Black Wedding by Emma Luna

The wedding day arrives in no time, after what feels like a chaotic five-day build up. Every day my ecstatic mother would arrive on my doorstep at the crack of dawn. Either to finalise another wedding detail or whisk me off somewhere to look at all the things she had in mind for a wedding. So, when I completely ignored her and told her exactly what I wanted, she almost had a mini-stroke. She hates all of Liam and my ideas, but we do it our way or not at all.

Nobody was safe from her reach. I took numerous phone calls from both Liam’s sisters and Mia, as my mother was harassing them for their measurements so she could order the bridesmaid dresses. She even came over with a personal baby shopper so that Hallie could try on some gorgeous flower girl dresses. Her reach knew no bounds as Desmond even called me to say that she was being unreasonable and wouldn’t let him pick who sits at his table. With the number of people coming, he is lucky he even got a table.

Liam and I had a vision of an intimate ceremony, where it was just us and a few of our closest friends and family, but nobody else wanted that. Desmond wanted at least half his employees, as did Patrick. Not to mention the associates we have to invite to not piss them off and accidentally start another war. One is enough.

The Marcushio’s have been strangely quiet since the wedding preparation began. Well...if it is even them sending the threats. They seem to have almost disappeared, and Liam thinks this is further proof that my dad is involved, that Gramps must have confronted him about it, which is why they stopped. Although we couldn’t rule the Marcushio’s out yet. So, we kidnapped Richie Ricardo, former second in command when Leon was alive.

It was actually the easiest interrogation I have ever done. He sang like a canary without me even having to get my knife out, since he no longer has an allegiance to the Family. He was supposed to be in charge if anything happened to Leon. Leon only wanted Vinnie to take over when Richie thought he was ready, but Vinnie is a typical know-it-all teenager who wants it all. So, it was the perfect opportunity to set the Marcushios up as not just a rival Family, but the Family. His stupidity knows no bounds, and Richie even admitted to us that the longer Vinnie has any kind of power, the more danger everyone will be in.

After a lengthy discussion, not only did Richie strengthen his allegiance with my family and me, he also helped us with information about Vinnie and his plans. Strangely, he is sure that Vinnie doesn’t have any weapons since he called Richie only two days before, asking if he knew how to get any. Vinnie is definitely looking to arm, but he isn’t armed yet. This further supports Kellan’s idea that my father still has the guns and has been playing us for the beginning, sending me on a wild goose chase. But why?

When I‘m not wedding planning, I seem to spend every waking moment thinking about what my father could be doing. My mind goes from best to the worst-case scenario in a flash. Initially, I can’t help but think he is making his move against who he sees as a rival, but then Liam reminds me that I am not just his daughter but his only child. Would he really kill his child? So then I think of the best-case scenario, which doesn’t end with my death. Maybe he just doesn’t want me to marry Liam? Sadly, no matter what his agenda is, and what he plans to do, I will be ready. He is in for a shock if he doesn’t think I can see all of my enemies, and I have a plan to weed them all out, but first, I have to get ready to go to my own wedding.

Since our wedding planner from hell couldn’t agree with what we wanted to happen, we all decided to compromise slightly. I was never a girl who dreamed of having a wedding. It never really entered my head until I started to fall for Liam. Before, it was just going to be another business transaction, another contract to sign, but then it became more. The longer Liam and I thought about it, we realised we somehow wanted Ireland to be represented in the wedding. The thing I love most about Ireland is the beautiful architecture and green spaces. So after some research, we opted for Farnham Castle as our venue. Not only was it not far from London, but its adaptability and flexibility meant that we could cater to what everyone wanted.

So in just under half an hour, I will be walking to the gorgeous Lantern Room, which is a beautiful, bright room lined with a wall of stunning arched windows. We have chosen to have it laid out with black lace bows secured around them and black flowers lining the aisle. I chose all the flowers that Von recommended. My mother and her bonded nicely over the bouquets. Although I have had to rein them in slightly, their lavish minds got slightly too big for my liking.

If I’m honest, this part of the day is what I am looking forward to the most. This is our private ceremony that is just for our family and friends. We will not be legally married, as the church ceremony we will have an hour later will be for that, but this is for us. The church is so that everyone who matters can sit there, in front of a God that they don’t acknowledge unless it’s Christmas or they want to atone for their sins, and watch us be married.

