Taken Bride by Alta Hensley



Christopher is restless in the chapel, and I don’t blame him. I watch his eyes examine the girls and the way they’re dressed. I know he has to hate seeing I reverted to my old look as well. He also seems to be looking for an escape route, as if he’s expecting Papa Rich and Scarecrow to enter at any moment.

And that fact is a reality.

They could return.

They could hit weather of their own and decide they want to wait until winter has passed to start the journey to Wyoming. They may have also left us as a test. To see if we would indeed try to escape, regardless of how Holly feels that isn’t true.

I can see them testing me. See if I’m trustworthy now after the Hallelujah Junction incident.

“How long have you lived here with Scarecrow?” he asks Holly and Violet.

“We don’t really pay attention to days,” Violet says softly. “Seasons are easier to track.”

“Did he kidnap you too?” he asks.

“Our hands in marriage were promised by our father,” Holly says, cutting more vegetables to throw in the stew. She knows we have another mouth to feed, and we barely cook enough for ourselves as it is.

“Your father married you off to Scarecrow?” Christopher says his name as if it burns his tongue.

Violet nods. “At least my sister and I could stay together.”

“We need to get you both out of here too,” Christopher declares as if it’s as simple as that. “It’s wrong what’s been done to you.”

Neither Holly nor Violet respond but look at me for answers.

Answers I don’t have.

“We can’t just leave,” Holly finally says.

“Scarecrow would kill us if we did,” Violet adds.

“Not if we go to a safe place,” I suggest, realizing we really could all leave as one. “If the police get involved—”

“Weren’t they already involved?” Holly asks. “And yet, you are here.”

“You both don’t need to be afraid of those men,” Christopher reassures. “We’ll get us all off this mountain, and I’ll make sure that when they return… well, they won’t like what’s waiting for them.”

Holly huffs. “You have no idea what you’re up against. Scarecrow and Richard aren’t going to simply walk into a trap. They’re smart. Smarter than you give them credit for. Just because we all live off the grid doesn’t mean we are inbred, uneducated fools.”

I can see Holly is growing more and more agitated by the minute.

“I’m not saying you are,” he says gently, most likely seeing her change in demeanor the same way as me.

“He wants to help,” I tell her softly. “He only wants to help us.”

“I’m going to go out and see if I can get a signal with the satellite phone,” Christopher finally announces, not satisfied just sitting by the fire and maybe realizing there needs to be some space between him and the women.

I stand to go with him.

He puts out his hand and says, “I’ll go alone. I’ll only be a minute. No reason for you to get wet and cold.”

He doesn’t wait for me to argue but instead grabs his coat and hat hanging by the fire and heads out the front door.

Holly calls after him, “There’s a cliff to the right. It’s straight down to the canyon below. You may not be able to see well with the snow. I’d be careful not to get too close.”

“I’ll watch out,” Christopher replies as he opens the door and charges into the harsh weather.

“If Scarecrow finds out about this…,” Violet whispers as if someone can hear us.

“We’ll be gone before he does,” I say, though not with much confidence.

I’m just as scared as they must be. I’ve seen what happens when Scarecrow feels his wives have misbehaved. And sadly, it will be Violet—Wife Number Two—that will pay the price for us all.

I reach for Violet’s trembling hand. “We’ll be okay. I promise you. No matter what happens, we’ll stick together and be okay.”

Normally Violet likes my touch, but not now. Instead, she pulls her hand away sharply and shakes her head. “I’m going to get some firewood from the stables. I think we should before the snow buries us in.”

I open my mouth to offer to help but then decide she needs the fresh air and the moment alone to process everything.

Or maybe that’s what I need.

The front door opens and closes, and now it’s just me and Holly. “We don’t want to leave,” Holly announces as she stirs the stew.

“I know the idea is scary—”

“We aren’t like them,” Holly adds quickly. “You know that, Ember. You lived out there and saw it for yourself.”

“Christopher will help us.”

“Even if we left with Christopher,” Holly continues, “where would we go? What would we do? We have no money. We have no family other than Pa, who would beat us to death for leaving our husband and going against our vows to God. Leaving here is walking through the doors of hell.”

I want to argue, but I don’t have valid comebacks to what she’s saying. She’s right. We are different. Holly and Violet are no different from me. They were raised in captivity as I was, and being brought into the modern world is actually like walking into hell. They’re right.

“You know you can’t keep your sister with Scarecrow any longer. One day, he’s going to beat her to death, and even if he doesn’t… do you want your sister abused for the rest of her life? And what about you? I know you’re forced to have sex with Scarecrow. You want to be raped forever?” My words come out harsher than I want, but I need Holly to start to see reason.

“We all have our paths in life.”

“No,” I snap. “That’s what you were brought up to believe. You don’t know any better. I didn’t know any better, and though I didn’t like New York… I liked it a hell of a lot more than I do this place. We all deserve better. We all deserve to truly be happy.”

