Taken Bride by Alta Hensley



“They’re just scared,” I try to defend. “Holly and Violet live a life that no one can understand.”

“I know,” he says. “I don’t understand. Just as I didn’t truly understand all you were struggling with. I won’t make the mistake of thinking I do again.”

“But they are keeping something from us,” I concede.

“They are,” he agrees. “But I’m not going to push anymore. I’m just going to watch and keep my eyes open.”

“They wouldn’t hurt us,” I say, truly believing the words.

“I believe that. I don’t think it’s in their nature to hurt anyone. But I also think they will do whatever Scarecrow tells them. They will also do whatever they can to survive. If lying to you and me about a bigger plan is what it takes for survival, I don’t think they’ll have a choice.”

“I’m so sorry,” I murmur as I place my hand gently on Christopher’s shoulder. “You’re here because of me, and I’m sorry.”

“We both have things to be sorry for,” he says, releasing the breath he seemed to be holding. “But I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else without you. This is temporary, and we will get out of here. Regardless of whether Richard and Scarecrow are out there or not, we’re leaving tomorrow if the snow lets up. We’ll let the authorities deal with them.”

“Do you think they’ll come tonight?”

He holds up his gun. “I hope they fucking do. I’d like to end this right now.”

“You aren’t a ruthless killer,” I say as my heart skips at the idea of him doing something so violent as to kill another human being. I know he wanted Papa Rich to burn in Hallelujah Junction, but setting a fire and running away is a far cry different than staring a man straight in the eye and then pulling the trigger.

“Just like Holly and Violet, I’ll do whatever it takes to survive and to protect you.”

My eyes go to the gun, to his dark eyes and tight jaw, and then back to the gun. “This wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t leave. I put us in danger. It’s all my fault.”

He clicks the safety on the gun, puts it on the table, and takes me into his arms. “Let’s focus on the future and stop beating ourselves up for what we did or didn’t do in the past. There’s no need to keep punishing ourselves.” He kisses the top of my head. “I think we’ve both gone through enough for one lifetime. This will all be a distant memory soon enough. When we leave here, it will just be you and me. We’ll block out all the bad, all the resistance, and anything and anyone who is trying to keep us apart. I promise you, Ember. It’ll be better. I swear.”

I pull away just enough so that I can kiss him. I need his affection more than I’ve ever needed anything. I need his taste. I need his smell. I need him.

“I should have trusted in your love for me,” I whisper through our kiss.

“Yes, you should have,” he says and then kisses me deeper.

We should wait. We shouldn’t be doing this here. Not here.

We have an entire life to do this.

A new home to create, where we can be together over and over again, in the privacy of our own space, but I just can’t get enough of this man. And with how much he’s constantly touching me, kissing me, and giving me the hungry look that makes my knees nearly melt… he can’t get enough of me either.

We try to be discreet, but the sisters know.

And I feel guilty for it. Maybe because I’m getting happiness and love when they aren’t.

Or maybe…

As sick as it sounds, I may feel guilty because deep down I worry they are judging me for committing adultery on Scarecrow. Maybe they don’t understand that Christopher is my husband in all ways that matter and always has been. Maybe they think what I’m doing is wrong. Dirty. Sinful.

Yes, I fear the sisters think I’m a sinner.

And I do care what they think. I desperately want them to approve of me and Christopher. I want them to see in him what I see. I want them to trust him when he tells them he will keep them safe. I want them to believe when he says he will help them start over and have a better life. I want them to have faith that all will be well, and we can all be a family… in our own demented way.

But I don’t think they do.

They watch. They’re quiet. They go about the hours that pass in a silence that makes me uneasy. Violet seems hurt. Almost as if I’ve betrayed her by allowing Christopher to reach out and hold my hand.

I wish I could make it all better.

I wish I could make them better.

I also wish I could resist Christopher right now… but I can’t.

He doesn’t hesitate, and I’m thankful when he guides us to my private nook, shedding me of my dress as he does. If the sisters enter, at least we won’t be in plain sight, but I still hope they stew outside in the barn for a little longer.

He lowers me to our poor excuse of a bed, but I’ve never been happier to make contact with the rough wool.

I know what’s coming next.

Christopher sucks my breast, then moves to the other to give it equal attention. Lowering his hand to my mound, damp with fresh arousal, he dips a finger to my clit and applies pressure as he rouses an overwhelming longing that has me gasping for air.

