King of Eon by Anna Hackett ePUB)

Chapter Eleven

Alea stood, leaning against the stone archway, looking down at the city below.

Auris really was beautiful. The sunlight made the buildings gleam. It made it seem like nothing bad could ever touch this place.

But she knew that wasn’t true.

She’d been told Gayel was fine. Sleeping under the watchful eye of the Medical team. She dragged in a breath. They hadn’t let her see him.

Her scrapes and bruises had been treated as well. Erisha had also delivered a stinging lecture on resting and not getting herself attacked or blown up for a few hours.

Alea tried to shake off the edgy feeling riding her. She’d contemplated breaking into Gayel’s quarters, but she was pretty sure if she was caught that it would cause a diplomatic issue.

Ben was taking care of the women and the delegates, with Eve’s help. All Alea had to do was rest.

All she wanted to do was see Gayel. Wanted to see with her own eyes that he was okay.

Her parents had died, fellow marines had died beside her in combat, Callum had died in her arms on the Space Corps Headquarters lawn. So much loss. She rubbed her closed fist against her heart. She just couldn’t bear it if the Kantos succeeded in killing Gayel.

The swish of skirts.

Alea looked up and stiffened. The Queen Mother, clad in a deep green, one-shouldered dress appeared, her shrewd gaze—purple and black like Gayel’s—narrowed on Alea.

Swallowing, Alea looked back at the view.


“Queen Mother.”

“I wanted to thank you for saving my son.”

Alea glanced at the woman. “According to Councilor Tann-Felis, I almost got him killed.”

“Tann-Felis is a bigot and a fool. Should have retired years ago. I’ve told him that a hundred times.”

Alea fought back a smile. Gayel’s mother wasn’t afraid to speak her mind. Alea had been harboring this idea that a queen had to be kind, and gracious, and nice all the time.

“The fool bit or the retirement bit?” Alea asked.

The Queen Mother smiled. “Both.”

Alea shrugged a shoulder. “Gayel shielded me. He got hurt protecting me.”

“No, he got hurt fighting the Kantos, and doing what he believed was right. I heard you ran down there, in your sleepwear, tracking the bug that was hunting him. And you fought beside him against the tainted targons and at the dinner.” She cocked her head. “I think I like you Captain Rodriquez.”

Something unfurled inside Alea—a hot mix of emotions. She snatched onto the fear. “I’m not good enough for Gayel. He’s strong, handsome, and so damn good. I’m a nobody, from bad parents who broke the law, who’s made a career as a marine.”

The Queen Mother smiled. “So you’re someone strong, resilient, and loyal.” The woman turned to face her. “Captain—”

“Please call me Alea.”

“Alea, I was a warrior before I met my husband. I dreamed only of protecting my family’s estates and the Eon people. I liked fighting. I was good at it.”

Alea’s gaze dropped to the woman’s helian band.

“It’s not just for show,” Gayel’s mother said. “I was dragged to my marriage with the king, perhaps not kicking, but I was less than pleased.” She smiled. “Thankfully, it worked out in the end, and I set about supporting my mate, serving my people, and making the role of queen mine. I also became a mother, and you can’t possibly understand a mother’s driving need to see their children happy. And here is what I want you to understand, I do not want my boy marrying a woman who wants to be queen. I want him to find the woman who puts him first. Who sees the man, not the king.”

Alea stayed silent.

The Queen Mother inclined her head. “I have an engagement to attend. I’m glad you are unharmed, Alea. It was nice to meet someone else who has my son’s best interests at heart.”

“Thank you.” Alea bowed her head.

The woman walked away with a regal stride.

Alea looked back at the view. Well, she knew where Gayel had inherited his core of strength and persistence from.

She rapped her knuckles against the stone. She was tired of holding back what she wanted. Tired of doing what was expected.

Maybe it was time to take a risk.

* * *

He woke with a gasp.

Gayel sat up in his bed. The curtains fluttered by the window.

There was a familiar burn inside him. The healing sensation of havv, enhanced by his helian. He touched his lower back. He could tell that the faint, almost-healed wound was nothing more than a scratch now. Then he touched the small scanner patch pressed to his chest.

“Your Highness.”

Medical Commander Narann-Eon stood in the doorway with her usual, unamused expression.

“Is Alea okay?” he asked.

The doctor moved closer. Erisha checked the comp screen she held, no doubt assessing his vitals.

