Just for Kicks by Tracy Solheim


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AS SOON ASthey were safely in Dex’s car, Andi peeled off her shoes and began massaging her feet.

“My dogs are eternally grateful you parked close.”

The Jaguar’s engine purred to life. “One of the perks of leaving my car here early this morning. I get the nearest spot.”

“Don’t the other guys bring their cars over, too?”

“They have their wives or girlfriends do it for them.”

She sighed. “Of course they do.”

Dex glanced over at her. “I’m sorry. I’m so used to doing things on my own, I just didn’t think about it.” His gaze roamed over her. “I never paid attention to what the WAGs wear to the games, either. And I didn’t think to ask someone. I should have, though. That’s on me.” He dragged his fingers through his hair. “I don’t mean for you to feel out of place, Andi. That’s not my intention at all.”

The sincerity of his apology warmed her. The streetlight shining through the windshield illuminated his face. He was genuinely distressed. She placed her hand on top of his hand resting on the gear shift. “I know that.”

Her act of reassurance did more than that. Just touching him stoked the fire constantly simmering between them. Their eyes met, and before she knew what was happening, he was leaning in for a kiss. He kissed her long and slow, as if they had all the time in the world. Her hand left his to trail along the stubble lining his jaw. He stroked his tongue over hers, prying a sigh from deep in her belly. His hand found her thigh, dragging her closer to him. Following his lead, she shifted in the seat, the interior of the car suddenly too small and too warm.

A loud banging on the window had her nearly hitting her head on the roof when she jumped away.

“Get a room, you two,” Van Horn called from outside.

Dex swore violently and put the car in drive. “He better not be anywhere near because I might run the bastard over.”

“I take it we’re not double-dating with them?” Andi was surprised how quickly she’d recovered her composure.

He laughed. “Not on your life.” He risked a glance at her before pulling out onto the main road. “You needn’t worry about Jade, lass. Given Van Horn’s track record, she won’t be around long.”

“Does she know that? Because I’m pretty sure she’s already picked out her ring.”

“Van Horn isn’t the marrying type.”

She rolled her eyes, but his gaze was firmly on the road ahead of them. “They said that about you.”

They stopped for a stoplight and he looked over at her. “He doesn’t have deportation hanging over his head.”

If Andi needed another reminder that their relationship wasn’t real, his quietly uttered words were it. But the kiss they’d just shared had been real. Very real. Sure, he’d kissed her because he knew his teammates were likely watching, but Daniel was right. Why shouldn’t they enjoy the perks of being married and the close proximity they were forced to endure? They both knew what the eventual outcome was. They’d be walking away from each other in six months. But in the meantime, there wasn’t anything preventing them from enjoying each other’s company.

“Jade likes to think she’s in charge because she’s dating the QB, I take it?” he asked, interrupting her internal debate.

“Something like that. And stupid me fell right into her trap.”

He stopped the car to wait for the gate to the apartment’s garage to open. “How so?”

She sighed. She’d been a fool to rise to the other woman’s bait. But she’d wanted so badly to be accepted by the other WAGs, she would have promised anything at that point.

“It’s all your fault,” she declared. “I was just trying to play the role everyone expects your wife to play. And you’re the one who mentioned my soaps during that interview.”

He pulled the car into its assigned space and killed the engine. “Aye. And let’s not forget I gave your friend Clive some free advertising, too. What exactly did Jade trick you into?”

She slumped against the seatback. “Apparently there’s this gala every year the team puts on for the children’s hospital.”

“Aye. It’s held at the Milwaukee Art Museum.”

Envy, hot and ugly, rolled in her stomach. Of course Dex had been to the gala. The entire team was expected to attend. She tried to block out the images of all the women he’d walked the red carpet with before.

“Then you also must know they give out swag bags to all the attendees each year.”

He waved a hand. “They do at all those types of events. I give mine to Marlene.”

“Well, this year she’ll get some of my soaps and lotions in her bag.”

