal for us to have people sign your typical nondisclosure agreement. Bear hasn't been fighting for years, but people are still so nosy about our love life.

“You got some icing.” He leans down and licks it off my bottom lip. I let out a small moan, my eyes starting to fall closed when he presses his hard cock into me. His hands go to my ass, and I know he’s about to pick me up. Thankfully the doorbell rings, breaking the spell he always seems to put me under so I forget about everything else.

“No way, Benjamin Chan.” I push at his chest. He lets out a grunt, taking a step back. “Get the door.”

“This isn’t over,” he warns. I grab his shirt and pull him back down for another kiss.

“It’ll never be over.” I bite his bottom lip.

“Honey,” he warns.

“Sorry!” I wiggle away from him to head upstairs.

I push open the door to Paige’s room but don’t see her in there. Next I check the boys’ room and still nothing. It’s actually a bit too quiet. I’m surprised the boys aren't already in the pool or devouring all the food.

I told Paige I would make sure her brothers stayed inside when her girlfriends arrived. I had an area set up downstairs for the boys tonight with some of the food and such so they could all hang out and stay out of the girls' way. Being the big sister that she is, she said they were fine to be there for the start. She’s always so good to them, and they love her to pieces.

“What about these?” I hear my daughter's voice when I head toward the last place I can think of to check. I open my bedroom door but don’t see them.

“Pretty.” I hear my youngest’s voice coming from my closet.

When Bear built our home, he told me he was going to give me the closet of my dreams. I had never been big on clothes, but I let him build it. I’m glad I did. Paige and I spend a lot of time there together. It’s our girly space. We need it with a house full of boys.

I walk in to see all four of my boys are sitting on the chaise lounge as Paige models the sandals she stole from my closet. They're a bit too big for her still, but I knew this day was coming. My eyes start to fill with tears. She’s getting so big.

“They are gorgeous on you, sweetie.” Everyone turns to look my way.

“You think?” She beams.

“I know.”

“You don’t care if I wear them?”

“Of course not.” I walk over and kiss her on top of her head.

“There going to be boys at this party?” Conner, our oldest, stands, folding his arms over his chest. He’s only eight, but he’s already taller and bigger than Paige. Most people think he’s her age. He is all Bear.

“Don’t start.” She rolls her eyes at him. I fight a laugh. Bear hadn’t been joking when he said he was going to give me all boys so he would have a handful of bodyguards to protect Paige. He’s pulled it off. I’m pregnant with our last baby. It was no surprise when the doctor told me last week it was a boy.

Some people thought I was going to be disappointed. I’m far from it. I love my boys, but I really love this bond I have with Paige being my only little girl. She’s special and different to me. I will only ever share this kind of bond with her.

“Boys, why don’t you change into your swim trunks? People are arriving already.”

“I’ve got them,” Conner says before taking them out of the closet for me. But not before I steal kisses from each of them.

“I can’t believe you’re thirteen,” I say to Paige once we’re all alone. “You’re growing up so fast on me.” I sniffle.

“Mom. Don’t cry.” She walks over, wrapping me in a hug. She’s so tall already. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” I kiss her cheek. “You’ll always be my little girl.”

“And you’ll always be my mom.” She returns the kiss onto my cheek. “The best one a girl could ever wish for, and I wished a lot when I was little.”

“Oh sweetie.” My tears slip free.

“It was terrible what happened to my dad, but truthfully, I can’t imagine not having you and Bear as my parents. Is that horrible of me to say?”

“I don’t think so. I feel the same. You’re my little girl, and I’ll fight anyone that says otherwise.”

“Let’s not get carried away, Mom. You might be married to Bear Chan, but you’re terrible in the ring.”

“Hey! That’s only because he never really lets me try to fight when I get in there.” I try to defend myself. I am terrible. Who am I kidding? Fighting or doing anything in a gym other than watching is not for me. Paige is really good at it, but thankfully it’s not something she ever wanted to do professionally. Bear taught her more for self-defense.

“You don’t need to know how to fight.” Bear comes strolling into the closet. “Julie and Skye are here,” he tells Paige.

“Awesome! I’m going to put my swimsuit on.” She rushes over to Bear, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Love you, Dad.”

“Love you too,” he says before closing the door behind her. I don’t miss the fact that he flips the lock into place. “You need to change.” Bear folds his arms over his chest. The same as Conner did a few seconds ago, blocking the closet door.

“Why?” I grab my dress and lift it. “I’m going to be in the pool, so what does it matter? The dress won’t be on much.” I show him my bikini, turning to the side. “I’ve already popped out so much.” I run my hand across my baby bump.

“No.” He grunts.

“Wait! How are you all jelly? Women throw their panties at you!” I laugh. Well, it’s been awhile. That was only at fights. It was weird at first, but it never bothered me. Other wives have asked me how I deal with it.

There wasn't anything to deal with. It probably helps that Bear wasn’t some ladies’ man before I came along. I know it’s me and only me for him. Bear is the most loyal person I’ve ever known. His whole world is about his family.

“That’s disgusting. Don’t remind me.” He closes the space between us, lifting me off my feet. I wrap my legs around him as he carries me over to the island in the center of the closet to set me down on.

“There is only one woman I’ll ever want, and the whole world knows that.” He pulls my dress all the way off. “You wore this because you wanted me to hunt you down and fuck you.”

“Bear!” I gasp. He stares me down. “Okay, maybe.” What can I say? I love when my Bear goes all caveman. To the rest of the world, I’m the sweet, loving mom, but Bear knows what I need. And I have no doubt he’s about to give me exactly that.

* * *

Dear Loves:

It feels like it has been a while. I miss you. Today the weather is starting to cool off. Autumn is right around the corner. I bought an apple latte at the coffee house the other day and it made me wish I had a cronut with it.

Is fall when we start craving yeasty things or is that all year around? I’m not sure. I’m planning out a series of connected books this fall. Think cousins and cowboys. Boots with the fur. That sort of thing. Stay tuned. Love and hugs.
