When Stars Fall by Wendy Million


This book has been through a few different drafts, but I truly believe this one is the best. Deanna McFadden, I appreciated your guidance and patience as I molded Wyatt and Ellie’s narrative into something I’m really proud to say I wrote. Thank you for all your help.

Thank you to the rest of the editing, typesetting, and cover creation team of Rebecca Sands, Rebecca Mills, Sarah Howden, Misha Dyer, and Ashley Santoro. It’s been a pleasure to be part of the Wattpad Books team.

To all my Wattpad followers who have read and loved this story—thank you for taking a chance on me. It’s been a joy to read your comments, see your votes, and receive your messages over the last few years. I hope, if you’ve read the story before, this version speaks to your heart in the same way. #Wyllieforever

Thanks to my dad and my husband, who are used to me dropping everything to read over edits. You’re very patient when my body is here on Earth but my mind is off in another world with other people. I love you both so much.

Thanks to Brenda and Brian Lenzin, Gwen Doak, Al and Wanda Smith, Lynn and Larry Million, and my brother and his wife, Lucie, who purchase my books with enthusiasm. It’s a joy to be so supported.

A special thanks to my girls for their understanding when I’m sitting at the computer when they’d rather I was hanging out with them. I hope you’re learning what it looks like to be passionate about something and to pursue your goals with your whole heart.

Thanks to my agent, Amy Brewer, for always looking out for my best interests. You’re a gem.

Thank you to two other Wattpad writers who have navigated this writing experience with me and who I know I can always message for support. Avery Keelan and Cole Lepley—my writing world would be a lot less fun without you both.

I started this book on Wattpad back in 2017, after having been on the platform for less than a year. It’s the book that helped me get my agent, the one my husband loves best, the one that earned me the coveted Watty Award, the one that spurred so many people to follow me, and the one that’s landed me here, at Wattpad Books. I’ll be forever grateful to this novel because it feels like the one that really made me believe I could write.