Outrageously in Love by Jen Morris


It was almost a year ago that I published my first novel, followed by another a few months later. Since then, I’ve been welcomed into an online community who support me and lift me up in every way. It’s because of this community that people are finding and taking a chance on my work. Thank you to everyone who has bought, read, reviewed, or shared my books. The fact that people even read—let alone enjoy—my writing still blows my mind.

I have to thank my partner, Carl. Not just because he supports us financially so I can write, but also because he inspired a lot of this story. Luke’s love of space, Star Wars, and gaming are all traits I borrowed from Carl.

I got the idea for this story while on a flight from Houston to New York. No, I didn’t join the mile high club (ha ha), but I wouldn’t have been on that flight if it wasn’t for Carl pushing me to take a solo trip across the globe while he stayed home with our son. I’m forever grateful that he gave me the gift of New York, where I finally decided I was going to commit to writing, and where the idea for this series really came to life. Thank you for always supporting and believing in me, Carl.

My son Baxter already loves space and will no doubt grow up to be a space geek like his dad (and, probably, a book nerd like his mum). Regardless of who he becomes, I hope I can show him the acceptance and support every child deserves from their parents. Baxter, your curiosity about the universe inspires me every day and I’m so proud to be your mum.

Behind the scenes of my launches (and, really, every other day of the year) I have two friends who look out for me, make me laugh, and indulge my love of books (and hot men). Kira Slaughter and Tammy Eyre, your belief in me and my work—your unfailing support and enthusiasm—means the world to me. I wouldn’t enjoy this half as much without you. Thank you for everything.

Sarah Side is the kind of friend who is always there when I need someone to read my writing, brainstorm ideas, and basically just listen while I rant/spiral/implode. Her support of my work from day one has made me believe in myself. Thanks, Sarah, for being there whenever I need you.

My friend Louise Ryan originally asked me the question at the beginning of this story: “What’s the most outrageous thing you’ve ever done?” While I didn’t have an interesting answer, the question stuck with me. I already knew I wanted to write about someone meeting a stranger on a plane, but it was this question that helped me develop Harriet’s character and her journey. So thank you, Louise, for the inspiration.

I have to say a huge thanks to my critique partners, Lauren H. Mae, Mia Heintzelman, Jennifer Evelyn Hayes, and Andrea Gonzalez, who each spent many hours reading this story and giving thorough, detailed feedback to help me shape it into something I’m proud of. Thank you to Alicia Crofton, whose keen eye always picks up things I miss, and special thanks to Julie Olivia, who helped me with all the Harry Potter and Star Wars references, as well as a lot of the board game stuff.

My beta readers are a wonderful team of people who always help me improve my work. I’d be lost without their honest feedback. Emma Grocott, Emilie Ahern, Michele Voss, Laura Harris, Ayla Russell, Caroline Chalmers, Kristen Fairgrieve, Kelly Pensinger, and Elliot Andrews—thank you for the time and energy you put into reading and answering questions about this book. I’m so grateful for you.

Thanks to all my advanced readers who shared their excitement over this story and helped to promote it. There are far too many to name, but just know that I appreciate every single review, share, post, comment, and mention.

My cover designer Elle Maxwell always manages to take my vision and make it better than I could imagine. I’m super grateful for her talent, her attention to detail, and her patience when I insist on tweaking something that doesn’t really need to be tweaked. Thanks for everything, Elle.

A big thanks to you, my lovely reader, for spending time with Harriet and Luke. I love this couple and their connection, and I hope you do too.

And finally, to anyone who has ever been bullied for who they are and/or what they love, to anyone who suffers anxiety… you are not alone. You are not broken. And you will not be defeated.