Rise by Cassandra Robbins






Past – Twenty-seven years old

San Francisco, California

I take a deep drag off my cigarette, barely registering that it’s raining. Leaning forward, I let the rain soak my head. Some asshole paparazzi is probably zooming in on me but fuck it—I need some air.

I look up at the sky. It’s gray and dark.

Angry clouds.

I haven’t gotten the phone call saying we’re postponing, so I assume this will let up. Not the first time I’ve gotten wet playing outside, but it always casts a strange unease over the band.

My phone vibrates, and my heart races so fast my temples pound.

Rafe: We might have to postpone until tomorrow. This fucking rain.

Me: Do you want me to wait here?

Rafe: No.

I pocket my phone and breathe out deeply, letting my heart rhythm return to normal. A woman I dated almost a year ago called Rafe yesterday demanding I pay her money. She claims she’s pregnant and that I’m the father. The chance that this is real is zero. This happens all the time, women saying they’re pregnant. It’s always some desperate groupie looking for a handout.

But this time, I have Gia. Something tells me this would not go over well.


I shake my head. Can’t even remember her face. Nothing but a name. I’ve racked my brain trying to remember. I recall a Renee, but her face blends in with the faces of countless women I’ve fucked.

Taking a deep drag, I close my eyes and let the rain soothe me. If I had anything to worry about, Rafe would have found out. The fact that he hasn’t mentioned it and is concerned about the rain makes all the drama go away.

I open my eyes as a zigzag of lightning streaks across the sky. Maybe I need to buy a house. Living out of hotels is getting old. And now I have Gia to look after, care for, and we need a home base. Fuck, we can have houses all over the world for all I care.

I always see myself in Los Angeles. It’s home, and I need the warm weather, but can I deal with my mom? We can always buy in Malibu, or the Palisades. I’ll let Gia decide. I take one last drag of my cigarette and put the butt out in a potted plant.

Time to go. My cock is getting hard.

“Gia?” I look around, making sure I’m not forgetting anything. “With the rain, traffic might be shit, babe.”

“I’m ready.” I look up and freeze.

There she stands. My goddess. My heart aches at the fear that this thing we share can be ruined by any bad mistake. She sashays by me. Her vanilla perfume fills me, calms me as I watch her get her bag.

My eyes take in her body. Black skinny jeans and high-heeled boots showcase her long legs. Her see-through sweater leaves little to the imagination.

“You’re fucking stunning.” She smiles as she lifts her arms to pull her hair back in a low bun.

My hand goes to rub my burning heart.


Grabbing her, I pull her into my arms. She bats her long eyelashes at me. She’s got the smoky-eye makeup thing going on that makes the green of her eyes look like glittering emeralds. Her bag falls to the floor with a thud, and she wraps her hands around my neck.

“Have I told you that I really like you?” I say, my voice low.

She laughs. “You have.” She purses her red lips.

My nose dips to her neck. “Have I told you you’re my life?”

She leans back to look at me. “Kind of.”

I straighten and take her hand and put it on my chest. “Feel that?”

“Yes,” she whispers, her chest rising and falling in perfect rhythm.

“That’s my heart beating for you.” I have no idea why I’m doing this now. Maybe it’s because of the phone call earlier, or maybe it’s time.

“What’s wrong?” Her eyes search my face.

“I want to tell you.” I cup her face. “You need to know how I…” My phone interrupts with a loud buzz. She looks down.

“Ignore it,” I demand. “Fuck the rest of my world, Gia. I love you.” It’s raw and not smooth, but it’s the truth.

“Rhys,” she whispers, blinking back the tears as she laughs, her whole body shaking.

“I should have told you earlier. I thought it was clear.” I frown. Why am I stumbling like this? She places her fingers on my lips and cocks her head as she watches me.

“I love you, Rhys. I’ve loved you forever.”

I stare at her. She’s fearless, always has been. It rolls right out of her mouth. I can write the fuck out of a song. Perform in front of thousands of people. But she knows me, sees past all the fame and wealth. Gia sees the man that I am. She knows my demons, has seen me bleed.

She traces my lips and I lightly bite the tip of her finger and suck it. When she smiles, my heart squeezes.

“We need to go, Rhys.” The room is thick with all our emotions and things that need to be said. But that can wait.

“You ready?”

She leans down for her bag. Wiping under her eyes, she smears her eyeliner, so now she’s got the Cleopatra look going. I take her hand and open the door. Ace and three other bodyguards wait.

I wink at her and the madness begins.

“I’ve got Granger. We’re on the move.” Ace speaks into his earpiece. I squeeze her hand as we take the stairs, trying to avoid the crowds that must be waiting for me.

“Get the limo. We’re coming in three, two, one.” Ace throws open the door that leads to the lobby.

“There he is.” A man tries to block our way, his damn camera in Gia’s face. I fucking know this scumbag. He stalks me all the time.