Both me and Liam are catholic, but I can’t remember the last time I ever stepped foot in a church. It was probably the last time someone died or got married. It’s ironic, given that my family is the epitome of sin. My dad is fucking someone less than half his age, and my mother operates on a healthy mix of antidepressants and gin. So, we are not the poster family for the church, but since my parents agreed to let me have the ceremony we wanted, we decided to do the church wedding too.

After that, we will go onto a sit-down meal held in the most beautiful hall, followed by an evening event where we have managed to invite even more people. There are literally a handful of people that I can tolerate in this world, and yet I have just over three hundred people coming to this wedding in total. Thank fuck we don’t have to feed them all because there is no way my venue can seat that many.

I go to check on all the rooms first thing, but the assistant my mother hired, who looks literally the most stressed I have ever seen her, has it all in hand. She is all set up and waiting for our beautiful five-tier wedding cake to be delivered. In the meantime, she was instructing people on where to hang lights or put flower arrangements. So, safe in the knowledge that she has everything in hand, I come back to the house, but I feel lost without Liam.

We decided to do things a little traditional and spend the night before apart. Let me tell you now it was fucking torture. I haven’t slept a night without Liam since we met, and I had no idea how much I have come to depend on his warmth. I usually lay my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat, tracing the ridges of his abdomen. At the same time, he strokes my hair, and we just talk until we fall asleep. I’m sure once I am sleeping, he rolls me off his chest. His arm goes dead, if not, but he always curls up behind me to keep me close.

So last night, not only am I at my most fucking stressed, paranoia and fear of every little thing going wrong with the wedding are taking over me. I also don’t have the one thing that calms me down and helps me get some sleep, Liam. This morning when I woke up, it’s apparent I had less than four hours of sleep. I’m running on fumes, trying to be in a million places at once. As someone who is used to leading, letting others do the jobs for me is hard. I want to make sure they have done it to my specification, which is why I found myself driving to the venue and then rushing back for my hair and make-up.

Mia, Ryleigh, Freya, my mother, and Von are all in my living room. People are milling around, all of them either handing out breakfast pastries and champagne or doing someone’s hair and make-up. Everyone is dressed in silk black robes embroidered with their names. They’re in various stages of preparation, and the fantastic photographer I managed to grab for the wedding is trying to get as many candid shots as possible. I hired two photographers to work together. One is to capture all the memorable, posed style photos, and another is to take the ones that nobody realises. The one with the genuine reactions. They are the ones Liam and I want to keep.

As I let two people pull, twist, and curl my silky, bright red locks, I can’t help but imagine what Liam is doing. He is already at the venue. They usually give the honeymoon suite to the bride to get ready in, but I wanted to be at home. I felt like being in my own surroundings would be better for me, so Liam and Kellan decided to move to the hall for the night. Finn and Evan are meeting them there this morning. I’m surprised Evan has agreed to be in the wedding party, but I’m more shocked Liam asked him to join. However, he says he doesn’t ever want his brother to think he has given up on him. He needs to always know that leaving is an option.

My father and Gramps have suits that match Liam’s, but they aren’t going to the venue to get ready. Unless mother got them their own room, I have no idea. I know they had a massive argument over who would be the one to walk me down the aisle. My mum actually asked me if I could pick who would I want. I didn’t even hesitate for a moment. Jimmy. He has been like a father to me my entire life, raising me, caring for me, teaching me to survive this life. On the other hand, Vernon has never really seen me, having consistently underestimated me, even now. However, my choice was not allowed. We finally agreed that Gramps could escort me for our service and Vernon for the official one. Jimmy was assigned to get me to the castle on time, something he strangely did not seem too happy about.

All the bridesmaids are ready and looking absolutely stunning in their deep purple silk dresses that fall off their bodies like a dark waterfall and look absolutely beautiful. I’m genuinely scared that there’s no way I will stand out with those next to me. Once the bridesmaids and Von are all ready to go, a car arrives to take them to the venue. I want my dresses to be a surprise, only my mother has seen them, which is why she stays behind to help me dress.

