Wanting by Lynn Burke



Ihadn’t been introduced to Ingrid when she’d been down in the lower forty-eight for business, but the second Dad’s eyes gleamed while telling me he’d met a rich woman, I knew I would be uprooted.

More like he took a chainsaw to the tree trunk of my life and toppled me into a pile of shit.

We drove up to Alaska to stay just two weeks after having dinner with Ingrid and her daughter. A small moving truck with all our belongings from California packed in tight carried us far from the sunshine and into the frigid cold. Dad had sold off most of the shit that had belonged to his ex-wife three years earlier, but seeing as how he loved to play the stock market—and lose—with whatever he didn’t gamble away, he’d become desperate, leaving us with next to nothing.

Not even a goddamn car.

Sure, we had nice threads, name brand shit, but little else.

I wondered if Ingrid knew or if Dad was so good in bed she didn’t care he brought nothing to their relationship beyond a grand facade and his dick.

Same as her stuck-up bitch of a mom, Addilyn didn’t give me the time of day while I helped the house staff unload the truck. Her best friend, Jenny, however, couldn’t keep her eyes off me as I carried box after box up the winding stairs leading to the second floor.

Eventually I sweated enough that I tore off my sweatshirt, and my t-shirt plastered to my upper body, giving the curious girl an eyeful.

I’ll admit—her stares stroked my ego. Made something about that first day in our new home not so bad after all.

The bedroom I’d been assigned shared a bathroom with Addilyn. A fucking Jack and Jill bathroom of all things. Talk about a dangerous situation—of the best kind for me. Like a sick fuck, I hoped she didn’t understand the need for locks. Maybe I would get lucky and catch her naked and wet from the shower a time or two before she learned to always lock doors against horny bastards who would love to steal the purity Ingrid had bragged about.

At least there was no door direct to the hallway so Dad couldn’t oops in on her like he used to do to the last girl. God rest her young soul.

Jenny ended up sleeping over even though it was a school night, and I could hear the girls giggling in the bathroom while getting ready for bed. I’d gotten most of my shit put away and had zero fucking wish to go downstairs and socialize with Dad and Ingrid, so I did what any pervert in my shoes would do.

Ear pressed to the door, I listened in on the younger girls’ conversation.

The princess and her friend whispered low enough I only caught my name twice. Hot and gray sweatpants were mentioned, then V-card—that was definitely Jenny’s voice—and Addilyn’s fake gagging noises immediately after.

Grinning, I carefully tried the door handle—locked, damnit.

The toilet flushed. Water ran.

Seconds later, the lock beneath my hand clicked free.

I waited for the noise of her bedroom door snicking shut before letting myself into the bathroom they’d vacated and filling my lungs with the scent of female and toothpaste. Unlike my sis, I left the door unlocked.

Let her walk in while I showered and jerked off. Maybe she’d get caught like a deer in headlights and watch me blow my load while I groaned out her name.

Dick officially hard and dripping for some much-needed action, I climbed into the glass enclosure and used her peach-scented conditioner to lube up my dick. I didn’t bother being quiet as my spunk shot out past my fist and disappeared down the drain a few minutes later.

Maybe the little virgins on the other side of the door were sick fucks like me and listened in. Maybe my groans and grunts while coming made both girls’ panties wet to the point they’d secretly finger themselves beneath their blankets once the lights went out.

Balls emptied and body beat from the long as fuck day, I crashed onto the queen-sized guest bed I got to call my own. At least until late spring.

Unless Ingrid wised up and got sick of Dad’s bullshit before he put that platinum band on her left hand.

Fuck, I hoped so.

A few days after New Year’s was the date they’d set to get hitched. Dad claimed a quiet affair at the courthouse would be best. He assured her there wasn’t a need for a prenup, and she seemed so damn fucking gone on him that I expected she’d agree. He wanted to marry the love of his life and grow old and gray together, I’d heard him whispering to her over the phone before we’d even visited Alaska that first time.

Lying asshole.

Kept me close to her though. The snobby princess I feigned indifference toward. The too-young thing I shouldn’t have fantasized about sticking my dick into while jerking off. The tits I’d imagined while shooting my spunk in the shower. The mouth I saw in my dreams before waking up hard as hell and ready to bust a nut the next morning.

Fucking Addilyn Reed. Only fifteen, not legally fuckable in the state of Alaska, but all woman and quickly becoming a hated obsession.

She put on that goddamn tiny plaid skirt for school. Button-down white shirt minus the red-brown stain. Black knee-high socks and Mary Janes. White-blonde curls swaying down to the middle of her back.

A fucking teenage wet dream in the flesh.

My dick ached before we finished our quiet breakfast while Dad and Ingrid sat close, giving each other the kind of eyes that told me they hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before. Thank fuck their bedroom lay at the far end of the hall and solid oak doors cut off sound.

They murmured. Silverware clinked.

Addilyn ignored me.

Jenny kept glancing my way, pink flushing her cheeks. The second time I caught her staring, I winked. Her shudder and quick look away brought back that good feeling, but I lusted for Addilyn’s attention. I wanted the princess to look at me like that—silly-faced adoration. Stars in her eyes, wishful thinking on her mind.