“I’m warning you, Bob, get that camera out of her face.” He swings it toward me right as Ace pushes him back.

“Granger, man. Who’s the beauty with you?” He laughs as we pass and ignore him. “You gonna reschedule because of the rain? Granger?”

I flip him off. He keeps smiling the whole time. The crowd that was waiting at the lobby entrance and elevators runs toward us.

“Granger? Rock God, can you sign this, please…”

“Granger, I heard the concert is postponed until tomorrow… Granger?

“This is insane. Get more guys and clear them out,” I tell Ace who is talking into his earpiece.

“Rock God… I love you!” A woman grabs ahold of my shirt.

“What the hell?” Gia explodes as Ace calmly removes her hand and pushes the crowd back. Jesus, this a big fucking mess, and the rain seems to have picked up. It’s pouring and still, people are outside waiting.

I hold up my hand as I plow through. Rock God, I love you. Rock God, over here. Granger, I’m pregnant… the words just blend together asI hold up my hand and go straight for the limo.

“Christ.” I shake my head, water dripping down my face and neck. Leaning back into the leather seat, I pull a wet Gia next to me.

Ace slides in and slams the door. “Move,” he yells at the driver.

“What the fuck, man? Who leaked that we’re staying here?” I glance out the window, then over to Ace.

The limo pulls out, horn blaring.

“Cash was at the bar last night, and Nuke stopped to sign autographs earlier.” Ace looks out the window, then back at me as we glide down the street slowly, the wipers going at full speed.

“You can’t play in this rain, Rhys,” Gia says, almost dazed as she looks out the window.

“Pull over.” I tell the driver, raising my hips to get my phone out of my pocket.

“Christ.” There are at least twenty missed calls from Rafe. The last one reads 911. “Did you hear anything about tonight?” I look at Ace as I push on Rafe’s number.

“My main priority is your safety. I haven’t checked my phone,” he snaps, which is very un-Ace. He always stays cool and collected, but even he must feel the ominous vibe.

I rub the back of my neck waiting for Rafe to answer as I kiss the top of Gia’s head.

“Hand me that bottle of Jack, brother.”

Ace grabs it, passes it to me, and pulls out his phone.

I’m almost ready to hang up when Rafe answers. “You still at the hotel?” Loud noises filter through.

“No, we just left.”

“Go back. I’m already at the hotel. Meet me in my suite. The show has been postponed for tomorrow. It’s not safe.”

“The fuck, Rafe! You could have told me earlier.” My head pounds as I crack open the bottle.

“Bring Gia.” The line goes dead. I take a breath, because I’m getting ready to lose my shit, and that’s not gonna help anything right now.

“Rhys?” Gia looks up at me, confusion on her face.

“It’s not happening tonight. Go back.” I bring the bottle to my lips and drink, swallowing the spicy burn like it’s water.

“Concert postponed, and Rafe wants to talk for a few minutes in his suite.” I spit it out as I take another swig.

“Why?” she demands.

“I guess we’ll find out.” It comes out harsh, causing her eyes to narrow as she looks at the bottle and leans her head back on the seat.

“God, please tell me it’s not Axel. Do you think my mom told him? Or worse, he saw a picture of us?” Her leg starts to bounce. I look at her. I’d fucking give anything for it to be Axel.

“I told you I’m not hiding.”

She rolls her eyes at me, then looks out the window as the limo pulls up to the hotel again.

“Okay, I’ve had my guys clear most of the crowd out. Let’s go nice and easy.” Ace is back as he opens the door and I climb out, holding my hand to Gia.

Two cop cars are parked on the side, and people are still yelling and taking pictures, but the crowd has definitely thinned out. We head toward the stairs.

“Are you gonna drink the whole bottle before we even find out what’s happening?” Gia exclaims, passing me as she takes the stairs like a pro. Her ass looks amazing. I must be feeling no pain as my cock hardens and I’m almost ready to blow Rafe off. He can deal with whatever shit this is. That’s what I pay him for.

“Fuck this.” I stop at the third floor and open the door leading to the rooms and elevator. “Rafe can handle whatever it is.”

Gia and Ace stop mid-climb.

“No, we’re going to Rafe’s suite.” She puts her hands on her hips, barely out of breath. I grin at her as she shakes her head. “Whatever, you stay here and finish the bottle. I’ll take care of whatever drama is happening.” She leaves me, her boots clinking as she takes the stairs two at a time.

Ace nods approvingly. “Gia kicks ass, man.” He follows her while I watch, knowing I need to follow.

It can’t be. I would never fuck without a rubber. Aside from Gia, it doesn’t happen. I bring the bottle to my lips. The few times the rubber has torn on my piercing, the women have taken the Plan B pill, right?

I stumble out the door into the lavish hallway and push on the elevator button. Clearly, I’m not gonna catch up with her, but at least I should make it to Rafe’s suite first.