The Forever Home by Sue Watson


As always, my huge thanks to the wonderful team at Bookouture, who are there for me every step of the way; from romcom to thriller killer, they always have my back.

Thanks to my editor Isobel Akenhead who brings my ideas to life with her inspiration and guidance. Special thanks to Jade Craddock, my brilliant copyeditor, who always makes sense of my ramblings, and turns them into books, and to Sarah Hardy, for a fabulous first read.

Extra special thanks to my friend and reader from across the pond, Ann Bresnan, who goes through my writing with a forensic eye and always provides brilliant insight. Ann is unstoppable, and has been known to work on my books in the eye of a hurricane – literally!

As a BBC TV producer, I once worked on DIY programmes similar to The Forever Home that Mark Anderson presents in this book. I have such happy memories of those times, and especially two brilliant and talented presenter/designers, Colin McAllister and Justin Ryan, who now create home happiness on Canadian TV. I want to thank them for their continuing inspiration, friendship and support, which has meant so much to me over the years. But, perhaps most of all, I have to thank them for introducing Nick Watson (‘awesome hubs’) and I to the Toronto skyline, and the Boulevardier cocktail. Cheers, boys!