Burn this City by Aleksandr Voinov

Author’s Notes

If you enjoyed Silvio Spadaro, he appeared first in Dark Soul.

I owe a huge amount of gratitude to my alpha readers, Jennifer and Jenny. Both held my hand (or, depending, biffed me gently over the head) when I ended up struggling to make it work and complained to them about that.

Many thanks to my editing crew, Ann, Ali, and Leta, who made the book so much better; the beta crew, Katerina, Tom, Nerine, Elora, Roz, Rhi, Ali, Carole, Valerie, Suzanne, Linda, Elora, Kirsten, Alyssa, and Gaia who all made big contributions, and the sensitivity and sense-check readers, Tim, Fra, and Chiara, who prevented the worst gaffes. All remaining problems and mistakes are mine.