I Like Being Watched by Jessica Gadziala




















If at any point I'd been worried that Fitz and my chemistry might fizzle out once we'd had sex a few times, it all disappeared as I moved around his kitchen wearing nothing but my shoes, putting away supplies as Fitz stood there watching me.

I always figured the thrill was in them never knowing that I knew I was being watched.

But, as it turned out, even just having the one man I wanted above all others eye-fucking me from across the room was enough to have me achy and needy even after he'd already given me an intense orgasm.

Then, oh, then, when he'd stormed across the room, dropped down behind me, told me he was hungry, then ate me better and longer than anyone before in my entire life, sending me through three solid orgasms until my legs refused to hold me anymore? Yeah, I was pretty sure things would never get dull between us then.

When I'd finally managed to shake some life back into my legs, I'd taken his hand and led him out into the rest of the house.

I won't lie, I got an immense amount of pleasure from watching him take in all the work I'd done to transform the house.

"Wow, honey," he said, spinning me back to face him. "Just... wow," he added, pulling me close, and sealing his lips to mine.

It was a slow, lingering kiss.

Even so, though, I could feel the stirrings of something less sweet inside me. And I could feel the way Fitz's cock was pressing against me again by the time he'd kissed my lips swollen and tender.

Reaching down, I grabbed his cock through his pants, stroking him as his gaze got hotter and hotter.

"Wynn..." he growled as I worked his cock free, then started to undo the buttons of his shirt, wanting to finally get more of him.

"Hmm?" I asked, my fingers dancing up the bare skin of his stomach and chest before snagging his shirt and jacket, and sliding them off his shoulders.

"Aren't you tired?"

"Of you? Not yet," I said, shooting him a smirk as my hands pushed his pants and boxers off his hips.

He was still kicking out of his shoes as I lowered myself down in front of him, looking up at him for a long moment before running my tongue up the underside of his cock before sucking him into my mouth.

There was something magnificent about him right then. This larger-than-life, powerful, beautiful man looking down at me with hunger and need in his eyes. Hunger and need that I'd put there.

I wanted to watch him, but it wasn't long before his hand was grabbing the back of my neck, making me take him deeper and harder and faster, making it impossible to see as he fucked my mouth until he was groaning and hissing out his breath.

"Enough," he growled, yanking me away, then lowering down onto the floor with me, pushing me down onto my back on his discarded shirt and jacket as he fished another condom out of his wallet and slipped it on.

His hands went out, grabbing my legs, yanking them up, and resting my ankles on his shoulder before he surged inside me.

Crossing my ankles, I felt him more intensely even as he pressed a hand on my lower stomach, increasing the pressure, making me acutely aware of each thick inch as he started to fuck me. A little slower at first, taking his time, making me writhe and moan and beg him for release.

"No," he growled, quickly slipping out of me just as I felt an orgasm start to crest, leaving me rolling onto my side and groaning at the denial of it. "Not yet," he told me, dropping down next to me, and pulling me up to straddle him. "Come here," he demanded, grabbing the back of my neck, pulling me down for a kiss even as he grabbed his cock, sliding it up and down my slick cleft, but making sure he avoided direct contact with my clit, wanting me panting and whimpering, but unable to get close to that release my body was screaming for.

"Fitz, please," I moaned, my hips wiggling, needing him inside me again, but this time with me in control.

Fitz slid his cock down, pressing against the entrance of my body, waiting until I pushed upright, and lowered myself down on him with a sigh.

"Beautiful," he said, his hand sliding up my thigh, over my hip, my ribs, then teasing over my breast as I started to ride him. Slow at first—up and down, but getting faster as my hips started to go in circles, feeling his thickness hit my walls as I leaned back slightly, bracing my hands on his bent legs to engage my G-spot.

Fitz watched me as I rode him, his eyes molten, his jaw tight with his own growing need for release that had him thrusting his hips upward into me fast even as my hips continued to circle, pushing me closer and closer to oblivion.

His free hand moved between my thighs again as my pussy tightened around him, started to work my clit with slow, lazy movements.

Maybe that should have been my sign.

But I was too far gone to think straight.

That is until I felt that first beginning spasm.