“Really?” His dimple winked at her when he grinned. “But that’s a good thing. You can’t ask for better advertising than that.”

Andi put her hands to her face. “Not if I can’t mass produce five hundred items. That could take me weeks. Not to mention the cost. And it’s not like I have a lot of free time.”

Dex was quiet beside her. She peeked at him through her fingers before he reached over and began to gently peel them away from her face.

“First of all, you keep forgetting you’re not alone in this. Not anymore.” He took one of her hands in his. “I’ll pay for any supplies you need.”

She opened her mouth to object, but he held up a finger and continued.

“You wouldn’t be incurring those costs if it wasn’t for me. And as for producing the necessary number of items, I’ll help. Marlene and her husband will, too. Hell, since Palmer seems to be attached to my hip, he can lend a hand. Just tell us what you need and it will get done.”

The car was growing warm again, but for an entirely different reason. You’re not alone in this. That’s twice now he’d said that to her. She wanted so much to sink into the feeling of someone being her partner, her teammate. But she didn’t dare let herself get too used to the idea. Not when this marriage had an expiration date. She’d be on her own again soon enough.

He reached up and fingered a piece of her hair. “You’re awfully quiet, lass.”

“I don’t know what to say.” It was the truth.

“I find it’s always best to start with thank you when someone offers to help.” He leaned in and brushed a kiss over her lips.

She rubbed her fingertips over her lips when he pulled back. “Why did you do that? No one is here to see.”

His eyes darkened with what she was beginning to recognize as desire.

“Because I wanted to, Andi,” he murmured. “Sometimes it’s all I can think about doing.”

Her stomach fluttered at his unexpected admission. “Take me inside, Dex,” she whispered before she could stop herself.

“Don’t move,” he commanded. Coming around to her side of the car, he opened her door and lifted her into his arms.

“What are you doing?”

“That should be obvious, lass. My queen’s feet hurt, so I’m carrying her inside.”

Embarrassed not only by his chivalrous display but his earlier words, Andi buried her face into his neck. She breathed in his unique scent with a sigh. His fingers traced the curve of her bottom. Andi responded by trailing her lips along his neck. He growled when the elevator doors to the penthouse didn’t open fast enough.

Heat began to build deep within her core and drawing in enough air became a bit more difficult. When the doors finally opened, Dex bypassed the living areas and strode with determination down the long hall to his bedroom—their bedroom. He kicked the door closed behind them. Both were silent for a long moment when he stopped in front of the big bed.

Unable to stand it any longer, she whispered his name, the single word sounding more like a plea when it left her lips. He gently released her legs, letting them trail down his body so she was flush with his. She quickly discovered she wasn’t the only one aroused. He kept his arms wrapped tightly around her waist so that her tender feet barely brushed the carpet.

She draped her arms over his shoulders and lifted her chin to meet his heated gaze. “I don’t want you to sleep on the floor tonight.”

He shuddered against her. “You don’t know what you’re asking. I slept on the floor because ya tempt me fiercely, lass. I dinnae want ta take advantage of ya.”

The raw honesty of his words had her nerve endings dancing with restless desire. The fact that his brogue was creeping into the conversation told her he wasn’t as in control as he wanted to be. The knowledge emboldened her. She blew out a shaky breath.

“It’s not taking advantage if I want it, too.”

He growled again. “I can’t give you everything ya want, Andi. Ya ken?”

The longing building inside her snuffed out the warning coming from her brain. “What if all I want is sex? I’m a big girl who can separate a physical act from happily ever after. I just want you for your body, Declan Fletcher. Is that too much to ask?”

His chest rumbled again with a low, possessive groan. Then his lips were on hers. The kiss he gave her was so thorough and hot, the room began a lazy spin. Andi fisted her hands in his shirt to keep from falling. His mouth ate at hers while his fingers gathered up the hem of her blouse. The cool air washed over her hot skin when he lifted the fabric higher. Andi writhed against him, eliciting another one of those low growls from deep within him.

