Yours to Keep by Claudia Burgoa

Chapter Sixteen



I heardsomeone say last week that weird things happen around the Aldridge family. I had no idea what that meant until today. I’m in a black Cadillac SUV heading to the hospital. Mom is in the back of the car staring at me.

She has questions. I only hope that none of them includes, “what kind of cake would you like for the wedding?”

At the same time, I’m having trouble thinking of anything but Vance. Vance and that searing kiss. What was he thinking when he called me babe?

What was I thinking when I called him my boyfriend?

That’s for middle school children who hold hands during recess and share their lunch. I glance at our entwined hands. Vance is taking the role of boyfriend seriously. He’s holding my hand while driving. No one has ever done that before.



“You could’ve told me and saved me the embarrassment,” she finally speaks.

“Wait, you think this was embarrassing for you? My mom barged into my hotel room with a guy while I was having a moment with my man. How do you think that feels?” Okay, maybe I’m playing it too thick. Why am I talking in third person?

“We’re here,” Vance announces, releasing my hand and turning off the engine. He gets out of the car and opens the door for me.

I’m loving his attention. Though I think he’s playing this too thick. My mother will catch us because of that. When we’re close to the door, we come to a complete stop.

“Thank you for…” I trail my voice, glancing at the car.

“I don’t know why I did it,” he confesses. “That was…Is she always like that?”

“Yes. I adore her, but…” I don’t know how to finish the sentence.

He rubs the back of his neck. “That was intense. She’s definitely a force, but why the obsession.”

“She doesn’t want me to end up single and bitter,” I give him the short answer. “You know you’re going to have to kiss me goodbye, don’t you?”

He nods, and I think the corner of his lip lifts slightly. He either finds this amusing, or he likes kissing me. I want to believe it’s the latter, but he’s probably enjoying this tragedy.

I’m not ready to let him go just yet. Our faces are close, and I’m savoring his attention. His words. I want to believe this is the longest conversation he’s had with a man. I’m probably wrong.

“Call me after you take her to the airport,” I request.

“I’ll text you before taking off,” he says.

“Oh, you’re leaving?”

He runs a hand through my hair, nodding. “To San Francisco. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I let her wait at the airport until she can get a flight?”

I don’t know what pushes me to close the gap between us and kiss him. He parts my lips with his, and our tongues come together. It’s intimate. Warm. Hard.

It’s harder than the kiss we shared earlier. It feels like a claim. I’m not sure what we’re claiming or what’s happening. All I know is that I feel the kiss all the way to my bones. Deep down to my soul. Is that even possible?

We pull apart. His hand cradles the back of my head. “If you need to go home tonight, let me know. I should be back around five.”

“You don’t like to fly late.”

He shrugs one shoulder. “It’s okay. I’ll wait until it’s dark if I don’t make it on time.”

“Thank you.”

He smiles shyly, and fuck if that doesn’t stir my insides.

“It’s nothing. I’d rather fly to San Francisco than go back to Baker’s Creek.”

He’s deflecting or trying not to agree that this is a good deed. I say it straight, “You don’t have to hide who you are. Not with me.”

He glances at me one last time before he walks away.

Not a minute goes by that I don’t think about him. The way he took charge, his possessive kiss, and all the things I wanted to do to him. It’s hard to focus on the case the ER wants me to consult on, but I get through it. I’m grateful that they don’t need me. Still, I leave my information and tell them I’ll be around for a couple more days.

When I’m done with my patient, I grab my phone to call an Uber. That’s when I realize I have missed calls and a bunch of texts.

Danika: When were you going to tell us about your NEW boyfriend?

Denise: Mom sent a picture of him. He’s hot.

I grunt. I can’t believe that Mom took a picture of him and sent it to my sisters. This is going to blow way out of proportion. The haze of that kiss we shared when he dropped me off is gone. My gut is filled with worry. This is not going to end up pretty.

Darcy: I don’t know about you, but I think he’s out of our brother’s league.

Danika: I’m booking a trip to Baker’s Creek for next weekend. We should make it a sisters’ trip.

Dare: No one is coming to Baker’s Creek. You’re going to scare him.

Darcy: Finally, he’s responding. And no, we didn’t scare him.

Dare: What do you mean?

Danika: We sent you those messages more than two hours ago. Mom told us he was flying her home, so…we met them at the airport.

Dare: What did you do?

Darcy: If I wasn’t married, I’d be fighting you for him. He’s so hot. Does he have a brother?

Dare: Stop objectifying Vance.

Danika: I couldn’t see much, but is he packing?

Dare: That’s it, you’re not my sisters anymore.

Denise: Stop teasing him. He is a nice guy. I mean, he gave Mom a ride home. I just can’t understand why you didn’t tell us about him.

Danika: Is this why you moved? For him?

Dare: It’s new.

More like the lie is new, and I didn’t have time to make up shit before Vance claimed me in front of my mother.

Fuck, did he claim me?

Don’t be an idiot. I’m sure that wasn’t his intention.

