Rise by Cassandra Robbins






Present – Thirty-five years old

London, England

“Hey, Granger? They’re ready for you…been ready. You’re late,” Pam yells for me from the other room. She’s Rafe’s latest assistant. He’s gone through two on this tour so far.

I walk out of the bathroom, grabbing my phone, feeling better than I have in years. That’s no joke. Waking up with Gia curled in my arms did something. I got a solid three hours of sleep on the plane, and woke up to Rafe, Hunter, and Nuke staring at me.

After I told them to fuck off, Gia woke up and bolted to the bathroom until we landed. I was going to demand she come to my suite, and nearly picked her up and carried her. But I didn’t. Instead, I let her go and figured she knows where I am.

I want to do this right this time, and if giving her space is what she needs… Actually, I’m full of shit. I’m not giving her space. I let her have last night to herself, but tonight she’s in my fucking bed.

The view out the window is amazing. There’s so much history here. Maybe I’ll kidnap her after the interview, go crazy, and take her out to dinner.

“Okay. So, the woman who is interviewing you is Dorothy Ames, and the photographer is”—Pam looks at her phone—“Lacy Burton.” She rattles off all this shit like I need to know or even care. I glance over my shoulder to see her running to keep up with me, which can’t be easy in her heels. I smile at her. She’s petite, maybe five two? And she probably weighs all of ninety-five pounds, so I take pity on her and slow down.

“Pam, I need a word with Gia first.” I know I should get the interview done but screw it, I want her.

“Oh, um.” Pam’s cheeks turn pink again. I like her; she has a nice personality. Unfortunately, if she lasts through today, it will be a miracle. Having to deal with Rafe is not easy, but when you add all of us to the mix, you’ve got a real handful. She pushes up her stylish, black-rimmed glasses and clears her throat.

“What?” I exclaim, causing her to jump.

“Rock God, hiiiii,” a bunch of girls at the end of the lobby scream and wave.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to snap at you.” I pull us over to the private conference room. Ace stands outside in a black suit, waiting for me and looking like he’s guarding the president. He looks ridiculous standing there surrounded by dozens of ornate pots holding what looks like thousands of flowers.

“No need to apologize. I need to stop being a mouse.” She smiles, but her eyes have tears. Where did Rafe find her? Whatever. I’m late.

“Gia, I mean, Ms. Fontaine is running a bit late.” She almost runs into my back as I stop and turn to her.

“Unacceptable. Get her.”

“But Sebastian and Mr. Falcon are in there.” Her eyes widen at my stare, and she nods. “I’ll go get her, Mr. Granger.”

“Thank you. And it’s Granger, please.” I smile at her because I don’t want her to quit. At least not until she finds Gia.

“Ace.” We fist-bump and he opens the doors to the room. It’s all set up for the shoot. Barely any outside light filters in through the large window, thanks to the gloomy London weather, and I almost squint at the tons of lights they’ve set up. The photographer is busy snapping pictures of everyone but me.

“There he is.” Lacy, Lucy? I can’t remember her name. She’s tall and thin with long blond hair, baggy slacks, and a tank without a bra. It’s white and basically see through.

Nuke is already drinking straight from a bottle, twirling his drumsticks. Cash is on his phone, and Ammo is smoking and strumming on Black Beauty, his guitar.

“Ammo, the lighting is perfect on you. Do you mind?” She walks over and takes off her hat, which looks like a cross between an Indiana Jones hat, and something Janis Joplin would have worn.

He leans back as she smiles and puts it on him. “Yes, that’s lovely.” She brings her camera to her eye and starts shooting.

“Care to join, Rock God?” I ignore her. I almost feel disloyal having anyone but Gia take my picture, which is irrational, but that’s the way I roll these days.

My eyes scan the room. Sebastian and Hunter are in the corner talking to Dorothy Ames, I assume.

I walk over to the large catering table. Rafe appears behind me and fills his coffee cup.

“I sent Pam to get Gia, if you’re wondering where she is.” I lift a silver platter to see bacon. “And go gentle on Pam. I like her.”

He raises an eyebrow. “Really?”

I look up at him and grin. “Yeah, she’s way too sweet to be around us.” I shake my head at him. There’s something going on with him and her, but I have my own shit to deal with.

