Taken Bride by Alta Hensley



It had been a long day and a grueling hike getting the sisters to Isaac’s cabin. Christopher and Isaac were able to carry Violet the entire way, while Holly and I carried the supplies. Once we had them settled into the cabin, Christopher and I decided it would be best to come back to the chapel before dark, spend the night one last time, and then head out for the meadow at first light. Though Isaac offered his place for us to stay, both Christopher and I felt we needed some privacy so we could figure out our own future. We still have so much to discuss, and we really need some time to just be us… one last time before the craze of starting our new life begins.

Goodbyes were hard, but we all promised to stay in touch. Isaac promised to watch over Holly and Violet until we get word to them that Scarecrow and Papa Rich have been arrested, and knowing this made it possible for me to walk away. As hard as it was to leave them, I know deep down that they are happy now. They are living their lives the way they want to and on their terms. I could never force them to do anything but.

“It’s just me and you now,” Christopher says as we enter the chapel.

“It’s so quiet,” I say, walking over to the fire that is only embers now. It won’t take me long to get it raging again, and I get to work quickly before the room gets any colder.

Christopher comes up from behind and wraps his arms around me, kissing the side of my neck. “I know today was rough on you. But I’m proud of you. You put their needs before your own, and I’m proud.”

“It was hard. I want them with us, but I also know how hard it is out there… in society.”

“Which is why we need to come up with a plan so it isn’t so hard for you. Starting with the fact that we aren’t going back to New York. You won’t ever have to see my mother again or have the media hounding you. Wherever we go, we’re going to keep it secret. It will take a damn good private investigator to hunt us down, and if they do… we’ll leave again.”

His words fill me with so much hope for the future. “What about your job?”

“I’ll get another job if I want. Money isn’t an issue for me, as you know. I love taking photographs, and that doesn’t have to stop just because I don’t work for The Rolling Stone. I can take freelance down the road if we decide it works for us, or I can take pictures for pleasure. Regardless, as long as I’m with you, I’ll be happy.”

“And your mother? Can you really walk away from her?”

He counters my question with one of his own. “Can you really walk away from Papa Rich?”

“It’ll be hard,” I admit.

“And it will be hard for me. But it’s something we have in common. We won’t be the first couple to have to deal with toxic parents and figure out how to handle that. They both deserve to be in jail, and hopefully that happens.”

“So where do we go?” I ask.

“Do you still want the desert?” he asks, clearly thinking of locations.

I shake my head. “No. I like what you said earlier about living in the mountains. Being up here in the trees… this place makes me happy. Could we maybe find a place nearby? I don’t mean living off the grid, but maybe a small mountain town?”

He tightens his hold on me and kisses me on the neck again. “I love that idea. A cabin with a wood stove and a carved bear out front.”

“Just ours.”

“Yes,” he agrees. “Just ours.”

“Someplace that they can’t reach us. Never again.”

“Never again.”

I spin around and press my lips to his, instantly feeling the fire ignite inside me. Funny how hope for a good future acts like an aphrodisiac.

“We’re all alone,” I whisper seductively. “Just you and me. We don’t have to be quiet.” I nibble his lip and lower my hand to his crotch, which is already hard to the touch. “We can be loud. We can be very, very loud.”

“Careful,” he playfully warns. “You’re awakening the beast.”

“Maybe I don’t want to be careful,” I say as I dip my fingers down his pants and lightly caress his pubic hair. “I happen to like the beast.”

“Take off your clothes,” he orders.

Without hesitation, something I know the alpha in him expects—immediate compliance—I stand back and, with as much grace as I can muster, remove each item as seductively as I can. I know we aren’t in the sexiest environment, but I want to please him. I want him to feel the desire I have inside for him. I can’t give him lingerie and high heels, but I can give him complete surrender.

Christopher sits back on the wooden table, crosses his arms against his chest, and gives a wolfish grin. I get the feeling he’s enjoying what he sees.

“Stand naked before me,” he commands once all my clothes are removed.

I do so without protest, loving the sense of seductive power I feel from doing such a simple act.

“Turn in a circle and allow me to see that ass of yours.”

I do as he says, turning my back to him, feeling his eyes burn against my skin.

“Spread your legs wide.” I comply. “Bend over so I can see you on full display.”

I pause for a moment—forcing myself to block out the dark memories of what that command would bring in my past—but do as he asks, knowing my future is so much better.

“Spread your cheeks for me. I want to see the hole that I plan to claim.”

