The Sheik’s Expecting Bride by Erin Snihur


Kamran only barely thanks the servant for the escort to the al-Noor’s balcony overlooking the estate’s gardens. Too absorbed in his own thoughts and observations, he makes his own assumptions. The signs are all there. The building is crumbling from the elements, signifying lack of money coming into what remains of Bandar’s businesses. As he steps closer to the balcony’s edge, Kamran observes the wild and untamed gardens below.

Inwardly, Kamran wonders if he is doing the right thing by coming to Bandar to ask for Hasna’s hand. His plan might not work. Bandar might see this as an opportunity to play host to a bidding war for Hasna’s hand by pushing Sadi and Kamran against one another in the hopes of gaining a higher dowry.

Shaking his head, Kamran is about to turn away from the gardens when long dark tresses catch his eye. He leans over the balcony’s ledge so that he might see the owner of the beautiful hair more clearly.

Kamran watches as the object of his racing mind starts around the garden path, plucking up flower after flower from the vines. Behind her, a maid waits with a brown piece of paper full of other flowers. When the maid’s paper is full, Hasna scoops them into a pile in her own apron.

Smirking at the sight of Hasna with an apron around her waist and her simple linen dress, Kamran’s mind instantly wanders back to that peaceful time when he and his brother would visit the Jazah Mountains to discuss business with their father and Hasna’s father.

His father had demanded that Kamran attend the meetings, but there were times when he was permitted to tour the surrounding area of the nomadic tribes. In those times, he would often find Hasna and Nashat causing mischief around the camp. One stern look from Kamran usually sent both younger children scurrying away and laughing in delight at having been caught.

Kamran had always enjoyed Hasna’s laugh. It had made things more difficult when he had to leave her simple life and return back to his restricted city life.

Dragging his mind back to the present, Kamran watches as Hasna kneels down on the ground and begins weaving some of the flowers in her apron into some sort of flowery crown.

If all goes as planned, Hasna, you will be bequeathed something more substantial than a simple crown made of vines and weeds.

Behind him, the footsteps of Bandar’s approach has Kamran tensing up immediately for a moment. His mind turns dark at the mere presence of the older man. Not wanting to be caught staring after Hasna, Kamran turns away from the balcony’s ledge and nods to the man in greeting.

The older man steps forward and bows in greeting. “Your Majesty, this is quite an honor.”

Bandar’s eyes gleam as if he has been given some sort of prize by Kamran’s mere presence. Inwardly, Kamran scoffs. No doubt this man will use Kamran’s visit to his advantage when he tells his business associates of the day that Sheik Kamran al-Rafiq of Nilan came to him for a favor.

Nodding once more as Bandar rises back up from his bow, Kamran murmurs and motions towards the patio furniture on the balcony. Bandar nods and claps his hands together as a servant appears with a tray of assorted drinks and sweets.

“Yes, please, please, sit and enjoy this beautiful sunshine and cool weather we are experiencing coming off the mountains.”

Kamran nods and glances over his shoulder, shocked to find Hasna’s form missing from the gardens below. Does she know I am here? Can she feel the tingles of my presence like I can when she is near?

“So, what is it you wish to talk with me about, Your Majesty? I hope you are not having any troubles with my people,” Bandar murmurs, and then cocks his head to the side. “Your advisor was most vague when he called to inform me that you would be arriving for a visit to our humble estate.”

They were never your people, you fool. If they had of been, then perhaps they wouldn’t have been so close to extinction.

Kamran smiles a smile he uses mostly for business affairs with men and tilts his head slightly in Bandar’s direction. “I have a favor to ask of you, Bandar.”

“A favor?” Bandar’s eyes gleam and sparkle like the jewels on his person that he pretends are not replicas of the real thing. From Nasim’s report, Bandar has apparently been selling off every piece of familiar heirloom he can get his hands on in order to keep his lifestyle afloat.

“Yes, a favor. Anything, my boy. Anything at all.” Bandar chuckles and leans forward as if he is about to reveal a great secret. “You know, your father and my family were very close once.”

Inwardly, Kamran curses, My father never cared for you, Bandar. It was because of your brother that our people did not go to war.

Bandar chuckles and grins wickedly with his glass raised. “Ask me for anything, my boy, and I shall give you it.”

Kamran’s eyes darken as he stares directly into Bandar’s and murmurs, “Your niece’s hand in marriage.”

* * *

Hasna glancesaround the overgrown garden as she makes her way down the broken path. Kneeling down to pick up a few wildflowers that have grown in, Hasna sighs with frustration. Mother would have been furious to see her beloved garden turned into a jungle.

Behind her, inside the house, Hasna can hear the hustle and bustle of their remaining servants as they prepare for a dinner that her uncle has been planning for the last week since he discovered her pregnancy.

An attempt to lure Sadi back into the fold, her uncle claimed. Shaking her head, Hasna stares around the vast space and her fingers immediately clutch tightly to the charm bracelet on her wrist.

Feeling closer to her mother, she whispers, “What am I doing? Why can’t I stand up to him?” With a shake of her head, she continues, “He’s going to have me sell the mountain lands to this man in exchange for wealth and a chance at regaining the Jazah citizens.”

Hasna groans, “Sadi will give Uncle the support he needs to reclaim Jazah. There is no way the people of Jazah want to return to their old lives and if they refuse, I fear war is imminent.”

Be calm, child, a breeze blows through her hair and a whisper of her mother’s voice reassures her.

