Forever Mine by Natalie Ann


One Month Later

“I never thoughtI’d see Evan get married,” Whitney said when they were back at her house. “He looked so happy.”

“That was a fast wedding,” he said.

“It was. Parker is due in April and they both wanted to get married before the baby came. When it’s small like that, it can be fast.”

It was only close family and friends. Fifty people or less. Nothing like the several hundred at her wedding. Never again. It should be about the couple in love and their inner circle, not showing off.

“You’d want big, right?” he asked.

“Nope. Had it and won’t again. But of course you’ve never had it and if you wanted that, I’d be fine with it.”

She didn’t worry about talking about marriage with him. No, they hadn’t been specific about things, but it seemed like an unspoken move in their future. He was spending more time at her house than his own now. And Ben was staying with her more nights when Trey worked than with Gillian.

“I’m not one for being put on display,” he said.

“I know,” she said. “Did you check in on Ben with Gillian?”

“I did. He’s out. We can get him in the morning.” They didn’t know how long they’d be at the wedding and it was just easier to not worry about having a sitter. Besides, Gillian was missing Ben too.

“Then I think we can go to bed,” she said, pulling him to their room. “You can help me out of this dress.”

“Did I tell you how sexy you looked tonight in your bridesmaid dress?”

“You did. You’ve told me a few times,” she said, turning her back. “How about unzipping me since you zipped me up earlier.”

The two of them undressed quickly and dove on the bed. Her arms were wide welcoming him. “I want to give you something tonight,” he said, kissing her.

“Ah. I love it when you give me something. But what is it tonight?”

“Two things actually,” he said. He reached over to the nightstand and she thought he was going for a condom, but instead he pulled out a ring box and set it on her chest.

“Oh boy. Is that what I think it is?”

“It is. It’s probably earlier than you thought it’d be, but I’m to the point I don’t want to wait any longer. We aren’t getting any younger.”

“Talk about a romantic proposal,” she said, laughing.

“Sorry about that. I guess it leads into the other thing.” He flipped the lid and let her see the heart-shaped diamond. “Whitney Butler, will you be my wife? Will you be the mother to my son? Will you be the mother to our future children?”

“I will,” she said, holding her hand out. “Gladly.”

“I love you, Whitney.”

“I love you too, Trey.” She looked at the diamond flashing on her finger. “You remembered.”

“I remember everything about you. You talked about a heart-shaped diamond for months. You showed me pictures.”

“Stupid, I know.”

“Not stupid. You knew what you wanted. I just had to catch up.”

“And you’re doing a great job of that,” she said.

“The second thing I’m going to give you is my child,” he said, sliding into her without a condom. “Again, not getting any younger. Might as well start trying now.”

Her hips moved up into his, the tears in her eyes. “I have a feeling it’s not going to take long at all.”

“No,” he said. “Because it was meant for us to be a family. This house was meant to have a family in it.”

“I built it for one. The wrong man was in it first, the right one will be in it now,” she agreed, hoping tonight was the night she finally got her greatest wish. No. The ring on her finger was her first wish. The second might be happening tonight too.

And if it didn’t, then there was always tomorrow.

The End!

Checkout the next Paradise Place Because of You. Zoe Milton (Shannon Butler’s sister from Falling Into Love) and Dylan Randal (Nathan Butler’s brother from Eternal)

Zoe Milton has always beenthe life of the party, never taking much seriously. Things would figure themselves out, she’d always told herself. Until she finds herself in her late twenties wondering if it was time to make a plan. To figure it out on her own before it’s taken out of her hands.

Dylan Randal grewup watching his parents’ dysfunctional marriage, always dreaming of what it’d be like to not live in that world. To have someone of his own. Someone he could love and trust and know would be there for him. Too bad he keeps striking out. He is determined and refuses to give up...his one true love will find him, he knows...or hopes. Then he prays he doesn’t blow it.