Perfect Secret by Molly McLain

Chapter 6


The alarm on my phone goes off at four o’clock in the morning, but I’ve been lying awake in this miserable twin bed for the last hour. I’d decided after night number one that I needed to grab one of those egg crate cushions, but ever since seeing Alana’s bed, full of fluffy white bedding and a million pillows, all I can think about is how good it’d feel to crash into that.

Or maybe the real appeal of the bed is the woman who’s currently sleeping in it. That’s what occupied my mind for the past hour, my brain continually conjuring up the image of her lean, curvy body stretched out in nothing but that thin tank top and those itty-bitty shorts. Her long, dark hair spread out across her pillow. Those smoldering eyes blinking open to find mine on the pillow next to hers.

I didn’t come to Mason Creek looking for a girl to spark my interest. Shit, I haven’t even dated in over a year and even then I’m not sure what Vickie and I had going on was really dating. We sort of just fell together, bumping into each other when we were out on the road, sharing dinner here and there, and eventually our beds.

She was a great girl. Hell, she is a great girl. I hate what happened to her, but I’m not going to dig up her name in my contacts and reach out to see how she’s doing.

I do, however, wish I had Alana’s number so I could check in on her and not because it’s the neighborly thing to do. No, my interest in her is something altogether different. It’s something I haven’t felt in a long time and, frankly, it’s probably a good thing I don’t have her number, because the very last thing I need is to get to know—and start liking—a girl I’m going to have to walk away from in a few weeks.



“You being nice to your new neighbor?”

Startling at the voice, I glance up to find Marty hovering in my open office door. Beyond him and his suspenders, the lively raucous of the Friday night, after-work rush fills the air.

“Of course, I am,” I say, carefully exhaling the breath I’d been holding. “I’m nice to everyone, aren’t I?”

He makes a throaty sound, but the smirk on his weathered face gives him away. He knows I’m good people or he wouldn’t have entrusted his store to me.

“I was just finishing the orders for next week. I was thinking we should start to bulk up on a few more things, given Labor Day is just around the corner and the rodeo is supposed to be bigger than ever this year.”

Marty nods. “Yeah, I was talking with Hattie and Hazel and Char over at Wren’s Café this morning. Rumor has it some there might be an ABR cameo or two this year. That could bring in a few extra spectators.”

My shoulders snap back instantly at the mention of those three letters and I have to fight to keep the scowl off of my face. Mason Creek has hosted a rodeo Labor Day weekend for the past fifteen or so years and, while I don’t hate it, it no longer ignites the excitement it used to. And hearing that someone big may be coming this year? Well, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out who that might be and why he’d choose our little rodeo.

“You’ve got all of the extra orders from the rodeo vendors?” Marty asks.

“Yes, and I double-checked with everyone, too.” Being such a small town, most of the local vendors order their food through the market in order to get the best bulk prices. We don’t make any money on those purchases, but it’s not about money when you’re trying to help out friends.

Speaking of which…

“Marty, can I ask you something?”

He cocks his head to the side and leans into the doorframe. “Shoot.”

“You’re looking to sell sooner than later, aren’t you?”

He narrows his pale blue eyes and locks them on mine. “You know that’s been the plan for a while now, kiddo.”

“Yeah, I know, but…” I pause, tucking a lock of hair that’s escaped my ponytail behind my ear. “You’ve talked about it for so long now and it’s always seemed like something that would happen down the road…” But he’s not getting any younger and pretty soon, time is going to run out.

“I met with Grady the other day,” he admits and my heart sinks. Getting a real estate agent involved is serious. Not only because it means he’s more ready to sell than he’s ever been, but also because listing with an agent means bigger outreach and exposure. More attention and eyes on my little store than I’m particularly comfortable with. More competition.

“Oh.” It’s all I can say, because the lump suddenly burning in my throat came out of nowhere.

“I know you’re interested, Al. And I’d love nothing more than for this place to be yours someday. But I suspect your someday and mine aren’t the same.” His watery eyes are honest, but compassionate, too.

I nod, a familiar ache settling into my chest. A classic case of wanting something I’m not sure I’ll be able to have. “I get it, Marty. I just… I’m going to try. I know my chances are slim, but I have a meeting with Hallie next week to discuss my options and for her to take a look at my business plan.”

A small smile curls at his mouth. “Good thinking, kiddo. Real good.”

Someone calls his name from the main part of the store and he glances away, smiling and lifting his hand in greeting. “It’s Char,” he says to me. “Gotta go solidify our plans for dinner.”

