Vow of Hell by Clara Elroy


Awareness pulled my eyesight to the whirlpool tub when I entered the bathroom, like a line of static electricity. Water almost tipped at the sides, and Ariadne was at the middle of it, small enough she could lie her whole body down, like a freaking mummy straight out of a pyramid from Egypt.

Only her face showed out of the cloud-like foam, and her eyes popped open when the door slammed shut behind me, widening like she didn’t expect me to burst into my bathroom, sweaty after my nightly workout.

“Saint! What are you doing here?” Water sloshed as she sat upright, acting modest and covering her tits with her arms, the only part of her I hadn’t seen—yet.

“On my side of the house, you mean?” I countered, raising a brow, and because we’d established already that I was a pervert with serious needs for physical boundaries, I walked closer until I could make out droplets of water on the hollow of her collarbone. The need to lean down and lick a path up her neck flared inside of me. “What are you doing here? The bathroom door was unlocked.”

“That’s still not an invitation for you to open it, also you have a bigger tub,” she explained.

I couldn’t focus on her words when I got a look at her forehead, tinged in pink and slightly swollen. Forgoing the fact that she was utterly bare underneath the steaming water, I sat down on the porcelain edge of the tub, my eyes surprisingly not veering off her face. Her gaze shuttered, lashes blinking rapidly, and my veins filled with boiling water because her wound didn’t look like an accident.

“Tilt your head left for me,” I ordered, wanting to get a better look.

She didn’t do what I asked. Shocker.

“Do you mind? I’m all for having weird conversations while I’m naked, but I need to rinse off.” Aria gathered some of the bubbles between her arms, relocating them closer to her chest.

Tilt your head left,” I commanded for a second time, and if she refused again, I had no qualms about jumping in the water with her and forcing her to do my bidding. The tone of my voice caused her to wince, and it was all I could do to keep my hands to myself.

“This alpha male attitude is not cute,” she said but turned her head. Her forehead was pink and swollen, close to her hairline. A little dried-up blood sat around the edges as if it hurt her too much to wipe off. “Happy?”

Not in the slightest.

“What happened?” I reached forward, tracing the angry red bump. She watched me, fascinated that I even cared. The urge to punch a wall overwhelmed me. Was I really that much of an asshole that she thought I wouldn’t care if she was hurt? Or that somebody hurt her?

Duh, Larry is still alive and thriving after running his mouth.

Was it him? My nostrils flared, and anger like a sleek blade sliced through my cervix. My personal vendetta against him ran darker. He didn’t have her, but he was still in her heart. Only blind devotion could lead you to defend such absolute trash. I knew. I used to see it every day with my parents.

What did I see in this girl that had me twisted up in so many knots?

Aria bit her lower lip, cheeks filling with heat, her youth radiating from her in turbulent waves, making my brain play catch up. Her innocence, her goodness, her pure fucking soul, that was what I couldn’t get enough of.

“It’s embarrassing,” she whispered.

“How come?”

“I was in a changing room when…” Aria squirmed under my stare, her shoulders prickling outside of the steaming bath. “I-I hit my head on the mirror while taking off a dress. The neck was too tight, and I couldn’t get it out. I was sweating, I couldn’t see anything, and next thing I know, my head is throbbing.”

My chest squeezed one last time, tension I didn’t know I was holding in released as I breathed out a laugh, the visual of Ariadne running around like a headless chicken, replacing the image of a discombobulated Harrold.

“It’s not funny.” Her eyes narrowed, and I let my hand drop on her temple chasing away some water and bringing my thumb in my mouth, tasting the sweet orangey scent that was uniquely her.

Ari’s shoulders rose with quicker breaths, and I felt every bit of tiredness after my workout ebbing away, and the need to experience lactic acid running through my veins again after strenuous exercise—the fun kind—rise.

“It’s a little bit funny.” I let my gaze wander to the swell of her chest, mad at myself for not tasting them when I had her spread eagle at her shoot. “Go on, rinse off, and I’ll dress up the wound. You can’t leave it like that, it’ll get infected.”

“You’re staying?” She squeaked out when I headed to the sink, intending to brush my teeth. I had an early morning tomorrow, but either way, something was telling me I wouldn’t be getting a lot of sleep tonight.

