Due North by Kelsey Gamble



She has no idea I’m watching her. She’s too distracted, too lost in her own thoughts to notice me hovering in the doorway, staring at her like the creep she claims me to be.

Taking care of Zeke took no time at all. She did quite the number on him with that odd power of hers. I desperately want to ask her about it, but she seemed shaken up by the whole thing. Even now, her face is pale, and she wrings her hands together. I’m not sure she even understands that power herself, considering the worried way her eyebrows are knit downward as she stares blankly in front of her.

Her sister has it too. It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before.

I didn’t expect it, but someone out there must already know. According to Zeke, there are people willing to pay good money to get their hands on the Jarreaus. I overheard what Dominic said about their brother vanishing. It makes me wonder if he knows more than his sisters. I can only hope he’s somewhere safe.

I have an idea of the weight of Tasha’s grief already; I’m not sure she can survive losing anyone else.


She turns slowly to face me, not at all startled. Maybe she knew I was watching her after all. Her face flickers between relief, curiosity, and fear. I know she’s wondering what happened with Zeke. I’m not sure if I should tell her.

I’ve never had to consider someone else’s feelings before.

I open my mouth to tell her Zeke is dead, but something else entirely bursts out of me. “I’ll never leave you alone with anyone else ever again.”

She blinks once and then scowls at me. “That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. I’m alone with people all the time and manage not to get attacked. In fact, I was never in danger at all until you came along. The Sovereign Pack is the safest place for me if someone’s really after my family.”

“If I could get to you there, then so could anyone else.” I keep my voice level and hope she believes that lie. I’m not sure anyone else would be quite as motivated to get to her as I was.

I took risks that no amount of money would be worth. If any of the Sovereign Pack saw me step foot on their land, it would be certain death. And I did it anyway. For her.

Anyone after a Jarreau would probably try their luck with Dominic before they’d test the Sovereign Pack.

Tasha sets the phone down so she can wrap both arms tightly around herself. These past several weeks have scared her, and I’m so desperate to comfort her that I take a step forward.

The glare she shoots me makes me stop before I take another.

“I’m not having sex with you.” Her cheeks color, and I have the feeling that wasn’t what she meant to say. I guess we’re both blurting things out today.

“Okay.” For now.

“And you’re not marking me.” Her jaw sets stubbornly.

“We’ll see about that.” There’s no way in hell I won’t mark her. Already, my wolf is wearing at my attempt to practice patience for her. She’s lost one mate; I’m willing to respect that for a day or two. But then she’s going to have to come to terms with the fact that she belongs to me now.

And if she doesn’t, then our mark will convince her, my wolf adds smugly.

* * *

Tasha is quiet as she sips at the bitter red wine Leah left for her. Leah’s made herself scarce, which is for the best at the moment. Despite how she seems when she meets people, she’s actually an extreme introvert. We’ve already made her socialize too much for one day. I know it’s unlikely we’ll see her the rest of today. Or maybe even again this week.

One of the perks of this big house is that she can easily stow herself away in solitude even with houseguests.

“All of this is insane,” Tasha breaks the silence. She waves her hand around as if gesturing to everything that’s happened. “This is the problem with rogues. You trade in favors but have no idea who’s trustworthy. A wolf might be your friend or foe, and you have no idea which.”

“As opposed to packs where wolves are born into their stations and never meant to question the order of things? An Alpha is born an Alpha no matter whether they’ve earned it or not.”

She huffs out an annoyed little breath.

My mate is cute when she’s a little tipsy. Honest. Open. I can see it in her eyes, she’s desperate to ask questions. To understand how we ended up here. The wine is loosening her up; I’ll have to thank Leah for that when she comes back from her introverted hibernation.

“I have a lot of questions,” she announces, confirming my suspicions about her curiosity. She’s meant to be Luna Sovereign. Of course she’s naturally curious.

“Ask away.”

I shift on the lime green stool, my leg brushing hers. She inhales a long breath but doesn’t move away. I’m sure it’s because of the alcohol, but it’s such a damn relief to touch her that I’m too much of a bastard to do the polite thing and move away.

“What’s the deal with Leah and your brother?”

It’s not exactly the question I thought she would open with. “My older brother Greg was the worst kind of asshole. Thought the world owed him something. He saw Leah one night with her mate and decided he wanted her even though she didn’t belong to him.” My stomach still turns when I think about it, but I force myself to continue. Tasha is my mate, she deserves answers if she wants them.

“He waited until they were leaving the party and jumped the guy. Killed him and claimed Leah for himself. She was barely eighteen, and my brother was pushy.”

“Sounds familiar,” Tasha mutters, but I ignore her because it only pisses me off to hear her compare me to that worthless asshole.

“By the time he dragged her home with him, I think he already knew he didn’t actually want her. He didn’t like that she was quiet and colorful. She didn’t fit in with his friends’ mates. So he started beating her down, forcing her to change. He’d drag her to parties in boring clothes and make her stand by his side like a prop. Then take her home and keep her beaten into submission.”