“You and Char, huh?” I tease, thankful for the change in subject. “You sure she’s not too feisty for you, old man?”

He makes a sound somewhere between a snort and a laugh. “Oh, she’s too much, that’s for damn sure. But I’m not gonna let a little detail like that stop me.”

Oh, Lord. The mental image that zips through my head is not one I want to see again. Marty and Sadie’s grandmother, Granny Char. It’s even too much for me.

Marty flashes a quick grin before he’s off chasing tail, and I return to my orders with a sigh.

As anxious as I am about Marty meeting with Grady, I’m also just as disappointed that he apparently has more of a love life than I’ve had in years.

Thank god, it’s Friday, because this girl? She needs a long overdue drink.

Did Hallie ask you about a girls’ weekend? I text my best friend and Wilder’s baby sister Madelyn when I finally call it a day at the market.

Yes and I cannot wait! You’re coming, right?

Going to try. When are you coming home next?

She responds immediately. I’ll be home for Labor Day for… reasons.

I frown for a moment before it clicks. The rodeo? Eww. I guess I’ll be hanging out by myself that weekend. Again.

She sends a bunch of laughing emojis, but she knows I’m not kidding just like I know she’s not kidding about having a thing for men in chaps.

Anyway, I want to go out tonight, but everyone is either knocked up or busy trying to get that way.

Mads replies, Sorry, sugar tits. I promise we’ll go out when I’m home and I’ll try to stay away from the cowboys just for you.

I roll my eyes. Wow.So kind.

Another laughing emoji pops up, followed by, Ask Hallie to go out with you. That girl has to need a break from my brother by now.

I thought about Hallie, but she and I are new friends and I’m not sure we’ve made it to the ‘let’s go out’ level just yet. I’d love if we ended up getting close, but her inviting me to a girls’ weekend with Mads and my longtime friends is one thing. Me inviting her out to get tipsy and talk about a certain ranch hand living across the hall from me is another.

Then again, Holden does work with Wilder, so…

Okay, I’ll text her. Worst-case scenario, I chat with Emma at the bar all night.

Mads replies with an enthusiastic, GET IT, GIRL!

It occurs to me then that I haven’t given her an update on the Holden situation. I told her Marty moved some guy in, but that was it. I feel a little guilty holding out on my best friend, but at the same time I know dang well she’d pick up on my semi-interest in a heartbeat and I’m not even sure I want to go down that road just yet.

I stare at my phone for a minute before mustering the courage to text Hallie. I could really use a drink. Any chance you’d want to join me? My treat!

The three dots start dancing immediately. Funny you should mention it… Wilder, Levi, and I are headed into town for that very reason. Should be there in about 30. We’ll save you a seat!

Hallelujah! I hate that I feel like such an outcast among my friends, but it’s my fault I’m in this situation. After I went through my post-Cory wild streak, I buried myself in work at the store and then my classes to try and forget about it all. Now that I’m thinking about dipping my toes back into the social pool, I can’t be upset that my friends aren’t latching on and dragging me in. Heck, I haven’t even told them I want back in the game yet.

Maybe that changes tonight.


It’s barely seven o’clock and Pony Up is already rocking. The band on stage is one of the best cover bands I’ve heard in a while and the lead singer is one hell of an entertainer, already doing his damnedest to rile up the crowd.

“That’s Tucker Simms.” Wilder nods to the stage. “Works at Bumps and Dents by day, but plays here a few times a week. And that’s his girl, Justine, talking with Hallie.”

I follow his gaze to the bar where Hallie is talking animatedly with a brunette. They’re laughing and smiling and then suddenly Hallie’s gaze locks on something across the room. Her smile goes even wider and she begins waving like a fool. Naturally, I look to see what’s got her so excited and I damn near fall off my stool.

“Holy shit,” I mutter, and Wilder simply hums his agreement.

Alana makes her way from the entrance to the bar, carefully weaving between patrons, who occasionally give her a friendly pat on the back and more than a few bright smiles.

She’s smiling just as brightly, which in and of itself isn’t something I’m used to seeing. But what’s really grabbed my attention is how different she looks.

I’ve only ever seen her in a ponytail, jeans, a tank top, and her beloved Converse, but tonight she’s swapped the plain tank for an off-the-shoulder black top that’s so sheer I can see the short, lacy bra number beneath it. Her hair is down too, flowing to the middle of her back in soft, dark waves, and she’s swapped the sneakers for a pair of ankle boots that only seem to magnify her lush ass in another pair of snug as fuck jeans.

“Damn.” Levi whistles under his breath. “Almost forgot how good she cleans up.”