“Wouldn’t want you to slip and bang your head on the tub this time.” I winked at her reflection.

“Ugh, I’m never telling you anything again.”

“Are you embarrassed by your own husband? I did see all of you almost a week ago,” I pointed out the obvious, grabbing my toothbrush. The memory coupled with the domestic nature of going through our nightly routines together, had me locking the muscles of my stomach to stop the nagging rush of tingles networking their way down my body.

Hesitantly, she tugged on the showerhead, letting the stream of water wash down her dark strands first before meeting my eyes again with fresh drops hanging from her lashes. I raised a brow, challenging her, and for the first time since I met her, she didn’t fight me on it. We were on the same page, on the brink of control as our attraction thickened by the day.

Aria raised her body from the water without an ounce of shame. I stared abashedly, yet she didn’t cower. She let the stream brush over her breasts, and the suds disappeared, giving the perfect view of the globes that would rain dominion over my dreams for the foreseeable future. They weren’t huge. Not the kind you could thrust your dick into, and it would disappear under copious amounts of pressed velvet-like skin, but they were still grabbable, kissable, and fucking delicious, fully complete with fluffy dark pink nipples, beaconing me to clamp my teeth around them and get a taste.

“You like saying that, don’t you? Husband.” Her fingers worked their way down her hair as she rinsed it out one last time, and

“I like seeing you flush when I say it.” My voice was hardened with lust after I spit out the mouthwash. While dental hygiene was important, I found myself pulling out all the stops today just so I could see how the fresh mint in her pussy drove her wild.

I was more than ready for seconds when she pressed her dripping toes on the cold marble floor and walked my way, her skin peppered with goosebumps from the temperature change.

“Want me to let you in on a little secret, Saint?” She asked, wrapping herself with a towel and making my dick weep in the process.

I rummaged through the cabinet, pulling out some rubbing alcohol and bandages as she hopped on the counter, her feet swinging inches from my side. “How is that even a question, Spitfire? I want to know all your secrets.”

She watched me warily as I dunked a cotton pad with antiseptic and pulled back hissing when it barely touched her skin.

“Stop being such a baby.” I pulled her knees open, situating them on either side, so she had nowhere to go, leaning back as far as she could. She kept her eyes closed, nails digging into my arms as I meticulously cleaned her up. It was a nasty hit, and it would probably take a few weeks to go away completely. “My god, you’re dramatic,” I teased, blowing on her forehead, before sticking the skin-colored bandage on.

“I’m a girl. Calling me dramatic is not an insult.”

“You’d be surprised by the number of dramatic guys. One of my teammates legit balled on the field one time because his name peeled off when he took a tumble.”

“How is that being dramatic?” Her eyes widened in horror. “Do you have a heart of stone or something? That sounds painful as fuck.”

“My heart melts only under the right circumstances.” I skimmed my lips down the side of her face, pressing a peck below her ear and shuddering as I took in her scent. “Tell me your secret.”

Her hands latched on my arms, holding me in place as I licked her skin before sucking it. My hands were on the curve of her ass, situating my hard-on between her open legs, and grinding her on it. Ari’s voice was weak when she replied, but her words still exploded like Fourth of July fireworks in my brain.

“I don’t mind having you as my husband. My heart races when you simply look at me, and the reason I blush whenever you’re around—which I hate—is not because I’m embarrassed or shy. It’s because I want you so fucking much my blood heats up, my body flushes wherever your gaze is on me, and you’re quiet throughout, Mr. Astor.” Her nails came out to play, and I felt their teasing to the tip of my cock as she ran them down my arm. “So throughout, my blush extends to other parts of my body as well.”

In a mad haze, my fingers worked the knot of her towel loose, my tongue having a mind of its own and wanting to map out where her blush began and where it ended. We both gasped when she stood gloriously naked against me, her nipples hard and pointing to my chest like rough diamonds in the wild.

“You don’t mind, huh?” I taunted, my knuckles smoothing over her landing strip, finding what lay lower soaking wet and hot with need. “What if I make you do the splits on the counter, Spitfire? Open that pretty pink pussy up and let me see how raw it gets when I pound into it like there’s no tomorrow? Will that elevate my status from ‘I don’t mind’?”