I’d gladly take her V-card given the chance—stepsibling-to-be status could suck it.

Dad and Ingrid weren’t married yet, so not sick, really.

But I wouldn’t make it good for her. I’d hurt her, cause her to cry for being the one responsible for my situation. Maybe a hard, selfish fuck would bring her down a couple of notches to where she belonged with the rest of us.

I adjusted myself beneath the table at the thought of having her under my control and turned my mind onto my first day at the high school. While I wouldn’t know a soul beyond the princess and Jenny, I didn’t give two fucks.

Not even halfway through my senior year and Dad made me switch schools. I’d do my time and head back to where I belonged the second I could. Not making new friends like the ones I’d left behind for the next couple of months would make that retreat ten times easier.

The two girls bundled up in winter coats, hats, and gloves, and I shrugged into a sweatshirt atop my long-sleeve t-shirt.

First day at school, and both Dad and Ingrid wanted to drop us off together like we were some fucking Norman Rockwell family.

Never in a million fucking years. Not unless his paintings added in a taboo theme including the princess and my dick.

“We’re going car shopping,” Ingrid told me while waiting in the drop-off line, her gaze on mine in the rearview. “I decided a welcome gift would be appropriate for both of you. Your father suggested a Jeep Cherokee, Gideon, and I’ll make sure it has all the bells and whistles so you’re comfortable. It’ll be a good vehicle for the amount of snow we get up here.”

Sugary-sweet, her words took a few seconds to compute in my head.

“You’re buying me a car?” I asked, needing the clarification and wondering if I’d read the selfish bitch wrong.

“Yes.” She smiled in the rearview. “Now that Addilyn has an older brother who can drive, I won’t be bothered with taking her to school every morning.”

Has an older brother, my ass.I had close to a month before that shit officially happened. And she couldn’t be bothered to drive her daughter to school?

Nah, I’d read her right.

“Unbelievable,” the princess muttered.

“Addilyn Jane!” her mother admonished, her goddamn voice like nails on a chalkboard.

“Darling…” Father touched her cheek with his knuckles. “These are trying times for all of us—and I know patience is one of your greatest virtues.”

Manipulative prick.

I glanced over to find Addilyn peering out the car’s window, her chin lifted and shoulders straight. Jenny, sitting between us, squeezed her hand quickly, but the girls didn’t make eye contact.

Addilyn was one lucky girl to have such a friend.

“I appreciate the offer,” I told Ingrid, turning my focus back on the rearview and offering her the smile Dad would encourage. I’d much rather have given the bitch a piece of my mind over the emotional damage her words caused her daughter.

Forget bitch. Ingrid was one selfish, fucking cunt of a woman—even if she shared her money in a way that benefited me.

Having Addilyn in my vehicle every morning, alone with me where I could annoy the shit out of her…

That, I could fucking handle.

Hunched inside my sweatshirt and cursing myself for not thinking to buy a heavy coat, I followed along after Jenny and Addilyn as they hurried toward the school, our exhales escaping our lips like San Francisco’s fog.

Alaska’s cold weather sucked ass, and not in the good way with a little tongue action.

A few kids lingered along the wide stairs leading into the main entrance, one blond guy leaving his group of friends to open the door for Addilyn.

“Hey, Addy,” he said, giving me a quick glance. “This your new brother?”

So, she’d been talking about me.

I smirked at the back of her head, hands shoved into my jeans’ pockets.

“Yes,” she answered while stepping past him into the school’s foyer. The open door let out a blast of warm air. “Devon, Gideon. Gideon, Devon,” she said over her shoulder.

We both nodded, a quick sizing up of each other taking place like all guys our age did.

Preppy. Not loaded though. Decent enough looking kid, one who probably had his sights set on the princess if he was opening goddamn doors for her royal ass.

Dream on, motherfucker.

I couldn’t have her—but no one else could either, as far as I was concerned. At least, not until I jetted back to the sunshine where I could live and tap whatever ass I wanted. Then, I wouldn’t give two shits what happened to the snobby bitch and her cunt of a mother.

Jenny followed after Addilyn, and I paused, grabbing hold of the door above Devon’s shoulder. I had an easy four inches on him, but glancing around, I realized my six-two appeared out of the norm.

Fine by me.

“After you,” I told him, motioning him in behind the girls with my chin, needing to see how he behaved around my sis before making a final decision on his character.

“Thanks, Gid.” He grinned, fucking punched my arm, and loped after the girls.

A muscle ticked in my jaw.

Gid? The fuck?

He sidled up to Addilyn as if he belonged there, shoulder bumping hers like they were some chummy pals or shit. Whatever he said got lost in the sea of high schoolers and raised voices, but she smiled up at him with a look I hadn’t yet seen on her face.


Fucking interested.

Like a wet mouth sucked on my dick, I thickened over the sight even as my hands fisted to pop Devon in the face.

Fucking hell.

“Office is down there,” Jenny said, tugging on my sleeve and pulling my focus off the pair walking too damn close for my liking. If only Jenny’s smile had the same effect on my libido as Addilyn’s.