“Captain Rodriguez is fine. She overextended. I told her to rest after the poisoning, but no, she almost gets herself blown up.”

Gayel swung his legs over the edge of the bed. “She wasn’t hurt?”

“Scratches and a few scrapes. You shielded her. Councilor Tann-Felis is very unhappy.”

Gayel grunted. He didn’t care about the pompous advisor. “Where is she?”

The medical commander set the screen down. “The councilor barred her from Medical. Protocol says that when the king is injured, no one of outside blood can be present.”

Gayel felt a spurt of anger. “Meddling, old fool.”

The woman’s lips twitched. “He sure is. Man should have retired years ago. I’m not sure where Alea went.”

Gayel rose. “I’m going to find her.”

“I thought you might.” Erisha arched a brow. “Don’t overdo it.”

He grunted again.

“Why do I even bother with the both of you?” She shook her head. “Ever since I helped your mother birth you, you’ve been a pain.”

“Thanks, Erisha.”

He dressed and went straight to Alea’s room. It was sunset. It looked like he’d slept most of the day.

Her room was empty.


He searched everywhere, and there was no sign of her. He found the other Terran women in the recreation area. He also saw Ben was there, but the Space Corps officer told him that Alea had needed time to rest and regroup.

Regroup. Gayel stomped back into his room. He knew what that meant. She’d rebuild her walls and fortify her defenses to keep him out.

He knew that she believed that there could be nothing between them. By Eschar’s embrace, she was wrong.

Gayel wanted Alea.

The fierce Terran warrior.

The attractive, potent woman.

The vulnerable woman she’d shown him glimpses of.

She possessed so much strength to rise above the bloodbath of her childhood into the strong, capable woman she was today.

Yes, he wanted her. In his bed. In his life.

As his queen.

He winced. It might take him a while to convince her about that last part.

Back in his room, he unbuttoned his shirt and headed out onto his balcony. Night had fallen and a gentle breeze was laden with the scent of the cassia flowers.

There was a knock from inside.

“Enter,” he called.

Adlyn appeared. Kyber rushed past his mother and collided with Gayel.

Gayel hugged his nephew. He was getting so tall, but was still just a boy. “I’m fine, Kyber.”

The boy nodded, face still hidden against Gayel’s chest.

He stroked the boy’s back. “I’m all healed.”

“You and mother got hurt.” Kyber’s voice hitched.

Cren. Kyber still felt the loss of his father keenly. “Your mother is far too tough to die.” He looked at Adlyn. “Are you all right?”

His sister nodded, shadows in her eyes. When Kyber finally released Gayel, he hugged her.

“You?” She touched his cheek.

“You can’t get rid of me that easily.”

Cren, I have been hoping.”

He tugged on her hair, then glanced at his nephew. The boy was looking back through the doorway. Gayel smiled. “Go on.”

Kyber hesitated. “I shouldn’t…”

“Go. That’s an order from the king.”

With a whoop, Kyber raced for the bed and started bouncing on it.

A small smile touched Adlyn’s lips. “You shouldn’t let him do that, but it is so good to see him happy.”

“Do you have an update?”

“I’ve assigned extra patrols around the palace. The teams are searching for any sign of any Kantos—in the palace, in the city, in the countryside. Nothing so far.”

Gayel gripped the railing, his fingers biting into the stone. “They’re here. Somewhere.” He dragged in a breath. “Alea believes they are here to assassinate me.”

“That makes sense.” Adlyn’s face hardened. “The attacks appear centered on you. The remnants of the one that…attached to me and exploded are being studied. There wasn’t much left, and what we found was trying to drag itself away.”

He turned his head. The shadows in her eyes had deepened. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“It took me down.” She shifted. It was uncomfortable for a warrior to face their own weaknesses. “It stuck to my face, sticking…that protuberance in my mouth. The cren-cursed piece of shit.”

He lifted his eyebrows “Piece of shit?”

“Another Earth phrase.”

“Who taught you?”

Color filled his sister’s cheeks. “No one.” She cleared her throat. “I…it’ll take a while to stop remembering.”

Gayel realized that it had been a violation that had shaken her confidence. He gripped her shoulder. “You’re a brilliant warrior, Adlyn.”

She looked through the doorway at her son still jumping on the bed. “I could’ve left Kyber without a mother.”

