Bought Mafia Bride by Mae Doyle


Groaning, I stretch and get out of bed when I hear Natalia turn on the shower. That was everything that I wanted. Her tight little cunt was heaven around my cock, her perfect tits bouncing in my face is definitely a memory for the spank bank.

Although, now that I have her, I don’t really need one any longer. I can’t wait to get my cock back in her later today, but first I have some business to deal with. Pulling on some clothes, I wander out into the kitchen and pour myself a glass of whiskey before flipping open the folder I took when we went to visit Steve.

By now he’s probably shitting his pants, and I tap my phone screen to pull up the app I share with Lorenzo and Johnny. This app makes it ridiculously easy to keep an eye on people and for the three of us to all be on the same page. When it opens I’m not surprised to see multiple phone calls for me to listen to as well as some information on Steve’s GPS tracker.

He’s still in town, but it looks like he went on a nice long drive to try to clear his head. He’s not in the office, which I’m sure will cause some consternation when people are looking for the mayor, but that’s not really a big deal. He won’t be the mayor for much longer, anyway.

I’m about to tap on the first phone call to listen in when my phone rings. Lorenzo doesn’t greet me when I answer, but instead launches straight into what he wants to tell me.

“I hope you enjoyed your pussy, because Johnny and I have actually been working. Steve’s a nervous little fucker right now, making calls to both Mark and his lawyer. His brother is still in town but it looks like he’s going to pull a runner, so we tipped the cops off to where he is.”

“Good. And the lawyer?” I’m sure that Timothy Helms already knows everything going on with the Jacobson brothers and is working hard on fixing everything so they can stay out of jail.

“Helms is still around, but he’s on the move, doing office from his car like he’s some douche drug dealer from the nineties. He told Steve not to worry, that he’d be able to get Mark off on all drug charges, but Steve didn’t confess about the folder we found.”

I grin, looking down at it. It looks so innocent on the outside, but it contains detailed logs of all of Steve and Mark’s joint investments. Looks like the mayor’s been using his political power to bully people into selling him property that he can then turn over to his shady brother.

As soon as Mark gets the property, he either uses it to run drugs, or he’s been selling it off to the highest bidder. In most cases, that bidder is a member of the Wicked Bastards, the same motorcycle crew that our family up north squashed a while back. With the heir to the presidency young and on the run, his mother has been working hard to help him build his empire back up.

Unfortunately for her, she happened to choose a place where we know who they are and aren’t exactly welcoming to assholes like them.

“Why do you think he held that one close to the chest?” I ask, mulling it over while I speak. Steve isn’t the brightest crayon in the box and I’m half surprised that he didn’t come clean with Helms the moment the shit hit the fan.

“Because he’s chickenshit,” Lorenzo says, and I can see him rolling his eyes. “Anyway, I think that one of our cousins is going to call you soon, so answer any weird numbers, okay?”

“Sounds good,” I say automatically, then think about it. “I’m sure that they want to help, but we need to be sure about what we’re doing. Do we really want to get mixed up with the Bonanno family?”

Lorenzo laughs and I know that he’s thinking the same thing that I am. Right now, we don’t have much of a choice. We’re already mixed up with them a little bit thanks to Steve and Mark being such assholes.

It’s shit bad luck that the same motorcycle gang that our family had to take out is moving down south to our hometown, but we’re going to put a stop to it. It’s just frustrating that we don’t have much of a relationship with them. Sure, they’re technically family, but we’ve never met.

We don’t talk much. There hasn’t ever been a reason for us to talk. We’re doing our own thing down here and they’ve been handling what goes on up north without any problem. Now, though, our paths are crossing for the first time in a long damn time and it looks like things are about to get really interesting.

“Look at it this way,” Lorenzo says, “you know that mom always wanted to have a huge family reunion so that we could all get together and hang out. This looks like it might be our chance to do just that.” He hangs up after that I and I stare at my phone for just a moment before it starts to ring again.

Just like Lorenzo said, it’s an out of state number. I pick it up. “This is Dane Accardi.”

“Dane, good to hear your voice!” I don’t recognize who’s talking to me but it’s obvious that they know who the hell I am, so I’m not surprised when they continue. “It’s Salvatore Bonanno. Heard you’re having an asshole infestation down south.”

“You could say that.” Pouring myself another drink, I sit down at the bar. “What do you know about the Wicked Bastards? From the looks of it, they’re doing everything that they can to infiltrate our city and set up shop down here. They’ve already gotten in good with the mayor, so if we do take him out, we have to be a bit more careful than if it were just some random schmuck.”

“Our intel is good the they’ve moved down there to be a pain in your ass. Can’t say I’m not glad to see them go.” He takes a drink of something and I do the same. It’s strange, almost like the two of us are actually drinking together. I don’t mind it at all, come to think of it.

We’ve always been big on family around here, but it was strange to know that there is such a tight-knit group of our family just up north who we didn’t know. Thanks to them always being so busy and us doing the same, we just never got together.

“Listen, the Wicked Bastards on their own aren’t much of a problem, but they like to team up with other motorcycle gangs and try to sneak in using their firepower. Have you noticed any other gang activity in your town?”

I shake my head. “Nothing. It’s been quiet until we blew up a storage center the mayor’s brother was using to run drugs. From the paperwork we got from the mayor’s house, the brother’s been working with the Bastards and the mayor has been buying up property for them to use. They’re all in it deep but I didn’t see any mention of another gang.”

“Strange.” He’s quiet for a moment and I hear him speak to someone else. Probably a wife or kid, since we’re all about the same age. When he comes back, I have an idea.

“I’m getting married in just over a week. Why don’t you guys come down here, we can finally have the family reunion that I know my mom always wanted us to have, and we’ll take care of this Wicked Bastard problem once and for all?”

“That sounds great. Unfortunately, I’m going to leave the family behind just so they don’t get mixed up in any shit, but I’ll bring my brother and cousin.”

“Great. I’ll text you directions and see you in a few days.”

“Good to talk to you, Dane. Don’t worry, we’ll get these Bastards out of your hair. All you have to do is decide what you want to do about the mayor. Sounds like he’s as corrupt as the rest of them.”

“Oh, he can’t live.” I knew that from the moment we started to piece everything together. “There’s no way that he’ll turn straight, not without someone watching his every move and I don’t have the time or ambition for that shit. We’re going to clean house, Salvatore, and then our little town won’t have to worry about assholes like him destroying it.”

“You sound just like me. We’ll see you soon, Dane.” He hangs up and I sigh, finishing my whiskey before firing off a text to let Lorenzo and Johnny know that the Bonannos are coming to town.

We’ll take care of this shit. I want to deal with Steve and Mark, but also Helms. That piece of shit doesn’t deserve to live and breathe, not when he’s so involved with assholes like them. Once we take them all down, we won’t have to worry about people like them ruining our town.

And then I’ll finally get to marry Natalia. She’s going to look great walking down the aisle to me and I can’t wait to fuck her every single night for the rest of our lives.