“You talk a big game, Astor, but so far, I haven’t seen any action. Are you scared the hype won’t live up to the expectations?”

“You should know by now I take insults quite personally.” My teeth sunk in her ear-lobe before releasing her and taking a step back to admire the confused look on her face as I cocked my head, watching her from head to toe. “On your knees, little girl. I’m all out of lube, and you’re so tiny you’re going to need a lot of it.”

A white lie never hurt anybody. What did hurt, was watching her lick her lips and staring at the imprint in my slacks like she couldn’t wait to take me in her mouth? My heart slammed with anticipation against my cotton shirt, and I removed it when she hopped off the counter, giving her the perfect view to stare at from below.

If anything, I was considerate.

Her eyes left heat like an actual caress as they ran down my body, lighting my nerve endings on fire when she sunk to the ground in complete surrender, hanging her pride at the door.

“Do you know how to make it sloppy, or have you never sucked dick before?”

She huffed and dropped her hands to my waistband, tugging down until my hard length sprung free, bobbing against my stomach, engorged and eager to be licked, sucked, and stroked.

“I’ll let you reach that conclusion yourself.” She smiled, her full lips inches away from my dick, staring at it with hungry eyes.

Fuck me.

At the first teasing stroke of her tongue, her hand around my base, my hips drove forward before I could control them. Her wet heaven enveloped me with a gag that reverberated from my balls up my spine. A good man, a gentleman, would apologize for entering her so roughly, but I wasn’t in a particularly kind mood, especially when she blinked back her tears like a pro and swallowed me down.

“You definitely have,” I snarled when she didn’t resist as I fisted her wet hair, guiding her to take more.

Ari’s head bobbed every time I slammed back in, leaving behind pools of saliva that more than overcompensated for the lack of lube. Some of it dripped down her tits and knowing someone else got to see her like this made murderous thoughts spring in my head. I had no right considering the number of holes I’d greeted with my cock, but I chalked it up to some stupid part of me that took the role of being her husband too seriously. At the end of the day, though, it was nothing more than a role with an expiration date, no matter how good she was at sucking me off.

“I don’t know if I like that you’re hoovering my soul out of my body or if I want to cut off every cock that mouth has touched. I want a list of names.” My mouth spewed out, insanely late to catching up with my brain.

“You’re crazy.” She popped me out of her mouth long enough to spew her retort and diving back in again, her left hand cupping my balls and kneading gently.

An overwhelming arc of pleasure slammed into the base of my spine, and I couldn’t believe my luck as Ariadne Fleur, nine years my junior, fresh out of college, delivered one of the best blowjobs I’d ever had. She wanted to please me as much as she wanted to get herself off. This wasn’t a chore for her, she was enjoying cleaning up my precum like it was her favorite vanilla milkshake.

“No, what I am is two seconds away from blowing my load down your throat,” I argued, and she took it personally, relaxing her facial muscles until I was hitting the back of her throat, her retching sounding like filthy music my perverted ears wanted to hear on repeat. “You fucking tease.”

With a hiss, I dragged her off, trying not to linger on how red and puffy her lips were, on how her neck and boobs glistened with our essences. She followed my instructions. Now it was time for me to keep my end of the deal.

“Wha-why did you stop?”

“Because the first time I come, it’s going to be inside of you, baby.” We both sank on the heated floor, too delirious to make it into any kind of bedroom. “If your cunt is nearly as tight as your mouth, we’ve got a problem.”

“What’s that?” She purred coyly, sticking her chest on mine as I set her down, feeling up my abs with those talented hands.

“I’m going to come in two seconds flat like a fucking freshman touching boob for the first time,” I admitted thickly, my pulse thudding in my ears. It had been a while—too damn long since someone evoked such a lack of control from me.

“I want us to go slow,” she moaned when I captured a nipple in my mouth, squeezing the other between my fingers. Her hands laced in my hair, holding me in place until she was mewling when I clamped down on it, chasing the pain away with open-mouthed kisses on her tender flesh.