I load a plate up with French toast, an omelet, and some sausage. I’ll come back for the pastries. There’re croissants, biscuits, scones, and strawberry jam all stacked on a silver platter.

I pour myself a cup of coffee, then look around for the booze.

“Hand me the Jameson. It’s behind you.” I motion with my head.


“What, Rafe? I’m not into your little pixie, okay? So, save the lecture. I’m actually in a good mood today.” I smile and look over at the door, but it’s just a couple of staff members carrying more flowers and food.

He takes a sip of coffee, his blue eyes narrowing on me.

“Rock God, we need you,” the photographer calls out.

“In a minute,” I yell back, taking a huge bite of French toast. It’s fucking good. The buttery, soft bread mixed with cinnamon is perfect.

“Try the bacon. It’s that maple shit you like,” I tell Rafe.

He sets down his coffee and straightens his sleeve under his suit jacket. “So, here’s what’s going on. Gia wants to quit.”

I freeze midbite. “The fuck?”

“She says she has taken enough pictures, and that her contract is fulfilled. Of course, that’s bullshit, and I told—”

I toss my plate down and go straight for Sebastian, completely ignoring Rafe’s cursing behind me.

“What’s going on, Sebastian?” I demand, walking past both the women and Hunter to shove him up against the wall.

“The fuck, Granger?” He pushes back and that’s all I need. Gut punching him, I watch in satisfaction as he drops to his knees.

“I’ll tell you the fucking facts. You’re here because of Gia. No Gia, no Sebastian,” I snarl.

“Jesus, Granger, what the hell, man?” Hunter grabs me as Rafe tries to block me from kicking Sebastian in the face.

“Security!” Dorothy calls. I look at her as she stands there, watching, and I know she’s one of those we have to pay off.

Sebastian gets to his feet. His hands rest on his knees as he sneers, “This is why she wants to quit. You’re a fucking piece of shit, Granger. A jealous, entitled, prick. I should have let her leave instead of talking her into staying.” He lunges at me as Dorothy shrieks and Rafe holds him back.

“The hell is going on?” Ace yells. I shake loose from Hunter. But Ace’s big body is now in the way of me kicking the shit out of Sebastian for no reason other than the fact I know he’s been inside her.

“So, she’s staying?” I demand.

“Fuck you, Granger.” Sebastian straightens up, still wheezing. Clearly his anger is more powerful than the lack of oxygen in his lungs.

“Okay, let’s all cool down.” Ace lets go of Sebastian, who turns and goes to the window.

I look at Dorothy, who again looks way too interested. “You want that interview? Let’s do it now.” I sit in a chair as she looks at me, then sits, crossing her legs, a smirk on her lips.

“Christ, Granger.” Cash saunters over. The adrenaline still pumps through my blood as I turn to look at him. To be honest, I should beat the shit out of him. This all started with him. Had he come forward years ago and said that he had fucked Renee, Gia would never have left.

“Shut up, Cash. Just sit and lie like you always do.” The room goes silent, save for Hunter talking to Sebastian. I grab my cigarettes from my pocket and light up.

“Excuse me, Mr. Granger.” A man dressed in a suit walks over and waves his hand for attention.

“There’s no smoking in here; actually, in all of the hotel. I see that some of you have cigarettes. I’m going to need you to please put them out. We also have a no-fighting rule. I’d hate to have to ask you all to leave—”

The sound of my lighter makes his face turn red. He glances around as if someone in this room would actually help him.

“Fine me.” I inhale and look at Dorothy. “Better start asking questions.”

She looks around as Nuke pulls out a chair and lights up a joint. Ammo saunters over wearing that stupid hat, while the photographer smiles and continues taking pictures.

“Before we start, none of what you just saw goes in the story. If you can’t agree, then no interview.” Rafe is in full damage-control mode.

I look over his shoulder as the door opens.




I know it’s her before I even see her. I can feel her, my muse. I want to grab her and shake her for making me crazy enough to punch Sebastian, then fuck her for days. My hand rubs my chest as she comes closer.

She’s dressed all in black. Skinny jeans, a long-sleeved shirt, and ballet flats.

Her eyes scan the room, taking in the bad vibe, but I couldn’t care less. She’s here. I’m ready to bolt out of my chair, but I’m gonna do this fucking interview and lock us in my suite once it’s over.