And Fitz suddenly grabbed my hips, lifting me up and off of him, once again denying my release.

The need was an acute, painful thing then, leaving my body feeling shaky and foreign to me even as Fitz got back onto his knees, and pulled me in for another kiss.

Hard, almost bruising for a moment.

And then he was grabbing me again, turning me, and pressing me down on all fours as he moved in behind me, massaging, then slapping my ass, the sound echoing around the walls and high ceilings of the entryway.

I would have enjoyed the sound, but then he was thrusting inside me, stealing away all my thoughts but the feeling of him as he started to fuck me.




Like maybe, just maybe, he was going to let me come this time.

I dropped my lower back down, creating the perfect angle for him to push me right to that edge.

I was teetering there when I became aware of a sound. Footsteps. And a voice. Female. And it was calling my name as it got closer and closer.

As recognition hit, as she moved into the foyer, it was too late.

Too late to react.

Too late to stop the orgasm that slammed through my system.

I was crashing even as Perry seemed to realize what she'd just walked in on.

Her eyes were huge as Fitz slammed deep inside me, growling out my name as he came with me.

"Sorry! Sorry!" she squeaked, turning, and rushing away even as the waves pulled me under one last time before I could even pull in a breath again, let alone think straight.

"Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God," I hissed, pulling away from Fitz, and dropping down on my ass, cradling my face in my hands.

"Yeah... wasn't expecting that," Fitz agreed, wincing at me.

I mean, Perry and I were close. Super close. Had seen each other naked on more than one occasion close.

But it didn't matter how close you were with your friends, they typically didn't expect to walk in on you getting railed by your—and their former—boss.

Yes, I liked being watched.

But just... you know... not by my loved ones.

I was freaking mortified.

"You should go try to talk to her," Fitz suggested, giving my shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

"And say what?" I asked, shaking my head. "Hey, sorry you walked in on me getting fucked from behind by my boss?"

"I thought we agreed I'm not just your boss anymore," Fitz said.

"You being more than my boss doesn't make this less embarrassing. I was literally coming as she walked in," I added, voice choked.

"I'm sure Perry isn't the first person in the world to happen upon her best friend having sex. She is a grown woman. She will get over it. Go see if you can catch her and talk it out," he urged.

I knew he was right.

Perry and I could talk anything out.

I mean, I'd once talked her through finding a tampon she'd lost inside herself from just the other side of the bathroom door.

She'd given me all the details on the first time she'd tried anal.

We could get past this.

But he was right, the sooner the better.

"I can't," I declared, looking over at him.

"Why not?"

"Because my dress is in the kitchen," I said, letting out a pained laugh.

"Take my shirt," Fitz suggested, climbing off of it, and holding it out to me so I could slip my arms in.

I buttoned up fast before looking back at him.

"Go, honey," he demanded, giving me a gentle shove.

And then I was running.

"Perry!" I called, rushing down the hall toward the kitchen where she must have come in like she would have when she worked there. "Perry!" I called, louder.

"Right here," Perry called back.

I moved into the kitchen to find her half out the door to the garage, her gaze on her feet even as I moved into the room.

"I, ah, should have noticed the pile of discarded clothes on the floor," she admitted, waving toward my dress, bra, and torn panties. "I was excited. I just... I wasn't noticing anything. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to, you know, walk in on you."

"I'm sorry too," I said, still feeling how heated my cheeks felt. "I never meant for you to see that," I added.

"Or tell me it was going on?" Perry asked, tone as accusatory as her gaze as mine found hers.

"That's... that's a sort of long story," I admitted.

"I thought we didn't keep secrets. Not even sex secrets."

To be fair, she was the one who didn't seem to keep any.

But she was right.

I would usually at least tell her if I was getting physical with someone, even if I left out the details.

"I know," I agreed. "It's just... okay, do you really want to know?" I asked.

"God, when you say it like that, I'm not sure," she said, wincing, but then giving me a smile. "Of course I want to know. You're banging a billionaire," she added in a small voice from behind a raised hand like she was sharing a bit of town gossip in church.

"I know, right?" I said, going toward the wine rack, and finding the bottle that seemed to be the least expensive, waving it at Perry.

"I think we might need that," she agreed, nodding.