She smirks and shakes her head. “Happy is a fairy tale.”

“I used to think that too. I still may. But I do know one thing. We can’t be here when Scarecrow comes back. We can’t be his three wives. It’s no way to live.”

She doesn’t say anything but returns to the stew pot and begins stirring.

“Holly… I won’t leave you and Violet.”

“You may have to.”

* * *


The snow’s coming down hard. So hard that walking in it is becoming more of a challenge as I sink into every step. I was warned to watch for the ledge, and with the falling snow, I can see how easily it could be for me to just walk right off.

Ember wanted to come with me, but I wanted her to stay warm, and I also got the sense that she needed some alone time with the sisters to explain what was going on. Plus, I don’t want her standing in front of me if I do reach the authorities. I don’t want her to actually hear me telling them where to arrest the man she still loves and sees as her father.

The wind is whipping around me, and though we aren’t in blizzard conditions yet, we aren’t far from it. I know we aren’t getting off this mountain anytime soon, but I can at least reach out to the authorities and let them know Richard and Scarecrow are headed toward Wyoming, but more importantly… they will return here for the wives.

The wives.

The very thought of Scarecrow thinking Ember is his wife makes me ill and full of rage. If he even dared tried having sex with her… I would have cut off his other leg.

I still may.

“Please don’t take her away from us,” Violet says, walking up to me on the edge of the cliff as I search for a signal.

I turn to face her, surprised to see her outside without her sister or Ember. Something about her mousy and scared actions tells me this is out of her normal, to be so bold as to approach me.

“We can all leave,” I say again, trying to reassure her that I meant it when I said we would all go together.

She shakes her head. “That’s not what I mean. Even if Holly and I do go with you, I know Ember will be forever gone. With you. I’m asking you not to do that. I don’t want to lose her. Please.”

“You won’t lose her,” I assure. I can see the pain in her eyes as her lip trembles. “I see that Ember cares about you and your sister very much. We won’t abandon you. I want to help you get a better life. A life that you deserve.”

“I don’t understand why you think leaving this mountain is a better life.”

I glance down at the phone and see there is still no signal. I try to not show my frustration in the fact that I have to remain on the mountain another minute and give a fake smile. “It’s better. Trust me.”

I’m not giving her my full focus, and maybe I should, but at this moment in time, I’m standing on a cliff on a mountain in the middle of nowhere during a snowstorm that could last God knows how long.

“Did it ever cross your mind that maybe Holly and I wouldn’t want to leave?”

I refocus on her, clearly seeing that she wants to have this conversation, and though it’s damn cold outside, and we’re getting soaked, she’s determined.

Taking a calming breath and putting the phone away, I ask, “Why wouldn’t you want to leave?”

“This is our home.”

“With Scarecrow,” I say with a snarl. Even the sound of his name and me having to say it makes me sick.

Her eyes glance down to the snow piling up around her booted feet. “He’s our husband.” She looks up at me. “And he’s Ember’s husband too.”

Her words slap me in the face, and I clench my jaw not to shout obscenities back at her. “No. He’s not.”

She nods slowly, her eyes locked with mine. “But he is. You not liking that fact doesn’t change the reality.”

“Just because he made up vows, forced her to say them, and had some person claiming it so under God does not make it a legal wedding.”

“Isn’t that how you and Ember got married? So, are you saying she’s not your wife too?”

This little pixie of a woman with her too-pale face and hollow eyes is pissing me off. I don’t want to stand discussing this in the falling snow anymore.

I begin to walk back to the chapel. “We should get inside. It’s really coming down, and we’re going to get frostbite or hypothermia.”

She reaches out and touches my arm as I try to pass her. She pauses, as if she’s surprised she actually touched me—a man—but then she swallows back any uncertainty, straightens her shoulders, and stares back into my eyes.

“Do you want to know why Holly and I married Scarecrow?”

I don’t say anything, but I remain standing in place.

“We married Scarecrow, because our pa deemed it so. But it wasn’t a bad thing to get away from that situation—with our pa. Did we exchange one evil for the next? Maybe. But you know what? Holly and I welcomed the second evil.”

“I’m sorry you had to do that,” I say genuinely.

“Did you ever stop to wonder why Ember married Scarecrow?”

I don’t answer but know exactly what she’s going to say next.

“Because she welcomed the second evil.”

I turn to walk toward the chapel, afraid what I may say next to the woman.

She takes a few quick steps so she can block my way. “And you want to bring her back and force her into the evil she was escaping. Is that fair? Is that truly what’s best for Ember?”

My face heats regardless of the cold temperature. “Richard and Scarecrow deserve to be in prison. Period. End of discussion.”

“And what do Holly, Ember, and I deserve?”


“Then don’t take Ember away from us. Don’t take her back to your world. Your world.”

“We’ve been out here enough.” I reach for her arm to assist her back into the house, but she pulls away from my touch as if I burned her skin.

She doesn’t say another word but marches ahead of me back to the chapel.

Back to her world.