When Stars Fall by Wendy Million

Chapter Twenty-Seven


Present Day

I wake with a start, my heart pounding like I’ve been running. I sit up in bed, disoriented, and I rub my forehead. This is my room. My heart is racing, and I must have been dreaming about something. Then I remember.

Wyatt knows. He’s coming here today. I snatch my phone off my nightstand to see if I’ve missed a call from him. It’s ten in the morning. Three hours of sleep isn’t much, but it’ll have to do.

After I sobbed my heart out in the parking lot of Wyatt’s hotel, I collected Nikki and Haven from Nikki’s house and brought them here. But I didn’t have the energy or the right words to explain what was happening to Haven.

Before Wyatt arrives, I have to tell her he learned the truth. I don’t want her caught off guard by anything he might say. I swing my legs over the side of the bed and let my head rest in my hands for a beat. He’s so angry with me.

My mind churns with the various ways today could go. It’s going to suck for me. This has been what Haven has wanted for years, and I don’t want to ruin the experience. I shove my anguish down and vow to keep a lid on my feelings. I’m going to earn an Oscar for this performance.

Once I’m showered and dressed in fresh clothes, I’m confident I can face him. I text Wyatt to see what time he’s coming. In the living room, Nikki and Haven are playing a board game.

“Coffee should still be warm if you need it like I did,” Nikki says when she sees me.

In the kitchen, I grab a mug and pour liquid gold into it. I’m drinking it black. The tangy taste should kick me into gear.

When I emerge, Nikki makes eye contact. “Mom called. We should have a quick chat.”

“Outside?” I gesture to the back patio.

She ruffles Haven’s hair as she stands and then follows me out. “Are you okay?” she asks. “You looked rough last night.”

“I had terrible dreams. He’s so angry. What if he never forgives me?” I slide into a lounger.

“I might not think he’s good for you, but he loves you. His emotions are written all over him every time he looks at you. He’s mad. He should be mad. But he shouldn’t be mad at just you. He needs to point some of that anger at himself.”

“That won’t be the first place he points his anger, and we both know it.”

“Robert Morris, the attorney, called Mom this morning to say Wyatt’s manager was sniffing around looking for the best family lawyer on the island.”

“And there’s the anger.” I’m not sure what emotion I should feel at the realization Wyatt’s exploring his legal options, but all I can muster is numbness. “Is he going to try to take her from me?”

“He’s not that dumb.” Nikki huffs out a breath.

My phone pings in my pocket, and I take it out. Wyatt’s at the gate. My day is rushing at me full tilt, and I can’t get my bearings. “He’s here, and I haven’t told Haven.”

“She already knows. Let him tell her. Maybe letting him see her joy will ease the sting a bit. She’s going to be so happy he knows.” Nikki opens the patio door. “I’ll let him in. Give you two a buffer.”

I sit on the lounge chair for a beat, gathering myself for the hard day ahead. Whatever he says or does, I have to keep the right attitude, for Haven’s sake.

When I step into the house, Wyatt is in the kitchen doorway, with Nikki in the lead. Haven is still seated at the table in the living room, the board game laid out. Wyatt’s jaw tenses, and he gives me a penetrating stare before glancing away, but he hangs back in the kitchen, and I go to him. I swallow the anxiety bubbling into my throat.

Nikki returns to the board game with Haven with an enthusiasm I know she doesn’t feel, chattering to keep Haven distracted. She keeps glancing at me and Wyatt.

Wyatt removes a stress ball from his pocket. This one is a different color than the one he had the other day. Probably wore the first one out. He’s so silent. Nervous energy dances along the surface of my skin. I expected him to march in here and declare himself her father. Give me his rage over the silent treatment any day. Give me his overconfidence instead of this strange uncertainty I sense.

“I take it you haven’t told her?” he mutters, his focus glued to Haven.

“She’s going to be over the moon.” I keep my voice pitched low.

“You know who should have been over the moon? Me. Nine years ago when she was born.”

The ice in his eyes makes me flinch. As angry as he is, something is holding him back from going to her. “Haven, honey, can you come over here for a minute?” I say. Nikki has done an amazing job containing her this long. The tension in the room must be palpable. I’ll have to work on concealing that for her sake.

Haven gets off her chair and rushes over to where Wyatt and I are standing. Wyatt crouches. He understands a cue better than anyone. His Adam’s apple bobs, and a twinge of anxiety pierces my heart. “You’re already aware of this, but I only found out last night . . .”

Haven’s eyes widen, but she doesn’t say anything. She glances at me, and I wipe away a few stray tears before nodding.

“Dad!” Haven flings her arms around his neck, burying her face in the hollow. “You’re my dad.”

“I am. I am your dad.” His voice is hoarse, but he manages to get the confirmation out.

Haven squeals and laughs. She steps back from him, looks him over, and then tackles him again. Wyatt lifts her into his arms and smooths back her long hair off her cheek. The tenderness is overwhelming.

“I want to see your room. I want to know everything.” He scans her face. “I want to know you. I’m so sorry I already missed so much.”

“But you came.” She puts her small hands on either side of his face and grins. “I was sure you’d come. I knew it.” Haven’s smile is triumphant. “We knew it, didn’t we, Mom?”

Looking at them through my tears, my heart is full, on the cusp of overflowing. All I’ve ever wanted is right in front of me.

Wyatt doesn’t glance my way before Haven takes him back to her room. She natters away like they’re already the best of friends. Tears slide down my face. When I look at Nikki, she’s crying too.