Company Ink by E.L. Lewis

e i g h t e e n

Adrian's head whips around, confusion plastered all over his face. "What?" he asks in a hushed tone. I look at him with pleading and desperate eyes, hoping that he'll register my panic and go with it.

"Boyfriend?" My mom's dubious eyes dart between me and Adrian. "I thought you were seeing that Brody fellow?" Mom pauses. "Wait...or was it Cameron?" She shakes her head. "Sorry, there are just so many it's hard to keep track." Mom fake-smiles at us. " you work at NVP as well?"

I clench my teeth together, my cheeks burning up. She's making it seem like I've dated half the population of Seattle! Running an anxious hand through my hair, I sneak a peek at Adrian who looks like he's finally clueing in.

"No," I peep. "Adrian is uh—a lawyer. We met at a bar a few weeks ago. Right... babe?"

A hint of mischief glows in Adrian's eyes. Smirking, he wraps his arm around my waist and tugs me towards him. "That's right," he says to my mother, his fingers digging into my side. "I bought her a drink, and the rest was history."

Mom hums, pursing her lips. "Why didn't you tell me you were seeing someone, Cassie? I feel like I don't know about anything going on in your life."

I scoff, trying to wiggle myself out of Adrian's grasp. "Well, maybe if you called me or, I don't know, picked up your phone, you'd know more."

My mother frowns. "Cassandra, perhaps now is not the time."

"Speaking of time," I say in a strained voice, side-eyeing my boss. "I think Adrian needs to get back to work." I subtly place the filing cabinet keys in his hand. "Call me later?" I ask him, trying to keep the act alive.

"Hold on, hold on. I'd like to get to know Adrian a little bit better. Why don't you join us?" My mom gestures to a chair and I nearly faint. "We still haven't had dessert."

Adrian looks at me and I shake my head slightly. Say no, I scream with my eyes. "I'd love to, but Cassie is correct, I do need to get back to work," he says to my relief.

"Okay, but the two of you should come over for dinner tomorrow night," Mom suggests. "Oh! I'll make a casserole!"

"Mom!" I warn her, shooting her a glare. She is overstepping and she knows it! Even if Adrian were my real boyfriend, I'd be pissed at her for inviting him over without consulting with me first.

"What? Am I not allowed to get to know the man in your life? Honestly, Cassie. It's like you're purposely pushing me away." My mother crosses her arms. God, this is so fucking embarrassing. I can't believe Adrian is witnessing all my family drama.

"Fine," I say through my teeth. This conversation needs to end now! "We'll have dinner."

"Adrian?" My mother asks, her soft eyes scanning his face. "Are you free?"

"Sure," he says lightly but his expression tightens when his eyes meet mine, unease creeping down my spine. "Cassie, I'll call you later."

"Okay." I nod my head slowly, attempting to smile. This is so uncomfortable. Kill me, kill me right now. "Sounds great."

Adrian hesitates before leaning over and placing a delicate kiss on my cheek. "Bye, babe," he sings almost threateningly, and then heads out of the restaurant.

Wiping the evidence of Adrian's peck off of my cheek, I slump down into my chair, my nerves a mess, and my head suddenly pounding. For the rest of lunch, I attempt to dodge all of my mother's questions about my 'new boyfriend'. God, why did I say that? What is wrong with me? I've just complicated things to an epic degree! I'll just have to cancel dinner in a few days. Or tell Mom that we broke up. Oh God if I say we broke up, she'll have a goddamn aneurysm.

With my to-go samosa in hand, I say goodbye to my mom and head back to the office. I'm praying that Adrian has meetings all day and we won't have to talk about what went down. There is no doubt in my mind that he's going to ask me a million questions and possibly yell at me. The man doesn't do relationships and I just single-handedly put him in one.

Before heading to my desk, I stop by Blake's office and give his door a light knock. "Blake?" I whisper, propping the door open. "Are you busy?"

Blake removes his Bluetooth earpiece as I enter his office. "I'm always busy, Cassandra," he says. "But I can spare a few seconds."

