Bought Mafia Bride by Mae Doyle


Sweet Natalia is staring at me like I’m the one thing that she knows will kill her but she just can’t force herself to walk away. I’m her drug, and she wants another hit. My fingers don’t leave her chin as I wait for her to respond.

I like the way her skin heats up when I touch her and I want to make sure that she knows that I’m the only one who can make her feel like that.

“I understand,” she finally snaps, pulling back from me.

I’m disappointed to let her go, but I’m also not quite done with her yet. Leaving her house last night and thinking about her touching herself in bed was enough to make it difficult for me to get any sleep. I had to stop myself from driving back over to her place and fucking her before the wedding.

But I’m a man of my word, and I won’t touch her like that until our wedding day. That doesn’t mean that I can’t enjoy hearing about her touching herself, though.

“Did you think of me in your bed last night?” I ask her. She’s holding the dress I gave her like a shield, keeping it between the two of us like it’s enough to stop me from getting closer to her. “I wanted you to touch yourself.”

A slight pause, then she finally nods, although the movement is so small that it’s almost impossible to see. Her eyes dart around the store like she thinks that someone is going to be listening in on us, but we’re alone. I have no doubt in my mind that all of the employees will leave us alone until I call them back.

“How did it feel?” My cock thickens in my pants and I shift position a little bit as I wait for her to respond.


She doesn’t so much speak the word as breathe it out and I take a step closer to her so that I can feel it wash over me. “Tell me what you thought about.”

I want to hear it. I want to hear her say that she was imagining me between her legs and wishing that I were the one down there. I want her to think only of me whenever she has any pleasure.

“I thought about you.”

It’s the same thing, where she’s barely speaking, but I can still hear her, I’m so close to her. My body trembles with desire to reach out and pull her to me. I want her to feel my cock throbbing in my pants and know that it’s all for her. I want her to see what kind of an effect she has on me.

“Did you cum?”

She nods and I reach out, grabbing her wrist and turning it over in my hand so that I can feel her pulse. It’s beating wildly, her heart slamming back and forth in her ribcage as she relives what happened last night and I grin at her.

“Did you slip your fingers in your tight little cunt or just play with your clit?”

This makes her gasp and she tries to pull her hand out of my grasp, but I just tighten my fingers on her skin. I’m not done with Natalia, not by a long shot, and I’m not interested in letting her go anywhere. I want her to know that she belongs to me--not only to understand it, but to feel it. To accept it.

“Listen, darling,” I say, tucking a stray bit of hair behind her ear, “you belong to me, but I’m not unkind. I’m going to take care of you and make you scream for me every single night. You’ll never be alone in bed, never have to worry about where your next pleasure will come from.”

Her face is pale. She was so flushed before, getting turned on and scared at the same time, but now the blood has drained from her face and I know that she’s thinking about the fact that she will really belong to me.

And I don’t ever let go of the things that I own. Natalia is mine and I’m never going to give her up.

“You’re cruel,” she whispers, and I just chuckle, shaking my head.

“No, darling. I’m not. I’m efficient. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get the things that I want and to protect them once they’re mine. You belong to me, Natalia. You get to decide how you want that to go. Now, are you going to be my good girl and enjoy me in your bed every night or are you going to fight me?”

She tenses and, for just a moment, I’m excited about the fact that she’s going to argue with me and fight me. I want to hear her scream and kick until she realizes that my cock is the only thing that can make her feel good. Before I can tell her this, though, before I can remind her that she belongs to me and I bought her fair and square, all of the glass on the front windows of the store explodes inward, shattering and falling on the floor around us like someone dropped a bag of diamonds.

Natalia screams, the sound rolling out of her somehow even louder than the glass exploding behind us. I hear the popping sound of a gun and I throw myself forward, grabbing her and tossing her back onto the ground. We land hard, the puffy layers of the ridiculous dress that she’s wearing the only thing keeping her from getting seriously hurt.