Moving from my clit, he presses his fingers past my silky folds and pushes one, then two digits into my sex. I force my hips up to drive them inside my pussy even deeper.

They aren’t enough.

I want to feel the small bite of pain as his cock stretches me while he claims what is now his. I want to feel him so badly that the hunger changes who I am.

I’m not Ember—the timid, scared, and broken woman.

I’m an animal.


I’m a stalker in search of its victim.

I’m a woman who needs to be fucked hard by her man. Her man who nearly slipped away but now will forever be in her grips.

This is me. Powerful, knowing, willing to fight for what I want.

I want Christopher.

I want to be married to him and spend the rest of my life with him.

But right now…

Right now, I want his cock, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. It’s natural, it’s right, and there isn’t anything sinful about my needs and desires. I’m learning this. I’m growing, and as I do, I will take what’s mine. Mine.

Christopher is mine.

Unable to hold back the fever that scorches me, I beg, “Please, Christopher. Please…”

“Please what?” he teases as he dances his fingers inside my core. “Say it, Ember. Tell me what you want. I want to hear the dirty words come from this perfect mouth.” He nibbles on my bottom lip and then pulls away, staring into my eyes.

I want to look away, because the familiar timid girl still lurks inside me, but his eyes demand that I keep them in place. My body obeys. My mind obeys. I obey.

“I want you,” I pant, desperately wanting to feel the orgasm that rests just beneath the surface, begging to be set free. But I need my husband’s heavy dick spreading me to make that happen.

“Not dirty enough.” He pulls his fingers out of my pussy as punishment.

“Fuck me!” I blurt out as a moan follows my frantic command. “I want you to fuck me hard and make me feel you between my legs tomorrow. I want it to be rough. I want it to sting. I want to feel the pain that is followed by pleasure. I want your cock to stretch me and fill me. Fuck me!”

I am absolutely thirsty and ravenous at this point as his fingers hit a spot inside my pussy that has me uncontrollably twirling in ecstasy. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to have him enter me deep and hard. The power this man has over me….

Sparing me of my uncontrollable desires, he finally grants me my filthy wish. He sheds his clothes as fast as possible and mounts me. Feeling his weight on top of me, I’m soon rewarded as his cock presses up against my opening and easily slides in with the aid of my soaking wet pussy. Wrapping my legs around him, I hold on in fear that he’ll change his mind and torture me some more.

And with a forceful shove of his hips, he drives his thick cock all the way in, claiming me completely. So deep. So fucking deep.

I want to stay like this always. Connected. Always connected.

Yes, yes, yes… I am his. I should have never left. I should have never allowed anyone or anything to get in the way. I should have resisted the voices in my head that tried to take over. I should have run away from the darkness and only looked toward the light.

Christopher—my light.

In and out, he thrusts, deeper and deeper with each pounding action. My moans blend with his as our bodies merge as one—as only one, like we are meant to be. Fate—she has brought us together more than once, and it’s about time I fucking listen to her.

“This pussy of yours is mine. Only mine,” he growls as he powers into me, his muscles taut, his eyes glazed over with a fierce intensity that only drives me closer to the edge. “I want to hear you moan my name,” he demands. “Moan.”

As if I can do nothing else but obey, I do just as he orders.

Moaning with each vibration of wantonness that attacks my pussy, I truly collapse into an encompassing hole of sexual bliss.

With a few more thrusts, Christopher’s groans blend with the sounds of my completion, and he too joins me in our own world of lust.

Slipping my arms around his neck, I pull away enough to stare into his eyes. “I’ll never run away from you—from us—again.” Choked by emotion, I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes, wishing the moment of connection could last forever.

“I should’ve never given you reason to leave,” he murmurs, drawing my lips to his. “You’re everything—” But before he can say more, the door to the chapel opens, and the sound of booted feet breaks our privacy.

“Ember? Christopher?” Holly calls out.

We both stand and scurry for our clothing, dressing as fast as we can. I don’t think they will move the curtain, but maybe they will.

Scanning each other quickly to make sure we’re appropriately dressed, we both walk out from the curtain to greet the sisters.

Caught in the act, but an act I hope to do again, and again, and again, I wonder if I’ll ever get enough of this man.