"How kind of you," I joke, sauntering over to his desk and waving the take-out container in the air. "I brought you something."

Blake's eyebrows furrow. "Your leftovers from lunch?" he asks hesitantly.

I snort. "No, it's a samosa and some chutney." I put the bag on the table and open it up. "Since your lunches are so sad, I figured you could use some food that has actual flavor. Here, try it."

"Uh—I don't know," Blake says, eyeing the triangular snack. "It's deep-fried. I don't eat deep-fried food."

"Oh, come on!" I dip the samosa in the sauce and bring it up to his mouth. "Just a bite! You won't regret it." Blake reluctantly grabs it from my hand and takes a big bite, his eyes automatically lighting up. I wiggle my eyebrows. "Good, right?"

Blake nods while chomping the rest down in three quick bites. Hot damn, he just inhaled the thing! I'm honestly kind of impressed.

"That was—" Blake's shoulders relax as he leans into his chair, his face glowing, almost serene. "Borderline magical."

I chuckle, grabbing the empty container and tossing it in the trash. "Better than salted chicken?"

"Much," he says, wiping chutney off the corners of his mouth. "Thank you, Cassandra. It was just what I needed."

"Don't mention it," I smile. "Oh, by the way! I've come up with a theme for C.A.N." I perch myself on the side of his desk. "What do you think of Pearson & Associates presents Gatsby: A Night in the Roaring 20s?!"

Blake smacks his lips, his eyes circling the room as he thinks. "I'm not're basically suggesting that we host a costume party. I don't think that is appropriate for our clientele."

"What're you talking about?! People love dressing up! Plus, fashion in the 20s was epic. Our clients will love it! Come on!" I clasp my fingers together and beg. "Please!"

Blake sucks in a sharp breath. "Fine, but if this goes awry, it's on you."

"Ye of little faith!" I stand up and clap my hands. "I will not let you down! This will be the best C.A.N. you've ever had. You can quote me on that!"

Blake chuckles. "You seem very confident."

"Confidence is key," I state coyly, walking towards the door. I turn my head over my shoulder, grinning. "That one was from a fortune cookie."

Blake's quiet laugh echoes behind me as I close the door and head to my desk. I am far too excited for this event now! Design ideas for invitations and decorations bounce around my mind, almost making me forget the disaster that was lunch.

When I get to my desk, I'm surprised to find an adorable baby Calico Hearts succulent sitting on the table.Oh my God! She's so cute and tiny! Beside the miniature pink pot is a folded note.

Stella 2.0? – B. Pearson

My face contorts into a mushy pout as I sit down. Blake bought me a new plant? I did not see this coming. I stroke the little angel's petals while pulling up my messenger app.

Cassandra Carrington: Thank you for the plant ☺ she's perfect

Blake Pearson: It's the least I could do. Does she have a name?

Cassandra Carrington: I was thinking Stella Junior...

Blake Pearson: Very suitable. I'll try my best not to "murder" this one

Cassandra Carrington: Just stay two feet away from my desk and I think we'll be fine

Blake Pearson: Deal

The stupid smile on my face refuses to leave for the rest of the day. Well, that is until Adrian pokes his head out of his office and waves me over. "Cassie, a moment?"   

I listlessly enter his office, practicing the spiel I rehearsed in my head earlier. "Okay, before you freak out let me explain," I say, taking a seat on his couch.

Adrian props himself down next to me, an unreadable expression on his face. "Alright, let's hear it because I'm actually very curious."

I take a deep breath. "Okay, so, my parents—um, they don't know that I no longer work at NVP and I don't want to tell them until I get another full-time job," I sigh, imagining the look on my dad's face. "My father, he's not... He's just not the easiest person to please and I—I don't want him to think less of me." I squint, meeting Adrian's solemn eyes. "Does that make sense? I'm sorry...I shouldn't have put you in a situation like that. I just—I panicked."