“Don’t even think about it,” Wilder grumbles. “Mads would beat your ass.”

Levi laughs. “I’m not worried about our baby sister.”

I smirk behind the lip of my beer before taking a pull and quietly surveying Levi a little closer. Is the interest genuine or is he simply admiring?

“Think I’m gonna get another beer,” he says, tipping his head toward the ladies. “Need another round?”

Wilder nods. “Hell yeah, if you’re buying.”

Levi is gone a second later, sucked up into the crowd, and my focus slides back to Alana, who’s visible from head to toe in a narrow sliver of space in the crowd. Seeing the opportunity for what it is, I take her in for a long, satisfying yet torturous second, adjusting in my seat when all of the blood in my body reroutes to my dick.

“Be careful, man. You keep eye-fucking her like that and she’ll end up pregnant,” Wilder’s snarky voice quips and I tear my eyes away with a husky laugh.

“Just appreciating the view,” I admit. “Something going on with her and your brother or…?”

He shakes his head. “Nah. She’s our sister’s best friend. Granted, he likes to mess with her, but that’s all it is.”

I nod and take another drink. “Good to know.”

“Yeah? Why’s that?” I don’t have to look at Wilder to know there’s a crease in his brow, but I do anyway, seeing exactly the kind of expression I’d expect from a guy who just told me the girl I’m drooling over is like a sister.

“Relax, man. I’m not looking for that kind of trouble.” I offer what I hope is a light, appeasing smile, but he merely narrows his eyes. I’m pretty sure this is what he was trying to tell me last night after dinner, too.

“I’m not saying you’d be the worst guy for her, but I’m not saying you’d be the best either.” He cocks an eyebrow. “You know what I mean?”

That he doesn’t know me well enough to trust me just yet? Yeah, I got that. Loud and clear. And that’s okay, because I already know I don’t have the kind of time a girl like Alana deserves anyway. But that doesn’t mean I can’t flirt a little. Maybe boost her confidence a bit, because something tells me she needs it.

The telltale twang of an older country song sounds from the stage and the entire bar goes wild.

“Ohh, yeah, Mason Creek! You know what time it is! Get your sweet ass up here, woman!” The lead singer points to the woman Hallie and Alana have been talking to and she covers her face with her hands, simultaneously laughing and turning red.

“Jus-tine! Jus-tine! Jus-tine!” The crowd begins chanting her name and she makes her way to the stage, taking the lead guy’s hand as he dips his head and plants a big, smacking kiss on her lips.

“Damn,” I mutter, and Wilder laughs. A second later, Hallie appears in front of us, going straight to her man and toeing up for a kiss that mimics the one on the stage. “Is this a thing with this song or…?”

“Yes.” Alana follows behind Hallie, pursing her lips as she rolls her eyes. “And it’s disgusting.”

When Tucker and his lady start belting out “Meet Me in Montana”, it clicks.

“Aww, come on. It’s kinda sweet, don’t you think?”

Her eyes lock on mine and the faintest hint of a smile tickles at her lips before she breaks, quickly glancing toward the stage, her smile undeniable. “Whatever you say, Colorado.”

“Oh, I have a nickname now? Careful, darlin’, or I’m going to start thinking you like me.”

She rolls her eyes but doesn’t take her gaze off of the lovey-dovey couple on stage.

“If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were jealous. All these couples locking lips and whatnot.”

“What do you mean ‘if you didn’t know better’? Pretty sure you don’t know me at all,” she quips, bringing her mixed drink to her lips and sipping from the straw.

“I know you well enough to know you think men suck worse than those bats you’re so afraid of.”

Her eyebrows shoot up and she cocks her pretty head to the side, her long hair falling over her bare shoulder. “Well, color me surprised. You’ve been paying attention.”

“Damn right, I have.” I slide off the stool and tip my head toward the bar. “I need another drink, and from the looks of it, so do you.”

She glances down at the glass in her hand and twists those glossy pink lips. “Huh. I guess I do.”

“I got you, darlin’.” I chuckle, my hand naturally going to her waist as I shift past her. “What’s your poison tonight?”

Even beneath the dim bar lights, her cheeks stain pink. “Just Malibu and pineapple.”

I’m probably pushing my luck, but I lean down to her ear, enjoying the reaction far more than I should. “Anyone ever tell you how pretty you are when you blush?”

Before she can respond or even slug me for being so bold, I head for the bar.

I meant it when I told Wilder I wasn’t looking for trouble here in Mason Creek, but he said it himself…

Getting to know Alana might not be the worst thing I could do.