“I thought I made it abundantly clear that slow fucking, and missionary wasn’t going to be in the terms and conditions of this relationship. You’re going to take what I give you, and you’re going to thank me for it,” I switched tits and licked her other nipple, not wanting it to feel left out.

Ari’s back arched as she threw her head back, and her inviting entrance was positioned directly in front of my straining dick. At that moment, I learned I possessed the patience of a nun for not plunging into the land of my dreams.

“Unless you want to rip me open my first time, you’re going slow, or not at all,” she threatened, making me pause abruptly, a cold rush boarding over the arc of my release.

“What did you say?”

“I-I might’ve lied about the status of my virginity.” Her voice registered in my ears like a broken lullaby.

What the fuck?

I found that hard to believe, but at the same time, it made so much sense. How had no bastard gotten between the legs of sweet Ariadne, dripping honey on your tongue, and working wonders with those luscious lips? Ambitious, sarcastic, beautiful, and full of life, Ariadne.

If it was true it must’ve been a personal choice, but I didn’t cut her for the type to wait until marriage.

“God-fucking-dammit, Spitfire. There’s no might’ve about it, you’re either a virgin, or you’re not. Which one is it?”

Her worried expression stared back at me, hanging on my features, pulled tight with surprise and something akin to pleasure. A bastard part of me, the one more in-tune with my hair-pulling, cavemen ancestors, was fucking elated, ready to cream his cock all over Ari’s pale stomach.

“I am,” She croaked. “I’m not completely inexperienced. I’ve done other things, just never went full-out. I’ve hated my body for so long, I never truly felt wanted. I’m not saying that I haven’t been pressured into it, but it was very off-putting when every guy I went out with would get extra touchy when I lost weight and would treat me as nothing but a hole with legs when I gained it back. I fluctuate a lot, Saint.”

That list of names was sounding more tempting minute by minute.

“Look at me, Ariadne,” I demanded, fisting my cock, and flushing that sad far-away look from her eyes by sliding it up and down her folds. “Do you feel my dick against your clit?”

“Is that a rhetorical question?” She said in a half-moan when I drew lazy circles over her nub, willing my testosterone to take a dive.

“It’s throbbing and hard to a point where I think I’ll combust if I don’t sink into you in the next five seconds. And it’s all because of you, Spitfire. I’m going to let you in on a little secret too.” I couldn’t believe I was going to say it, but her transparency egged me on. “In the past six years since my accident on the field, coming inside of a woman has been a rare occasion for me. It was a shock to the system because masturbating wasn’t the way I rolled, but after going through something so life-changing, a part of me fucking broke. I was so over the fake moans, fake orgasms, and fake women that slept with me for two reasons alone. Number one; to see if my injury had also impacted my ability to fuck them until they saw stars, and number two; to brag to their friends that they’d bagged the ex-NFL player, Saint Astor.”

The first time I didn’t come, I chalked it up to whiskey dick. The second; weed. The third and fourth, I blamed it on the women I’d been with. By the sixth time, I was out of the denial phase and realized there was something seriously wrong with me.

Sometimes I got hard, was on the doorstep of release, yet whenever I attempted to cross the threshold, it dissipated into a thin cloud of smoke. My sanity was unraveling as much as my reputation, if not more during that phase of my life. Only recently had I been able to get back into the gist of things, and it didn’t happen often.

Being on the brink of control?

Now, that happened never.

The first time was with a hot little brunette that didn’t know I’d pay gold to sink inside the cunt she was offering up so willingly.

“Saint, I’m so s—” She started, but I didn’t let her finish.

“I’m not admitting this, so you feel bad for me. Fuck, I despise pity fucks, I’m saying it because you’re the first woman to get me this worked up. While personality plays a big part, looks do too. And your body is fucking sexy. All woman, with silk like skin that I keep fantasizing about decorating with ribbons of my cum, real, and so soft I want to scrape my teeth down the arch of your back while I take you from behind.”

A shaky breath escaped her, but it came out like a needy whimper at the angle of her head. “You’re making it really hard to hold on to my virtue.”

“Now we’re talking. Open your legs wide for me, Spitfire.”

