Vow of Hell by Clara Elroy

This book was challenging to write. It took a lot out of me mentally and physically, and I wouldn’t have made it if it wasn’t for:

My family—I took a lot of inspiration from their craziness when creating Aria’s family dynamics. Things are a bit exaggerated in fiction as always, though. I promise we’re not that wild, just a bit… eccentric.

The readers—I can’t put into words how much you guys have changed my life and how much brighter you make my days when you contact me. I love getting in touch with you and reading all your heartfelt messages (even though, it might take me days to respond sometimes cause I’m notoriously bad at checking my inbox. Thank you for not hating me.)

My incredible beta readers—Ariel, Brianna, and Mia. Thank you so much for your valuable input and enthusiasm when it came to this story. I’m so grateful for every minute you spent helping me out.

All the amazing bloggers and bookstagrammers—thank you, thank you, thank you! I feel so blessed to have you in my life, and I appreciate everything you create and share simply because of your love for books.

The kickass authors that offer up their advice so willingly and support each other’s success. Ladies, you know who you are, and if it wasn’t for you, I would’ve sunk under a long time ago.

Books and Moods—this cover is incredible, and you always manage to bring my vision to life. Thank you SO much.

Ketlli and Jessy—the two most special girls in my life. I don’t think I could function without you, so thank you for being always there whenever I need your support.

And finally, myself, and all the empty coffee cups and RedBull cans that helped me stay awake so I could finish this book. It’s not my intention to sound vain, but I pushed myself to new limits while writing Vow of Hell, and I deserve a place in my own acknowledgments lol.

Always grateful,

Clara Elroy