“Granger?” Nuke hands me the joint. I take it and inhale.

Dorothy turns her head to look at Gia, then back at me. “All of you have been linked with numerous women, yet none of you have settled down. Why is that?”

“What kind of question is that?” Cash demands.

My eyes laser in on Dorothy. She must be feeling all powerful since she saw me lose my shit. Hunter and Sebastian stand a few feet away with the camera, filming all of us. I feel like I’m on trial.

“We’re on the road a lot. This life we live isn’t great for relationships,” Ammo answers.

“And you?” Dorothy turns to face me. “What about you, Granger?” Her eyes shift to Gia.

“Yeah, I’ve been in love.”

“Is this Paulette? I know you guys have been on and off for a while.” She smirks, and I wonder why people are the way they are. Like does she go home after trashing people and feel good about herself?

“Paulette and I are better as friends.”

She nods. “She has been quoted as saying you were the love of her life, but unfortunately, you can’t keep your dick in your pants. Any comment?”

My eyes narrow on her. I take a hit off the joint, handing it to her as I blow smoke in her face. “Nope, no comment.”

She glares at me for a nanosecond, smiles, and turns to Cash. “What about you, Tommy Cash? You have a child?”

“Christ.” Nuke rubs his shaved head. It seems Dorothy has been snooping around in places that are better left alone.

I look around the room. Rafe is on the phone in the corner. Ace is standing next to Gia.

“Yeah, I have a son.”

“Correct me, but wasn’t the mother saying it was Granger’s? I’m only asking because it was all over the tabloids, and I thought since you are all together you could clear up the rumors. Did you take a paternity test?”

And I’m done. She’s a bitch, and I have other shit to deal with.

Cash leans over the table so that she has to sit back “That’s my son.”

I’m about to stand when she says, “What about the Disciples? You all are connected to the notorious MC club, right? Axel Fontaine is the other Rock God. Is that correct?”

“The fuck are you doing?” Nuke stands up.

Dorothy grins. “My job.” She glances at her phone, which is blowing up. Pursing her lips, she flips it toward us, eyes twinkling like she’s won the lottery.

“This was just announced. Look who’s the sexiest man alive this year.”

“Stay on Granger,” I hear Hunter tell Sebastian, and I’m ready to punch him.

“As a band, it’s got to be hard that Granger seems to always steal the spotlight. Now he’s the sexiest man alive.”

I stand and reach for my cigarettes. “Go fuck yourself. We’re a band, and they’re my brothers. Write whatever shit you want.” My eyes follow Gia as she shakes her head and turns to leave.

The room explodes with Cash going off on her along with Nuke. Rafe moves in.

But I’m done.

I don’t look back and slam open the door. “Gia.” I reach for her and swing her around. “What the fuck is happening?”

“Everything, Rhys. Jesus Christ, it’s insanity being around you.” She starts to speed walk.

I grab her arm and move her toward the elevator.

“Just stop, Rhys.” She sounds tired.

I maneuver us past the stunned faces. People point and whisper excitedly. Pushing the elevator button, I ignore the animated crowd. Thankfully, the door dings open as a couple of guys exit.

Gia stays quiet as we ride up the elevator, my hand sliding down to her cold one.

“Let’s go.” I pull us into my suite. Leaving her, I head straight for the elaborate bar and pour us bourbon in large quantities. Grabbing the glasses and bottle, I step over to where she stands staring out the window.

“Here.” I shove it into her hands.

She turns toward me, and there’s my girl. Her eyes sparkle with anger. When she shoots the whole glass, I raise an eyebrow. Her eyes water and she starts coughing.

“What the hell are you doing?” I can’t help but laugh because what the hell? I pull her into my arms and rest my chin on her head as she wheezes, her forehead resting on my chest.


She pulls back as I shoot my full glass, barely feeling the sting.

I look down at her and pour myself another. “Why are you running again?”

“Because I can’t do this. I hate feeling… like this.” Her green eyes are watering from the residual coughing and bourbon, but her honesty makes me bring the glass to my lips and throw back another shot. Taking her glass and mine, I set them on the table but keep the bottle.

“You have to know you can’t leave.”

“So they say,” she says dryly.

“Not because of the contract. I couldn’t care less about that.” I wrap my hand behind her neck, bringing her close. My eyes caress hers.

