The Sheik’s Expecting Bride by Erin Snihur


Shit, shit, shit.

Kamran inwardly curses over and over again as he chases after Hasna and her guard. Surprisingly, the little sprite and her hulking guard weave in and out around the mess of the construction with ease and before he can call after them, they are both out the door of the building and disappear from sight. Halting before the open doors of the construction site, he curses out loud, this time startling a few workers who scatter away, probably fearing his rising temper.

“Your Majesty? Shall I call security?” Nasim, Kamran’s advisor, hesitantly asks from behind him. The back of Kamran’s neck tingles and guilt instantly washes over him at the realization of the truth.

Hasna knows,Kamran decides, having seen it in her eyes.

“Reserve a table at Embers for two,” Kamran growls to Nasim and nods towards the exit. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to hunt down a certain princess.”

Marching away from his advisor, Kamran ignores the wary glances of the construction team as they scatter out of his way. Stepping outside of the building, he immediately catches sight of Hasna and her guard. The object of his desire was currently bent over her vehicle. Her long, navy shift dress that brushes against the sidewalk flaps in the wind and as he marches closer to her, Hasna’s sea green eyes meet his through her curly and exposed hair.

Swallowing, Kamran keeps his gaze firmly latched onto her own as he scans her pale face. Slowing to a stop before her, he only briefly meets the eye of her guard before nodding to her slightly.

“You shouldn’t have run out like that,” Kamran scolds, and instantly regrets it when Hasna’s eyes flash with rage.

“I suppose there have been a lot of things certain people shouldn’t have done,” she argues back before spitting out, “How could you, Kamran?”

“Hasna!” her guard barks, his shock and confusion clearly written across his face.

Ignoring the man, Kamran shakes his head. “I never meant for you to find out this way.”

“Or for me to ever find out at all it seems,” she whispers softly and with a shake of her head, tears slip from her ducts and travel down her reddened cheeks.

“Have dinner with me,” Kamran immediately interjects, stepping forward to block her from getting into her vehicle. Her guard watches on with confusion and anger. Taking a step back to appease the man, Kamran meets Hasna’s hesitant gaze. “Please. We have much to discuss and I’d rather not discuss any of it on the street.”

Behind them, Nasim’s voice calls out, “Sire? Is everything alright?”

“How do I know you won’t lie to me again?” Hasna whispers, staring up at him with her doe eyes as she crosses her arms over her chest, as if protecting herself from his words.

“You don’t.” Kamran sighs and then shrugs. “But I can promise to explain everything. The truth. I’ve never lied to you before, Hasna.”

She glances at him in disbelief and before he can reassure her again, Nasim interrupts, “Sire, the car is ready and waiting to take you and Princess Hasna to the restaurant.”

Kamran inwardly curses his assistant’s timing and cringes when Hasna’s eyes flare and squint as she glares up at him with her chin raised. “You just assumed I would agree to have dinner with you!”

Raising his hands, Kamran shakes his head and growls, “I thought you would want to talk somewhere private and yet, in public so as to not…”

“Throw myself at you once more?” Hasna interrupts with a hiss, shocking both Kamran and the other men present.

Sputtering, Kamran shakes his head once more and growls, “No!” Then he leans in close to murmur, “I just wanted to give you the kind of space and respect that you should have received that night.”

Flushing at the mention of their night together, Hasna curls a few strands of hair behind her ear and glances over her shoulder. Kamran watches in amusement as she meets her guards stoic gaze and for a moment he assumes she is going to ask the older man for permission. Instead, she nods to him before turning back to face Kamran.

Chin still raised, Hasna’s expression clears of all anger and she nods. “Yes, I will go to dinner with you. We have much to discuss.”

But I bet my surprise is more of a threat to your bachelor lifestyle than yours.