Rise by Cassandra Robbins






Past – Eighteen years old

New York, New York

Oh God. This is it. This is when he actually tells me that he loves me. I can see it in his eyes, sense it in his body. This is… what is that freaking noise?

I close my eyes and count in my head for my phone to stop ruining my life.

I know it’s crazy, but every time Rhys gets close to uttering those coveted words, my mom calls.

It’s unbelievable. I wait while the ringing continues, my breaths coming in short bursts, and I shudder, knowing that when I open my eyes, all we experienced moments ago will be lost. Gone, evaporated into thin air. I swallow, but my throat is dry. That was intense and scary. I took a big leap, and now the phone interrupts me like an annoying fucking hornet.

At last, the vibrating stops and I crack my eyes open and stare up at him. He’s grinning and I almost burst into tears. Maybe the moment isn’t lost.

“Trying to block her out?” He kisses my mouth, which has formed a stunned “O,” and reaches over me to grab my phone. He hands it to me. Excitement followed by fear fills me. Why is he handing me my phone? I’m not calling my mom. I’m already filled with guilt about lying to her and not coming home for Christmas.

Rhys and I are only now finding our way. He needs to know I’m one-hundred percent in. He comes first. If I leave, even to go visit my mom, that will leave him available to the numerous fucking women, and that’s not something I can risk.

My mom will have to understand. She was young and in love at one time, I think. I mean, she despises my dad now, but I’m sure at some point in their relationship she would do what I’m doing. At the end of the day, she will get over it. I’m definitely needed here more.

If only Axel would show up at least with a gift or something. I know he won’t. He probably isn’t even in town, and you can’t get ahold of him unless he wants you to, which bugs me. Why is it always my job to make sure Mom is not alone on holidays?

’Cause you always do.

Axel has no clue what’s going on. If I told him he needed to be there for Mom, he would, but that can’t happen either. I’ll call her tomorrow and tell her I had food poisoning. That I was so sick I didn’t even remember it was Christmas, and now I’m super busy and will check in soon.

I mean, that could happen.

The flick of the lighter brings me back to Rhys. He’s leaning back on the headboard smoking and watching me. It’s relaxed and my heart aches. I almost blurt I love you again, but that might be a bit much. He looks okay with me saying it. Actually, he looks happy I said it, so I’m gonna leave it at that.

I smile at him and sit up, bringing the white sheet with me. I have no idea why I do this. Rhys has seen every inch of my body and then some, if me sitting on his face this morning means anything.

“You need to call her, Gia.” He pulls me so close that his strong heartbeat vibrates through my back. His tan, tattooed arm holds me tight. He’s so hot, dominating, and nasty that it’s hard to breathe.

As if he can read my thoughts, he brings his cigarette to my lips. It’s such a simple thing to share a cigarette with someone, but with Rhys it’s like foreplay.

God, my face is getting hot. I’m mortified that I can’t seem to get enough of him. Sitting with him makes me want to climb on top of him and rub my clit on his giant, pierced penis.

I sigh as smoke escapes my mouth and deal with one thing at a time.

“I will tomorrow.” I cross my legs and look down at his dick. It’s hard again, and I’m ready to lean down and take him in my mouth.

“No. Call her now. Tell her we’ll be there for dinner.” He puts the cigarette in his mouth and swings his legs over the bed, reaching for his own phone.

“What?” I’m so stunned I sit motionless and stare at his back, focusing on the tattoo of a large black raven sitting on a guitar.

He turns and grins, causing my heart to flutter. “And Merry Christmas, Brat.” He stands and my eyes trail down his perfect body. Michelangelo would have begged to sculpt him. I need to shoot him naked.

“Call her. Have her set the table for three.” He turns, taking a long drag from the cigarette. Something has to be wrong with me. I’m losing it and staring at him like a complete idiot.

My mom. “Wait, did you say three?” He rubs his chest as he looks out the window. It appears to be gray and snowing slightly.

“Make the call. I need a shower.” He inhales and my gaze drifts to his hard cock.

“Gia.” My eyes dart up to his amused face. “I’m not hiding us anymore. I owe you and your mom more than that. Also, she should not be without you for Christmas.”

I nod because he’s right, I know he’s right, but this could be a terrible mistake.

“The…” My voice cracks, so I clear my throat and sit up straight. “The thing is, Axel could show up. And I’ve been lying for almost a month. Can’t we spend Christmas alone?”

“Call, Gia. We’re having dinner with Janet. Unless you want to surprise her.” He laughs. “And try to focus on something other than my cock right now.”

“Oh my God. You’re unbelievable.” I throw a pillow at his retreating back. “I’m not thinking about your…”

But he disappears into the large bathroom. The sound of the shower tells me he’s serious. If he wasn’t, I’d be in the shower with him.

“God,” I groan and bring the sheet up while reviewing my options. Should we surprise her?

No, that would be bad. I’m gonna have to call and stop acting stupid. Once she sees Rhys, she’ll know that what I did was right and all will be forgiven. Also, I need to break it to her that I have no plans of returning to college. My life is with Rhys now, and he’s a full-time job, along with my photography.

What am I, crazy? She’s gonna freak. I can already hear her tell me no man is worth dropping out of college for.

Rhys is though. He needs me. All that fame and money can’t buy him happiness, but I can make him happy. I love him and I know he loves me.

I’m a little disappointed he didn’t say he loved me back. But he does. I can feel it. If he didn’t love me, there’s no way he’d be getting on his private jet to Los Angeles to have Christmas with my mom.