What was he thinking when he did it? I don’t feel like his explanation was enough. At least, Mom is going to be off my case for some time. I can pretend to be dating Vance for as long as it’s possible. Maybe this is what I needed, a little PDA in front of Mom with a hot guy. She’s off my case, isn’t she?

That reminds me of the guy she brought.

Dare: Did you know she was going to introduce me to a guy? Why didn’t you stop her before she got on a plane?

Denise: I had no idea she went to Portland until she texted the picture of your new man.

Darcy: Mom is bored. She’s going to need a new project.

Danika: Dare’s wedding.

She sends me a tears with joy emoji. I reply with an unamused face emoji.

Dare: I swear you three are going to pay for this. Do not give Mother any ideas.

Denise: We won’t, but only because we don’t want Vance to run away. Have you told him about your mother?

Dare: He’s heard a story or two.

Darcy: Ha, I bet he didn’t tell him much, or the guy would’ve disappeared as soon as he saw her.

And maybe Darcy is onto something. He tried to save me from my mother. The need to get to know him more and understand how and what he thinks is stronger.

Dare: Do me a favor and leave me alone.

Darcy: If we do, do you think he’ll fly us in his private jet?

Dare: Are you asking for a bribe?

Darcy: Not necessarily, but I’ll be grateful if he flies us, you know.

Dare: I’ll try.

I’m aware that the last text just added another layer of problems. But what am I supposed to say? This is my free card away from Mom. Though, after meeting my sisters, he might be ready to avoid me. The women in my life are a fucking nightmare. I’m still wondering how they’re all still married. I would’ve dropped their asses after meeting our mother.

Again, I love the lady, but she’s something to fear. The boogeyman has nothing on her. Actually, she’s the woman they call when they have to scare the fucking boogeyman.

I thought she was exaggerating when she called earlier to chide me because I wasn’t in Baker’s Creek. Coming to Portland and with a guy? That’s…I don’t even know how to describe it. Okay, she’s worried about my life. She thinks that I need an intervention because I used to believe in love and all that shit. I believe in it. It’s just not for me.

How do I make her understand that she has to leave me alone? I doubt anything I do will convince her, and this will be our game for years to come. I can imagine her trying to set me up with men she meets in the retirement home.

Maybe Baker’s Creek isn’t far enough. I should take a job in London or move to the other side of the world.

Mom doesn’t call me, and I’m thankful. I don’t expect to see Vance again, like ever. Except around five, there’s a knock on the door. When I look through the peephole, it’s him.

“You’re back.”

“I said I’d be back.”

“Thank you again for…” I trail my words because what am I supposed to say? I don’t even know what I’m thanking him for. He did so much. He dealt with my mother, faked that we’re together, and well, those amazing kisses he gave me…

“You have three sisters.”

“I’m pretty sure I mentioned it before.”

“They’re as scary and intense as your mom.”

“That’s an understatement.”

“They all spoke at the same time. I’m usually good at keeping up with a busy conversation. I have four sisters-in-law who sometimes talk on top of each other, but your sisters…phew.” He whistles, shaking his head. “I think I understand why you moved to Baker’s Creek.”

He only knows the half of it, and I leave it at that. Vance doesn’t need to know more, does he?

“When do you have to leave for Baker’s Creek?”

He looks at his watch. “I have about thirty minutes to be at the airport if I want to make it on time for dinner. Which I have to because my brothers are on my case. I wish I knew how Beacon got away with not being in town without anyone noticing.”

“Did that happen?”

“I think so, but no one can confirm it. His friends are too loyal to him. I thought I had that with my unit, and well, I didn’t.”

His phone rings. He shakes his head and answers right away. “Yes, I can go to the post office. Anything else? Oh joy, you have a list. Text it.”

When he hangs up, he looks at me and says, “I have to leave. My sisters-in-law need me to run a few errands for them.”

“Thank you again for doing this.”

He rubs the back of his neck. “So, your mom said she might come see us in Baker’s Creek soon. That’s a problem.”

“How is that a problem?” He stares at me as if waiting for me to react, and that’s when it sinks in. “Fuck.”

He nods. “You have to tone this down, so it’s casual but not too casual. If this is a serious thing, you’d have to move into the mansion. It’s part of the will’s stipulations. I don’t want to do any paperwork because I…I don’t even know why I did that. Say that you’re mine.”

“Why did you do it?”

He shrugs. “You looked desperate.”

I was desperate. “How is this supposed to work then?”

“Fuck if I know.” His phone buzzes. He looks at it and growls. “The fucking list. I need to go.”

Before he goes, I pull him to me and kiss him hard.

He glares at me.

“If we want this to look real, we need to practice, don’t you think?”

His nostrils flare, and he leaves. I’m starting to believe that the flaring isn’t necessarily anger. This guy is a puzzle, and I want to solve him. Pretending to be together might be the key to unlocking all his secrets. Plus, it’ll keep my mother away.

Who knows, but this might be the best thing that’s happened to me in years. And I thought chocolate croissants were the answer to everything. I was so wrong.