Bought Mafia Bride by Mae Doyle


I’m hard as a rock as I towel off in the bedroom, making sure to keep one eye on the bathroom door so that I can look at Natalia as soon as she comes out. She’s in there now, debating whether or not she should touch herself, and I can’t stand the idea of her not doing it.

I want her to only think of me. I need to be the one filling her mind, making her cry out when she’s in bed. She belongs to me, has from the moment that I signed the paperwork to marry her so long ago, and now I want to see what she looks like when she cums.

But she fought me, and I’m not going to play that little game with her. She needs time to think about it? Fine. But I will get what makes me feel good in the meantime. And, on our wedding day, I’m going to make her scream for me whether or not she’s ready.

My phone rings as I’m pulling on a pair of pants and I run my hand through my hair, flinging water across the bedroom, then answer it. Even without speaking to my brother, I know what it’s going to be. I know that he’ll have some updates on the Mark and Steve problem.

“What did you find out?” Leaving my shirt on the bed, I answer the phone and cradle it on my shoulder as I pull on some socks. “Please tell me that we have good news about this absolute shit show that’s about to go down.”

He chuckles. “You know as well as I do that it wouldn’t be a shit show if we had good news. I talked to Salvatore and he told me that he’d put out some feelers about Mark. Almost as soon as we got off the phone, he’d called back with some information.”

“That was fast. Do you remember him being that on top of it when we were younger?” I haven’t seen Salvatore or Marcelo in years. Hell, I know that they set up an empire for themselves and rule it with an iron fist, but work keeps me close to him. The last thing that I’ve been able to do is sneak away for a family reunion up north.

Sure, it would be good to see them again, but not under these circumstances. Not when we’re trying to take care of this powder keg before it explodes.

“He’s always been on top of it, but he’s somehow gotten better at getting back to people. Anyway, he told me that Steve was apparently involved in the Dark Devils, this gang that wanted to join forces with their local motorcycle gang and try to take out the family.”

This makes me laugh. “You’ve got to be kidding. Who the hell would think that they were powerful enough to take them out?” My mom had a brother, the head of the Bonanno family in Chicago before he died. When his sons, Marcelo and Salvatore, took over, they ruled with an iron fist.

Two families. Two different cities. We’ve never worked together even though there isn’t any animosity between the two of us. We just keep to ourselves and they do, too. Until now.

“Only assholes with delusions of brilliance. So, get this. Salvatore told me that they eradicated the Dark Devils but the heir to the Wicked Bastards got away. Arden. He’s his wife’s younger brother. They rallied the troops and attacked, but the Bonannos drove them back. Only catch is that now we’re dealing with Mark and his bullshit. Damn Bastards just won’t die.”

“So you think that they’re laying low and biding their time?” Turning, I see Natalia step out of the bathroom door. She has the only other towel in there held in front of her like armor. It’s a hand towel, as white and fluffy as the one that I used, but so small that it barely covers her. I smirk at her and she turns bright red, looking down and away from me.

Her hands tremble where she’s gripping the towel and I notice the red marks on her wrists from the manacles. Immediately, regret courses through me. I don’t want to hurt her, but I do have to control her. I have to make sure that she’s going to listen to me and not try to escape.

Natalia is mine.

“Salvatore thinks that they are and that they’re trying to set up some control in other cities. He said that we need to keep a close eye on the mayor and his piece of shit brother.”

“Great. Lets put trackers on both of their cars. Have Johnny get into the mayor’s office and tap it so that we don’t have to worry about who he’s taking to. As long as we can just listen in on his conversations then we’ll be sure to stay on top of everything.”

“Exactly what I was thinking.” Lorenzo is silent for a moment, then clears his throat. “How’s it going with Natalia?”

My eyes snap back to her. She grabbed my shirt from the bed when my back was turned and has it on. While I stare, she tugs down the hem of it, trying to make it cover all of her. It’s never going to and I grin at the sight of her sweet little cunt peeking out from under the fabric.

“She’s got a sweet little mouth,” I tell him. “Just has to figure out what’s best for her.”

Lorenzo chuckles. “I’m sure that you can help her make good choices. See you early tomorrow to talk to Steve. I’m sure that he’ll love having us show up at his house without his lawyer present.”

