Tale of the Necromancer by Kathryn Ann Kingsley

Also by Kathryn Ann Kingsley

Maze of Shadows

The Unseelie Prince

Memento Mori:

Kiss of the Necromancer

Dreams of the Necromancer

Tale of the Necromancer

Fall of Under:

Mask of Poison

Grave of Words

Ruin of Fate

Harrow Faire:

The Contortionist

The Puppeteer

The Clown

The Ringmaster

The Faire

Immortal Soul:

Heart of Dracula

Curse of Dracula

The Impossible Julian Strande:

Illusions of Grandeur

Ghosts & Liars

The Cardinal Winds:

Steel Rose

Burning Hope

Cursed Opal

Frozen Dawn (Coming Soon)

The Masks of Under:

King of Flames

King of Shadows

Queen of Dreams

King of Blood

King of None

Queen of All

Halfway Between:

Shadow of Angels

Blood of Angels

Fall of Angels