“Stay down.” My lips are right by her ear and I feel her shiver as my words wash over her. For a split second, I’m not sure if she’s going to do what I told her, but when I roll off of her and pull my gun from the back of my tux, she stays down.

I had to make sure that my piece would fit and wouldn’t be obvious when I was at the alter, or I wouldn’t have otherwise had it on me for the fitting. Yanking the gun free, I spin around and level it at the windows, scanning the area for whoever would have shot at us.

Me, not us. Let’s be honest, there’s no way that anyone would have shot up the wedding store because they were interested in killing Natalia. She’s nobody, just a girl I bought a long time ago when she was too young to be married and now am finally going to walk down the aisle to make my wife.

There isn’t a single person in town who would give a shit about whether or not she was alive.

Me, on the other hand...

There isn’t any movement outside, but I do see one man slumped over on the bench outside the windows. Growling deep in my throat, I stand up and run through them, bursting out onto the sidewalk and looking in both directions.

Nobody. It’s like we suddenly live in a fucking ghost town. Anyone who was on the street and may have seen something has disappeared, and whoever the person was who shot at us, they’re gone, too.

I holster my gun and slowly walk over to the man on the bench. His phone lays at his feet, his eyes wide open, but the red circle in the center of his forehead tells me all that I need to know.

Pulling my phone from my pocket, I hurry back into the store and go straight to Natalia. She’s still on the floor, her arms over her head, her entire body curled up like a baby. Mounds of tulle and white fabric make her look like a pile of discarded clothes, but I bend down, scooping her up into my arms and pulling her against my chest while I wait for my brother to pick up the phone.

“Please tell me that you didn’t have anything to do with what just happened on Main Street,” Lorenzo says in greeting.

“I’m fine, asshole, thanks for asking.” Ducking back through the broken window, I hurry down the street to where I parked my car. Natalia’s train catches on some of the broken glass still sticking up in the window pane and I swear as I yank her free.

“Are you hit?” There’s sudden concern in his voice and I know that he’s already formulating a plan of what we need to do.

“I’m fine. So is Natalia, although I think that she may be in shock. I’m taking her home where I can keep an eye on her, Lorenzo. Find out who the fuck thought that this was a good idea so that we can take them out.” Hanging up on him, I shift her weight on my chest so I can slip the phone in my pocket and pull out my keys.

Thank fuck that I wanted to make sure that all of my things would fit in the suit or I’d be royally screwed right now. The car door beeps and I put Natalia on her feet just so I can open the door.

“Get in, Natalia,” I say, but she doesn’t move. She’s staring over my shoulder, her eyes wide, a look of fear twisting her gorgeous features. “Natalia, listen to me. We need to leave. Now.”

She still doesn’t move and I grab her, forcing her into the car. It’s going to be impossible to buckle her in while she’s wearing this monstrosity, and I have to rip the train off of the dress to make all of the fabric fit. Once she’s in, I slam the door and hurry around, only buckling up as we pull out onto the road.

“Hey, are you okay?” Glancing over at her, I take in the set of her jaw, how wide her eyes still are, and the fact that she’s sucking in tiny bits of air through her nose. “Natalia. You need to breathe deeply and slowly. Calm down.”

She turns to me and I fully expect her to snap at me about how telling a woman to calm down never works, but instead she gives me a small nod. She still doesn’t speak and I press down on the gas, wanting to get the two of us as far away from Main Street as quickly as possible.

It isn’t until I’m parked and I’m trying to get her and her giant dress out of the car that she finally speaks. “They killed him,” she whispers, leaning hard against me.

I grab her, wrapping my arms around her and keep her from falling to the ground.

So that’s why her eyes were so wide.

“Yeah, darling, they did,” I finally say. “But they didn’t kill you and I’m not going to let anything bad happen to you. Can you walk?”

She doesn’t respond, so I pick her back up, grabbing her tightly through her dress to make sure that she doesn’t slip, then carry her to my private elevator to get her someplace safe.