The Forever Home by Sue Watson

A Letter from Sue

I want to say a huge thank you for choosing to read The Forever Home. If you enjoyed it, and want to keep up to date with all my latest releases, just sign up at the following link. Your email address will never be shared and you can unsubscribe at any time.

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I wrote this book during a very cold winter and a second and third UK lockdown. The frosty mornings, short dark days, and lack of sunshine made me long to go to the beach and feel the sun on my face. This was impossible in the landlocked Midlands where I currently live, so I decided to set this book in a beautiful house in Cornwall, and it was a pleasure to spend so much time there – at my desk. I also wanted to bring the sunshine and seaside loveliness to you, my readers, who I’m sure, like me, are longing to see the sunshine, and the sea again. So, among the dark shadows, and twisted relationships, I hope this book also gives you hope of better days to come, when we can enjoy a sea breeze, and sunshine on our faces once more.

I hope you loved The Forever Home and if you did, I would be very grateful if you could write a review. I’d love to hear what you think, and it makes such a difference helping new readers to discover one of my books for the first time.

I love hearing from my readers – you can get in touch on my Facebook page, through Twitter, Goodreads or my website.