Yes, I did say dresses, as in plural. Another compromise with my mother. I had an idea of what I wanted, and she had an idea of what she wanted. So, I will be wearing a different dress for each ceremony before changing into my party dress for the evening. After watching several bridal shows on TV, I thought I had a clear idea of what I wanted and was sure my appointment would be easy, but it wasn’t. I thought I wanted a ballgown, to look like a princess, but as soon as I walked into the shop, I knew which was my dress. A beautiful ivory lace fabric that clung to my body perfectly. The straps and curved bust line hung perfectly and made my boobs look amazing, but it was the back that I fell in love with. The fabric scooped down my spine, exposing my back in the same way that the dress I wore for my engagement party did. Then the material trailed down and behind me, giving the dress a large lace train. I fell in love with it as soon as I tried it on, and I knew Liam would love it too.

I knew I would have to cover up for the more traditional wedding in the chapel, but this was our ceremony. My mother agreed that this part of the wedding could be done however we wanted. So, we even went as far as agreeing to write our own vows. I literally spent hours on them. But as I stood there, staring at myself in the mirror, I knew exactly what I wanted to say to Liam. I wanted to tell him that I love him. I can’t believe I still haven’t told him. I came close so many times, but the moment never seemed perfect enough. I should never have chickened out of telling him on the Ferris Wheel.

I look over at my mum and see her trying to blot away the tears threatening to fall and ruin her perfectly crafted face. She stares at me with the proudest look I have ever seen, and I can’t help but take another look at myself in the mirror. My long red hair had been pulled back off my face and twisted into a half-up and half-down style. The curls are adorned with beautiful diamante and pearls from the hair accessories that have been delicately placed in the small plait that trails down. Over my hair, slid into the hair design is the beautiful veil made from the same lace on the dress, and it trails down to sit with the train. The dress hugs me in all the right places, and the ivory colour compliments my skin perfectly.

My heart is racing, and I can feel tears threatening to make an appearance, but I blink them back. I have never felt so incredibly beautiful as I do in this moment. My mother, not always someone who shows me affection, reaches forward as though to hug me, which I oblige.

“Brianna...I don’t have the right words. I can’t even begin to tell you how beautiful you look. I’m so incredibly proud of the woman you’ve grown to be. When I gave birth to a little girl, it was like a deflated moment for everyone around me. They were all hoping for the next heir, a boy. But not me. I looked down at the beautiful little angel I held in my arms, and I knew you could be whoever you wanted. From the minute you gripped onto my finger, refusing to let go, I knew how tough you would be. I’m not going to lie and say I wouldn’t prefer you to be in my world instead of your father’s. The idea that you will be a target and that your life will constantly be in danger, it physically hurts my heart, but I know it’s who you are supposed to be. I am so incredibly proud of you, Angel. I know we never really talked about something old, new, borrowed, and blue, but I wanted to give you this. This necklace has been in my family for generations. It is always worn by the women of the family and passed down to the eldest daughter. I wore it on my wedding day, and I would love it if this could be your ‘something borrowed’.”

Mum hands over a blue velvet box, and as soon as I open it, I release a breath I didn’t realise I’d been holding. Laying on the velvet jewellery pad is the most beautiful, delicate white gold chain. Hanging off it in the centre is a single large pearl that has been shaped to look like a teardrop, with diamonds dotted around the metal frame of the pearl. The glistening white orb looks perfect and knowing the necklace’s history, I’m instantly overcome with emotion. I hand it to my mother to put on me, and as I look in the mirror, we both start to well up once more.

“Thank you, Mum. This looks so gorgeous. I love it. I guess my dress can be something new. Now I just need something blue and borrowed,” I add with a chuckle. Trust me not to have given the most obvious tradition any thought at all.

“Oh yes, that reminds me. The girls told me to give you this gift box when you are dressed. I am supposed to leave the room when I have given it to you. But please be quick, Angel. We only have about ten minutes until Jimmy will be here.” My mother’s firm, bossy tone has returned, and she hands me the box before going back into the living room.