I opened and poured, gave her a glass, and then we both took a long sip before I broke the silence.

"Okay. I am just going to throw it all out there. I have this... fetish," I admitted.

"For billionaires?" she asked, smile devilish.

"For being watched," I admitted.

There was a moment of surprise before she rolled her eyes. "Oh, for God's sake. No wonder you were so curious about the cameras!"

"Yeahhhh," I said, taking another sip for courage.

"So, you took this job because you wanted him to, you know, watch you on the cameras? Doing what? Chores?"

"Ah, sort of," I admitted. "At first. Just doing chores. But in short skirts or low-cut blouses."

"You little slut," she teased, beaming at me.

"I know, right?"

"But... it became more than that, obviously."

"It shouldn't have," I admitted. "I don't usually want to sleep with someone when they've been watching me. It takes the thrill away.

"But Fitzwilliam Buchanan ended up being... thrilling?"

"I'm sort of seeing him, so you can probably just call him Fitz now," I said.

"He will forever be Fitzwilliam Buchanan to me," Perry declared. "But, yay, right? We're happy about this?"

"It's...it's very new. I mean, the part where we decided to be more than boss and employee with a sprinkling of voyeurism. It's very new. But I am... tentatively happy?" I said, shrugging.

"How about just being happy-happy? You deserve that."

"I guess. It just all feels like a whirlwind."

"It has been, but what's wrong with that? Sometimes, things just click."

"I guess," I agreed. "And he's been really nice to me. He got me a new car. With not only butt warmers, but a heated steering wheel and armrests too."

"Marry him," Perry said, not a fan of winter like I was, so she appreciated anything that kept her warmer.

"What were you doing here?" I asked, topping off her wine. "You never come here."

"I know. I just... I just got the call."

"The call for wh—oh, did you hear back from the soap?" I asked, excitement building.

"Yes! I got it. I like... got it got it. Like they want me for at least a full season. And I will be part of the main cast. I have this love triangle thing going on with two of the hottest guys on the show."

"Oh, Perry. I am so happy for you. You so deserve this," I said, putting down my glass, and wrapping my arms around her, actually feeling tears flood my eyes, knowing how hard she'd worked to get something serious going for herself.

"I had to come and tell you in person. I almost can't believe it," she admitted as I pulled back, grabbing my glass, this time to toast her.

"I can. You're phenomenal. It was only a matter of time before someone saw that, and had to have you. Cheers to this amazing new opportunity!" I said, clinking my glass to hers.

"It's kind of the perfect role for me," she admitted. "She's an over-the-top, dramatic, emotional girl who doesn't know what is good for her where love is concerned. And, well, there's this other thing..."

"What other thing?" I asked, noticing the way her cheeks went as pink as mine had been before.

"Well, since we are sharing our deepest, dirtiest secrets tonight," she said with an eyebrow wiggle at my expense, before she went back to seeming wholly uncomfortable with whatever she was about to admit to me. "You know how I said the role was for a character in a sort of love triangle?"


"Well, see, you like being watched. I, ah, I like... being... shared," she admitted, barely able to choke the words out.

"No way!" I said, smile huge. "Like at once?"

"Like separate sometimes, but also at once sometimes too."

"You little slut, you," I teased. "I love that for you."

"I know, right? Art imitates life in this case, I guess."

"I feel so much closer to you right now," I admitted. "And not just because you've now witnessed me making the beast with two backs," I added.

"That's what makes what I am about to say so much worse."

"What?" I asked, heart sinking.

"I have to move to L.A.," she told me, and the fact was a knife to the gut even as I tried to remind myself that she was having all her dreams come true there.

"Oh," I said, taking a deep breath, then a sip of my wine. "Well, luckily for us, I am dating a billionaire who can like... charter a plane for me to come to brunch with you anytime I want," I said, watching as some of the tension left her shoulders.

"That's true. And when I come visit, I can take a bath in that tub I've fantasized about."

"That tub is as good as you've imagined," I told her.

"I'd have to insist that the cameras be moved first, though," she said, reaching for a cookie. "Did you ever find out what the cameras were about?" she asked, shaking her head. "Or is he just into... watching?"