Adrian reaches for my hand, his eyes never leaving mine. "I think I understand," he says in a low tone. "Fathers can be...difficult."

"Sounds like you're speaking from experience," I mutter quietly, the heat of his palm relaxing me.

Adrian chuckles emotionlessly. "Something like that," he says, tightening his grip around my hand.

"We don't actually have to go to dinner tomorrow," I add. "I'll tell them that we're busy or something."

"If you do that, your mother will probably just reschedule for the following week," he says. "She kind of reminds me of my own mother."

I bury my face in my hands, leaning over my knees. I groan, "Oh my God, you're right. The woman is relentless. What am I going to do?"

"We can just go to dinner," Adrian suggests casually.

I jerk upright. "What? Go to dinner? With my parents? Hah! No. No way. They'll know within ten minutes that we're not actually dating. My father is like a human lie detector. No. I'll just tell them that we broke up."


My eyes light up. "Or I can tell them that you died! That way they'd leave me alone and they won't judge me for another short-lived relationship! It's brilliant!"

Adrian scoffs. "You're going to kill me off? That's your solution? What if I run into them in the future? I'm sure your parents won't be happy when they found out you lied."

"That's the thing!" I exclaim. "You won't run into them. They're moving to Mexico at the end of the month. Oh God, this is perfect." I bite my lip. "Okay, so how do you want to go? Car accident? Choking?" I eye him. "You're too young for a heart attack...oh...maybe someone dropped a dumbbell on your head when you were at the gym!"

Adrian's eyes widen with what looks like fear. "Can you please stop plotting my death, Cassie? You are not killing me."

I roll my eyes and grunt. "You're killing me right now. This idea is foolproof! What else is there?"

"Well, if your parents are moving to Mexico in three weeks, one dinner should be enough to tide them over until they leave," he shrugs.

I narrow my eyes. "Why are you so adamant about going to dinner? You said you don't do relationships, so why do you want to pretend to be my boyfriend? Let alone in front of my parents?"

"The operative word being pretend, Cassie," Adrian smirks. "I don't mind pretending to be in a relationship with you."

I scoff. "But not a real one, right?"

Adrian's jaw tightens. "Cassie, I am doing you a favor right now, as a friend. You should be happy I even went along with your little charade."

"Friend?" I tilt my head. "We're friends now?"

Adrian rolls his eyes. "Friends, colleagues, whatever you want to call it."

"I want to call it a bunch of bullshit," I mutter under my breath.

Adrian tucks a piece of hair behind my ear, his expression softening. "Plus, I like the idea of being able to kiss and hold you for a couple of hours, even if it's in front of your parents."

"You're crazy," I note flatly, but wanting so badly to lean over and press my lips against his. "You can't have your cake and eat it too."

Adrian smiles, cupping my face. "Cariño, you're the one feeding me the cake. This situation is all on you."

I close my eyes, feeling drained and defeated. He's right. I brought this on myself. "Fine," I sigh. "We can go to dinner, but I swear to God Adrian, if you say or do anything that will make my dad think we're faking it, I actually will kill you."

"Don't worry, Cassie," Adrian says, his confidently dark eyes burrowing into mine. "I don't think I'll have a problem showing your father how much I care about you."

I narrow my eyes, his words ringing in my ears. "What does that mean?"

Does he actually care about me? To what degree? As a friend? Colleague? Or more? Everything he does and says is contradictory. Is he playing with me? Trying to break me? Trying to prove something?

Adrian stands up, holding out his hand. "It means I'm a very good actor," he says dryly, his body stiffening. "It's almost five. You can go home early if you'd like."

I take his hand, puzzled by his change in demeanor. "Okay...have a good night." I pause, nibbling on my bottom lip. "Thank you...I think."

"Goodnight, Cassie," he says, striding to his desk. "Close the door behind you."

I head back to my desk and grab my belongings, my mind swirling with anxiety, confusion, regret, and want. I glance over at Stella 2.0 and tilt my head, a small smile forming on my face. At least I have Stella Junior. A plant has never made me feel this way.