Rise by Cassandra Robbins





First and always, to my husband and my two beautiful children. Their patience when I’m trying to figure out how to do this self-publishing journey is amazing. I love you guys more than you can imagine.

My brother Chris, my baby brother Duke, and my cousin Jake: I’m so lucky to have you. My dad and Susie, my Minnesota family: thank you for all your support.

To my editor Nikki Busch: You are the best at what you do. You truly make all my stories incredible. Not only are you a wonderful friend, I would be lost without you.

Michelle Clay and Annette Brignac: What can I say besides you two complete me! I’m beyond honored to be part of our Tribe but also to call you both my best friends. When I ask for one-hundred percent, you give me one-hundred-and-fifty percent, and I love you both so much.

To Candi Kane PR, my master at calm: You’re simply fantastic! To my incredibly talented cover designer Lori Jackson: You amaze me with how you understand my vision and bring it to life. Thank you. Elaine York: you’re a genius at making the inside of my books look so incredibly beautiful. Betty at Tease Diaries – Ms Betty’s Design Studio, Cat Imb at TRC Designs: you know my vision and make the most beautiful teasers. I adore you all. Thank you to my incredibly talented tattoo artist Mathew Franklin, I’m such a fan of your work. Thank you, Michelle Lancaster and Mitchell Wick for my incredibly hot cover and video!

I have, without a doubt, the best betas: Michelle, Annette, and Rea, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Robyn, thank you for your extra set of eyes.

A very special thank you to Rea. You’re amazing! Not only are you a dear friend, but I have to give a shout-out for sharing your incredibly talented verses, and graciously allowing me to use some of your poetry.

To my daughter, Sophia, you also get a shout-out for helping me write a verse or two.

Monica, do you remember telling me I should write a rock star and name him Rhys? A big thank-you to you.

To my supporters: Without you I could not do this. You’re all so special to me. Megan, Kelly, Teresa, Melinda, Cameel, Heather, Cat, Cindy, Erin, Gladys, Rebecca, Stephanie, Tammy, Jennifer, Robyn, Myen, Chayo, Stracey, Violet, Nichole, Mandy, Melissa, Tiffany, Laura, Lucia, Danielle, Clayr, and Sophie: Your friendship and support mean the world to me. Love you all so much.

To my reader group, Robbins Entitled: I adore all of you and am honored to be able to get to know you all. It makes my day to get up and talk to you.

Huge thank you to all the amazing bloggers & IG bookstagrammers who supported this release. I’m beyond grateful for your sharing Rhys and Gia.

Lastly, and most importantly, I thank you, my readers. You’re what matters most.