Nine Months To Claim Her by Natalie Anderson


A little over two years later

‘AREYOUREADY?’ Leo Castle strode out to the terrace and saw his wife ensconced at the table, bent over a large piece of paper with a container of sharp coloured pencils beside her.

His heart soared at the sight; he loved it when she was deep in concentration like this.

‘I just need five more minutes,’ she murmured, not looking up from her drawing. ‘This bit is almost there.’

He sighed theatrically and shook his head mournfully. ‘And you once told me I was a workaholic...’

At that she glanced up and sent him a laughing look. ‘And you’re not still?’

‘Absolutely not,’ he declared with a wink. He tried hard but admittedly there were times when their Thursday afternoon date got pushed back by a couple of hours. Not today, however—today he had very special plans. He’d even taken tomorrow off work as well.

‘I have a particular surprise. Only you’re keeping us waiting...’ He waggled his brows at her lasciviously.

‘Okay.’ She chuckled and put her pencil down. ‘You’ve convinced me.’ She glanced up at him again with a gleam in her eye. ‘You’ve always been good at that.’

He stepped closer to see the picture she’d been working on. It was miniature perfection. His wife? Total perfection. Her cheeks were flushed and there was a smudge of charcoal by her chin and her hair was in the messiest ponytail he’d ever seen. She wore loose linen shorts and a plain, not-quite-white-any-more tee and she was gorgeous.

‘I just need two minutes to get changed.’ She stood and stretched.

‘I’ll go see the twins.’

He walked back inside and followed the sound of toddler laughter.

‘Daddy!’ The stereo call would never get old.

Gracie and Millie ran and clutched a leg each. His soaring heart now swelled to bursting point. They were such delights. He dropped to the ground and they squealed with laughter as he pulled them into a hug and quizzed them on their day.

‘How many times did you go down the slide?’

Rosanna skipped to the bathroom and took the quickest ever shower. Time had slipped from her completely. Her parents had taken the girls to the park for an adventure an hour ago and she’d got lost in the garden on the terrace, inspired to do a drawing for her new collection. She’d finally figured out the job of her dreams. Her boss at the nursery up in Brisbane had seen her notebook and loved her botanical sketches. Together they’d designed a limited stationery range to be sold onsite. To Rosanna’s amazement it had taken off and since then she’d expanded her sales online. She was still growing her own plants and now she put together terrariums on request for the store to sell as well. Now her little business was literally thriving.

What was more, her relationship with her parents had improved hugely over the last couple of years. While they had gone to Queensland, once there they’d soon decided to retire. It had completely shocked Rosanna, but they were working on their golf handicaps, of all things. They’d actually relaxed and seemed happy with each other. They stayed with Leo and Rosanna quite often—helping out with babysitting when they needed it, loving simple trips to the park and time with their granddaughters. Doing the things they’d not taken the time from work to do with Rosanna when she was young.

Rosanna pulled on a silk slip dress in sky blue and slid her feet into summery sandals. Thursday afternoons were their special dates, but Leo had told her that tonight was an extra-special one and she was to pack an overnight bag. She smiled to herself as she fixed her hair. With Leo, they could be going anywhere.

She went to the twins’ bedroom and found him on the floor. He was lying on his stomach reading a story to the girls, who were leaning against him like two little puppies. Her heart melted at the sight.

‘Ready?’ she asked with a teasing lilt.

‘Two minutes.’

She chuckled delightedly. That he took time for them was the greatest sign of his love.

She went to the kitchen where her parents were pottering about making an early pasta dinner. ‘Thank you so much.’

‘No problem.’ Her mother had actually spilled pasta sauce on her shirt.

She shook her head as she passed Axel in his tank and went back to kiss the children.

Leo had finished and rose to meet her. He held her hand as they went down in the elevator and got into the car. It was only a few minutes’ drive till they parked up outside his usual helicopter service.

‘Well?’ She glanced at him. ‘When are you going to tell me where we’re going?’

‘When we get there.’

It was a forty-minute flight, heading north. Not in the direction of her old university, but the wine region. They circled over an estate—from above she admired the large mansion and perfect-looking pool. A few minutes later they’d landed.

‘I thought we needed a weekend house.’ He glanced at her as they walked across the lawn. ‘In the country.’

‘A what?’

‘A country house.’

Her heart pounded. ‘Really? As in to keep?’

‘As in, yes.’ He took her hand and walked around the outside of the house.

‘Are we not going in?’

‘There’s something at the back I want you to see first.’ He smiled at her. ‘Back when we met, you couldn’t afford a glasshouse so I thought you might like one now.’

Rosanna stopped and stared at what had just come into view. At the rear of the house was another lawn and the focal point? A stunning Victorian-style glasshouse that wouldn’t look out of place in a city’s botanical gardens. White-painted frames, glass, wrought-iron decorations... Her jaw dropped.

‘Leo, it’s magical.’

‘Do you mind that I went ahead and bought it without talking to you first?’ He smiled at her. ‘Because if you don’t like it, we can sell it.’

‘Don’t you dare.’ She nudged him playfully.

‘I knew you didn’t need to see the actual house.’ He laughed. ‘I knew this would be enough to convince you.’ He pulled out a large iron key from his pocket as they walked towards the greenhouse. ‘You have to admit it’s romantic.’

He unlocked the door and ushered her in.

Romanticwasn’t the word. ‘Leo...’ Again she stared in awe.

‘It got shifted here and I had it restored.’ He stepped behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

She craned her neck to look at him. ‘How long have you been planning this?’

His lopsided smile widened.

The glasshouse wasn’t filled with plants yet—she knew he’d left the joy of that for her. But there was a set-up in the corner. Silk screens, behind which? A huge bed with soft-looking linen, a velvety sofa, a small table upon which there was a hamper. She already knew it would be filled with her favourite things. They weren’t staying in the house tonight, they were staying here—in paradise.

‘This is so perfect.’ It was gorgeously lush and indulgent.

‘Happy anniversary,’ he said, cradling her close.

‘But I don’t have my gift for you with me.’ She leaned back against him.

‘I know, I’m early. Couldn’t wait any longer.’

It wasn’t their anniversary for another three days.

‘How can I compete?’ She shook her head. ‘What can I possibly give you that will match this?’

‘You’ve already given me everything.’ He spun her in his arms and gazed into her eyes. ‘There’s nothing more I could ever want in life other than more time with you.’

Her heart melted because he had warmed up so wonderfully. He was incredible—so determined, so loyal, and all she could do was tell him and show him how much he mattered to her. That, she knew, was everything—because it was what he did for her.

So she smiled and rose on tiptoe to kiss him. ‘Time to do this?’

‘Please. Lots. Always.’

Direct, honest...with that edge of desperation. She knew there was a last little hunger—a need in him that might always need to be soothed. With laughter. With love. With gentle humour and fierce touch. With the certainty that they both needed. Because she was the same. But she was here for him as he was for her. And they’d get there—they already had.

‘Mmm...’ She teased a thoughtful pose before pressing against him with all her passion and playfulness and underlying truth. ‘Then, okay, we have a deal.’

He laughed and she melted at the love shining in his eyes. ‘I like doing deals with you best of all.’