Sitting on the bed, I open the box to find two smaller boxes and two cards, along with an extensive instruction page. It states very clearly I’m to open the bigger gift and the smaller card first, making sure to start with the present. Picking up the package, I can’t help but admire the beautiful black wrapping paper, but I quickly tear that off, desperate to get inside. There’s a gift box, and as I lift the lid, I find the most beautiful blue and white lace garter, the outer edge dotted with tiny ivory pearls.

Opening the card, I see the scribbly handwriting that belongs to Mia.

Dear Bree,

We are so incredibly honoured to stand by your side and watch you marry the man of your dreams. Your relationship may not have started in the most traditional way, but there is no denying your feelings for each other now. You were made for each other, and we just wanted you to know how much we support you both.

Since you don’t have anything blue, we got together and designed this garter for you. I sewed it together, and I really hope that you like it and that it fits. I have never wondered how big your thigh is before.

Anyway, thank you for asking us to stand by your side and watch you marry your soulmate. We love you.

Oh, and Ryleigh would like to state for the record that if she hears any stories, let alone has to watch her brother take that off your thigh with his teeth, you will be responsible for paying the therapist bill.

We all love you both so much. Happy wedding day, Bree!!!

Love, Mia, Freya, Ryleigh, and the most beautiful flower girl, Hallie xxx

My breath hitchesas I reread the letter, laughing at Ryleigh and her typical teenage attitude. I slide the garter up my thigh as best I can, given all the fabric. I have to admit that it makes me feel incredibly sensuous, combined with my sexy white lingerie. I can’t wait for Liam to see me in this.

As soon as I’ve calmed down enough, I pick up the instructions again. This time I am supposed to open the card. There is no writing on the front, so I have no idea who it is from. As soon as I see the front of the card, I know it’s from Liam. The card reads, ‘To my beautiful penguin’ and there’s a picture of two macaroni penguins who look like they are kissing.

It’s an ongoing joke between us that we are like penguins. They have only one soulmate, and they mate for life. Still, they are different to most other animals in that the male stays behind to care for and nurture the egg, while the female is the one who goes off to hunt for the food. It’s a little like us, I am the hunter who brings home the food, and Liam just does whatever I need from him. We work together like we were made for each other. My breath is already hitched, and I bite my lip in a desperate attempt to stop the tears from flowing just by looking at the cover. Whatever is inside the box stands a good chance of causing my make-up to run.

Bree, My Princess,

I can’t believe this day has arrived so quickly. Time seems to have flown by, yet I feel as though I have known you forever. I didn’t realise I was walking around with a hole in my heart until you came along and filled it. You are the most fantastic person I have ever met, and I am so honoured that I get to stand by your side as your husband. I can’t wait to watch you conquer the world and show everyone exactly what you are capable of.

I was told it was my job to get you ‘something new’ and ‘something borrowed.’ The box in the white wrapping paper is from my mum, and if you like it, you are welcome to use it as your ‘something borrowed.’ She said she wore it on her wedding day. Let’s hope it brings us a happier marriage than they fucking have.

The bigger box is from me and is your ‘something new.’ I hope you like it, Princess. Now, get your ass ready and come and meet me at the end of the aisle. I will be the one in a suit looking very nervous. Can’t wait to see your pretty face.

Love, Your Penguin Liam xx

I openthe first package as instructed, and in black silk coating sits the most beautiful bracelet. It’s white gold with D shaped rings slotted together into such a delicate chain. Then hanging from one is a larger shaped D with a large diamond sat in the lower curve of the letter. D for Doughty, and I guess I was about to become a Doughty. The bracelet is beautiful, and I set it to the side to get mum to help me put it on. It’s the present from Liam that I am desperate to open.

Tearing at the paper, the box is larger than the others, which confuses me as my brain whirls with all the possibilities of what he could have bought me. Opening the beautiful black leather box, my breath hitches as I take in the most stunning, elegant tiara. It’s small, and there is only one point where several tiny pearls and diamonds hang elegantly. I never even considered wearing a tiara, but knowing that to Liam, I’m his Princess, I want to be who he sees.

Placing the tiara on my head and standing up to look in the mirror, I can’t help the tears that appear. I thought I looked perfect before, but the delicate, little, white gold diadem sits beautifully in my red curls and looks like it belongs there.