“It didn’t happen. And you know he’ll always be loved and cared for.”

She nodded. “Anyway, Alea and I studied the remains of the Kantos we got from the rubble of the explosion—”

“You’ve seen her? She’s all right?”

His sister studied his face. He’d tried to keep his tone even. Maybe he hadn’t succeeded.

“She’s fine. She synthesized something called candy for Kyber. It was so sweet, so no surprise he loved it. She also showed him some Terran martial arts. He wants to visit Earth now.” An amused smile. “And you might have a competitor for her affections, as I am certain my son is half in love with her.” A disgruntled look. “And Lieutenant Knox. The man might be annoying, but he is exceedingly patient with my boy.”

“These Terrans have a way about them.” Gayel wondered where Alea was now.

Adlyn straightened. “The Kantos bug was a meld of organic and metal parts. It had the explosive embedded in it.”

Gayel ground his teeth together. “They like to experiment with their abominations.”

“They do.”

“And Alea’s certain it came on the Terran shuttle?”

“Yes. The Terran ship in orbit succeeded in isolating some small insects. They were designed to read as Terran on the scanners, but they’re Kantos. Once they got to Eon, the tiny insects consumed the chemicals, oil and metal on the ship to grow.”

Gayel leaned back on the railing, trying to fit the pieces together.

“Alea thinks they grew, morphed and changed.”

“Grew?” he said.

Adlyn nodded. “Based off the ones that attacked at the dinner, they can combine into larger more complex bugs.”

“Like whatever ones must’ve infected the targons, and the one that exploded.”

Adlyn nodded.

“The attack at the dinner was a diversion,” he said. “That’s when the others snuck out of the palace.”

His sister tapped her chin. “That makes sense.”

And they were here to kill him. The Kantos had learned as well. They’d always been about full frontal, brute force attacks. But they’d learned to be sneakier, more cunning.

“Keep up the searches. I’ll contact Davion and Malax. We have to find that Kantos fleet. I’m fed up waiting for the Kantos to make their attack. We need to go on the offensive.”

Adlyn smiled, a little sharp and mean. “Good. I like the sound of that.”

“Now, do you know where Alea is?”

His sister’s smile changed to smug. “She was with me for several hours. I have no idea where she is now.”

Gayel managed to hide his frustration.

“Gayel, I like her.”

“I do, too.”

“She’s not a woman to toy with.”

“I know.”

“You can’t dally with her—”

He met Adlyn’s gaze. “I know.”

“By the warriors, you want her.”

“I’m going to make her my queen.”

His sister laughed. “You have a bunch of beautiful, accomplished women hanging on your every word, but you go for the hard-edged, dangerous Space Corps officer.”

“You have a point?”

She laughed again. “No. I’m just going to enjoy this dance.” She slapped a hand to his back. “Good luck, brother.”

She headed inside and nabbed her son. Kyber’s laugh was a sweet sound since the boy had grieved for his father for so long. When they were gone, Gayel leaned on the railing, and looked up at the stars.

He wanted Alea.

He wanted to get to work tearing down those walls of hers. Showing her how good they could be together if she let him in.

Frustration made him rake a hand through his hair.

Then he sensed…something.

He heard the sound of something scraping on stone, and all of a sudden, Alea pulled herself over the railing.

He blinked. She’d scaled the wall and managed to avoid his guards in the process.

She swung her legs over, her gaze on him.

Then she stood. “Hey.”

* * *

Nerves were notsomething Alea was used to.

Combat training, battle, and leadership had all helped her to learn to control any nerves she had. But looking at Gayel and his gloriously muscled chest made her feel more than a little jittery.

“You’re all right?” her voice was husky.


“Can I—?” Damn, she had no right to ask.

He turned, showing her his back.

She saw the pink mark, the freshly healed skin. She reached out to touch, then stopped. He grabbed her hand and pulled it to him.

Warm skin. Other things jittered through her. She stroked his skin, and felt a shudder go through his body.

Damn. Just a small touch from her made this big warrior, this alien king, shudder.

She dropped her hand.

He spun. There was a spark of temper in his gaze.

“I knew you’d spend this time finding ways to shore up those walls of yours. To keep me out. Alea, I—”

She stepped in close and threw her arms around him, her body slamming into his. Then she pressed her mouth to his.

Clearly, she’d surprised him. For one second.

Then he kissed her back.