“Fuck that guy. Don’t get into trouble tonight.” I hang up the phone without looking at the screen. My eyes are locked on Natalia, who hasn’t moved from her spot by my bed. “Did I tell you that you could borrow my shirt?”

She tilts her chin up. “You didn’t give me a choice. I need clothes. I need shoes. I want to go home and pack a bag, Dane.”

I chuckle and approach her, lightly running my hand up her arm. She shivers a little and I like that I have that much power over her. “Not a chance, darling. You belong here. With me.”

Her chin trembles and I think for a moment that she’s going to cry, but then she sucks in a deep breath. “What do you want me to do? Do you want me to beg?”

“I did like you on your knees, but no. I’ll send someone to your house to pack you up, but there’s no way that I’m going to let you go there yourself. Do you have any idea how terrible I would feel if something happened to you and you didn’t come back?” Grabbing her hand, I turn it over so that I can look at the mark from the manacle.

I hadn’t thought that she’d fought hanging there, but the marks are dark and red like she pulled on her restraints for a long time. Natalia has spunk and is strong, but she’s not strong enough to escape from me.

“What am I supposed to wear until then?” She snatches her hand back from me like she can’t handle having me touch her. I let her do it, watching her face to see if she’s going to cry. I don’t think that she will. She’s stronger than that, and right now she’s too pissed off to cry.

“I prefer the Porky Pig look myself, but if you have to have something, there are some pajama pants in the closet that you’re welcome to wear. Come on out to the living room when you get changed.”

She glares at me and slowly backs up to the closet, still keeping that ridiculous tiny towel held in front of her. That bit of cloth wouldn’t stop me if I wanted to take her right now. She knows it, and that’s why she won’t turn her back on me.

Sighing, I walk into the living room and pull my phone from my pocket, dialing her father’s number. He picks up on the first ring, his voice frantic.

“Dane. Where is she? I heard about what happened when she was trying on her wedding dress. Is she hurt?” He sounds frantic, but I can’t help but wonder if he’s worried about his daughter or about his investment. The money isn’t in his account yet, and it won’t be until she meets me at the end of the aisle and promises to be my wife.

Sure, I’ve been sending him small amounts throughout the years, loans on the amount that he’s going to get on my wedding day, but the bulk of his payment is still in my account. Of course he’d go crazy thinking that something had happened to Natalia before he could get it all.

It’s the promise of the money and the arrangement with my family that’s kept him in good standing all these years.

“She’s here with me and perfectly safe,” I tell him, walking to the kitchen and pouring myself some whiskey. I’m starved, but I’ll wait until Natalia joins me to make something for us to eat. “You don’t need to worry about her.”

He sucks in a breath. “You promised that you wouldn’t touch her before the wedding,” he reminds me. “If you do, the entire thing is off.”

That was a clause written into it as his hope of getting both the money and his daughter. Had I been older when I signed the contract, I never would have agreed to it, but I didn’t know how much I’d want to fuck Natalia. There’s just one little thing that he’s forgetting. I agreed to the clause, but I did edit it some. Thank fuck I had the forethought for that.

“I promised that I wouldn’t fuck her before the wedding,” I tell him. “Feel free to go back and read it yourself. And I haven’t fucked her. Not yet, but our wedding is coming up.”

He’s silent while he thinks about what I just said. I didn’t fuck her, didn’t stick my cock in her sweet little cunt where it belongs, but I did have her lips wrapped around my shaft, and that was almost heaven.

“You’re a bastard,” he splutters. “I never should have signed that contract with you. I never should have agreed to let her marry you. You’re an asshole, just like the rest of the Accardi family.”

“Your daughter is going to be an Accardi,” I tell him, keeping my voice as calm as possible. What I want to do is jump through the phone and kill the man right now, but it won’t do me any good. Soon he’ll have his money and I’ll have his daughter. For good.

“Not if I can help it.” He spits the six words at me and then hangs up before I have a chance to respond.

Anger grows in my chest, making it feel tight and making it difficult for me to breathe. This fucker just threatened my family. He just threatened to take Natalia from me and I’m simply not going to let that happen.

I’ve never heard of this. Never heard of a family trying to block the wedding after everything has been agreed upon. He thinks that he can stand up to me?

He has something else coming to him.

“I’ll kill you,” I say to the phone before movement at the door makes me look up. Natalia stands there, uncertain, clad in my pajamas, her eyes locked on my face.

“Who are you going to kill?”