A sound of disgust escapes me, and I have to pause. I’m desperate for a drink of my own now.

I painstakingly pull my leg away from hers and get up to go to the cabinet by the fridge that I’m hoping still holds the liquor. Bingo. There’s moonshine front and center. I pour a small glass and put the bottle back. There won’t be any getting drunk tonight, not for me.

I left the Jeep keys on Zeke’s lifeless body and stuffed both in the freezer in the garage. Even if Tasha goes looking for the keys, there’s no way she’ll grope a dead body looking for them.

Still, I’m not taking any chances of losing my head to drink until I’m sure she won’t try to run from me.

“I’m glad she killed him then,” Tasha says, nearly making me choke on my first sip of bittersweet moonshine.

I like to think any decent shifter would take Leah’s side, but I know meeting Leah in person sometimes changes people’s opinions. My brother was right about one thing. The woman is odd. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have the right to be whoever the hell she wants.

‘’He was an Alpha.” The last of the Wild Bend Pack.

I turn to study Tasha. She’s abandoned her wine now and is sitting straight up in her seat, her back stiff.

“Your brother was an Alpha?”


“Who took his place when he died?” Her eyes narrow. Accusatory.

The only other female I’ve ever told this story to was Eliza, a wolf I saw casually in my twenties. When she realized my brother had been an Alpha, I saw the hope in her eyes. Some wolves would do anything to be a Luna.

That’s not the look in Tasha’s eyes.

She looks like this news is a betrayal, but she doesn’t need to look at me like that. I cross the kitchen to the island and lean across it toward her. There’s still enough distance between us that I couldn’t kiss her from here if I thought she’d let me.

It’s definitely not something I should be thinking about in the middle of this morbid conversation about my family’s history.

I want to kiss her anyway.

She’s still waiting for me to answer. “No one. The pack doesn’t exist anymore.” It never deserved to exist in the first place.

“What pack was it?”

I almost answer her until I remember she’s been in training to be the next Luna Sovereign. She might know too much about the Wild Bend Pack for comfort.

The last thing I need to do is give her more reasons to resist our mate bond.

“It isn’t important.” The words come out harsher than I intended, and I immediately see the fracture it creates between us.

Tasha pushes her wine glass away and slides off the stool, wobbling on her feet. “I’m going to bed.” She takes a few steps toward the doorway before shooting me a nasty look. “By myself.”

If she thinks I’m not crawling into bed beside her, she’s sorely mistaken.

“I mean it.” Her scowl deepens as if she can read my mind.

I don’t say anything. I’m not going to lie to her. But maybe I will wait until she’s asleep to go to bed. It’s been a long fucking day, and I don’t have the energy to keep fighting her. I’m going to get what I want in the end anyway.

I’ve gone rounds with some of the toughest shifter fighters in the world and left the ring smiling, but a few rounds with my mate is enough to leave me feeling ragged.

When she walks away, the pang of loss that hits me nearly bowls me over. After that bullshit with Zeke, I’m not comfortable with her out of my sight. It’s the reason I sought her out first thing when I got back to the house.

Speaking of which…

Now that I have the kitchen to myself, I reach for the phone sitting on the counter and redial the last number called. It only rings once before Dominic picks up.

“Tasha?” The Alpha’s voice is weary.

“Not this time.” He murmurs something over the phone. To Tess, I presume. “I think we need to talk.”

“You’re damn right we do. Tess wants her sister back. Whatever you think you’re doing, Tasha obviously isn’t safe. If you’re really hoping to have something with her, you can stay here as well until it’s worked out properly.”

There’s no chance in hell.

“We’re safer here. We’re as off grid as it gets, and no one is going to be looking for us here. I’m not coming back into pack territory until I know it’s safe.” And not until my mate is marked, my wolf is eager to remind me.

“This is ridiculous. We don’t even know you, and the Jarreaus have already been ripped apart by rogues once this year. You need to bring Tasha back, Glass. The way she sounded on the phone… That’s not the voice of a shifter who’s happy with their mate. Let her come home.”

I clench my teeth to hold back the anger I want to spew at him. “If I bring her there, the Sovereign Pack will be back for her. They can’t have her. If they couldn’t keep me away from her, who knows who the hell else might get close. This isn’t a fucking negotiation, Dominic Parker, and that isn’t why I called.”

He lets out a growl that reminds me too much of my fucking brother.

There’s a scuffle from their side of the phone, and then Tess’ breathless voice takes over. “Paxton?”

“What?” I’m outright snapping at them now. Hell.

“She’s really your mate?”

“Yes.” I sound exasperated because I am. Wolves don’t lie about their mates. Fate made the decision, not me.

“Jimmy was a really good guy. Kind. Gentle. And most importantly, fiercely protective. If you’re not bringing Tasha back to me, then I expect you to protect her the way Jimmy did. Selflessly.” Her voice cracks, and I’m torn between a spark of sympathy and outright jealousy.