Those thighs came apart in an instant, golden skin leading to a mouthwatering patch of pink and red engorged flesh, contracting as if needing something solid inside of her. A lick of anticipation rushed over my skin, giddiness at the thought of taking Ari’s first arose with vengeance, and I let some spit dribble from my mouth directly onto her cunt, priming her for my dick.

“I’m assuming you’re not on birth control.” Somewhere around the haze in my mind, muscle memory kicked in, and I held back even though I was bulging and seeping precum.

“Can you pull out?” She shook as I probed her, getting her ready with my fingers, eyes on my cock like it was the winning prize. “I’ll have my period in a few days. The chances of getting pregnant are pretty low.”

“Tomorrow,” I let out a rough breath, tempting myself by sliding the tip past her slick pussy lips. She was so wet she was dripping on the floor, so I knew she was ready to be filled. “Tomorrow we’re getting you on the pill.”

“Fuck.” She licked her lips as I crowned her entrance. I couldn’t imagine what it felt like on her end, but to me, it was like my head was getting a very warm, very tight hug.

I edged her legs wider, digging my hands in her hips as I begin the slow torture of thrusting inside her. One agonizing inch at the time that had both of us straining for oxygen.

“Ahh!” Ariadne cried out, her nails digging in my biceps and eyes shining with unshed tears when I finally pulled in all the way, breaking the invisible seal over her fragile innocence and letting blood rain all over my cock and her inner thighs.

My legs almost gave out. “How does it feel, baby?”

“Like I’m on fire.” Her chest rose and fell with sharp exhales. “It burns, Saint. It burns so bad.”

Bad. Bad. Bad.

No. I was determined to make this good, to make this last. The beautiful girl stretched out beneath me deserved a good experience after all the pussies she’d been with.

Wrapping her legs around my waist, I distracted her by leaning down and kissing that rosebud mouth until I felt her tightly coiled muscles melting inch by inch. “Listen to me, Aria,” I murmured against her mouth, my lips ghosting over hers. “I want you to relax, and bite down on my shoulder, rake your nails over my back, do what you have to do.”

“But I’ll hurt you.”

“Trust me, every minute I’m staying still inside of your perfect cunt is hurting me more than you ever will.”

Her breathing calmed as she nodded. Placing my head on the crook of her neck, I let her exert her stress on my body as I slid out, almost all the way, and then thrust, burying myself to the hilt again.

Aria arched her back, and I was glad I couldn’t see her face, but I could feel her pain on my skin as she almost tore a good chunk off. I didn’t care, lost by the hypnotic slide of my dick in the tightest hole I’d ever been in. I couldn’t think of anything else as this girl gripped me so tightly the space between my muscles and bones charged with blue lightning, prompting me to drive my hips forward steadily again and again, until Ariadne’s painful moans turned into ones of pleasure.

“That’s it, Spitfire,” I soothed. “Slow and steady wins the race. And you’re doing so well, baby, I love taking my time, savoring every inch of you.”

“God, Saint,” her mouth unlatched from my skin, and I almost missed her bite when she replaced her teeth by scratching down my back, deep enough to draw blood as I thrust deep inside her. “Grip my hips harder,” she requested, and I didn’t have to be told twice.

Her pretty breasts rubbed against my pecs, and I blazed a path from her neck to her tits, nuzzling my nose over a hard nipple before I took it in my mouth, gazing up to see how her head bobbed on the floor by the force of my hips. Aria had clamped on her lip, holding her moans back as she watched me break her body down and loving all of it when little by little she started meeting my thrusts, tilting her pelvis up, getting accustomed to our dirty dance.

“Don’t hold back,” I ordered, my hand wrapping around her throat as I pressed my lips gently on hers, a far cry from the brutal progression of my hips. I was being rough, but I only had so much control. “I want to hear what I’m doing to you; want to know how much you love unraveling on my cock.”

It was as if my words broke a dam, and a mixture of soft pants, whimpers, breathy moans, and squeaky screams rushed out of her mouth like a waterfall she had no control over. I met her halfway with groans of my own when she got even tighter around me—if that was possible.