My heart beats hard against my heaving chest, but I reach behind and pull apart the fleshy mounds of my ass. The cold breeze of the chapel caresses the most intimate of spots, sending shivers down my spine and over every inch of bare skin.

I remain in position and feel a drop of arousal run from my pussy to my thigh. I can smell my desire, and though I know his eyes are feasting on the sight before him, I can’t help but feel a mixture of humiliation and desire in my stance. The push and pull of the two emotions seems to drive my need for more even higher.

I hear his footsteps approach. I remain in position, determined to stay that way until he gives the command to move.

I flinch slightly when I feel his palm on my ass. “Keep them spread,” he growls.

I’ve come to recognize the sound of his voice that means my body will pay the price in the most wicked and delicious of ways. He morphs into a beast, and I know exactly the tone.

I hear it now.

“I want to fuck your ass. I want my cock buried in this tight little hole.”

My heart beats so hard I can feel the pulse in my temples. I swallow back the lump in my throat, trying not to break the position I know he wants me to hold.

“I don’t have lube,” he says. “So, I’m going to fuck this ass with your juices alone.”

Panic mixed with a forbidden desire to have him do just as he pleases rumbles within me.

He swipes his fingers along my pussy, collecting the wetness, and presses them past my puckered hole. He coats every inch of my hole, preparing it for entry with my desire only.

He moves me to the edge of the wooden table and presses me down to lie on my stomach against the cold surface. “I’ll go slow, but this is going to have more friction and won’t be easy.”

I tense but nod. I want this. I want to feel him inside me in the most intimate spots of my body.

“I’ll be gentle, but this will take some time for you to adjust. I can’t slide in with as much ease. I need you to relax, submit, and open up.”

“Is it going to hurt?” I ask.

“Yes. Just the way you like it.”

I nod again. Yes, just the way I like it. Only Christopher truly understands my need for a darker touch. My hunger for a little edge.

He lowers himself over my back and begins to softly kiss the side of my neck, my shoulder, my earlobe—each kiss sending tingles to my throbbing pussy. His cock presses against the crease of my ass, and I know the soft caresses are only a ruse to trick my body into relaxing before the rough claiming of my ass begins.

“I’m scared,” I finally admit.


“I’m scared it will hurt too much. It will be too dry,” I admit, fearful of the unknown. “But no matter how much I cry out, don’t stop,” I direct. “I want it. I want to feel you fuck my ass with nothing preventing the friction. Make my ass raw,” I murmur, knowing that my own primal beast inside has finally been unleashed.

He reaches down with his hand and guides his cock to my tight back entrance. Very slowly, and with so much control, he presses the tip of his dick past the tight ring. He pauses so I can get used to the initial shock, the spread, and the burn from only having my own slickness as lube.

“Relax. Open yourself to me,” he groans in my ear, following the words with soft kisses to my neck.

He pushes farther, causing me to gasp. The bite, the stretch, the erotic feeling, it all becomes too much. I miss the lube. I miss the ease.

I shake my head. “You’re too big for me. I think I’ll tear without lube.”

Christopher whispers in my ear, “Take a deep breath.” I do as he asks. “Take another one, and relax your muscles. You need to trust that once I am fully inside you, it will feel good. Submit yourself, your apprehension, and your complete body to me.”

He reaches a hand around my front and finds my clit. He expertly circles his finger around it, giving me the exact sensation I need to allow my ass to fully take him. I focus my attention on the pleasure his finger gives me and am able to ease the muscles of my anus completely, pushing back against him to drive him even deeper. Doing so allows his dick to fully be rooted in my ass balls-deep as I cry out his name in pain and in pleasure.

I’ve come to realize I love and crave the two feelings combined above all.

“That’s it, Ember,” he praises as he slowly pumps his thickness in and out. “Let me claim that ass of yours. Let me make you mine.”

My bottom hole stretches to impossible levels and is dry without the lube, but I enjoy the stinging friction and look forward to every biting thrust he gives me.

His gentle thrusts become a little more aggressive. Each push drives slightly deeper than before. Tingles in my ass become sparks of ecstasy. My dark channel pulsates around his massive dick, and I scream out his name. Tears of surrender course down my face as I allow every sensation to swamp my body. I don’t resist. I don’t fight. I don’t think. I simply am.

My mewls and whimpers bring on a few more driving thrusts, and Christopher finally ends the ass-fucking with a roar as he shoots his seed in my dry hole.

We remain frozen, bent over the table, our life still in flux, Papa Rich and Scarecrow still out there. But right now… this very second, we have calm. We have us. And I realize that is all I need.