“I’ll die protecting your sister, Tess.” The words are fierce. The honesty in them is undeniable.

She’s quiet for a minute. “Okay. Well… good.”

“Good,” I echo.

She doesn’t trust me. None of them do. But as long as I keep Tasha safe, I’ll earn their respect. One day at a time. If only patience were one of my virtues.

“Will you let her know that Dominic’s going to send a team to search for Tevin? I know how she is, she’s going to worry about everyone else first, but you tell her there’s nothing she can do right now. We’re going to find him, and I’m safe here with Dominic.

“Tell Tasha the best thing she can do for all of us is hear you out.” She hesitates. “I can’t imagine you kidnapped my sister for no reason.”

“She’s my mate.” Just walk down the hall and mark her. Then they’ll all know she belongs to us. No one can take her from us when she bears our mark.

“Paxton… I believe you.”

“Seriously?” I can hear Dominic’s muffled voice from across the phone. I can hear the skepticism in his voice, but it seems to have disappeared now from Tess’. At least that means I have one Jarreau on my side.

“If anyone deserves a second chance mate, it’s Tasha. She’s always taken care of everyone else. Now it’s her turn, so you better treat her like the queen that she is or I swear to Goddess when I lay eyes on you again—“

She’s cut off abruptly.

“I think you get the point.” Dominic sighs. “Keep Tasha in one piece and try not to piss her off too much. We’ll be checking in daily.”

“Great,” I tell him with a distinct lack of enthusiasm.

The phone line goes dead.

I’m tempted to break the phone. I’m sure Leah has one around here, but maybe I could break that one too. Then we’d really have no contact with the outside world. It’s tempting. Without interference, it might be easier to wear Tasha down.

Make her dependent on me for everything. She has to get lonely eventually, right?

I move down the hall before rational thought catches up to me. I haven’t given her enough time to fall asleep, but I catch the lingering trail of her scent, and it leads me right to the room she picked.

Light still streams out from under the door, so she’s definitely still awake. I push it open anyway.

“Seriously?” she croaks, her voice coming from the other side of the bed even though I can’t see her. “Just go away.”

I can’t. My wolf floods with so much emotion I almost shift right there in the house because my human body can’t contain it all. The sound of her turmoil is painful. I didn’t bring her here to hurt her, but I can hear the tears in her voice.

I round the side of the bed to find her sitting with her back to it, her knees pulled close to her chest in a way that makes her seem younger than she is.

“Don’t touch me.” She squeezes her arms tighter around herself as if that will somehow ward me away.

If I was good at following orders, I wouldn’t be a rogue.

I bend down and pick her up easily, pulling her into the bed with me and cradling her against my chest. She puts a hand on me to try to shove away, but I have a steel grip on her.

She’s mine. I’ll never let her go.

I tilt my head back against the headboard and stare at the ceiling so I’m not tempted to do something insane… like actually marking the mate who hasn’t accepted our bond yet.

That would be crazy.


But it’s an option, my wolf insists. And I know it is, but obviously not one Tasha would appreciate.

I need to take my mind somewhere else. A distraction. She just smells so good against me. Our scents mingle on her skin thanks to my clothes. I considered asking Leah for clothes she could borrow, but now I’m desperate to keep her in mine instead.


Find a distraction.

“Tomorrow, I want you to show me what you can do.” They’re the first words I can think to blurt out. Her body stiffens even more in my grasp.

“I can’t.”

“It’s okay. I don’t want to hurt you or make you fight. I just think it would be good for us to have a full scope of what you’re capable of. If anything were to happen, I’ll feel better knowing how much you can handle.”

“I can’t,” she repeats so harshly I take my eyes off the ceiling and look into hers. She looks so helpless right now. Defeated.

“Why can’t you?”

“Because…” She glances away and lets out a soft sigh. “I don’t know how it works, and I don’t think I have any control over it. The first time it happened, I assumed it was because of Tess. But now…”


“I’m not lying,” she says sharply.

My head jerks back. “I didn’t think you were.”

“Oh.” Embarrassment floods her cheeks. “The Sovereign Pack has made me a little sensitive,” she mutters.

That doesn’t seem right.

“I don’t mind if you’re sensitive.” I like the idea that it might mean she needs me more than she’s letting on. “But whatever the hell they were doing with you, it’s over now.” That part might have come out a little harsh.

“Paxton, I’ll have to go back eventually.” This time when she pushes against me, I let her go. She moves to the other side of the bed, but at least she doesn’t leave me altogether.

I don’t know how to tell her no. I can tell she really believes she should be back with the Sovereign Pack, but it feels like brainwashing to me. If that pack only exists to protect the Luna Sovereign, why the hell would they be doing anything to make her sensitive?

You don’t form a strong leader by breaking them down.

There’s something off about the Sovereign Pack. I can feel it. And if it means keeping Tasha safe—whether she wants me to or not—I’m going to get to the bottom of whatever the hell it is.