“My God, Saint, I’ve never felt this full before,” she panted, holding on to me as she arched up to kiss my jaw, teasing my scruff with her tongue and a bite. “It hurts, but it’s turning into an enjoyable pain, the masochistic kind. The one you can’t stand but can’t help but crave.”

“My little fire is so filthy she loves getting fucked down and dirty on the floor, doesn’t she?” Thrust. Thrust. Thrust. “Tell me what you like, Ari. Do you like it when I go in deep, sweetheart, ruining your virgin cunt with my cock?”

“No,” her muscles squeezed, and I narrowed my gaze at her, a thin layer of sweat lining up my entire body as I upped the speed, driving my groin into her relentlessly. “I fucking love it. I love how you stretch me out, how your cock feels like a velvet rod of sin, rubbing me down so good, inflicting the best kind of torture.”

“You’re so fucking greedy for it, aren’t you little girl?”

“If I knew it was this phenomenal, I would’ve had sex sooner.”

I paused, ceasing all movement, causing her to cry out in frustration. “What the fuck did you just say?”

“I’m kidding,” she backtracked quickly, thrusting her hips up and fucking me.

With a growl, I grabbed onto her hair, arching her chest into mine as my thrusts turned more vicious than before, rolling my pelvis every time I drove in and out in a way that I knew would drive her crazy.

“You better be. It’s phenomenal because I’m the one giving it to you. No other bastards would know how to handle you like I do. You’re covered in me. My DNA is all over you, and that’s the way it’ll be until I decide otherwise. Are we clear on that?” I barked over her mouth, riding her body like a wave, bouncing her on my dick like it was the last time I got to have her.

The air between us was drenched with the scent of sex and sweat, electrifying the hair on the nape of my neck as I frenched the side of her lips, occasionally stealing kisses from her mouth.

It took her a while to respond, but when she did, her response elated me. “Yes.”

Small explosions of heat went off in the base of my spine, and Ari’s cunt clenched painfully around me. I was ready to combust, and I would let go—we’d let go together once she surrendered one final thing I required from her.

Her complete fucking devotion.

I stretched her lower lip out with my teeth, prolonging her release with a sting of pain. “No one else gets your naked body but me. No one else sees your naked body but me. No one squeezes it, feels it, tastes it, touches it, or bites down on your supple flesh, but…” I growled over her tortured whimpers. “Finish the sentence.”

“You,” she cried out, her voice begging for relief. “No one else but Saint Astor.”

Our orgasms detonated at the same time, going off like twin bombs in a minefield. A line of big eruptions followed by a cluster of more concentrated ones, going off with rapid succession, one after the other, evacuating all air and stealing every bit of sanity left in me. I was in between worlds for a hot minute, jumping in fucking limbo as I spent every drop of cum in Ariadne’s pussy. She milked me for all its worth, her velvet lips contracting around me as if she couldn’t get enough of my essence.

“Holy shit,” Ari’s frail voice broke through the film in my ears as my lungs emptied, and I collapsed like a boneless pile of meat on the too hot floor, dragging her on top of me because I wasn’t ready to let go yet.

“Holy fucking shit,” I shared her sentiment, the only words I trusted myself to speak at that moment.

Hand wrapped around her waist, slowly softening inside her, I held her pressed to my chest, scared she’d disappear if I let go. A virgin. I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t see the wince on her face as she slid me out of her. We both felt the trickle of our mixed cum slip out of her abused pussy, and the sudden realization that I finished bare inside of her gripped us both.

“Saint, oh my God.” Ari’s horrified gaze clashed with mine when I lifted my head, and I tried to calm her down by smoothing her wild curls back.

“It’s okay, baby. We’ll get a Plan B, okay?” I didn’t stop petting her hair even when she nodded shakily. “I’ll go get it, just give me a second to regain my strength.”

“Is it always like this?”

I was torn between the truth and a lie. A part of me wanted to say yes, it is, so neither of us would get more attached than we already were, but I didn’t know if I could pull a lie of that magnitude off.

“No, Spitfire. This was special.” I cupped her head and slid her up my body, still finding the energy to kiss her somehow. “You are special.”

So special I was losing track of the lesson I was embodying, the pages of my textbook approach flying off in the air.