The Sheik’s Expecting Bride by Erin Snihur


This is ridiculous. Kamran inwardly sighs as he paces the length of the lounge area in his private jet, scanning the papers in his hands. He had stupidly asked his advisor, Nasim, to compile a list of eligible women that would be attending Musat’s masquerade and scanning the lengthy list, he immediately regretted it and regretted accepting the invitation, period.

“Will you relax?” Nash grumbles from his languid position on the plush sofa built into the jet’s wall as he motions with his tumbler of scotch towards Kam. “Take a seat, brother, you’re making the room spin.”

Rolling his eyes at the irony of the situation when, only a few days ago, Nash had been the brother annoyed and frustrated at the thought of attending this event. Now, Nash appeared so at ease with everything, it was driving Kamran’s anxiety up.

“Don’t tell me to relax,” Kamran growls and throws the papers down on the table in front of the seat he had been occupying before he had begun reading Nasim’s list. “You’re not the one that will soon be assaulted by conniving mothers as soon as we arrive at this gala.”

Nash’s smile grows into a knowing grin as he takes a sip of his drink with a pleasurable sigh. “It is better to be the second son, isn’t it?”

Dropping down into his seat, Kamran presses a button beneath the arm of the chair to spin it so that he is facing his brother. “Father and mother would kill me if they heard me say this, but sometimes, I wish I was the second son.”

Nash sobers some and then motions to the papers. “Were there any on the list of prospects that you think you could see yourself marrying?”

“No. I can’t see myself just marrying someone because of business. It seems too… clinical.”

Nash nods in agreement and then offers him a sheepish glance. “Thankfully Papa never forced an arranged marriage on either of us when we were younger and he still held control of the Crown.”

Forgetting about his current dilemma, Kamran nods and smiles at the thought of his parents. “Have you heard from them recently?”

“Last week. Reception is pretty spotty on the cruise, but they seem to be enjoying it. Mama did send an email yesterday to say how upset they were to be missing the masquerade in Musat.”

“There will be others,” Kamran mutters in annoyance as his focus drifts to the list of prospective brides.

“Well, according to the gossip columns, it is going to be the party of the year.”

“Perfect,” Kamran grumbles, already dreading it.

“What’s up with you today? Is this mood really all about the list? Or is there something else?” Nash asks and sets his glass aside to lean on his knees. Then he jumps back as if he had been bitten. “You’re not coming down with a flu, are you?”

Rolling his eyes at his brother’s hypochondria, Kamran sighs. “I wish I could be invisible tonight.” Chuckling to himself, Kamran leans back in his seat. “Or someone else entirely.”

Silence envelops the brothers, even though, all around them, the plane’s loud engine reminds them of where they are exactly. Suddenly, Nash is snapping his fingers and standing with a wide grin.

“So why don’t you be someone else?”


“Look, I get it,” Nash begins, his hand covering his heart. “You’re frustrated with the pressure the council and the media is putting on you to marry. So tonight, why don’t you wear my suit and mask?”

Scoffing at his brother’s ludicrous suggestion, Kamran asks, “How will that confuse people?”

Smirk widening, Nash runs a hand over his stubbly cheeks and chin. “I don’t know if you recall, brother, but we used to confuse quite a few people by switching places.”

“As children…”

Waving his hand in the air, Nash marches over to the small sitting area near the front of the plane where a mirror is. “I’ll just slick my hair back this time. My assistant already informed the media of what I’m wearing and by whom, so everyone will think you are me.”

Standing as well as he marches over to the mirror to join his brother, Kamran asks incredulously, “And who will you be, exactly?”

Wiggling his eyebrows jokingly, Nash’s face suddenly morphs into that of a serious nature as his dark eyes dart over to Kamran’s reflection and he strikes a similar pose as his brother.

“You, of course.” Then he grins. “It’ll be a nice change of pace to be in the spotlight as a respectable member of society for once.”

Kamran snorts a laugh as he scans his brother’s face before staring into his own dark eyes and running a hand through their similarly dark hair. “You’re always in the spotlight, brother.”

“Not for good reasons.” Nash grins. “Don’t worry. This will work.”

“Or it won’t. Besides, I have a tattoo, you don’t.”

“Are you planning on stripping at this masquerade?” Nash chortles.

At Kamran’s eye roll and shake of his head, Nash shrugs. “It can’t hurt to try. You’ll get your anonymity and if anyone suspects, just feign ignorance.”

Staring into the mirror at his own reflection and then his brother’s similar one, Kamran sighs. “It’s just so crazy, it might work.”