“I need you to stay.” My lips hover around hers. “You’re my muse, you know.” My thumb rubs her lips.

Her eyes close as if my words are too painful for her to hear, but she was honest, so I’m gonna give her my truths.

Trust her.

“Open your eyes, Brat,” I growl into her mouth.

She does, and all I need is in her eyes. My hands tighten on her hair, and I take her lips. I want to be gentle, to cherish her. But the moment her mouth opens, and my tongue finds hers, I’m lost.

Suddenly it’s different, frantic, as if we’re both scared to stop for fear it will end. Dropping to my knees, I push her back against the glass window. The bottle hits the floor with a thud.

“I need to be inside you.” I grab her delicate ankles and toss off her ballet flats. Christ, my hands are shaking as if she’s my drug of choice and my body is going through withdrawal. Jerking her jeans down, she lifts her leg so I can toss them behind me. My hands scan her flat stomach.

“Open your legs.”

She obeys me, then shivers as she runs her hands through my hair.

“Your ass cold, baby? Or are you just aching for me to fuck you?”

She looks down at me. “I want you to fuck me.”

When I stroke my thumb against the flimsy fabric at her crotch, her head thuds against the window.

Slipping her panties aside, I push her legs farther apart and suck her fucking nectar. She’s slick and wet. I insert two fingers deep inside her, causing her to moan.

“I’m gonna finger fuck you hard and fast.” I stand and start to fuck her deep with my fingers, then pull them out to rub her swollen nub hard. Her hands grab my forearm, and as she looks at me, her eyes change when her cunt pulses and jerks. She clamps onto my two fingers and orgasms.

Pulling my fingers out, I unbutton my jeans, kicking them next to hers. She opens her eyes to watch.

“Take your shirt off, baby. I want those fucking tits.”

She tugs it off and gasps, covering herself when she looks down to the sidewalk below. “Holy fuck, I can see them. If they looked up they would see us—”

Grabbing her shirt, I toss it to the floor. My hard body rubs against her soft one. I take her mouth, silencing her, my tongue going deep, my cock throbbing. My balls are tight, and I haven’t even entered her yet.

Rubbing my chest on her, I say, “Take your bra off.”

She looks at me as I lift her up, ready to impale her with my cock. She reaches behind and tosses her black bra to the floor, her nipples standing erect as if begging for me to fuck them. That can come later. I’ll slide my thick, hard cock between those full tits and come all over her, mark her mine forever.

When I lift her ass, she wraps her legs around me and I thrust into her slick, wet cunt—all moist and ready to fucking come already. Like a goddamn teenager, I have to breathe through my nose while I rut inside her. Her nails dig into my shoulder. The window supports us, allowing me to move her up and down on my dick.

“Open your eyes, Gia, and look down. Do they see you, baby?” I whisper in her ear. They can’t—we’re too high up, and even if they could see, they can’t see our faces.

“Oh my God,” she whimpers, turning her head and gazing down below. Her head falls back and my mouth attacks her neck, biting and sucking, marking her in the most primal way.

“I’m going to come, Rhys,” she moans, grabbing hold of my neck as her body contracts.

“I’m going to…” Her eyes flutter. She whimpers in my mouth and her cunt pulses and contracts over and over on my cock. She cries out my name while I keep fucking her deep and hard.

“Watch me,” I snarl. Her eyes meet mine. “I’m gonna fill this cunt of mine up.” I thrust deep inside her tight, slick walls. My cock jerks as I let loose in gripping, pulsing, mind-blowing waves.

Euphoria. So intense I feel it all the way down to my toes.

“Fuck, it’s good with us,” I say. She’s almost limp. I hold her still, letting myself jerk out the last of my seed inside her. Slowly, I slide out of her.

“I can barely stand.” She places her hands on the window to steady herself.

Grinning, I lift her into my arms and kick the bedroom door open. “You’re tired. I’m exhausted.”

All the craziness of my world is gone. My head is surprisingly quiet as I slide into the large bed. She rolls to her side, and I pull the sheets over us, grabbing her tight so we can spoon.

“What are we doing?” she whispers.

With my eyes already closing, I tighten my arms around her. “Sleeping,” I say, inhaling her scent. It wraps around me, almost lulling me to sleep.

“It’s just us, Gia. Relax and sleep.”