Looking over my shoulder, I see Mum, Dad, and Jimmy standing behind me. Mum is almost sobbing, talking about how much of a princess I look like. Even my father looks a bit odd, almost sad. As soon as he catches me looking, he schools his face and plasters on a fake smile. I guess he has never come around to the idea of me marrying Liam. I quickly ask mum to put on the Doughty family bracelet, and she looks at it longingly. She always has admired a beautiful piece of jewellery. Once that is on securely, the tears start welling in my mothers eyes again. Then, without acknowledging me or telling me I look nice, Vernon pulls my mother away. The photographer who has been silently watching us interact directs us into poses by the car. Fairly quickly, my father shoos her off and insists he is leaving with my mother. Maybe he is really unhappy that I am getting married?

Once he has gone, with my mother reluctantly trailing after him, Jimmy steps forward. He also has a strange look on his face. It’s almost a mixture of pride and sadness. When he sees me staring, analysing, he also schools his features. He steps towards me and holds his arms open wide for me. Instantly, I step into them. It’s so strange to see him in a suit, but he does look very debonair.

His arms fold around me, and when he talks, it’s so quiet I struggle to hear his whispered words. “You look so beautiful, Bumblebee. Thank you for inviting me to be part of your special day.”

I pull back from his hug but make sure to keep my hands on his arms as I stare at him, determined to show him my conviction. “Jimmy, you have been more of a father to me than anyone. I wish you could have more of a role, but he is my father after all,” I chuckle, and I see Jimmy roll his eyes. He is used to me slating my father.

“Bree, are you sure you want to go through with this? It’s not too late. I know the threats have been getting more violent in nature. Are you sure this is worth it?” Jimmy asks, and I pull away completely.

“I don’t give a shit about people who make threats with no name, hiding behind their anonymity. All that tells me is that they are too chicken shit to tell me who they really are, and that they’re too afraid to fight like a man. So the threats mean nothing to me, but Liam does. This stopped being a business arrangement a long time ago. Yes, it is too soon for us to marry for real, but we are doing it anyway. I fucking love him, Jimmy. My heart is racing, but not with nerves; I am excited about becoming his wife. So your question about if it’s worth it is really you asking if Liam is worth it, and he is. I would die for him,” I say confidently.

The small huff is quickly replaced by a fake smile. I thought once he knew how I truly felt about Liam, he would support the wedding, and it’s like he wants to be, but something is stopping him. He can’t help but look ominous. Like we are getting into the car to drive towards the apocalypse.

I go to get in first, but Jimmy insists on getting in first, leaving me to climb in afterwards with the photographer leaning through the window to get some shots. I have no idea what they will look like, as Jimmy’s haunted mood fills the air around us, and I try to push it away. I take my mind back to a few minutes ago, touching my tiara to remind me that I will always be Liam’s Princess. It doesn’t take long going down that road to bring the smile back on my face. The photographer climbs into the front seat, and the driver takes off down the driveway. We only live about fifteen minutes from the venue, so we will be there very soon.

After driving for around five minutes, I feel Jimmy become very rigid, and my danger instinct starts to kick in. I don’t know what it is, but something doesn’t feel right, my stomach is doing flips, and I know I am not all of a sudden becoming nervous about the wedding. Whatever the danger is, Jimmy knows. How had he seen it before me?

Just as I am going to ask him what is going on, the lorry in front of us stops abruptly, causing us to slow down, and out of a hidden side road, a large black vehicle slams into the front driver side of our car. The beautiful black Lexus we are in spins off the road, barreling down into the field next to us. The vehicle hits with such force that I feel my head smash into the glass window next to me. Blood starts to pour out of the wound, and pain ricochets around my body. I quickly use my hands to cover the cut on my head, desperate not to get blood on this beautiful dress.

My head is ringing, and my vision is blurry. I repeatedly blink, hoping the more I do it, the quicker my sight will return. I am disoriented, but I try to look at the others in the car with us.

“Jimmy!” I shout loudly, reaching over with my bloody hand to shake him awake, but he just lays there. I check his pulse and see his breathing is fine. The more my vision returns, the more I stare, looking for any apparent injuries. That’s when I notice that his eyes are scrunched together. Like he can’t bear to open them and see what has happened. What the fuck is going on?