"I mean, he was. When I put on a show for him. But I don't think he knew he was into that sort of thing until I showed it to him. I actually have no idea what the cameras are about," I admitted, frowning a bit at that realization.

"You have to ask," she insisted.

"No, I totally do," I agreed.

"He's really kind of a treat to look at, isn't he?" she asked, shooting me a familiar smile.

"He's a whole feast to look at," I shot back. "And he handed me a credit card and told me I could make it look like Christmas threw up all over the house. He wasn't going to celebrate at all."

"That's so sad," Perry said, pressing her hand to her heart, my dear, dramatic friend.

"I know, right?" I agreed.

"Will you be spending the holiday with him now? I was feeling so bad about going home to see my family."

"I guess we will spend it together. He probably hasn't had a holiday meal in years."

"I love watching you be a little homemaker."

"I'm kind of enjoying it a lot too."

"This house could use to feel more like a home."

"I agree. It needs some warming up. Starting with the hideous art he has everywhere."

"Oh, it would be so amazing to see some of your art up in here. Maybe one of the new pieces? What—oh," she said when I took a guilty sip of my wine. "Ohhh, are the new pieces dirty?" she asked, knowing me far too well.

"Some more so than others," I agreed.

"Well, now that I have seen the art... in action," she said, laughing at my pained groan, "can I see the actual art pieces?"

"Okay. Maybe some of them. Some I think are for my eyes only," I said.

"What is for your eyes only?" Fitz asked, coming into the kitchen wearing a pair of lightweight black pajama pants and a white tee. It was the most casual I'd ever seen him dressed. Which, somehow, felt almost as intimate as having him naked with me.

"Oh, the canvases she's done heavily featuring, I imagine, your penis," Perry declared, surprising Fitz enough to make him pause mid-stride and turn a choking noise into a cough.

"She's not wrong," I admitted, shrugging at him.

"You've been painting me?" he asked, sounding both flabbergasted and touched at the same time.

"I had to work out my feelings for you somehow," I told him.

"And instead of talking it out with me, you painted it."

"Yes, like the totally normal, not at all emotionally insecure artist that she is," Perry agreed, getting small eyes from me.

"Perry, nice to see you again," Fitz said, offering her a small smile, not at all bothered by the fact that she'd seen us fucking. But, then again, she wasn't his best friend.

"You too. Thanks for the wine," she said, toasting him.

"I tried to pick out the least expensive-looking bottle," I admitted, waving toward it.

"And somehow managed to choose the most expensive," he said with a chuckle as he reached for my glass, taking it for a sip.

"Well, she's worth it, at least," Perry declared, always ready to jump to my defense, and I loved her all the more in that moment.

"That she is," Fitz agreed, wrapping an arm around my lower back, fingers digging in at my waist. Firm, possessive.

He got the smile of approval from Perry at those words.

"So, Fitzwilliam," Perry started.

"Fitz," he corrected.

"Mr. Buchanan," Perry tried again.

"When she would talk about you when she worked here, she called you by your full name. Like you were a celebrity or something," I informed him.

"Anyway," Perry said, rolling her eyes. "While I am over the moon that you and my best friend here have a shared interest in her exhibitionism, we have a question for you."

"Uh oh," Fitz mumbled, taking another sip of my drink. "What's that?"

"What's with all the cameras?" she blurted out, making his body tense a bit.

"Oh, right," he said, looking uncomfortable.

"I mean, you know it is totally not normal to have them all over your house like this, right? It's why I quit."

"You knew they were there?" Fitz asked, brows pinching.

"Of course I knew. I used to nanny. Hidden cameras aren't all that hidden if you know what you're looking for. What?" she asked, making me turn my head to look at Fitz who looked like he'd just been kicked in the gut.

"What's wrong? Is it about the cameras?" I asked.

"Yes. Sort of."

"Why do you have them?"

"Because someone has been stealing from me," Fitz explained.

"What? Really?" I asked. "Who do you think it is?"

"I think it's Blake," Fitz admitted, and suddenly, all the animosity he felt toward his brother made a lot of sense. If I offered my fancy guest house and a job and an allowance to someone who returned the favor by stealing from me, I would have a hard time carrying on any civil conversations with them as well.

"Really? Blake?" I asked.

"What? You don't think so?" he asked.