“The people of Jazah are no more. What remains of them are simple groups, nomadic tribes, living in the same mountains that Uncle Bandar wants to sell away like common sheep.” Hasna sighs as she argues with the wind.

No response comes from her mother this time. Hasna shakes her head and murmurs, “I’m pregnant, mother. If I don’t do what he says, Uncle Bandar threatened to harm the baby.”

A breeze drifts through the hills and over the wall, brushing against her cheek as if her mother, from up in the heavens, is caressing her like she used to when she was comforting Hasna from a nightmare or an upset moment.

In her mind, she can hear her mother say, “Breathe, daughter. The light will be here soon and with it, you will thrive.”

Brushing a tender hand against her stomach, Hasna cannot help but smile at the little life growing inside of her. Inwardly, she knows she will eventually, one day, have to tell the truth to Kamran and her child.

Stomach curdling at the reminder of her child’s father, Hasna shakes her head slowly. Over the last few days since she had been placed in seclusion, she had discovered via the media that Kamran was involved with a model and was seen at various locations. According to the articles, the media speculated that the handsome sheik would soon be marrying the woman. Fikra el-Hussain.

Hasna shudders at the thought of a kind man like Kamran marrying a cruel woman like Fikra. Hasna had known the woman as a child before she and her family went to live in the Jazah Mountains. Now, Fikra seemed to be living the high life and was in the market for a royal husband.

Mourning that thought, Hasna sighs and knows the truth. Kamran will never love her and will never see her as his equal. She is basically a princess of sheep and useless rocks.

Footsteps behind her halt her thoughts. Hasna slowly shifts on her knees to see her uncle pushing his way through the brush and overgrown pathways in an attempt to find her. Shocked to see him, Hasna stands, gaining his attention as he marches over to her.

Uncle Bandar’s eyes are full of glee as he shakes his clasped hands together and croons over and over again, “I’ve done it. I’ve done it.”

Hasna pauses, confused by his words, and hesitantly asks, “Done what, uncle?”

“I have secured you a profitable match.”

Eyes widening, Hasna glances up at the sun, noting it is still high in the sky and murmurs, “I thought dinner with Sadi wasn’t for another hour?”

Meeting her uncle’s gaze as he scoffs and waved a hand in her direction, Hasna pauses when Uncle Bandar begins to snicker.

“Foolish girl, we do not need Sadi now that we have someone else of a higher standing.”

“A better suitor than an oil tycoon?” Hasna whispers in disbelief.

Nodding in delight, Uncle Bandar begins pacing before her, her racing thoughts and his words swirling together as he rambles on.

“Yes. He came at the most opportune time. I was just about to sell off the Jazah Mountains to that old man, but now that this new suitor has arrived, we will most assuredly gain the financial security we require to take back our lands and people.”

“Uncle, who is this mysterious suitor?”

“The Sheik of Nilan.”

Gasping, Hasna drops the flower crown in her hands and stands to full height, her fingers trembling as she does so.

“Sheik Kamran? That’s impossible,” Hasna breathes, inwardly screaming. Her hand is already drifting to her stomach. Her uncle notices the gesture and glares at her in fury.

“Don’t be so impudent, child. This is a good match and you should be thankful.”

Shaking her head, Hasna mutters, “Uncle, what about the baby?”

Bandar shrugs and snorts as he runs a hand over his greyish beard, “Obviously the sheik doesn’t care that you’re damaged goods. I offered to have the child placed in a more suitable home…”

“What!” Hasna screeches her interruption as her face pales. Feeling as though she will faint once more, Hasna reaches out a hand behind her to lean up against a nearby, vine-covered lamp post.

Waving his hands in the air to appease her, Uncle Bandar shoots her a withering glance. “Do not fret. The sheik was most adamant that you be allowed to raise your own mistake.”

Hasna glares at her uncle. “My child is not a mistake.”

“Happy accident then?” Bandar grumbles and then sneers, “If it wasn’t for your whorish behavior, then I suppose you wouldn’t have captured the sheik’s attention in the first place. So we must thank Allah for a small miracle. Besides,” Bandar croons and shrugs as he scans her, “he is most likely after your lands and inheritance. How disappointed he will be when he discovers that I require it all in your marriage contract,” Bandar croons and chuckles deeply.

Inwardly, Hasna doesn’t believe this is the truth. What does Kamran think of her? Does he know the truth about the baby? Or did her uncle tell him her lie about the married American diplomat?

Focusing on her uncle as he continues to ramble on about how this match will push him into the correct spotlight and gain him suitable favor among the surrounding countries, Hasna finally shakes her head, interrupting her uncle once more.

“Well, this is all wrong. I cannot allow Sheik Kamran to ruin his life this way.” Glancing back at the house, she shakes her head once more. “I must speak with him.”

“Of course, my dear. On your wedding day,” Uncle offers.

Shocked by this, Hasna whispers, “What? That could be months away. We need to talk now.”

Shaking his head, Bandar nods along finally and murmurs, “No, no, of course not. The sheik has requested that your marriage will take place in two weeks’ time.”

Eyes widening at the shock, Hasna winces when her Uncle Bandar chuckles over her expression. “Prepare yourself, dear one. You have finally proven to be an asset to the Jazah people and to me.”

Hasna shivers at the corrupt look that takes over her uncle’s face and inwardly she knows he has formed some sort of scheme that may ruined not only herself, but Kamran’s life as well. And the life of our child, a voice inwardly pipes up at the back of her mind.

Hasna’s spine straightens as she formulates a plan. Sheik Kamran can never find out about his child and the truth of its bloodline.