I pick up my phone and look at the numerous missed calls from her and Julianna.

I take a deep breath and let it out slowly as I push on Mom’s number.

“Hello? Gia?”

“Hey, Mo—”

“Oh my God. What is wrong with you? Didn’t you see the 911?” She sounds like she’s been crying, and my mom is not a crier. She also uses 911 a lot so, no, I did not take it seriously. I sit up and start to sweat.

“What’s happened? Is it Axel?” I can barely breathe. My brother is a dick, but I love him, He’s my rock. Being in the Disciples means things could happen to him, more so than with a regular person. I’m always worried about getting the phone call.

“What?” Her shriek is so loud I have to move the phone from my ear. “No, your brother is fine. I just… where are you? I called the cops to try to locate you.” This time she blows her nose loudly.

“Mom,” I yell, flopping back. “You scared me. And please tell me you did not call the cops?”

“What are you talking about? Of course, I did. I called Julianna’s father and he had absolutely no idea where you were, but he did know you were not working with him or staying with Julianna. I demand to know what’s going on. You’re making me sick.”

“Okay, calm down. I’m sorry. I should have told you, but I didn’t want you to be mad or tell Axel.” I bolt up. “Wait. You didn’t tell Axel any of this, did you?” I’m freaking out. I can deal with her calling the police, but not Axel right now. The door to the bathroom opens and Rhys walks out wet with a towel wrapped low around his waist. Taking one look at me, he frowns.

“Of course, I told your brother,” she retorts as I fall back onto the pillows again and cover my face with my hand.

“No, God no. Why, Mom? Why?

“Well, I think you’re in luck because he hasn’t called me, which means he got another new phone,” she huffs. “I don’t understand why he’s always getting new phones.”

“Stop, Mom.” I blow out air and slap the bed. “You do, you just don’t want to admit it.” I take a breath and look over at Rhys who stands, arms crossed, in his signature black jeans watching me.

“Anyway, I’ll be home for dinner and I’ll tell you everything.” My eyes trail from Rhys’s chest, which has TSM tattooed on it. His muscled arms are covered in tattoos, but I think my favorite one is the microphone on his forearm or maybe it’s the king of hearts. I should get the queen of hearts tattooed on me.

“Gia Ana Fontaine, you’ve done something I never thought possible. You have disappointed me. I trusted you.” She sniffs again, but I can tell she’s calming down since she’s starting to get mad.

I sigh and break away from Rhys’s penetrating stare. “I’ll be home soon and I’m bringing someone. Axel is not coming, right?”

“He’s not. Like I said, I haven’t been able to get ahold of him. Unless he just drops by, which would be wonderful—”

“Okay I have to go.” I hang up because this is bullshit and it’s Christmas. I drop my hands dramatically on the bed and turn on my side to look at him. His hair is a black, wet mess; As he gazes at my body, up and down, his bourbon eyes seem almost golden.

“Why don’t you come see if Santa came.” His raspy voice makes my core pulse. Even though it’s sore, I would love if he’d fuck me again.

“What do you mean?” I slowly sit up and let the sheet slide off me. I know what he means, but it’s a kick to play Santa with him.

His full mouth twitches. “You didn’t tell your mom that it was me coming. That’s not being a good girl.”

I smile. “I thought I’d make you a surprise. I mean it’s not every day a girl gets to bring the Rock God home.” I gush out Rock God.

“Hmm. On your knees,” he demands.

As I crawl to the end of the bed, his eyes darken with every move I make.

His hands fist my hair and I swear to God, I almost come. I don’t know why I like when he gets all caveman, but I do.

“Unzip me.” He guides me to the floor and holds my hair tight as I reach up and unzip him slowly.

“Take him out,” he says gruffly. I lick my lips and smile that we call him, him.

“Now I’m gonna fuck your mouth and you’re gonna spread your knees apart and get yourself off. After that, if you were a good girl, we can see what Santa left you.”

Jesus Christ, he’s filthy, so fucking filthy. But this time I feel my power. Gone are his mean insecurities or his threats of groupies. He wants me, and I’m going to make sure he’s never the same again.

I spread open his jeans and he comes out. Thick and strong with a drop of precum already on the tip and on his piercing. I wrap my mouth around the tip and suck.


My eyes aim up at him. Opening my knees, I rub my clit.

“Fuck yeah, that’s it.” He holds my head as he watches me. “Brat,” he says, his eyes fierce, and I almost come—not from my fingers, but from the look on his face.

“You’re in charge. Make us both see stars,” I murmur.

His breathing is harsh. Nostrils flaring, he guides my head. I open my mouth and gag, taking him as deep as I can. My fingers speed up as my mouth follows the same rhythm. My eyes stay on his as he watches, my clit so sensitive I’m ready to go over. But I need to wait.

His hands tighten in my hair. “Come, Gia,” he demands, and I do, going over while he holds my head. As he empties himself, my mouth fills with hot sperm and I try to swallow it all.

He pulls me off and jerks the last of it onto my breasts, then lifts me under the arms as if I weigh nothing. He thrusts his tongue in my mouth.

It’s hot.


With a moan, I cling to him, my mind spinning.

“I had no idea I would feel like this.” I sound out of breath. Everything is moving so fast. I didn’t factor in that I would feel this overwhelming, consuming love. I didn’t understand what loving the Rock God meant.

But I’m starting to figure it out real fast.