I try to see if the photographer and driver are alive, but the door I’m leaning on opens, and I’m dragged out of the car. I look to see if a good samaritan has come to help us or if the emergency services managed to get here quickly. Instead, what I find is a man wearing a balaclava. He sees me looking and immediately hits me across the face using the back of his hand.

My hands fly to my cheek as I cry out in pain. My head already feels like a marching band is stopping through whilst playing the most annoying song, and now it is rattling. I feel like my brain is about to burst, the headache is so intense. His ring must have caught my face because a small trail of blood is leaking from my cheek, mixing with the blood still seeping from my head wound. I stand no chance of protecting my dress now.

The scrawny guy who dragged me out of the car wearing a balaclava pulls me into the muddy grass before trying to get hold of my arms. I fight him as much as my body will let me, body thrashing as I try to gain control. I think I would have succeeded if another person wearing a balaclava hadn’t arrived holding a gun straight at my head.

“Enough. If you fight, I will shoot you. Now put your arms behind your back like a good little girl.” His voice is deep and authoritative, and there’s something about the voice that seems familiar to me. Like I have spoken to this person before, but I just can’t remember where.

Doing as I am told, I hold my arms as tightly as possible; it’s a trick Jimmy taught me. If I tense up my arms and pull them out just slightly, making sure the other person doesn’t notice, then when I relax my arms there will be some slack in the knot. Best-case scenario, you can use that slack to get your hands out completely. Worst-case, it leaves the knot slack but not enough to help you escape. At least it means they won’t rub on your wrists as much.

“Make sure they are as tight as you can get them without cutting off circulation. Relax your hands, bitch,” he sings like he knew I would try that. I mean, I don’t profess to be the only one to know that trick, but I am surprised he just knew I was going to do it.

Before I have a chance to try and contemplate more of what is going on, a bag is pulled over my head, and lanky guy number one pulls me up. I wait, listening for signs of his movements, and once he is standing in front of me, I kick him as hard as possible in the leg. His ear-splitting yell rings out, and it would appear I connected with his cock by mistake. Oops.

I smile to myself until I feel the barrel of the gun being pressed against my forehead. “That’s strike one. I have a two-strike rule. I will pull this trigger, do you understand?” the loud voice grinds into my ear.

I listen as he helps his partner up, and they both grab one of my arms and drag me towards where the road is. My bruised and aching head takes a moment to mourn the loss of this beautiful dress before allowing the whole situation to register. I hear the man with the gun murmuring, but I can’t tell who he is talking to.

“You okay? Sit down, remember the plan. Look, I have a job to do; you knew it would get rough. Now fuck off and let me do my job,” he mutters, and at first, I think he must be talking to someone on the phone. But if that were the case, how would he know they were standing up. He is talking to a third person, and I listen intently, trying to find out who is doing this, but they don’t talk about it nor say their name.

When we reach the car, it’s different to the one that ran us off the road. I must have missed this car pull up in all the chaos. I’m roughly dragged inside, my veil is torn off my hair, but thankfully I don’t lose the tiara that Liam gave me. Liam. I breathe deeply as I realise he will be standing at the altar wondering where I am. I hope he doesn’t think I changed my mind. I wish I had told him I loved him. Tears stream down my face as thoughts of what I am missing flash through my mind. This should be the happiest day of my fucking life.

It doesn’t take long for sadness to be replaced by fucking raging anger. I am going to slaughter everyone for ruining this day for me. Then, using the skills Jimmy taught me, I take my thoughts back to immediately before the crash. I knew something was going to happen, but how?

Jimmy! Jimmy must have known something was going to happen. He made sure I put a seat belt on. He insisted I sat on the side closest to the driver, essentially so he could be as far away from the impact. He must have been who the kidnapper was talking to. It’s hard to imagine that he sat there while I worried about him and let me get kidnapped. More than that, am I really saying he was part of it?

That’s when the realisation hits. If Jimmy is involved, the most likely scenario is that he is acting on my father’s orders. The more I think about it, not only does my head feel like it might explode, but I know I am right. Liam and Kellan both suspected my father of being the one responsible for sending the threats. Then sending us on a wild goose chase to find guns that were never stolen. I should have listened to them.

Fuck, as if I’m being kidnapped by my own fucking father.