The kiss turned hard, rough. He growled, deepening the kiss until it had an almost brutal edge.

Oh, God. Sensation arrowed through her, pooling between her legs.

He bit her bottom lip.

She moaned. “Actually, what I was thinking is that I almost died, and you almost died, but we survived. We’re alive, and life is too damn short.”

“Okay.” His hands skated down her body, tugging at her shirt. He yanked it free of her pants. She tugged at the waistband of his trousers.

“I almost lost you,” she whispered.

“And I almost lost you.” Gayel made a sound and lifted his head. “Someone could see us here.” He lifted her into his arms and strode inside.

His long legs ate up the distance to his bedroom. He set her down and tugged at her clothes again. In seconds, her shirt was gone. His fingers fought with her bra and he made an annoyed sound.

“You need to wear less clothes.”

Alea laughed. “Yes, Your Highness.”

Moments later, everything was gone and he yanked her close again.

Her bare breasts pressed to his bare chest. Oh. She cried out, clutching his muscled biceps. She rubbed against him. “More.”

He lifted her off her feet.

Alea felt the smooth, cool covers at her back.

He worked her pants off, and she drank him in. Big, perfectly formed, all that golden skin.

And a very large bulge tenting the front of his pants.


Then she was naked.

Flames flared in those eyes, licking along the beautiful purple strands. He leaned over her, his hands cupping her breasts.

Pleasure shot through her. He watched, flicking his thumbs at her hardened nipples.

“You’re so soft and pretty here.”

Two words she rarely heard used to describe her. She writhed.

“I can smell how much you want me. Intoxicating.”

He stroked his hands down her sides. His touch was almost reverent.

Had anyone ever wanted her this much?

He pushed her thighs apart. “You’re so long, strong, beautiful.”

She felt his warm breath between her thighs.

Oh, God. She’d never been a huge fan of a guy going down on her. Maybe she was just too self-conscious, or maybe—

Gayel’s mouth closed on her. His tongue plunged.

“Oh, my God.” Sensation burst and she couldn’t think, couldn’t speak.

All she could do was feel.

He licked and sucked, working that small bundle of nerves hard. She cried out, her arms arching above her head. Her body bowed from the intense pleasure.

Blindly, she looked down. It was a jolt to see him pleasuring her. He looked up her body and her belly clenched.

It was way too intimate and sexy to watch him while he ate her. His tongue slid deep and she gasped. She couldn’t get enough air, and she didn’t care.

Then his tongue was back on her clit. His mouth closed on it and sucked.

Pure lightning speared through her and down her spine.

“I… Gayel.” She arched, coming, the pleasure so potent that she was sure she’d actually passed out for a heartbeat.

Her vision blurred. When she could think again, she was sprawled on the bed.

Gayel dropped light kisses up her belly.

A new need flared inside her.

She needed him. Now.

She couldn’t bear not being connected to him any longer. She grabbed at his waistband.

He caught her wrists.

“Off. Now.” Her voice was sharp, demanding. “I want you inside me.”

“There’s no need to hurry. We have all night.”

She saw something on his face, and she was certain he wanted to say more. Then she palmed his cock through the fabric. His body jolted and his deep groan was pure beauty.

“I want this free,” she said. “Then I want you inside me.”

His handsome face was flushed with blatant need that made her belly clench.

He rose and shoved his pants off. His cock sprang free.

She sucked in a breath. It was as beautiful as the rest of him. Long, thick, perfectly formed, and very hard.

One look, and she was trembling, need hot and ruthless.


Just saying his name made something snap.

He dragged her up to kneeling, leaned down and kissed her. It was a hard, demanding kiss. His hand slid into her hair, tugging her head back. He assaulted her mouth, then dragged his teeth down her neck. She cried out.

With a growl, he shoved her onto her back. He rose above her—her big, powerful warrior.

He pushed her legs apart and tilted her hips. Then he circled his cock, dragged it through her wetness.

Alea moaned.

“I’m going to make you mine,” he said.

“Yours,” she panted.

He drove himself inside her.

She screamed and raked her nails down his biceps. He thrust into her, with hard, wild plunges. She lifted her hips, meeting his thrusts.


She met his gaze—they were now more purple than black.


Wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her. She saw stars burst behind her eyes and she cried out.

He thrust harder, then his big body went taut.

He plunged deep, pouring his release inside her with a ragged groan.