Nanny for the SEALs by Cassie Cole



I walked into the residence with an apology already on my lips. “Sorry for being late. I didn’t expect filming to last all day.”

The kids ran over to the door to tackle me with hugs. “Miss Heather! We missed you!” Dustin said.

“I didn’t miss her,” Micah muttered. “I like Aunt Patty the most.”

Patty was standing over in the kitchen, resting her arms on the countertop. “Love you too, kiddo.”

The kids returned to watching TV, and I joined Patty in the kitchen. “Everything alright?” I asked.

“You were right,” Patty said. She looked, and sounded, exhausted. “They’ve regressed. They might be worse than before you arrived.”

I glanced at the reward sheet on the fridge. “One star for Micah, none for Dustin?”

“Cora got a big treat from the bucket. That’s it. The boys didn’t seem to care at all. How has this happened in just a few weeks?”

I sighed and walked into the living room. “I’m very disappointed in your behavior today. No stars, Dustin? Really?”

Dustin had the good sense to look ashamed. Micah barely even stared at me.

I turned back to Patty and winced. “This is crappy timing, but I don’t suppose you could watch them tomorrow?”

Patty grimaced. “I’m driving to San Diego tomorrow for work. I’d cancel if I could, but it’s too late…”

“No, it’s fine,” I said. “It’s my fault. I’ll figure something out.”

Patty was nice enough to continue watching the kids while I took a shower. By the time I changed clothes and walked back to the living room, the dads were coming up from work. There was chaos as the kids greeted them, and then Patty said her goodbyes and left.

“How’d the filming go today?” Asher asked.

“Well… It kind of sucked.” I explained everything with the director and the million useless takes we had to do.

“At least it’s over,” Rogan said. “And now you have that on your resume.”

“Yeah, about that… We have to go back tomorrow for additional filming. I need to leave here around ten. I have no idea when I’ll be back. Can one of you cover for me?”

All three of them winced. “We can watch them in the early afternoon,” Rogan said, “but we’re driving out to the valley to meet with The Weiman Agency. They want to discuss Amirah Pratt’s situation.”

“That bad?” I asked.

Asher nodded. “We might be fighting to keep the contract. We need all three of us there, to show them they’re a priority.”

I lowered my voice so the kids couldn’t hear. “Shit. Maybe I can move the filming time…”

“Don’t do that,” Rogan insisted. “We’ll figure something out.” He looked at his watch. “Tonight’s my turn. I need to head out to Amirah’s house.” He kissed me on the cheek, then went into his room to change.

Asher nodded at Brady. “Can you get the kids ready for bed?”

“No problem,” Brady said at the same time I said, “I just got home, I can do it.”

Asher took me by the hand. “There’s something I wanted to show you.”

He led me down the hall to his bedroom. There were three bookshelves filled with all kinds of books: I saw tech manuals, military history discussions, and biographies on men like Winston Churchill and Omar Bradley. Asher closed the door and ran his hands over my arms.

“What did you want to show me?” I asked.

He gave me a tender kiss. “Well, I sort of lied. You look like you’ve had a long day, so I was going to give you a massage.”

I raised an eyebrow. “What kind of massage?”

“Not the dirty kind. Remove your clothes and lay down on the bed.”

I wasn’t really in the mood for a massage, but I was too tired to protest. I stripped down to my bra and panties and then slipped under the covers, on my belly.

Still wearing his dress clothes, Asher climbed onto his knees on the bed and placed his hands on my shoulder blades. His fingers slowly dug into my muscles, kneading them in concentric circles.

Within seconds, all my protests disappeared. I let out a soft moan as he worked his fingers over my body, massaging away the stress. Asher found a knot in my shoulder blade and took extra time to rub it out. Sometimes the massage hurt, but only a little. And I knew it was for my own good.

“You’re. Really. Good. At. This,” I grunted out while he worked on my feet.

“I took a class. For fun.”

Time lost all meaning as I surrendered to his skilled fingers. After maybe thirty minutes, I was a puddle of relief and happiness. I hadn’t eaten dinner, but I could have gone right to sleep there in Asher’s bed.

He flipped me over and massaged the other side of my body, working up my thighs and then spending more time on my arms and shoulders. By the time he made it to my neck, I was more relaxed than a chicken at a vegetarian farm.

Asher moved back down to my thighs, digging into them. Slowly he spread my legs apart, thumbing circles into my inner thigh where the tendon is. My state of relaxation went up another notch.

And then his hands slid inward, caressing as well as massaging…

I let out a long sigh as his thumb gently circled my clit, first in passing, then with more intentional focus.

“I thought this wasn’t a dirty massage,” I muttered.

Even with my eyes closed, I could hear the smile in Asher’s voice. “I changed my mind.”

My body surrendered to his touches seamlessly. I moaned softly as he dug into my drenched lips, rubbing up and down with the same skill and care he’d given while massaging the other parts of my body. I trusted Asher completely, and soon I was clenching my inner muscles around his fingers while he corkscrewed them inside of me.

By the time he lowered his tongue to my clit, I was halfway to oblivion. My breath quickened and I gently arched my back on the bed, giving tiny little bucks against his face. The faster he moved the quicker I breathed, until I was grabbing a handful of his golden hair and holding him against me while I cried out and shook with endless, erotic release.

He gently massaged my legs while I came down from my ecstasy-driven high, then laid on the pillow next to me with a smile on his face.

“I’m the one who should be smiling like that,” I whispered.

“Pleasing you makes me happy,” he replied.

“Your glasses are all fogged up.”

“I’ll clean them later.”

I rolled over and clung to his body, wishing he was nude instead of clothed. “What did I do to deserve that?”

“You had a bad day. You looked like you needed it.”

“No arguments here,” I said.

There was a sound down the hall in the kids room. I knew what was happening without needing to see it: Brady had picked up Cora and was carrying her around the room, pretending she was an airplane while chasing Dustin and Micah. Wearing the kids out before bedtime.

Thinking of them reminded me of the problem of tomorrow. “Do you have another nanny you can call to watch the kids?”

Asher frowned up at the ceiling. “There was Alice, but I’m certain she won’t come back after last time. Marian was good for a week, until we found out she was letting the kids run wild and eat candy while she watched The Amazing Race all day.”

“Isn’t there a nanny agency you can call?” I asked.

“Yes. But we have earned something of, um, a reputation. Nobody wants to work with the boys. That was part of the reason we hired you. We didn’t have many other places to turn to.”

I groaned. “I’ll cancel filming. Maybe they can move it.”

“Don’t do that,” Asher insisted, more forcefully than I expected. “This is your career. We’re leaving for The Weiman Agency around two. All we need is someone to watch them from then until you get back. They don’t even have to be a very good nanny, as long as they act like they know what they’re doing.”

The word act triggered an idea in my head. After a few seconds, I smiled.

“I think I know just the guy.”