Breaking the kiss, he quickly stripped the blouse from her body. She struggled to keep her balance. They were both panting for air. His hands anchored her waist yet again, but he kept their bodies a forearm’s length apart. Andi embarrassed herself by whimpering as she tried to close the distance between them. He barked a harsh laugh but held her steady.

“You’re very greedy, lass.” His gravelly voice brought goosebumps to her feverish skin. “We’ve got all night. And I aim to use up every moment giving you pleasure.”

His promise had her legs turning to Jell-O, but his warm fingers dug into her waist, holding her upright. He took his time studying her before slowly dropping to his knees. Andi’s whole body quaked when his lips found the sensitive skin around her belly button. Gripping his muscled shoulders, she thrust her hips toward him with a frustrated sigh. She felt him chuckle against her belly.

“You are nae what I expected, lass,” he murmured before his tongue delved into her belly button sending shockwaves throughout her body.

“Dex,” she moaned. “I want—”

“I ken what you want,” he said right before his fingers tore at the fastenings to her pants. “And I’m going to give it to you until you scream for mercy.”

Holy hell.

A breath later, her pants were around her ankles. Andi was frantic to step out of them, but he was too busy burying his face into her panties. His talented fingers slid beneath the fabric, cupping her bottom. The slide of the silk over her core was making her ache in parts of her body she didn’t know existed.

“You always smell so good,” he murmured. “So bloody good. I can only imagine how you’ll taste.”

She was wet in an instant. “Damn it, Dex.”

With one fluid motion, her pants and panties were on the floor and he was on his feet. He eased her onto the bed, her legs dangling over the edge before he stepped back. She watched as he shed his clothes with the ease and speed of a man who’d had a lot of practice at stripping before a woman. But Andi didn’t let her mind go there. Not when her body was throbbing for release and he was looming over her.

Reaching behind her, she undid her bra. He stilled, his nostrils flaring as he watched her. She smiled slyly, taking her time revealing herself to him. When she finally flung the bra off the bed, she watched as his gaze drank her in like an alcoholic eyeing a glass of whiskey. Feeling brazen, she leaned back on her elbows, naked except for her grandmother’s cross dangling between her breasts. With another one of those growls that made her core contract, he fell on top of her. His hands wandered her torso, teasing her pebbled nipples until she begged for his mouth to replace them.

“What will ya have me do next?” He teased her breast with his tongue.

Unable to form a cohesive response, she thrashed her head from side-to-side with a frustrated moan.

“Poor lass.” His fingers found the juncture of her thighs. “Does this make it better?”

She would have bucked off the bed had his body not been holding her down. “Yessss.” It came out of her mouth more as a sigh, but he seemed to understand because he murmured against her skin before sliding another thick finger inside her. He wound her body so tight, tears of frustration burned the backs of her eyes.

“Shh,” he soothed as he slid his body lower. “I’m going to take care of you.”

Her body tensed even more in anticipation of the relief he promised. She eased her hips higher as his weight shifted lower. Her breath sawed through her lungs frantically and she worried she might perish before she climaxed.

“I’m here, lass.” His words blew against her most sensitive skin.

A deep, keening moan sailed past her lips when his mouth found her. He stoked the fire within her impossibly higher before his tongue stilled.

“No!” She pounded her fists into his shoulders.

His very talented mouth went to work on her again taking her right back up to the crest. When he retreated again, she threaded her fingers through his thick curls to keep him where she wanted him.

“Please,” she wailed.

This time, he didn’t relent, working his magic until she was flying over the edge with reckless abandon.

* * *

ANDI SHATTERING BENEATHhim was a sight to behold. Dex took great pride in the fact that he succeeded in pleasuring the women he took to bed, but this felt different somehow. An unfamiliar sensation was bubbling up inside of him and he couldn’t explain it. To be honest, he wasn’t sure he wanted to quantify it. Not right now, anyway.