“Thanks, kiddo.” I winked, flashed my dimples, and turned toward my first stop of the day. That didn’t keep me from watching Addilyn and her little friend disappear down the hallway. If I found out that Devon shit put his hands or mouth anywhere near her body, I’d take him apart piece by fucking piece.

The fuck is wrong with me?

Scowling, I pushed into the office, reminding myself I hated her and that my lust for my soon-to-be-sis was unhealthy as fuck. My messed-up libido came from going without pussy since the night before we left California. Couldn’t remember the blonde girl’s name, but her heart-shaped face reminded me of Addilyn’s.

My brain went with my dick and didn’t get the memo over my growing forbidden obsession.

I stalked after Addilyn’s ass all damn day. Couldn’t fucking help myself.

Stared like a damn creeper every time I caught sight of her in the hallway. With no Dad around, I didn’t bother hiding the want from my eyes because it turned her cheeks a shade of pink that made my dick hard.

While sitting down across from her to eat lunch in the cafeteria, my unwavering attention caused the pulse in her neck to thrum. I wanted to feel it beneath my hands. Her nipples beaded into hard buds beneath her thin bra and button-down, and I wanted to close my teeth over them and pull tight until she slapped at my head and shrieked.

Fucking wanted her to the point I didn’t bother talking to any of her girlfriends at the table. Not even Jenny who shuddered whenever I brushed my knee against hers. An easy lay if I got too desperate. Hell, taking Addilyn’s best friend’s V-card would probably piss her the hell off.

I didn’t speak a word to Jenny, but I gave her a long, second look, deciding her apple-sized tits and thick lips would do. My stare caused her face to flush.

And brought a scowl to Addilyn’s lips.

I smirked in reply to which she flounced her hair and huffed.

Devon Bradshaw didn’t share our lunch period, but he handed her a note in the hallway afterward. My hands fisted at my sides. That earned him another one of her smiles that lit up her face and bathed him with the golden rays of sunshine I lusted after.

Other girls offered themselves to me throughout the day, their eyes promising whatever the hell I wanted to give—or take. The chick sitting beside me in physics class slid me a note that outright stated she’d suck my cock.

Didn’t even get a twitch out of said cock.

A severe scowl I’d learned to emulate from Dad shut her down.

My dick only got hard for Addilyn, the young girl who pretended to hate me, the princess who thought I was beneath her.

Fuck, what I wouldn’t do to be beneath her.

And I wasn’t the only one to think that. She had a couple guys sniffing after her like bloodhounds, hot on the trail of young, virginal pussy.

But Devon was the worst of the lot. Fucking fluttering his fingers at her as we headed out to Dad waiting by a shiny new Cherokee just like Ingrid had promised.

“Nice wheels,” I told him, catching the keys he tossed me as we drew near.

“Be sure to thank Ingrid when we get home,” he said with a wink. Gambling asshole, but he always figured out a way to keep us comfortable. That fact still didn’t make me feel any warm fuzzies for the bastard.

“Will do.” And I would. Couldn’t be a completely ungrateful prick toward her even though I wanted to.

“So, who’s Devon and what’s he to you?” I asked Addilyn while sliding behind the wheel and fixing my rearview mirror onto her face in the back.

Dad glanced at me from the passenger, but I didn’t look his way as he shut his door.

Pink stained Addilyn’s cheeks. “He’s just a friend,” she muttered, turning away from me and clicking her seatbelt into place.

I brought the engine to life, but the topic kept me from grinning at my new wheels. “Seems like he wants to be a hell of a lot more than that.”

“Does your mother know about this young man?” Dad asked with a tone that suggested he thought he was some sort of authority figure in her life, but I knew where his disapproval stemmed from. Jealousy—same shit that had my hands itching to form fists.

“Yes, Mother is well aware of Devon,” Addilyn snipped. “And she approves of him too. He’s Sheriff Bradshaw’s son.”

A preppy, popular sheriff’s son who smiled so damn much he made my own face hurt. Definitely good enough for my princess, her voice and tilted chin claimed.


Scowling, I pulled out of the school parking lot and reversed the directions I’d kept track of that morning while Ingrid had driven us to school. Dad asked about school, his voice kind as he angled in his seat to better see Addilyn.

I answered with one-worded grunts, and the princess didn’t do much more either, huddling against the door, arms wrapped around herself.

Smart girl.

Dad eventually gave up trying to converse with two moody teenagers who obviously had jack shit to say about their day.

Ingrid met us in the foyer, her smile annoying the hell out of me. “Sweetheart, I missed you!” She kissed Dad, snuggling against him like he’d been gone a week instead of the short time it took to drive all of five miles to the high school.

While I’d have loved to leave them to it, I paused long enough to thank her for the car she’d bought for me.

“My pleasure,” she purred—but kept her focus on Dad instead of me.

What the fuck ever.

Addilyn escaped up the stairs, and I followed on her heels, loving the extra inch of skin I got to see from being lower than her.

I wondered if Dad watched her too, the sick fuck.