The Wolf’s Fake Mate by Layla Silver

Epilogue – Silas

Finally, the day of my wedding with Hailey came. We held the ceremony at Sun and Moon, which was decorated with glittering suns and moons. After all, the restaurant’s name accurately described the nature of the union taking place—between a panther, child of the sun, and a wolf, child of the moon. We cemented what Kaia and Renly had started, celebrating a pack that welcomed everyone.

My best man was Renly, and Hailey’s maid of honor was Waverly. The ceremony was to be performed by Alpha Kaia… until she suddenly stepped aside, and I saw Alex, Renly’s sibling, in a colorful outfit with suns and moons sewn all over.

“Silas, you’ve finally settled down, I see.” Alex smiled brightly, spreading their arms for a hug.

I stepped into their embrace, and we held each other like real blood-related siblings. It had always been this way—Renly, Alex, and I together, not feeling like we were part of the pride. Now we had a pack, one where we belonged. Alex traveled all over the world, sending us postcards, not quite ready to settle down just yet.

“I didn’t expect to see you here!” I exclaimed, moved to tears. I haven’t seen them in what… two years?

“How could I miss this? Renly summoned me, and here I am in all my glory.” They turned around, their silver and gold outfit glistering in the lights of the restaurant.

Hailey chuckled happily, and Alex turned their attention to her. In a beautiful white gown that fit her like a glove, she was the image of perfection. She had chosen a simple dress without much lace, but the diamond necklace adorning her neck and the earrings dangling from her ears made her look like the queen she was to me. She was wearing her black hair up, so the long earrings in the shapes of little suns and moons were on full display, falling gently next to her neck.

“Ha, I see that’s the bride!” Alex noted. “And you have such a dumbfounded expression on your face when you look at her! I never believed I would see the day, and yet here it is,” they said, laughing.

“You didn’t believe I would meet my mate?” I asked, surprised.

“Did you? They tell us all since we are children—there is someone in the world who is the other half of our soul, the one we will spend our whole lives with. And yet we don’t fully believe that fairytale and are shocked when we meet them,” Alex said so profoundly that I couldn’t help but agree with them. “I wonder where mine is…” Their expression turned sad.

“You’ll meet them one day, I’m sure!” Hailey smiled brightly at Alex.

They couldn’t help but beam back, seeing her freely-given expression. The more time Hailey spent with me, the warmer she became. She was no longer uncomfortable with showing her emotions; she smiled more freely and told me what was on her mind. I loved the trust she placed in me and vowed never to betray it.

“Thank you, I’d like to believe I will,” Renly’s sibling stated. “Now, why don’t we get you two bound by the vows?” They turned serious.

We both nodded and took our places in the designated area. Alex stood in front of us and asked us the ceremonial questions. We vowed to love and protect each other through good and bad until death do us part.

“Now you may kiss the bride,” Alex announced happily, and the crowd cheered. All of our relatives had come—even my parents were here, probably risking Allegra’s ire. The Morrans, the Russells, the rest of our pack, and our human friends were all here as well.

In front of all those people, I grabbed my mate by the waist, dipped her backwards, leaned in, and kissed her deeply. She kissed me with the same abandon, and passion flared between us. The crowd cheered louder, but I didn’t care. Let them see how much we loved each other.

Finally, we broke apart, panting, gazing into each other’s eyes intensely.

“I love you,” I whispered, only for Hailey to hear.

“And I love you,” she replied, beaming at me.

“May this union be blessed,” Alex announced to conclude the ceremony.

We went to our designated tables to eat. Today I didn’t have to bother with the kitchen; the Fuzion team was in charge.

We ate, we danced, we drank, we talked to people. It was a beautiful celebration that I would never forget—especially the end when Hailey leaned in close to me and whispered, “There’s something I have to tell you, Silas.” She smiled softly, so I knew that whatever secret she had, it was bound to bring us happiness.

“What is it, my mate?” I asked, holding my breath.

Hailey put a hand to her stomach, and even before she said the words, I knew. “Soon, there will be three of us.”

“You’re pregnant? That’s amazing!” I beamed at her, overjoyed at the news.

“Yes, I’m two months pregnant,” Hailey told me, staring me in the eyes lovingly. “You will be a father, Silas!”

I came closer to her and kissed her. Then I picked her up and spun around with her, lifting her into the air. “My mate is with child!” I explained to the surprised guests. “I’m going to be a father!”

Hailey laughed, and everyone clapped.

When it all calmed down, I whispered to Hailey. “I promise you I will be the best father for our child that you can imagine.”

“You know my standards are rather low when it comes to fathers,” she said softly. I kissed her on the cheek, and she cheered up, smiling softly. “But I’m 100 percent sure that you will be a better father for our child than the one I had.”

“I will, I swear.” Placing a hand on my heart, I made that promise to Hailey.

“I trust you, Silas,” my mate told me.

I felt the lump in my throat when I heard her reply. Coming from Hailey, who had been through a lot in her life, those words carried a lot of weight.

As the days went by, I never stopped telling my mate that I loved her. I wanted her to know that now she had someone who treasured her more than anything else. Our family grew, and I never forgot the promise I had made that day. My goal in life was still to lead a successful business like before I met Hailey, of course. But more importantly now, my goal in life was also to be the best father and husband possible. And I took that mission seriously. I would make sure that Hailey and our children were happy.