He kissed his way up her limp, sated body. She smiled serenely when he got to her lips.

“You weren’t kidding when you said I’d beg for mercy,” she whispered, her eyelids fluttering in an attempt to stay open.

He cocked an eyebrow. “It’s an integral part of my skill set.”

She breathed a shallow laugh and flailed a hand in the direction of his arm, but it was clear she was too spent to even spar with him. He slipped his hands beneath her and lifted her to the center of the bed.

“Up you go, lass.”

A few sounds of protest came from her lips when he crawled to one side of the bed. He rummaged around the drawer in his nightstand until his fingers met with foil. When he turned back to the bed, she was sitting up, her eyes wide, her lip quivering.


Jaysus.The poor lass thought he was leaving her. His chest squeezed uncomfortably. How many times must one be abandoned before one expects it every time?

“I’m not going anywhere,” he reassured her as he stalked back toward the bed. He held his hand open so she could see the condoms. “Just fetching my protection.”

She nodded, ducking her face, but not quick enough that he didn’t see the moisture shimmering in her eyes. Dropping the condoms on the mattress, he dragged her chin up with his finger.

“I’m here, Andi.”

He leaned in and took her mouth in a slow, patient kiss, trying to convey with his lips what she needed to feel—desired. She responded with a greedy thrust of her tongue, and just like that, they were a tangle of naked, slick limbs. He let her have her way with her mouth and hands on his body for several long, intoxicating moments, before his own pent-up desire roared to life again.

Breaking their kiss, he grabbed several pillows and rolled her onto her belly on top of them. He stroked his hands along the sweet globes of her ass. She arched her back with a sigh and his already hard body turned to granite. His hands trembled slightly when he rolled the condom over his erection. Andi glanced over her shoulder at him, a wicked smile aimed his way.

He was over her in an instant, filling her with one thrust. Her erotic moan bouncing off the walls excited him more. She curled into him greeting each one of his thrusts with an exhaled yes. Dex was lost. His heart hammered against his chest while the heady feeling of being inside Andi threatened to overwhelm him. He wanted to make things last, to make her come again, but he was so bloody close to the edge.

They were moving as one, each breath they took coming in unison. Dex reached a hand around to caress her breast, but Andi had other ideas. She dragged his fingers to her clit and pressed them where she wanted them. A moan of pure ecstasy reverberated around the room when he began to knead the swollen nub. Seconds later, her muscles convulsed around him tightly. He came in a rush so powerful, it had him roaring her name like a rallying cry.

They collapsed as one on their sides, him still inside her quivering body. Both of them gasping for air. His heart pounded in his chest so hard, he was sure she could feel it against her back. A lock of her hair was stuck to the stubble on his face, but he ignored it. He doubted he could move his arm anyway. Andi, on the other hand, managed to wriggle her very fine ass against him as she snuggled back against him.

“Have mercy, lass, will ya?”

“Now who’s the one begging?”

He nipped at her shoulder. “The night is still young. You may regret yer taunt.”

She shivered and he wrapped his arms more tightly around her midsection, letting one of his hands palm a breast. A contented sigh filled the air. It took Dex a minute to realize it had come from him. A lick of panic walked up his spine. So much for getting Andi out of his system. He had a niggling suspicion that he might never get enough of the woman in his arms. And that should have scared the bloody hell out of him.

Yet it didn’t. Andi wasn’t like those wily women trying to trick a rich athlete into putting a ring on it. Hell, he’d had to practically trick her to marry him. And she was as honest as they come. She knew the score. And they were married after all. Why not enjoy the marriage bed while they were legally bond?

“I imagine if Agent Figueroa and his friends from ICE popped in now, they’d be satisfied about our case.”

She stiffened beside him. “I’d prefer they’d not ‘pop in’ at all. Especially when I’m naked.”

Dex nuzzled her neck. “We have a problem then, lass, because I plan on keeping you naked every time we’re in this bed.”

He was surprised at how much he meant it.