The Actress and the Aristocrat by Katie Ashley

Coming Soon: The Lord and the Louboutins

Robert, Lord Whittingham

Being the “spare”of the aristocracy’s heir and spare duo, I had lived my life without the same weight of responsibilities that my older brother had. I indulged in my own interests and pursuits, which frequently included long legs and fabulous sets of breasts. As I turned the corner on my thirtieth birthday, I threw a Mid-Summer Night’s Dream-themed masquerade party to celebrate my continuing bachelor status. With an anonymous beauty behind a red mask, I experienced the hottest sexual experience of my life. The next morning I was left with only her Louboutin heel. In my desperation to find her, I would be forced to turn to the society’s world’s greatest gossip.

Felicity Spencer

In the worldof both seedy and mainstream British journalism, the mention of Debrett’s Deb elicited a shudder of dread throughout royal circles and aristocracy. For the last decade, her identity had been a well-kept secret to everyone. But me. To exact revenge against those who shunned my family when our fortune and privilege disappeared, I began writing a salacious, yet anonymous gossip column. Looking for a good scoop, I used my former connections to attend Lord Whittingham’s masquerade. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined I’d engage in a night of passion with the man himself. What I didn’t expect was for Debrett’s Deb to receive a deluge of frantic calls and emails to find the woman in the bejeweled, red mask. Now I had to consider if my secret was worth outing, especially if it meant a broken heart.