Bought Mafia Bride by Mae Doyle


“You will stay in the condo while I’m gone,” I tell Natalia, walking back through the living room where she’s curled up on the end of the sofa. “I’ll know if you leave. Hell, I’ll know if you even try to leave.”

Picking up my gun, I run my hands over it before slipping it into its holster and turning to look at her. She’s clutching a pillow to her chest like it’s armor that will protect her from whatever is about to happen, but she doesn’t need it. I’m the only thing that she needs to protect her. I’m going to keep her safe, and in return, she’s going to be my wife.

That’s the deal that I made with her father so many years ago. Even though she’s currently staring at me like she wants me to fall over dead, I’m not going to go back on my end of the deal.

Hell, I’m not sure that I could even if I really wanted to. Natalia is delicious and I can’t wait to taste her. Her pouty mouth begs me to kiss her and I want to fist my hand in her hair and yank her head to the side to bite her neck. She’ll look amazing when I mark her as my own and I can’t wait to hear her scream my name.

She’ll lose that sour look on her face with my cock in her, that’s for sure. I’m a man of my word and promised that I wouldn’t fuck her until our wedding, but I’m really tempted to go back on that agreement right now. Natalia looks like she needs a good deep dicking to lose the sour expression on her face.

“So you want me to just sit here on my ass while you go kill someone?” She finally speaks, shooting the words at me but looking at a place over my head so that she doesn’t have to make eye contact with me. “Do you really expect me to just sit here and wait for you to return like some kind of damsel in distress?”

I nod. “Yeah, that’s exactly what I expect you to do. There’s food in the kitchen and you can feel free to read anything in the library. My desk is off-limits, but that’s it.”

I wouldn’t be surprised if she were in the exact same spot when I finally make it back. She’s running scared right now and doesn’t know what to do, so curling up and waiting it out is probably the best option for her.

“What if I want to leave?”

I’m turned away from her, picking up my car keys, but this makes me look back at her. She’s got her jaw tilted a little bit into the air like she’s trying to show me how tough she is. “Do you want to leave?”

She nods.

“And where do you think that you’ll go?” I cross the room to her, wanting to prove a point. If she had just kept quiet then I would have left, but now I need her to see that I’m the best option for her. I’m the only thing that’s going to keep her safe. “Do you think that your daddy can protect you?”

Her chin wobbles a little and I bend down, grabbing it and forcing her head back so that she has to look up at me. “Look at me, Natalia,” I command, squeezing her chin hard enough to make her eyes water. “I’m the only one who can protect you. Believe me, your dad thinks that he’s tough shit, but without the money I gave him to marry you, he’d have been run out of town a long time ago. You want to protect him?”

She nods, but the movement is small because I’m not about to let go of her chin and give her any room to slip away from me.

“Good girl. Then you’ll sit your pretty little ass right here and wait for me to get back. You almost died today, do I need to remind you of that?’

“Only because you were there.” She finally finds her voice and throws the words into my face like she thinks that she’s going to be able to hurt me. “I only almost died because someone had had enough of your bullshit and decided to end you. And you know what? I can’t say that I blame them.”

That’s it. I was trying to be as kind as possible to my future wife, but the fact that she’d say something like that--whether or not she means or it just wants to hurt me doesn’t matter--is enough to piss me off.

“You know what?” I say, letting go of her chin long enough to grab her arm and yank her to her feet. “I’m done with your filthy little mouth right now. So unless you want to apologize to me by sucking my cock, there’s something else that I want to do to you.”

I hope that she’ll fall to her knees in front of me and beg me to forgive her, but I know that she won’t. Natalia has a strong spirit and isn’t about to bend for me even though right now I honestly want to kill her for what she just said. My cock throbs in my jeans, reminding me that I don’t want to kill her as much as fuck her senseless, and when she doesn’t answer, I snarl and drag her across the living room.

She trips once, almost falling completely to the floor, but I don’t slow down. “Get up,” I command, tightening my grip on her arm. She’ll probably have bruises there, but I don’t care. All that matters is that she understands that she belongs to me and can’t act like this. No disrespect or she’ll be punished.

“What are you doing?” She cries, smacking at my hand on her arm to try to make me let go. “You’re insane! Fuck you!”

“Oh, darling, don’t you dare tease me with something unless you’re willing to give it to me. I made a promise that I wouldn’t fuck you until our wedding night, but I’m more than happy to break that promise if you want my cock in your sweet virgin cunt.”

Her eyes widen and her mouth drops open a little bit. Reaching up with my free hand, I slip my finger between her lips. Her tongue probs at the tip before she realizes what she’s doing and she stills, her eyes wide and her chest rising and falling rapidly.

“Suck it,” I tell her, pressing down on her tongue. “Now, Natalia.”

Her eyes are wide and she’s begging me with them to stop, but I’m not interested in doing that. She pushed me to this, pushed me to show her that I’m in command. I want her on her knees, but I have to go. I have shit to do that doesn’t involve fucking with my future wife right now.

But she’s just so goddamn perfect.

Reaching up with one hand, she wraps it around my wrist and my muscles stiffen when I think that she’s going to try to pull my finger from her mouth. Instead, she licks it, her tongue wrapping around it and then her lips close on me. She sucks me, shutting her eyes like she can’t bear to see what she’s doing.

Her sweet tongue laps at me and she swirls it around my tip, licking at me as her grip tightens on my wrist. I can’t help but grin when I realize just how badly my sweet little virgin wife wants me to fuck her. She might think that she’s so tough, that she doesn’t need anyone, and that she hates me, but nothing would make her feel better than my cock in her cunt and we both know it.

“Good girl,” I say, pulling my finger from her lips. The spell is instantly broken and all of the desire that had been radiating off of her disappears as anger takes over on her face. “I’m glad to see that you have half an idea what to do with your tongue.”

She opens her mouth to respond but I continue down the hall, dragging her with me until we get to a single door. I throw it open and shove her towards it. At the last second, she reaches out, grabbing the doorframe and turning around to stare at me.

“What are you doing?” A quick glance over her shoulder and I see what she did when I opened the door.

A small closet, empty, of course. I’m not stupid enough to put her anywhere where she might have something that she can use to try to get away. Or hurt herself. It’s probably three feet by four, so not enough room to do jumping jacks or anything crazy, but she can sit down and stretch out when her legs get tired.

“I’m keeping you safe,” I tell her, peeling her fingers off of the doorframe and pushing her backwards into it. She stumbles into the wall and then steps forward like she’s going to try to escape, so I hold up one hand to stop her.

For a moment, she’s frozen in time. She looks like a feral animal, her eyes wide, her chest rising and falling as she breathes hard and stares at me. If looks could kill then I’d be dead a hundred times over today, but luckily for me, Natalia is just a normal woman.

The one I bought for my wife, sure, but normal.

“You can’t be serious about locking me in here,” she says, taking another step closer to me.

“You can’t blame someone for trying to kill me,” I remind her, my voice low and soft. She hears the tone and actually shivers, running her hands up and down her arms. “You think that maybe someone should have succeeded, am I right?”

She doesn’t nod, but she doesn’t need to. I can see the answer written clearly on her face.

“Well, Natalia, if that’s who you think I am, then that’s who I can be. I’l be back later, don’t piss yourself.”

She screams and launches herself at the door as I shut and lock it. Her full weight hits the door and it shakes on its hinges, but when I tap the app on my phone and press a few buttons, I hear steel rods sliding from the walls into the door. It’ll hold tight now, no matter what she tries in there.

Natalia is mine. I don’t know how the fuck to make that more clear to her.