"I don't know. I mean, I guess he is capable. But Blake strikes me more like someone who would steal from you blatantly, don't you think? Just grab something off your shelf as he was walking away, in full sight of you."

"You're not wrong," Fitz admitted. "He likes to push buttons almost as much as he likes money."

"And you do have a lot of people in and out of the house on a weekly basis," I added. There was always something getting maintenance or serviced or projects getting done.

"True," Fitz agreed. "So, it could be anyone."

"Pretty much," I agreed, giving him a wince. "Has the stealing stopped since the cameras were installed?"

"No. That's the frustrating part. The cameras have been up for almost a year, but shit is still going missing. I can't figure it out. Well, no, that's not true. Things haven't gone missing in a few months."

"I didn't steal anything!" Perry squeaked, thinking he was going to blame her. "I mean, I totally stole some apples and oranges. But you always made me order too many, and they would go bad before you ate them."

"Yeah, hon, I'm not talking about apples and oranges. Art and electronics have been going missing. Up until..." he said, looking at me.

"Until I started?" I asked. "Really?"


"Well, I have an answer for that," Perry said. "I was a terrible house manager," she declared.

"I noticed that," Fitz agreed with a smile because he seemed to sense that Perry wasn't the sort to get offended by him agreeing with her.

"I spent way more time than I should have taking selfies or phone calls between tasks. Whoever is stealing could have seized the opportunities in those moments to snatch something."

"Yes, but how?" Fitz asked. "I have cameras damn near everywhere."

"Maybe they're like me. They know they're there."

"But they should have been in the camera's view several times with what has gone missing."

"I'm no security camera expert, but I'm pretty sure you can find a dozen different ways to trick a camera online if you are looking to do it," Perry suggested. "And they were smooth sailing with house managers the likes of me around who shirked responsibilities. But then Wynn came along, all Type A and dedicated to her work, and she stole their windows of opportunity."

"It's not a bad theory," I agreed, nodding.

"I agree. But how the hell am I supposed to figure out who it is then?"

"Those little tracking devices on or in expensive items?" Perry suggested. "Or some extra cameras. Then give Wynn off for a few days. Paid, of course," she added, shooting me a wink.

"Of course," Fitz agreed.

"So, what I am hearing is I can trust you to keep my best friend's interest at heart while I run off to be a big daytime TV star."

"You can. And congratulations."

"Thank you," she said, giving him one of her warm smiles. "So, you're rich."

"I, ah, yes," Fitz agreed, a little uncomfortable with her bluntness.

"So, when I happen to have a free afternoon, you can fly her out to me no problem."

"I, yeah, I can do that," Fitz agreed, giving me a squeeze.

"I mean, you can visit too. So long as we get some time to eat pasta on the couch and rewatch things we've seen a million times."

"I think I can manage that."

"Good. Then it's settled. I approve of this relationship," Perry declared, clinking my glass with hers. She took a sip before putting her glass down. "Okay. Well. On that note, I have a boyfriend to break-up with. And I know, I know," she said looking at me. "I can see the 'Thank God' all over your face. Oh, and call my family. And start packing my things. And..."

"Packing party. After Christmas," I demanded.

"Yes, absolutely. You bring the wine," she said, shooting a smirk to Fitz. "Another bottle of the cheap stuff, maybe."

And with that, she was gone as suddenly as she had arrived, leaving Fitz and me alone again.

He reached for a coffee.

I got more wine.

"Are you upset?" he asked after downing a whole and a half chocolate chip cookie.

"That she's leaving? A little, yeah. I mean, I am going to miss her like crazy. But I'm so happy for her. She's worked hard for this. And she's going to do great."

"You're a good friend."

"So is she," I agreed.

Fitz finished his cookie, took a sip from my glass, then set it down and reached for me, sealing his lips to mine, mixing the taste of the red wine and the chocolate in the cookies.

"Want to go upstairs?" he asked, eyes heated.

"You can't possibly have any strength left," I said, smiling up at him.

"Not really," he admitted. "Which is why you are going to ride my face, then ride my cock, and then we are both going to catch some sleep before we repeat the process all over again. Sound good?"

"Perfect," I corrected.

It sounded perfect.